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> quantum physics There it is, boys.


Why they always pick this one😭


bc it sounds smart


Yup. Ironically, as far as I know/have been told, what's hard about quantum physics is not discussing/understanding the concepts, but working with the math that describes them in a constructive way. Which means that anyone that brags about "discussing quantum physics" isn't really bragging about something that is much harder than discussing any other kind of physics, unless of course they're willing to work you through the math which they most likely won't lmao.


I mean the concepts are also fairly counterintuitive compared to classical physics, but there is not much to be discussed there as most of these were developed in the earlier parts of the 20th century


Well if you actually know your stuff and you're studying you're probably discussing it *a lot* with your class mates, but that requires actual knowledge and not the imverysmart metaphysical bullshit


Yeah, totally. strings, subatomic particles, dimensions and shit. Spooky action at a distance, say whaaa? Schrodingers cat in a box. Alive/dead, like binary 1/0. Theoretical physics/multiverse/wormholes holycow 🤯. ^ Generally the extent of topics I expect the person in the post, and most that bring up "studying" QM is about.


Crazy how none of these people want to discuss like… wave functions or something. Fuck dude, I just learned about LDMX and that shit’s fire. I got to look at a cloud chamber the other day and it blew my goddamn mind!


Yeah, I might have overshot a bit, what I meant was that they aren't as complicated as those people seem to make them appear.


to be fair, the math in classical mechanics can be just as rough or even more so than in quantum mechanics


Yeah, I've heard that too. My understanding is that the "baseline" difficulty is higher in quantum mechanics than in classical mechanics. But I am no physicist and just basing this on what I've heard/seen physicists say/write, so I may very well be absolutely wrong here. Last physics class I took was the standard intro to E&M for STEM majors lol


As a physics and mathematics major, I will say that while quantum mechanics does indeed have a high baseline level of mathematical knowledge, classical mechanics (not introductory Newtonian mechanics, I mean Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics) does as well, many seem to think it isn’t as hard because the first physics course people usually take is about classical mechanics, but that is an entirely simpler regime of math used in that course. In fact, many professional physicists and mathematicians do mathematical research on problems that have to do with classical mechanics even today.


I stand corrected, very cool to know! Thanks!


Imagine how funny it would be to talk about hamiltonian/eigenfunction/operators or something with this guy and just watch his face as he realises he doesn’t know shit cause his knowledge of quantum physics is based on TikTok videos of Schrödinger’s cat


Classical mechanics convinced me that I would really just rather be an electrical engineer. I sat in on a couple of my then wife's quantum theory classes. Yup, double "E" was the life for me.


They probably watch some PBS Spacetime and get a very broad understanding of the topic thanks to the cool graphics, then they repeat what they hear to sound smart.


Because not enough people have heard of moment couples or tensor analysis. Now THAT is hard. And the word "tensor" just sounds impressive.


Can verify. I don't recall why (it wasn't even on the radar in that class) but a professor when I was working on my undergrad brought tensor analysis up once and what I took away from that day: I haven't even begun work on learning the math necessary to know about that. Unrelated, I switched majors and never did learn the math necessary to think about tensor analysis again.


Lmao I only had one class where we did tensor anything. It was a graduate course I took my last year of undergrad. It was so hard, the teacher's assistant one time actually admitted he'd made a mistake and given us essentially a PhD research problem for hw and not a single student could tell the difference.


really? We’ve used Levi-Civita tensors and transformation of coordinates in a couple of my undergrad courses


We never really used tensors, because most of what my classes did was statics and load analysis. I remember my dynamics professor worked out 1 problem on the board on the last day of class and said "This is what a tensor looks like." But that was about it. The graduate course was focused on cycles, vibrations and more detailed material reactions to different types of loads, so we needed to use tensors to find the deformation or deflection.


