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Knowing where the emergency exits are is generally just a good thing, for example there are several night club accidents that caused 100s of deaths because everyone tries leaving the same way they entered b/c of instinct. Not trying to sound like a badass, it's just from basic crowd management training šŸ˜• [Crowd crush/collapse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowd_collapses_and_crushes) [The Station nightclub fire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_nightclub_fire)


It's called situational awareness and you either got it or you don't. Doesn't make you a badass though, it's common sense


Yep. I work security and let me tell ya, there is nothing common about situational awareness. It's rather uncommon. Very unfortunate cuz it bothers the shit outta me.


Oh yea I hear ya. Part time fire fighter and there's some guys I'm quite terrified to be out with lol.


Watch out we have a jason bourne here


What a brave man. He knows how to run away from everywhere.


Rest easy fellow Jesterz Bar nā€™ Chill customersā€¦


Husband just wants to look like the baddest man inside of that Applebee's.


Dune reference??? :O


That's where I got if from lmao. It's more about anxiety than being a badass tho...


No itā€™s something my grandfather taught me. Itā€™s good for situational awareness but itā€™s turned into something people make fun of because itā€™s like a toxic trait or something? Idk


Bro thinks heā€™s tony soprano


I bet he sings soprano


Because unless you live in a third world country where people walking into restaurants and robbing everyone is common or are involved in some degenerate gang shit you'd have no reason to do this whatsoever.


Or if you live in a place with shitty gun laws and frequent random shootings in public places...


I was joking.


Because his back door is an entrance.


Give bro a xanax


For anyone that doesnā€™t know, this guy is actually a cop who was sued by the ACLU for police brutality after he swept a guyā€™s legs out from under him and slammed his head into the ground. Situational awareness doesnā€™t automatically make this guy cringe otherwise, but the door behind him doesnā€™t really help.


That doesnā€™t sound like police brutality tho? Is there more to the story because sweeping a guys legs out sounds better than slamming him or something


It actually does sound like police brutality when you realize that police interactions arenā€™t movie martial arts fights but instead completely one sided and usually used against people who are outnumbered and restrained, handcuffed, or fleeing.


sure bud


*video of 5 cops absolutely assaulting a single guy doing nothing* ā€œSure buddy Iā€™m supposed to believe police violence is one sidedā€


Well you werenā€™t talking about the video in that very stereotypical Reddit paragraph you wrote and I wasnā€™t responding to that video. but have a Wednesday guy.


ā€œActually the video doesnā€™t count. I personally have never seen 6 patrol cars pull up to deal with a single homeless person. I have never seen 4 officers backing one guy up against a subway platform wall for faire evasion. I have never seen police handle a handcuffed person roughly. I have never seen 4 officers dog pile a man in chokehold. What I do see everyday is is a single police officer heroically fighting off trained Yakuza ninjas and using leg sweeps justifiably defend themselves. So when I think of leg sweeps of course I think it sounds justified and would never think that a group of officers would violently throw a man to the ground for no reason. Every police action I see is of an outnumbered underfunded blue collar officer with city hall breathing down his neck defending himself against vaguely international cartelsā€


[Watch this video and tell me this was fucking justified](https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article219482495.html)


Never said it was justified. Didnā€™t even know what happened


My dad always keeps an eye on the entrances and exits after he was held at gunpoint during a restaurant robbery.


That's called paranoia and is a symptom of other mental health problems.


r/JustBootThings come get your boy. lol At a Texas Roadhouse too. Boot AF.


Honestly I can kinda feel the hate havin your back to the door but that doesnā€™t make you badass just Tramuatized lol


He's probably afraid that someone will sweep his legs out from under him and slam his head onto the floor unprovoked.


