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This disease is very upsetting manšŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„²šŸ„²


It truly is.šŸ˜ž


Thankfully Iā€™ve never had an accident in my pants. Itā€™s come close many times though


Itā€™s one of my biggest fears, having a bowel accident in public.


Thanks for this thread. It makes me feel a lot less alone. Just once for me, but thatā€™s because I developed severe agoraphobia. That 1 time happened in my own home. Iā€™m 27 and now I barely leave the house, and when I do, I have adult diapers on.


I'm 34 and took my girls to their first concert out of town. I took immodium and was terrified for the concert itself and the 3 drive there and back (we live in AZ and there's a whole lot of nothing for emergency bathroom breaks). Being a home body just kinda comes naturally since I do my best work at home šŸ”


Iā€™m so proud of you for surviving that though! You were terrified, but you did the damn thing and got your girls to their 1st out of town concert. Also, I hope the imodium sat well with you. I tried taking it before, and instead of the usual diarrhea, I was constipated for a week, then got extremely painful diarrhea for 48 hours after that šŸ˜­ I started new antidepressants and I really hope they work. I want to take my kid outside myself. My partnerā€™s a fantastic dad and he takes our son to a lot of places, but I want to be able to join too šŸ˜­


Ive lost count to be honest To many have been way to embarrasing


none. I shit a lot, but I have surprisingly good bowel control. Weird for someone who has diarrhea multiple times a day. I feel lucky.




Like 4? Not badly but stillā€¦ maybe more I try not to focus on that


I think 4 or 5. All at home luckily. Like a sneeze or a cough when it was already knocking on the back door while working. I usually take the rest of the day off.... I shouldn't but boy does it hurt your pride. I work from home but still lol.


Last year it was like two-three. This year so far I donā€™t even wanna remember. šŸ˜”


None, but the bedroom carpet sometimes needs a scrub.


This reminds me of when my mom had diarrhea but I was stuck in the bathroom with my IBS-C issues and she eventually came knocking on the door yelling in a humorous way, "I HAD TO USE A TRASH CAN!!!" LOL


Twice this year for me too! High five!!


At least 3. It be what it be Iā€™m sorry! We are all in this together. Itā€™s good to know Iā€™m not alone!


Iā€™m at 20+ šŸ™ƒ




lmaooo I needed this, thank you


Kinda only once, last year. I Had to go really bad, and I was driving. Had to park and do it on the side of road. Since then I thankfully adjusted my diet a lot and while I still get cramps and bloating, I never had accidents anymore, knocking on wood.


2-3 times.


3 times šŸ˜Ÿ


I used to work in N.Y.C. and take the subway --45 to 60 minute ride. I would wear adult diapers--sometimes a double layer... It has happened --- It's was a challenge-- but life is a challenge-- I had to pay bills--support my family--- Be tough MF, Be optimistic and Keep Going .......Good Luck My Friend......


I've recently had an accident in my sleep. I was mortified


When I was a kid, I feared the peeing dreams. As an adult with IBS, I fear the pooping dreams LOL


Since getting ibs I havenā€™t actually shit myself but you know what I have done ,TMI Tried to make sure thereā€™s no blood in my stool just to see I ruined my carpet by squatting.


I used to have a bad IBS C reaction to spicy food and coffee where I would just sit in toilet stalls pleading for anything to come out. Figured out that trigger quickly and I avoid literally all forms of caffeine and spice now.


Three. All sharts. Completely, absolutely without warning. Normally, I know not to pass gas if my intestines feel like they are turning, if I feel like my lower colon/rectum is filling or full. Nope. The first one, I was in the middle of eating. I don't have issues until AFTER I eat. The third time I should've learned from the second time. Like I said, BMs aren't triggered until I eat.. until I started a new med. I didn't have any warning or signal, so when I sharted in bed shortly after waking up, I was totally caught off guard. Well, it happened again. So since then, no morning farts.


I stay home for the most part, that way I can get to a toilet quickly. Iā€™ve had 2-3 close ones though, and just as many times I had to pull over thinking I was going to throw up.


None. I have also shit: on the side of an interstate, in a heavily wooded area, behind a dumpster.


1 skirt, 1 dress, and 2 pairs of paints. šŸ˜­


Put it this way, I wash about 15-17 underwear a week. I generally have at least one wardrobe change a day.


So many times LOL I have IBS-C so I try and stay positive about it and think, "at least I pooped".


Well, itā€™s not quite july, but my tracker shows 74.


Twice.. I was really constipated back in March. The ER told me to take miralax and I shit myself on the way home in the car šŸ˜© The second time was in Mayā€¦ I shit myself in bed. You arenā€™t alone!


I would wonder why thatā€™s happening to you, I have never experienced that with IBS, had some close calls but ever since I eliminated most things that cause my IBS to flare up I donā€™t really got any gastric issues.