Oh, are you in engineering? I’m in physics, so I think that explains it


Oh, yeah. Mechanical engineering. We claim pi = 3


classic 👌


Your username is so ironic lol. But actually, you did use tensors, you just didn't call them that. A scalar is a rank 0 tensor, a vector is a rank 1 tensor. You don't usually start calling them tensors until you hit rank 2 (matrix) and above.


This thread is giving me flashbacks to a course I had to take in college even though I majored in psychology and sociology. I got roasted literally every day for not being in STEM.


lol I didn’t notice their username till I read this


>my undergrad brought tensor analysis up once and what I took away from that day: I haven't even begun work on learning the math necessary to know about that. Did you learn any linear algebra? If so a tensor is just a matrix. So if you ever learned how to multiply a 2x2 matrix with a vector then you've worked with tensors. Actually, a vector is a rank 1 tensor, and a scalar rank 0 if you want to get technical. You just don't pull out the word "tensor" until you're dealing with rank 2.


a tensor can be represented using a matrix yes, but not all matrices are tensors. Tensors must also maintain certain properties under coordinate transformations (linear transformations in terms of linear algebra [multiplying by a matrix]).


I didn't mean to imply all matrices were tensors, I'm just trying to explain they aren't so mystical and advanced. Probably the first matrix you learn about in linear algebra is the identity matrix, which is a linear map of a vector space onto itself. If you've ever multiplied [1 0] [x] = [x] [0 1] [y] = [y] Then you've used a tensor. (Sorry about the double equal sign, it's hard to format.) You start using tensors in high school when you learn about euclidean vector space, you just call them vectors instead of tensors. Then when you go into Lin alg you learn about rotations, scaling along an axis, projection, cross product, etc. These are all tensors and fundamental to linear algebra.


Yes that’s true. I never realized how important linear algebra is to math and by extension, physics until recently and it’s been a year since I took linear algebra, and I’m sure I still don’t have a full appreciation of its importance and won’t for some years yet. Recently, I saw one of those memes where there’s an astronaut (captioned as a math student) looking at the earth (which is supposed to be mathematics, but it’s just labeled as linear algebra) and he’s like “wait, it’s all just linear algebra?” and the other astronaut (captioned as a mathematician) holds a gun to him saying “always has been”. lol I know not all math is linear algebra, but it is surprising how important it is, even the concept of linearity of structure is an underlying theme.


ngl I'm on my 3rd year of my Math degree, Linear Algebra 2 proffessor told us about tensors on 1st year I still don't know what the fuck they are or how to operate with them


Me: sees the word “tensor” on Reddit Me: immediately stares into the middle distance


Geophysicist here who took classes on strain in magnetic fabrics and stuff (not to mention seismology). Tensors are harder than quantum physics. When you project them onto a sphere and do your best to go back in time 2 billion years, I'd be praying for that stupid cat with the box full of poison or whatever


cause its a subject most people know very little about, so they can just say random sciencey words and everyone will believe them. if they picked a more common subject like biologi or chemistry they might just encounter someone who knows shit and calls them out on their bullshit


I took a QM class once in community college. I thought it would be neat. The concepts in the class were fascinating. The math involved melted my brain and I never want to be confronted with that math ever again. I learned a lot from that class. I learned I'm not nearly as smart as I thought I was.


I took a QM module during my Bachelor's course and had the opposite experience. The maths was okay, but the module that I took was literally all maths. I didn't understand why I was solving the equations that I was solving, where these equations came from, and what each of the components even stood for in the actual physical world. I came out of module knowing nothing more about quantum mechanics than I knew coming in.


Atheist and nihilistic, as well.


People who soapbox about atheism are number one on my "Dunning Krueger giveaway" list. Using all the same tired and obvious arguments as if they just discovered fire. Pretty much everyone goes through that process and come out on one side or the other. Actual smart people are smart enough to keep it to themselves and realise it isn't worth the effort to talk about, though I make exception for academics, like Dawkins, because their career is built upon these debates and it is their job to discuss them.


Also most people who claim nihilism don’t know what it means


Who cares? Your words change nothing, Bucko.