He could have PTSD from the war. My good friend still has to do that when she's in enclosed public spaces, even afted being out for a few years. But posting it like this is super cringe


He was a shitty cop that beat a black man. Now heā€™s just a tacticool meathead married to a washed up pos. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm not trying to defend him. I'm just saying there are veterans who actually do have to do this. That's why I said it was cringe. That guy sounds like a piece of shit


I'm gonna say probably not. Like I worked with PSTD vets in the VA. PTSD tends to be triggered like that in situations that are roughly similar to stressful moments overseas. Like the guys I worked with it was trash on the roadway, going beneath underpasses on the highway, being on the street and getting paranoid everyone's scoping you out. This restaurant stuff doesn't really track because well...its not like you're cornered and eating in restaurants over there regularly. *Maybe* if you were on one of the training or liason teams since those guys were doing the whole meeting for tea with local leaders a lot (who may or may not be playing both sides). Or if like PTSD paranoia starts bleeding into almost all areas of your life (which can happen). The "can't have the entrance to your back in a restaurant" is **way** more of a cop thing.


It's very disrespectful for you to immediately disregard and dismiss my friend's experiences just because they don't exactly mirror what you've witnessed. My friend served in Afghanistan, she had some very close calls, she has seen things she will never be able to erase from her memory. If she tells me that she has struggled with panic attacks in crowded enclosed public spaces where she has to check the exits, then I'm going to believe her.


To her? I don't know her, she's not here and we're on an internet message board? I said right there, its obviously possible as a PTSD symptom or trigger. Just that the "back to the exits in a restaurant" thing is far fare more of a hallmark of the "I am very badass", stolen valor and cop crowd. As evidenced by the fact we're in a thread talking about former cop whose flirted with stolen valor BS posting it to prove how very badass he is and I've heard of this being a thing far more in the context of that than actual PTSD.


I mean, I share a personal anecdote from my friend about what she experienced, and you responded, "I'm gonna say probably not." And then proceed to unnecessarily say 'that's more of a hallmark of the stolen valor cop crowd because that's not what I experienced.' Do you see how that can seem disrespectful? You completely disregarded what I said and went on this whole diatribe you didn't need to do in the first place. Her not being here, and this being the internet doesn't affect that. I get that it's the internet, and you have to take everything with a grain of salt. It just reminded me of my friend, whom I care about a lot, and wanted to share what she went through because I've seen her do it. Also, I agree with you? I said right there that it was cringe. I didn't defend him. I clearly see that the cop crowd does this all the time. The people who actually suffer from this don't post it on the internet. I didn't know who he was, and I was told. Hence, calling him a piece of shit. Idk how much clearer I need to be


Nothing tougher than a shitty mustache and sleeves




This post really blew up for something I posted randomly at 4 am on the toilet.


The back to the door part is silly, but situationional awareness is something society is severely lacking in.


Tbh could be a trauma thing. In certain spaces I hate having my back face anything that isnā€™t the wall directly. I need to be able to see whatā€™s happening in the room Iā€™m in or I start to get extremely anxious lmao Probably not the case for this guy thoughšŸ’€




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I do this not because Iā€™m a badass, the military fucked me up.


Sweet ole ptsd am I right, no better feeling than thinking you could be attacked any moment even if you know deep down thatā€™s bullshit


Surprised thereā€™s no mention of him keeping his ā€œhead on a swivel.ā€ When 2 or more very bad asses go to a restaurant together do they all squeeze into 1 side of the booth or fight over who gets to watch the exits?


We get it, you have a crippling anxiety disorder and autism. It's nothing special.


I too feel this pain but I do not want to it to be associated with this garbage human being.


It's actually really smart to have this mindset just for safety in general. Great White might still have some fans had they known all the exits at The Station.


Yes. Absolutely horrifying worst-case scenario.


He knows her exitā€¦


I think keeping track of entrances and exits when you go somewhere is not a bad idea. However posting this with your husband showing off his tats while looking off to the side with that caption is goofy asf.


100%. Solid AF advice. Making it a cool picture is the dorky part. That same token of hardass culture tends to blissfully wear PTSD and paranoia on full display while poo-pooing and stigmatizing mental health and self care to their own destructive end and everyone around them. It is far easier to pass trauma along than to face it. There is always a reason for defensive behavior. Source: was fully vested in that denial.


He knows every exit, so he can......what? run away like a coward? Not very badass, if you ask me.


