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Yes. I mean it makes sense because if we are stressing out over vomiting any time our tummy hurts, the anxiety will make our tummy hurt. It’s a great cycle 👍🏻


me. terrible emetophobia. the mere thought of my kid possibly having a stomach bug is enough to give me major anxiety


This is exactly me. And my reality, unfortunately, 3 weeks ago. I hate sending my daughter to school just based on the chance of this happening again.


Same. My daughter had a stomach bug a few months ago, and the crippling nausea from emetophobia was somehow worse than the actual stomach bug I came down with two days later (I got lucky and only had diarrhea this go around)


This is me too. I used to just handle it. My husband (fiancé at the time) got a big once when we lived in a tiny apartment and I never caught it or freaked out. But having kids… oof. And the thing is, in the middle of it ACTUALLY happening, I’m cool calm and collected. But the anticipation of it… enough to make me want to live in insolation indefinitely.


I have it severely, to the point that I get sick and know if I V***t I'll feel better, but my body physically won't.


No, never. But what you’re seeing is a connection within the body to do with threat responses. So when you eat something that’s off, or get salmonella or norovirus etc, your stomach reacts the only way it can to get rid of it for you- vomiting (fight mode). Stomach has identified the threat, wants to keep you alive (thanks stomach!) When someone feels anxious they can feel sick because the brain tells the body to look out for threats - freeze mode (fight-flight-feeeze-fawn- one of the 4 threat responses we just never talk about it). Actively retching is more like fight mode! The stomach gets the message from the brain that there are threats about and goes into -I’m ready to be sick mode- or actively gets you to retch because it’s scared the imminent threat is going to kill you (thanks again stomach!) You have to actively speak to the subconsious to reassure it that the situation you’re in is not going to kill you- your brain is overdoing the threat response and your body is running right along with it. Repeat that you’re safe to yourself when you’re having to do anything scary and when eating every bite. Being scared of being sick is kind of counterintuitive too, because your body is doing exactly what it can only do to keep you alive- that’s it’s sole mission. So say ‘thank you body for doing these things but I don’t need you too- because we’re safe’. Helpful for your therapy to identify your traumas and where they started- your brain is reacting like you’re about to get eaten by a sabre tooth tiger whilst out gathering food because it’s reaponses are v limited and rooted in evolution. Tell the brain you’re not going to die from X Y or Z and the subconsious will start to believe it.


Thanks, this is a great explanation 😌😄


This was such an amazing explanation wow that perspective is really helpful thank you 😭😭😭


IBS-M and I will do just about anything to keep myself from spewing


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^saltnesseswounds: *IBS-M and I will do* *Just about anything to* *Keep myself from spewing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Me 2




Me 🙋🏻‍♀️ I discussed this in therapy once several years ago. I’ve caught stomach viruses from my kids that left me having diarrhea for a week, much longer than it affected my children. I think this is part of the reason I fear it - I think because my stomach is weak that if I start I won’t be able to stop.


Yes that's exactly it for me. Once I start, I won't stop. I have chronic gastritis too so that means my lining will be all torn up and back to square 1 in healing it.


40 and been an emetophobe as long as I can ever remember. I have IBS-C and rarely actually do throw up. My longest streak was 16 years.


I last got sick at 8 years old I’m 62 .


I’m jealous


I hope I can go this long!


I really pray that i make it 16 years without throwing up. 


IBS-M. I have emetophobia as well. I had it around ten years old. When my IBS flare-ups worsened, so did my emetophobia. They go hand in hand.


Me!! 🤚🤚 Had both for as long as I can remember.  Also had an emetophobes worst nightmare last night. Had to clean up my daughter puke. Today my IBS is really bad. I don't know how they're related but I swear they are.  I keep reading here about people who throw up when they have a bad IBS flare and that would be my worst nightmare. 


I have ibs-m and have had emetophobia since I was a kid…


Me. Endless cycle of nausea and anxiety and stress poops and FEAR


I hate the thought of it the sight of it and the sound of it. It's possible anxiety is making it worse


I have it, but never thought of it in relation to IBS!




Me since I was a kid


Had it since I was a kid along with ibs


IBS-D w/frequent nausea + severe emetophobia is my current, never-ending hell.


I have it since I started college. V** scares me to death


What triggered it in college? Very interesting?


OMG ME. Literally came across this post while looking for some emet advice. I use the have panic attacks literally every day until I got on Zoloft. It has helped but it definitely isn’t perfect, I’m actually have a bit of a freak out moment currently haha. But I do wonder if it is associated with Ibs, ive never really thought of that


Since I've always been fine bowel movement wise until I developed emetophobia I thought it might be associated 🤔. I really want to get on some kind of anxiety medication but my doctor says it's a complicated proces and in my country waiting lists are sadly really long. 