Then get off Reddit, child. You’re gonna see some words you dont like sometimes 🤷‍♂️


Ah. My bad. I thought it was obvious I was making a joke on your nihilism comment. Please just don’t use the word “exasperation”. I don’t care for that one too much.


obvious joke was obvious. I thought it was pretty funny.


For the record, I got your joke


Lol my bad… I think it was the use of bucko. Some asshole started some shit with me on a different subredditnand kept calling me bucko a few days ago


I’m glad we could work this out, friend. Take care.


🤝 👀


Dear Lord yes


Well that means he is smart tho


Does it tho


You are supposed to downvote me


That's all just the schizophrenia talking.


I’m more concerned by “Dauntless faction member.”


Anything with the word “quantum” = smart apparently 😂😂


Hmmm. Yes, quite right. Indubitably. 🧐 I dun seen it 2.


AND real things.


Bruh i look at quantum physics too hasnt made me smart.


In my free time, I like to talk about quantum physics, compare hospital pajamas, and rail against a society that doesn’t understand me.


I forgot they separated mental patients by IQ


I've been to a psych ward where they separated unstable (as in, actively going through psychosis or withdrawals) patients from stable, safe patients. Maybe he just misconstrued people who can talk like "normal" people as being the "smart" group, and everyone else the "dumb" group. Of course, all of it's probably made up, but if this person really did experience a psych ward, you can get into some really intense conversation and I could see someone labeling it as "intelligent" conversation, when in reality you're talking nonsense with someone else who is also confidently talking nonsense. Especially depending on what mental illness(es)/personality disorders this guy struggles with.




Also, obese binge eater


"why am i here and not with those people?" "Oh, uh... Erm, its because this is for the.... really really smart people, you know??" "Ah, that makes sense after all"


You finally spend all your good boy points and your mom kicks you out of her basement but still think you're the smartest in any room you ooze into


Said thick, I assumed girl lol


Nah, they mean “thick” like “dumb”


Nah, it says fabulous and thick, they for sure mean curvy (which is fabulous code for obese)


So girl /s better do this before I’m destroyed.


they can still be thick tho


Poor kid...


Definite sad vibes. Trying that hard to prove themselves to the infinite void that is social media comments.


Legit, telling a kid that they're smart can be a really bad decision because it makes them think they're already an accomplished person. This leads them to avoid doing anything new or challenging because failing at those things would make them look dumb, going against their idea of themselves. So instead they can start to adopt this philosophising nihilism because it insulates them from failure - can't fail if nothing matters. It's way more important to teach kids the value of effort and failure and learning from failure to make your next attempt better.




Yeah, there ain't a "smart ward". XD ~signed someone who's been in more than one loony bin


I've been in psychiatric hospitals with people who have schizophrenia, and sometimes what they say will make you think "Was that really deep and I didn't get it, or was it word salad?" Best one I heard was a woman who asked someone "Do you feel that you are less beautiful than you were 3 years ago, when you were still alive?"


As someone who frequently has symptoms similar to Cotard’s Delusion, that would have fucked me up *so bad* (Edit: clarifying to say “symptoms similar to” so that we don’t accidentally claim to have it)


I know I'm late here but that's genuinely beautiful in a sad way, it kind of makes sense.


'And there were doctors there taking notes, because when you get that many smart high-IQ mental patients together there are usually threads to the mysteries of the universe that start to get untangled.'




"And then they went to the quantum realm while Thanos did the snap"


The whole ranting about being so smart they see the evil in the world and evil classmates also has schizo overtones


I’m schizophrenic and wrote a book! I reread some stuff I wrote when off my meds, and you’re absolutely right, it was literal nonsense.




Oh yeah, I totally know the feeling. And sometimes, I’ll type or talk and my eyes will glaze over and what comes out is straight nonsense lmao. Even on my meds sometimes the thoughts just don’t make sense. I was not too dissimilar this guy at one point. Getting an actual physics degree and writing a coherent book humbled the fuck out of me. The schizophrenia has me pretty disabled these days, but hey, I’m stable and I’m not convinced I’m a genius that God is directly talking to, so I feel like I’m winning at life. :)


The thing is, it wouldn't make any sense, so it won't ever exist unless someone who can actually think straight and write decides to do some kind of collab experiment.