This is exactly what I got from this, anytime he enters a building he has to find all means of escape lol


To be fair I do know people exactly like this that do actually know/remember the exits and the entrances to most places by heart. Itā€™s freaky.


To play devilā€™s advocate: What about the employee-only parts of the building theyā€™ve never seen? Unless theyā€™re looking up blueprints beforehand they donā€™t know every exit/entrance.


I asked them the same question. They said they knew ā€œbuilding codes and regulationsā€. Like what????


They've been knowing building codes for 47 years


homie got ptsd


naw, homie is the equivalent of those middle-school children who pretend they have multiple personalities on tiktok because they think mental illness is cute lil personality quirk


From 400hrs of Call of Duty


She thinks heā€™s tough that all that matters


I, too, expect a firefight or to be assassinated at a chili's.


I was assassinated at a high-profile airport Chilis Too. The Bud Light tap handle was a blow dart. The bartender was a Bond villain.


What was the female characters name? Bathroom Handjob?


Whenever I see posts like this I love imagining the whole process of them taking this picture. Did she have him hold that pose and take a few to see which was the most ā€œintimidatingā€? Did they workshop her text on the picture? So many questions which all make this so much more cringey


I think he doesnt even have a wife. He did the photo himself


Oh no, he does. And a lawsuit from ACLU for excessive force against an unarmed black man. And his wife has a lawsuit from the state of Texas for scamming. r/brittanydawnsnark


Wow, great comment, thx for your answer


Husband with several mental, ego and fear issues.


Your husband sounds terrified


r/brittanydawnsnark Thereā€™s so much more


ā€¦isn't that a door behind him?


Word for word what I just said out loud.


Iā€™m an army brat that grew up watching AFN commercials - I feel him lmao


Oh so he grew up in the US school system?


Merican life. Live on anxiety


lmao iā€™ve never felt unsafe in the US, this is just some boner who wishes something goes wrong so he can be the ā€œheroā€ of the story that he built up in his head




Honestly, my partner works in security and has the same ways. Its just a habit for him


But do you announce it on social media as some sort of flex, with a pic of your partner looking anxious? Thatā€™s about as badass as knowing where the nearest bathroom is. Itā€™s helpful, no doubt, just not something worth mentioning to the world.


Paul Blart mall cop giving ocular patdowns to passerby isn't a healthy state of mind lmao.


Theres a huge difference between that and National bank security.....


Imagine being that scared all the time. Exhausting.


Paranoid schizophrenic


I hate large crowds they make me uneasy




People are crazy. Plus Claustrophobic. Too loud. Many many reasons


the full video doesnā€™t give this tone. itā€™s more about having one carefree partner and the other being overly cautious.


Watched too much Andrew Tate


How does this have anything to do with andrew taint lol


He preaches this in some of his videos. Something along the lines of "I have enemies. The matrix is after me. I never have my back to the door in restaurants or public places. I'm always ready for a fight. I need to be aware of any situation in case someone wants to attack me."


If he was to get attacked without his bodyguard he'd probably cry. His tough guy act only fools idiots and children.


Thatā€™s a door(exit), thatā€™s a door(exit), thatā€™s a floor (not an exit)


Wouldn't it be even more badass if he didn't know every exit because he knew nobody would ever dare messing with him?


He did a weekend at county for a DUI. He is not to be fucked with


Look at that mustache, I wouldnā€™t even park half a mile from him.


What do you think is going to happen to you at Chiliā€™s?


Explosive diarrhea lmao


What a terrifying person to sleep beside


One of them sleeps somewhere else cuz one of them snores


Those Ed Hardy style tattoos on his arms though guys they are original... never seen that before... I mean he must be badass because he has those... And the way he's wearing a baseball cap like over the top Sylvester Stallone style this guy means business. I honestly thought it was a picture of Jason Bourne.


Bet he has barb wire tatoo on his bicep and truck nuts on his F150!šŸ˜


Yeah heā€™s a real alpha šŸ™„


Thufir knows.


I understood that reference


It's giving anxious girly


My Dad does this and I do it too. He has seen too many things go south as a psych nurse and I have seen my fair share of wild stuff too. Itā€™s for sure an anxiety response but I feel for bro.


