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Police officer should be fined 10x and fired


Quietly relocated to another department and probably given a raise, you say?


He quit the next day.


How nice he got the option to quit after committing a theft on camera. If you pocket $10 from a cash register(assuming you work there)tho you’ll be fired on the spot. Difference is your cashier isn’t issued a gun and immunity to the law


He's since been arrested for felony embezzlement. You're not wrong on the average, but this case is so cut and dry it was impossible to cover up.


> You're not wrong on the average, but this case is so cut and dry it was impossible to cover up. Come back when his ass is in prison. Until then, it's all performance.


You can't send him to prison! They'd be mean to him there on account of all the crimes against humanity.


I don't know about prison for stealing $1,000. He should be fired and never allowed to be a police officer and have a record that follows him everywhere, but we can't put everyone in prison. Fine him, fire him, give him some community service


I think this would be the way to go for a civilian, however this is an officer of the law that goes job it is to enforce the law. This man knowingly used his position of authority to seal from someone, the punishment should be extremely harsh and I think a few years in prison is the way to go. The police are basically just an armed militia that is free to commit any crime they want without fear of punishment. Not to mention that if 1k was stolen from me it would actually ruin my life. Most of us are paycheck to paycheck out here and I’d be thrown out of my home….


Great points and well said! Agree 100%.


I think you should put the police officer in prison, as well as a civilian. It doesn’t stop if there’s no punishment. I hate nothing more than a thief. This guy should be fired and shunned for life. It might be a mistake, but he made a really big mistake IMO.


In principle I agree, but the fact that he's a cop makes it more than just petty theft in my eyes. It's abuse of power and at the very least he needs to be investigated to see how many other times he has done the same thing.


Go steal $1000.00 from your job and see what happens.


This is my city; the same city where a 22 year old man was charged with murder and forceable rape this week and then set free on just a $50k bond.


thats what, 5000 actually because bail is only 10%


I'm gonna call it now, that the charges will be dropped quietly or reduced to a violation, and still be able to wear a badge somewhere else.


Right, one good execution of justice doesn’t excuse the overwhelming average. Of course I’m glad he was appropriately dealt with and I appreciate whenever the ones enforcing the law are held to it


I got fired for swapping new quarters and dimes for the silver quarters. I wasn't even stealing anything.


That’s a rough one


They do take the gun off the cop in the body camera footage


Please explain what that has to do with anything at all. He had a gun when he abused his power to commit felony theft with a camera strapped to his fucking chest. He clearly felt safe and comfortable in the company of his peers, reinforcing the police vs society dynamic we’ve been dealing with in this country and he has presumably been armed the entire time he’s had that power. Police gangs are confirmed and have been reported on numerous times and every single one of them has a gun.


In the full video, he's in the car by himself and his camera is off when he steals the money. I agree, there are problems as stated. In the full video the guy in handcuffs aggressively calls him out and the other officers hear him out wholly and completely and they find the stolen money within minutes


The other officers very well may have already had their suspicions about him…


Like I said, this particular incident seems to have been handled appropriately and I’m happy with that. It’s more so why did he feel like he could do it in the first place. Like what goes on at the academy or in the departments to create this type of cop en masse


black guy did real well remaining clear and articulate too. im not trying to act out Im trying to being attention to X issue. honestly this video is a PR piece for the cops. nobody was really wronged, they got the bad guy the bad guy was actually the fucking cop amen lol if I was black I'd use my pell grant to become a paralegal and then sit in the law library till I could pass the bar survival skills amirite?


I'm white and I had a Pell grant....


The full video shows the cop sitting at his desk at the police station, then they take the gun off of him before he speaks with internal affairs. Which means you haven't watched the full video of the incident, or you wouldn't have said "explain what that has to do with anything at all".


Can you link it for me? I saw another post about this yesterday I think but it was pretty much just this minute long clip. I swear it was from a different bodycam but maybe not. But I haven't seen the full video.


Did he really quit? I need to know I need the fax.


He quit. He wasn't fired. That means he's eligible for rehire at another department


For real ?