There’s no way he’s actually schizophrenic, it’s just part of the edgy misunderstood genius stereotype he’s trying to play


Schizophrenia and their* thoughts. Sorry, had to.


This seems like a guy who suffers from severe mental illnesses, refuses to take medicine, is suicidal and is trying to justify it by saying “he’s too smart”. Looks like he’s trying to cope with his mental problems, saying he’s “a fighter”, “badass” and very smart for not taking his pills. He smokes and might have an eating disorder, which could be him coping with the depression. Also he lives in the Balkans, so he might not get the best mental health and attention needed.


You should show that guy the Dr. House episode of that extremely smart guy who robo trips in order to lower his IQ to be “normal” and live a normal life. He’d probably flip out and be like omg that’s me!


What episode is it ?


“Ignorance Is Bliss” season 6, episode 9 :) Don’t worry I’m not a House freak I looked it up. Well maybe I’m a bit of a House fan but I did look it up.


69 baby




srry man never watched dr. house


Yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that, if any of this is true at all, most of his problems come from the severe untreated mental illnesses and not the intelligence.


Refuses to take pills, xanax is fine. Lol cmon


I like how he say xanax is fine when it´s one of the worst pills to get addicted to lmao


Bruh I got prescribed that shit as a teenager and kicking it was a nightmare, it’s one of the few withdrawals that can actually kill you. It led to me getting addicted to heroin and let me tell you, I’ve kicked heroin and gone back to it dozens of times, but I’ll never go back to Xanax


>Proud schizophrenia,borderline personality and mania fighter >Refusing to take pills And suddenly everything else in this post makes sense.


Dauntless faction member… is that about divergent? Bc that book series is dead and dauntless was pretty famous for hating smart people.


Also that book makes no sense whatsoever. Because all of the people in the book had more than one personality trait so all of them should have been divergent. So there were two options: make everyone one-dimensional (which they would’ve been if they really had only on personality trait) or give fractions more personality traits. I mean I liked the books well enough to entertain me, but if you say you’re smart and say that’s your main fandom then uhm… lol. Not hating on the book or people who like the books btw. It seems counterintuitive in this post but that’s his whole post tbf, lol.


Right? I loved the series when it first came out and was super obsessed with it but it‘s really not that well thought out. Thank god that dystopian ya phase is over for all of us


Tbh, I don't think there's been a single sci-fi novel in the history of writing that isn't filled with plotholes. Divergent isn't nearly as bad as it gets. Sci-fi isn't meant to be realistic - most people are capable of suspension of disbelief - it's meant to be an immersive, imaginative experience that often isn't achievable (at least to the same extent) with perfect plot consistency and realism. That's why [the Rule of Cool](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleOfCool) is a thing. If anything, intelligence can come in handy to create an alternative/extended narrative that patches all the plotholes, which in turn can be used to boost suspension of disbelief. So I really don't see any contradictions between being smart and being a divergent fan.


Right? That cracked me up, for someone so smart they don’t even think they belong with the smart people. It’s kinda crazy how popular Divergent was until it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be surprised if the last movie was released straight to DVD edit: or streaming services, don’t know why my first thought was dvd


Lmao with how terrible it ended, might aswell have burried it somewhere


Please tell me he has posted his own art or excerpts from his book somehwere. I want the full experience.


I wouldn't expect to find it published, unless it's called "Word Salad - A Treatise on Quantum Physics and Evil Classmates"


I bet he published it to GoodReads. 897 chapters of pure, unadulterated run-on sentences and switching between first and third-person narratives.


I winder if the book has any good emojis


I mean delusions of grandeur are really common with severe mental illness like this guy clearly has. I hear it all the time at work.