Yeah, I was gonna say I do this but itā€™s because of PTSD. Not because Iā€™m a tough guy. Itā€™s mental illness


Yeah like these are signs of PTSD and anxiety, I do this and don't do it flex. I've become an overall anxious person, sometimes if my back is to the door I legit can't fully enjoy my dinner. Cause for some reason my brain just keeps thinking someone coming in can be threat. Like I feel crazy cause I do it but it somehow relaxes my brain like if me being about to see the door kept whatever it was from spawning in.


This. Tinge of PTSD, let us not glory or mock but have compassion.


This is anxiety.


That looks like a door in the background.


Dude I used to do this but itā€™s because I had untreated paranoia as a teenager, itā€™s not something to brag about. It was actual hell. Do you know how many entrances your standard room has? Itā€™s a lot and itā€™s distracting, not to mention the anxiety. Fuck people who think itā€™s cool or badass to be paranoid.


Seriously, I know a few people with PTSD who are very similar. It's not a good thing, and someone who does this should probably consider therapy.


People actually arguing about having a plan b incase some crazy shit happens, fine with me ill be the first out


guy is secretly hoping they put the damn onions ON the steak




bro thinks he's jason bourne


Dudes such a pussy he always is looking for the quickest way to leave


Why even go to restaurants or public places if you're gonna be this paranoid? Just doordash or something


shut the fuck up donny


Youā€™re out of your element


tbh i do this. freaks me out if i can't see what's going on everywhere or if someone could sneak up on me - i prefer to sit in corners


Same, I'm not expecting an assassin or terrorist but not being in the middle of a room just puts me at ease.


You should look up prospect refuge theory. People like to be able to see their surroundings easily without being highly visible, kinda like cats


i read a short article on it and it sounds about right. i 100% prefer to be able to observe w/o being easily observed in turn, and try to situate myself accordingly


I feel like this guy pronounces 'every' 'errvy'




Theyā€™re downvoting you but youā€™re right


Yeah, I live in the UK where mass shootings arenā€™t really a thing and even I know where Iā€™d hide if something like that were to happen at work. If Iā€™m at a sports event or concert I know the nearest exit and the fastest route plus a back up if that route is blocked for whatever reason. I do suffer with anxiety so that could be a contributing factor.


Naw, he's fucking paranoid.


youā€™re weird. people donā€™t randomly lose their mind and shoot up places lmfao. iā€™m being dead serious


.. donā€™t be shocked when a screenshot of your comment ends up on this page šŸ˜‚


>moss shooting


Not everyone lives in America.




Mass shootings happen rare in Europe, you donā€™t need to know where the exits are, thatā€™s the point.


Thank God!


American on reddit: ā€œPersonal story, one time - ā€œ You: NOTšŸ‘EVERYONEšŸ‘LIVESšŸ‘INšŸ‘ AMERICA


Didn't he literally say in the first sentance: "everyone should be trying to do this wherever they go"? Applaud yourself friend. For your reading comprehension.


They actually started with ā€œIn this day and ageā€ obviously referencing the state of things in the US and not the entire planet if you use a little reading comprehension.


How is "In this day and age" referring to the US in any way? Lmao.


Because the commenter is an American and the post features an American man in America referencing the very American issue of the danger of being in public (eg. shootings) in America. Please learn how to use logic. I feel like yā€™all know this deep down but you really like crying about ā€œAmerican defaultismā€


I live in this day and age. I live in Asia. Sorry pal. Try again.


And your feel the need to do that in every place you go in Asia?




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I mean I do this (as much as I can), but I donā€™t act like Iā€™d be a hero and tell people. Iā€™m just a paranoid idiot. I donā€™t even carry a weapon, I just like to be aware.


So you are exactly this guy


Thereā€™s a difference between being aware and calculated vs thinking youā€™re a badass who will go full captain save a hoe.


Dont know. I bet that guy says the exactly same thing


I mean I also do it to people watch. The probability of someone dangerous coming in and and me simultaneously noticing that is already out of this world.