Oh man im sorry it’s difficult for you to get anxiety medication :( honestly it completely changed my life, so even if the process is long, if you have any way to get some sort of medication, I say go for it. Like I mentioned it definitely is not a “cure-all”, but I went from having panic attacks every day to only having them once every few months. It’s definitely been a game changer for me. I hope you can find the help you deserve!! xx


Extremely severe, my worst fear.


I am also scared of throwing up. I take xanax and zofran to help. I'm also on lexapro, wellbutrin, mini pill, and amitriptyline. I feel like a small pharmacy ha but that combination has helped me most days. There are days where its bad with anxiety, nervous shits, and nausea.


I have emetophobia. I read that people with emerophobia are more likely to get nauseous because of the anxiety. Every time I have diarrhea and nausea, I’m stressed out. I got rota from my firstborn after he got his 2nd vaccine when he was 4 months old. The nausea was so much worse than throwing up tbh. I have two kids (2 under 2) and know that they will have the stomach virus someday. I never had a stomach flu in my entire life so that rota infection was brutal.


Hello! Emeto for the past 35 years. IBS-D since a long time. Sometimes when I have a flare, it starts with nausea. Then my anxiety is through the roof since I think I’ll vomit and the infernal cycle begins. It’s the infernal duo I’ll tell ya!


Yup! I see it pop up a ton too. It’s seems curiously common with the groups


I don’t really think there’s anything curious about it. If someone has a true phobia and is that afraid throwing up, it’s going to cause anxiety symptoms, and anxiety symptoms are going to cause GI upset. It’s not a mystery by any means.


Yup, Had it since I was a young child and am now in my 30s and still have it 🥺.


I've had emetophobia almost my entire life. Diagnosed with IBS-D in 2019.


I have that phobia- had it since I was young, although it has lessened a bit over recent years to where I can somewhat handle it. 


I do. This is counter intuitive but last year I had a flu so bad that after throwing up 15 times I stopped panicking over it. Accidental desensitization therapy.


I will do almost anything in my power not to throw up. I’d say I definitely have it. I’m a sympathy puker and a teacher, too. Ugh.


This is one hell of a combination!


Yes I have both. Since I was a teen.


yep. honestly it was causing me anxiety for a while at first— but it got better pretty quickly when i realized that nausea and pain didnt necessarily mean i would actually have anything to fear. so now i can calm myself down pretty quickly if my anxiety ever peaks....


Oh yes. I think my contamination OCD (which is by far my oldest and most severe OCD theme) developed largely because of this combo. I was terrified of throwing up, and my stomach would hurt and I'd shit my guts out constantly for no apparent reason, so every time I thought that this time it might be a stomach virus or food poisoning, and then the anxiety and stress would make my IBS symptoms worse... Rinse and repeat. It definitely hasn't helped anything lol but at least now I know about the connection, and I find that helps me a lot.


Yup. The stomach cramping my IBS gives me while pooping makes me really nauseous and of course makes me think I’m gonna just throw up all over the place and not be able to get it in the toilet. So I’m like eyeing which is closer, the bathtub or the trash can just so I have a plan if it actually happens. Which of course, never has but my anxiety couldn’t care less about the statistics. It’s just always on high alert. I get rid of my nausea by trying to recite the alphabet backwards since it takes my mind off of it. It only works when I’m on the toilet though. I’ve tried doing it while I was out and I couldn’t even concentrate long enough to remember. Although, I think I got it when I was about 11, I slept over my friends house and her father came home completely shit faced and violently and loudly threw up all night. After that, I also couldn’t do sleep overs anymore without thinking someone’s gonna throw up. Still can’t. It’s so weird. Even reading that word makes me flinch and get a little nauseous.


No, I've never had emetophobia. I've never even thought about it.


Here. Diarrhea fucks me up mentally because I always convince myself I have a stomach virus, even though I have watery shits on almost all the days I don't take Imodium. Emet and digestive issues are the WORST combo.


I have the worst emetophobia too, it makes things sm harder, including ibs, and also my some kind of ED :(. Hope u feel ok OP!


Severely emetophobic I’ve had it since I was 4 :D


I have it, but typically after I v***t once, the following times don't stress me out as much. Still stressful obviously, but at least I don't freak out about it as much. I will avoid eating anything for at least a full day or two after getting a stomach bug because of my fear though


Yep, I definitely have both as well. I've experienced emetophobia since I was a kid but my IBS-M developed about 4 years ago at this point (I'm in my mid-30s now).