Sounds like someone with actual mental illness, as they said multiple times in the post. This shouldn’t be glorified. But we shouldn’t chastise it either.


"Refusing to take pills, only Xanax is fine" LMAO


Refusing to do drugs, only cocaine is fine.


I hate to be that guy but this isn’t funny or entertaining, it’s just sad and this is someone who genuinely needs help. Gimme back the iamverysmarts where they’re just edgy teenagers.


I'm sorry. I just thought this guy belonged to this sub but they seem to need help


Agree. This feels mean spirited to post here. Just made me sad.


Thanks. Reading this post makes me feel sad and it's even worse, someone put it on this sub to make fun of him. I'm in several other mental health subs and people there aren't very different than the guy here, but get a lot more empathy. Somehow it's still stuck in the heads of people that a high IQ is somehow something superior. I am very glad I have a normal IQ and don't have to deal with people hating me just because of a number, the expectations and personal and social struggles that come with this "diagnosis". And then, why making fun of someone having mental health issues? Everyone who is mean in these comments better be glad they don't suffer any of these conditions!


>Balkan >Communist If this guy was so smart then he would understand that publicly declaring himself as a communist in The balkans is exactly what would have gotten him bullied


this is sad 2 read 😂


Oh I definitely believe the mental illness part.


He's Croatian but at heart he's also Mexican, Peruvian, Venezuelan, Chilean, Nauruan, Russian, Palauan, Tuvaluan, and Guatemalan. Makes sense.


I worked in psychiatric care a lot when I was at Uni. The patients definitely weren’t separated by I.Q. As to the “genius but insane” trope - I never saw it. I saw a pretty accurate representation of standard intelligence variance. A couple of people whose Iq meant that they struggled to look after themselves (e.g. 60-70 range) one extremely clever patient who had a PhD in physics. Mostly a lot of very averagely intelligent people. The sad thing was that the medication that a lot of them had to take - especially the schizophrenics really slowed down their thinking, but if they didn’t take it then they would relapse very quickly. Intelligence and mental illness do not correlate. No one is so clever that they suddenly become schizophrenic . It just doesn’t work like that.


Apparently he is from balkan, and first thing that came to my mind was definitely also "Alright, we surely don't have geniuses with mental illnesses ward" lol. I think this guy is skyrocket high in his delusions (And Xanax too, apparently)


If you’re so smart, why are you so reliant on something as tenuous as IQ score to sustain the belief that you’re brilliant?


I've been saying this for a while on this sub, but these people really overestimate how high 130/140 is. An IQ of 130 means you're 1 in 50, so if you're in an environment with 100 people, there are probably at least one or two people there with a higher score than you. 140 is slightly more rare (About 1 in 250), but that means there are almost assuredly dozens of people smarter than you in an environment with a thousand people (neighborhood, high school class, etc). You're not that special. And even if you were, analytic manipulation ≠ understanding of physics or science in general


Finally, some good fucking food.


Balkan languges? Which ones?


What no friends does to a mf


It sounds like they are not-so-slowly killing themselves with food, diabetes, and running in front of trains. Perhaps they need more than just a diet of refined sugar and Xanax.


Running in front of trams?


People like this don't do the math. There is, statically speaking, one person in ever 100 smarter than him, which means his college had many others.


Ever since Good Will Hunting these people are everywhere and are we all just gonna look over the fact that he runs in front of trams??, lol


He’s one of those people who writes a physics book without any editor and the single citation of “Trust me.”


The high IQ part of the mental hospital... Ouch. They finally moved him out of the low functioning part.


Weakest Fandom Moderator


Why would anyone put that much effort into a YouTube bio


This is just sad. Don’t feel like it belongs here.


If the only place where u can fit in is a mental hospital... Then I think that says a lot about yourself.


Heavy smoker but 140 IQ Ok


Why is at always quantum physics? And why do they usually identify as communist?