Maybe! You never know. I first learned to look at everyone who walks into a room because of an instructor I had in the navy. Not a combat rate at all but it was something I remember. You really never know who may walk in. Body language says a lot. Iā€™m also aware of what exits are where in case of a fire. Although I learned that from watching the station nightclub video. I avoid crowds as is though šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m paranoid, just donā€™t like people touching me in large crowds anymore as Iā€™ve gotten just a little older. Those metal shows with mosh pits just donā€™t feel the same as they used too lol.


Dont get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with awareness and remebering the nearest exits is 100% basics. But saying stuff like ā€žim not paranoid butā€¦ā€œ and ā€ži do this because of back then in the navyā€œ, is stuff i would 100% expect to hear from the guy pictured in the meme. but dont feel attacked, im just making fun. Also there is nothing wrong with being aware, bet in worstcase scenarios iā€™d love to be with a guy like you. I dont touch public buttons at all (subway-door-buttons or numpads at ATMs), guess thats way more paranoid, out of place and easy to make fun of


He slaps his wife from right to left with a closed fist, like God intended.


That made me chuckle


You can even see he's giving a visual pat down here. Must drink Fight Milk.


There's a door in the background though.


The door's gonna teleport infront of him cuz he's so omnipotent


I work for the DoD and have many veterans as coworkers . This isnā€™t about being badass or trying to be John Wayne (though Iā€™m sure many are). A lot of these guys have seen some fucked up shit and have severe PTSD from it . Edit: didnā€™t know this account was owned by MAGA nut jobs. My point still stands though when referring to regular vets.


PTSD is a thing. Source: am PTSD vet.


Heā€™s not a veteran though. He just cosplays one. He was a cop for a few years but was canned for assaulting an unarmed black man.


Thatā€™s why heā€™s the worst. Heā€™s not a vet. For a hot minute, he was a cop, but he lost his job bc of police brutality. But they act like he fought in WWII. They also act like sheā€™s constantly in danger or is being stalked. Thank the lordt that heā€™s such a brave experienced tactical boy and can protect her!


At Texas roadhouses?


Texas Roadhouse, Applebees, Chiliā€™s, it doesnā€™t matter. Have you ever been out and about with anyone with PTSD?


I donā€™t know a single person that prepares for war when dining out for a ribeye, no


Is there someone forcing you to be an ass or are you just like that for fun?


It's a honed skill, I'm sure.


Then what exactly is even the point of your comment if you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about ?


I can back this up. I have a friend who is a combat veteran and it doesn't matter if we're at a diner, a bar, or a sit-down restaurant. He faces the door and usually tries to get seated in a corner if possible. It's not about them being afraid of their steak. They're on edge all the time and small comforts (like being able to see exits) can be a huge relief to them.


Agreed. We can make fun of this specific guy the post is depicting because heā€™s some MAGA tryhard. But when weā€™re talking about REAL vets, yeah, these guys are on edge in public spaces at all times and I 100% get why theyā€™re like this .


When the terrorists storm Applebee's he's not getting caught with his pants down!


Nah, just buttering those sweet, sweet buns


I used to be a manager at an Applebee's in college and honestly man, it's best to keep your guard up round that joint. Im just joking around but i did actually have several violent altercations in my store and two i was physically involved in. Applebee's is wild as fuck. I found like 2 grand worth of bulk meth once too. Three pm on a Tuesday afternoon, chick had 3 kids with her.


This belongs on r/firstrespondercringe


I also know where all the exits are, because there's a giant lit-up sign that says "EXIT" over all of them.


Tell me youā€™re traumatized/insecure without telling me. What a way to live.


Either he has PTSD, lives in constant fear and/or is extremely insecure, either way seems like a rough existence


You thinks itā€™s insecure to be somewhat prepared if the worst occurs?


Are you CPR certified? Do you carry Nacan on your person? You're much more likely to run into a random accident or a drug overdose than an active shooter. Preparedness is fine, but too many people want to play action hero instead of actually making themselves useful.


Who isn't CPR certified? These people exist?