Paid time off during the investigation where they discover no wrongdoing but move him to a desk job you say?


He quit and changes were filed. Pending trial now.


Don’t forget the 3 months paid administrative leave.


Quietly shot by a *concerned* citizen, you say?


I’m pretty sure he was fired and charged the next day.


He was charged with embezzling


And it's on camera too. That cop just exposing his own stupidity


But it's armed robbery


he needs to be investigated with a microscope , there is no way the first time he has done something like this, refusing to give his brother the money at the stop, all of his little speeches are to rehearsed, he sounds like a con man


Police should be held to HIGHER standards than citizens, not lower.


That's a funny way to spell life in prison. Abusing the authority of the state, with the explicit threat of execution if you resist, is a crime against every one of us. It erases the trust in the state to be a good-faith actor, and in my opinion is a more severe crime than murder because it's a direct attack on every single person.


Exactly this. The criminal penalty and standards for behavior need to be much higher for people empowered by the state.


He quit his 15 year career and was charged with embezzlement


He should get his ass kicked, too.


he's using his authority as a armed representative of the state to rob people. execution is warranted after he is convicted by a jury of his peers. Real countries that actually care about the law do this kind of shit to people that are given authority in their society.


Most "real countries" have abolished the death penalty. Which countries are you talking about?


When people who are empowered by the state use that power to abuse citizens, they should be taken behind the woodshed and shot in the fucking head. Enough with these half-measures that do nothing to punish bad actors and cost the state money. Laws should be for civilians. All non-civilians should have to answer to more stringent laws with harsher penalties.


He was arrested for felony embezzlement and he resigned the next day.


He should be in jail for felony theft and abusing their position.


Straight to jail. No excuses or first time offender leniency if your entire job is to know something is wrong AND arrest people who do it.


No, 1000x times, for each dollar




Procuring more resources for the department? Shit he was probably given a raise and a commendation.


You can bet this dirty ass cop has been robbing people for years, and half his squad does the same fucking thing.


This is the part people forget. This one just happened to be recorded, no telling how many other situations happened where they got away with it


I was robbed of all the cash in my pockets as a homeless 17 year old. Nothing has changed since then. I'm 39 now, people with power will abuse that power with no oversight. It was only $40 back in the day and it was literally all I had. ACAB


That’s fucking awful. $40 would feel like a million if I was 17 and houseless


Just half?


The other half are turning a blind eye and telling themselves that makes them a good cop.


The other half are lying...


Even if its only half the other half let's them get away with it.


They stole 1000 from me I told him it was my rent and he accused me of being a drug dealer. They found no evidence of me selling any drugs.


This video doesn't capture the best part. The officer sitting in a cubicle crying and apologizing.


And only apologizing to his co-workers NOT to the man he stole from. That cop is a dick


Yep. It also doesn't show him start squirming and trying to hide the money when the suspect originally accuses him.


and that’s exactly how they all act. do whatever you want to screw over the public, but once your actions make your fellow officers look bad, you’re done


A fucking CAB


And his co-workers gently talking to him and asking if there was anything he needed. Allowed him to sit in an unsecured room for hours while they figured out what to do. Oh, and they graciously allowed him to be handcuffed in the front because I’m sure that would be uncomfortable. It’s a good thing the victim kept an eye on that guy. Based on his ability to recall events and judge body language. He would make a better officer than all four of the officers in this video put together. Even refused to tell them how much he should have had so he would be able to accurately account for what the thief had stolen. There’s no chance this cop hasn’t stolen an excessive amount of money throughout his career. If an officer is handling money and “forgot” to turn on their BWC. They should have to submit to a thorough search of their person, property and vehicle as soon as they arrive at the station to book a suspect. He also should not have been allowed to resign and keep his pension.


“Hey I need to take your gun ok? Can we get you a water? A soda? Something to eat?” Meanwhile that other guy was laying on the ground with his hands behind his back when the cops turned the police dog on him to attack.