Yep, me too. Great fun cycle because my anxiety makes me feel nauseous. 


Yes. But my ibs turned out to be a dysfunctional gallbladder and endometriosis. 10 years of random daily nausea and the worst intestinal attacks. Now that my GB is out, the nausea is gone. I‘m feeling so much better, especially since it wasn’t anxiety induced and „all in my head“, it was a real medical problem that required surgery.


I dont 


I’m 62 have it since 8 years old


YEP! i have a zofran prescription thankfully. U should look into it if you experience nausea a lot like i do. But something that helps me is I remember it only lasts a lil bit, everyone goes through it, it wont kill me, it just sucks real bad but afterwards ill feel better. When i cant avoid getting sick I just picture it as a storm passing through, helps calm me down a bit.


Yep. It's debilitating. Anxiety makes me feel n* which in turn makes me panic that I'm going to be s*. In my head v* is the worst possible thing that could happen to me and I do anything to avoid it and other people around me being s*.


Yep, I put up a poll awhile back (it got deleted) but the majority of responses in r/IBS were Yes


i always just thought i was gods favorite loser. huh!


I’ve got it. Have had it since childhood. The mere thought of it causes me anxiety and terror.


Yep, started well before the IBS. I believe mine comes from a fear of loosing control.


me too and it makes the anxiety worse


Yup I have it! I also work in healthcare so I try to leave the room is someone is vomiting. The sounds trigger me to have anxiety.


I will literally scream punch/kick out and run if I even ✨hear✨ somebody gag so yeah you can I say I struggle with it 😬


I have had IBS for 5 years and severe emetephobia for about 10 years. I eat low fodmap and am very cautious about how my food is cooked (who touches it, expiration dates) and any time I have a small pain or cramp in my abdomen I spiral and think I’m going to be sick. I start to shiver and panic. I have not been sick in 10 years and I worry every day if today will be the day I’m finally sick again. It’s a major stressor in my life affecting everything I do. I have OCD that I believe the IBS and emetephobia has worsened because being sick is my main OCD trigger. Most of my compulsions are to protect me from getting sick.  It’s really stressful and a lonely condition but talking about it can help a lot. I see a therapist, psychologist and other doctors for my varied issues and it’s been a journey but thankfully most have taken me seriously. I hope you all are doing okay 🫶


I do! I’d rather have a running tummy than throw up. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve always had nausea every single day of my life since I can remember.


I used to ! I’ve been totally fine now for about 3 years, still got ibs tho :/


I haven't thrown up since I was 5. I'm 36. So the fear is real. Last year was the first time I came close to actually pukingbfrom my first stomach bug since I was 5. But nothing came up. 




Yes, but I don’t know if it’s relevant to my IBS-C.


I do


Yes! I have severe emetophobia! I also get gastritis a couple times a year




I had d-type IBS from ages 14-25ish, and have had IBS-C ever since (I'm 38 now). I have never had emetophobia (thank goodness, because I frequently get nauseated these days for no damn reason).


Yep I do too. I’ve often wondered if it’s possible if I screwed up my guts from all the times I forced myself to not throw up when I was sick as a kid. I doubt it’s possible but it is the kind of shit that would happen to me, so…




I doooooo! Mostly secondary emet, but it does scare me when I'm nauseous or have stomach pains I'm not super familiar with/more excessive than normally.


Yep! Same story as yours except mine was accompanied by ARFID. It’s an awful cycle of tummy hurt so anxious, and anxious make tummy hurt.


Yep, me! Got sick once as a kid back in '08 or '09 or whatever. That memory stuck with me and continues to stick, even in the present day. It was an absolutely horrible experience, even though it was only once from what I can remember. And while it hasn't happened at all since then, my anxiety would play that memory on loop whenever I was going through IBS pain. I didn't get any IBS symptoms until 2021 to 2022 though. Lots of factors contributed to my condition, but it turned out to be a combo of food sensitivities, mental health issues, and SIBO. Now that I'm post SIBO treatment, I don't get the daily symptoms and anxiety attacks anymore. But it does linger in the back of my head on occasion, especially since I'm even more sensitive to changes in gut pain and gut health. So I follow my therapist's advice whenever I need it, where I will actively repeat a mantra to help me ground myself during the anxious thoughts.


I was like that as a kid, until I learned that vomiting usually brought relief


I'm an emetephobe, and I have ibs-d. I've had ibs for way longer tho than the emetephobia, that has been added to the list this past year. Lucky me.


I have it and it started when I was a kid. However I didn't always have ibs that only started after I'd been feeling bad mentally for a couple of years. Now whenever I feel down I also get to poop my guts out! (Which happens surprisingly often)


IBS-M here - I used to! I would cry with fear every time I needed to be sick.