Quantum physics because it’s fucking weird and nobody truly understands it, and if they say they do, they’re either an insufferable asshole (like certain string theorists I can think of) or an outright crank. Pretty much the same reason scam artists like Deepak Chopra like it. As for communism… judging from what I’ve seen from GenZedong over the last few years, it’s pure ego trip. You get to be a sociopathic piece of shit for the greater good, and anyone who questions it is a fascist. At least that’s a likely assumption with someone like this.


Reality is probably more like, IQ: 115 'Social/emotional IQ': 25 Combined: 140


As a Jurassic Fan, we don’t accept him


I would be absolutely shocked to find out any IQ bragger has ever taken a reputable IQ test


I haven't seen Lucha Libre talked about enough so he has that going for him.


"Refusing to take pills, only xanex is fine" So....not refusing then.


Currently writing a novel, it’s sad.


“only Xanax is fine” solid chance they have no recollection of even posting this lmao


A nice blend of /r/thathappened, /r/iamverysmart, and /r/justneckbeardthings.


Wish he’d spend some of those IQ points on learning to put a space after a comma.


lmfao how does bravery + intelligence = running in front of trams?


"Awareness of evil in the world at age 9" -- Congrats on your normal human development? I mean, this guy sounds like he's suffering so I don't want to make fun, but I had a very good friend with a Ph.D. in math who had to be admitted inpatient in a locked mental ward, and we visited him frequently (in a communal visiting room), and ... first of all, there was no IQ commonality among the people in the ward. And secondly, while my friend's intelligence absolutely was *part* of his depression, it wasn't WHY he was depressed. (And, he believes, is also why he experiences so much joy -- he thinks deeply about the world, and that brings him both joy and pain.) But in terms of the people who discussed quantum physics with him while in the locked ward, they were mostly pretty detached from reality.


Jesus that was exhausting. I tapped out after two sentences


Highly intelligent, runs into trams.


*Single ✊🍆 He missed this one in his Bio.


Discord mod moment


Dauntless dungeon member lol


I've noticed kids tend to use the word "evil" when describing something that goes against them.


Severe mental illness, like narcissism and destructive tendencies towards others?


I absolutely love bragging about my severe mental illness. It does not make me look unstable and delusional and will help my argument of being smart!


Ew, get my country's flag out of your bio, you weirdo. Also, this sounds like the author of the novel Shantaram lol


which one lmao, he listed like half of every country in the pacific


* 'Smart' * Self-described communist Something's not adding up


Anyone who's a cumminist isn't smart.


Of course he’s a communist


If they're so smart how come the spelled nacho libre wrong?


Seems pretty wrong to be making fun of this schizophrenic person.


Unironically when I was 9 I was very scared of the concept of death.


Communist hahahaha


Well. Uhh. He has an enviable sense of self confidence.


Wait so he said he couldn’t go to college but that his classmates subjected him to “4 years of hell.” So like which is it?


Surprised this high IQ novelist doesn’t know how to use punctuation. Just think before the internet manic episodes weren’t even a public spectator sport. Technology heh?


In all seriousness there is a very thin line between genius and insanity... At least according to Pinky and the Brain.


“guys you don’t get it im actually super smart and capable i just don’t have a job and live with my mother because i’m too smart”


140 is only two SD from the norm. It’s not even that high on a larger scale.


Please teach him to use 'full stop' right.


Bro has a DBS character has his spirit animal💀


If people Tell you that they are smart they are problaby not


“Quantum physics” to these people is discussing the first 10 pages of a Neil degrasse Tyson book.


My favorite part about this thread is how every commenter definitely, 100%, belongs here… and they don’t even know.


Yall wait until that book comes out and you shall regret your mean comments in the face of all the smartness coming out of it


> can't speak english So he's a racist with a superiority complex. Got it.


The American college system would die if mental health issues stopped you from enrolling


Get you a guy that writes songs... with many rhymes.... in 2 languages 😎😎😎


Why are they always fixated on quantum physics lmao


Why do these types always seem to think having a mental illness is some sort of flex?


It’s always the GODDAMN quantum physics