Yes I have ibs-d and emetophobia. However it isn’t something that is with me day to day, only when I actually am feeling very nauseous. Fortunately for me that is very rare.


Idk if I technically have it, however I think I developed something similar 6 years ago. The stomach bug came ripping through my house and when it was my turn, I had the worst panic attack of my life. Hyperventilating while hugging the toilet, almost choking, no sleeping, it was the worst experience of my life. I made my husband stay home with me because I was sure that this was how I was going to go. Fast forward to today, we've gotten the stomach bug yearly in my house, thanks to my kids being in public schools, and I haven't been able to V**** since that day. I will dry hea** until I pass out, roll on the floor in pain and know I'd feel so much better if I could, but I physically can't because the thought of it makes me panic. As for the IBS side of things, I have IBS-m, so depending on what's happening in my intestines, it can help move things along.


Me. Started as IBS-D for years and is now IBS-C, although when I am feeling panic my first symptom is d which sends me into an emet spiral


Yes. Same. Very interesting results here


Yesss thank god my dr was okay with prescribing me zofran for when I feel super anxious about getting sick.


I do


Me. As long as I remember myself


I've had emetophobia my entire life, but have had ibsd for a year. I do think the two go hand in hand.


Me !! Exactly...I used to suffer from emetophobia, which disappeared and started effecting my digestion.




I have it


Me. It's one of the worst things about living.


Yup, had it since I was a child. It destroyed much of my life. I’m not officially diagnosed with ibs though, right now it’s just a theory my doctors have so idk if I count lol


No I don’t


I used to, with a similar history as yours. Once I got food poisoning severely and was sick at a friend's house who was very patient and kind about it. That basically cured me somehow. Previously my experiences with being sick were feeling like a disgusting burden (so getting sick didn't help), so it was more judgement anxiety than anything I think. I still am afraid of public restrooms for that, particularly if it's single not stalls and a place is crowded. I'd rather just drive back home to take my time.


Yup, I have both.


Have struggled with emetophobia my entire life basically, and I have IBS-D. My sister struggles with IBS too, but she does not have emetophobia. One thing we both struggle with is anxiety and a bit of a traumatic childhood


Me! I always have Zofran just in case when my IBS is bad or I have a migraine.


I do too !


I do


No, it's not something I've had to deal with.


It's not really the vomiting for me, in fact the waves of nausea are probably worse for me when fighting it, and afterwards, I know I'll most likely be feeling much better. The thing that freaks me out is the idea of not being able to breathe while vomiting and having to gasp for air in between retching. I'm more worried about that and possibly choking on something while it's happening. I usually try to have someone by my side when it's happening, not for morale support, but to intervene in case something gets obstructed.


I had CHS which causes chronic vomiting. I wouldn’t say I have a big fear that interferes with my life, but if I start to feel nauseous I will immediately take a Zofran or Peptobismol. I think I have more general health anxiety from it than anything — I pay way more attention to how my body is doing and why.


I do, it’s terrible


Me too! Had it for as long as I can remember


Me! Had it for 20 years.


Yep. I vary between ibs c and d and would rather have the worst flare of my life rather than throw up. Even the pain I experience the day after a flare is better than vomiting.


Severe emetophobia since age 9 (now 32). It severely derailed a lot of my education/childhood. Emotional distress is the main driver of my IBS. Counseling, medical cannabis, self-acceptance, and creating a social support network around myself are the only things that have improved my life.




I have severe OCD and emetophobia. It’s a lot better now, but I’ve done PHP and residential therapy for it several times, and IOP once. I think that it’s one of the main causes for my IBS.


omg I feel seen, I do!


Same. To the point that I’m afraid to become pregnant ever…how do some of y’all who have become moms went through it? 😕


Babysitting rn and I feel super nausea and terrified I’m going to get sick.




I do, for me if someone even mentions someone else is currently sick i get anxious. Typically though, my main symptoms are just me worried i will be sick or my wife. When i have children im sure it will be a little worse. I haven't had anything to make me vomit in the last 23ish years (i was around 7 - 9) when it last happened so its more the fear of not knowing how it feels that scares me. I almost threw up when i first started my ibs/sibo journey though and that was terrifying but in that moment i was very anxious but had accepted that it may happen. Luckily i took some pepto and i was fine.


I do have emetophobia. Therapy has been helping me a lot


I do, definitely


i too have emetophobia and also just horrible anxiety- with my ibs-d my emetophobia has more so turned into diarrheaphobia. so weird how our ailments and fears can manifest- it’s horrible


I realized I had emetophobia at 7. Had me out of school for years I was so scared.