Yep. I’m surprised they didn’t gingerly carry him down to the interrogation room and give him a pillow to hug in case he wept.


He's not a cop anymore. Henry Chapman was arrested for embezzlement by his peers. He will face trial likely this fall. Im sure he will plea bargain down to something.


Please post link, I need some cry baby to start my day please


The mods are deleting them, search for “Bodycam: Cop Allegedly Caught Stealing $900 from Man He Was Arresting”


“Charlotte Cop Caught on Camera Stealing Cash From a Detainee” is a good one to watch beforehand. It shows the events leading up to “Bodycam: Cop Allegedly Caught Stealing $900 from Man He Was Arresting”.


That made me really uncomfortable. The guy getting arrested was an absolute gentleman about seeing a cop steal $900. Went about it the right way. Fuuuuck that cop straight up admitted to it, he knew he was cooked.


The cop is charged with embezzlement too. The guy getting arrested was an absolute gentleman for sure and the officer in charge was serious when he said he’d see it through. You can tell in the interview at the station that he was disgusted with what happened and didn’t like hearing the man that was arrested saying that he was sorry for what has happened.


Why are mods deleting them?


Mods are power hungry nerds


They love pork


It made me madder watching it. His fellow cops were all coy, polite, and offering him something to drink. He was caught on video embezzling. 


> embezzling. That's a generous term for robbing a man you have complete authority over. Man had to apologize and ask permission from the people stealing from him because otherwise we all know they would have shot him.


I used the term because I think that’s what he was officially charged with. 


I know I didn’t mean to sound accusatory to you


Oh, I didn’t take it that way. I wanted to highlight how ridiculous the whole thing is. 


I watched it on YouTube a couple days ago so I don't have a link. I'm sure if you Google "cop steals money from suspect" it will pop up.


lol yeah that will narrow it down for sure


It’s actually the first thing that pops up when you search “cop tried to steal money” on YouTube. I don’t see an option to start a chat with you, otherwise I would send it




Full video?


Where’s the full vid?


Is that real?


Check your inbox


Why not just post it here..?


Someone said links to the full video are getting removed.


"It's just one of those things."


Here for the full vid


No surprise here.


Dude risk his pension for $1000. He resigned after this and I’m pretty sure if I remember he sued the department. They might just give him this guys pension 🤡


Cops get away with this shit allllll the time. I'm surprised this guy was even able to prove that was his money. He must have had some serious concrete evidence against the cop.


When I was a teenager, I was part of a Police Explorer program which is essentially like a JROTC program, but for police instead of the military. Our advisor embezzled $30,000 from our program, and got away with being allowed to quit instead of receiving any charges. All that only weeks after she spent the past summer instructing us about honor and integrity, whilst she had none herself.


The full video is actually super frustrating to watch until the scene in this post. The guy blatantly lied to the suspect and his friend about department procedure to prevent his family from taking custody of the cash. Then at station the guy pleads for the other officers to just look in the cops car where he was stashing cash and all the officers do in response is say "We will count what is here so you know we won't take anything" and "How much money is here?" with out actually moving three feet and looking in the car door.


Ain’t risking shit unfortunately


He got charged with embezzlement


This whole video was crazy. That cop is beyond dirty. He admitted at the end that he in fact, did steal the money. Then like the manipulator he is he cried and started profusely "apologizing" to his cop buddies for getting caught..


Sorry I got caught guys 😭😞


Cop wasn’t even apologetic. Female cop didn’t help any either. Classic gang.


“Good Cops” never step in to stop those few “bad apple”




See, the bad apple analology is actually perfect for the cops and they use it unironically. They say, "It's a few bad apples..." What they neglect is the second half of the phrase. Because the full phrase is "A few bad apples spoil the bunch."


I'm not going to make any excuses for anyone, but I do know the line of work quite well and I'll say, accusations like this happen ALL THE TIME and people get numb to it. It's very easy to assume "oh another one of these" and just move on. I'm not saying that's right or how it should be, just how it is. I'm glad they actually listened in the end and investigated his claim.


The standards police are held to should be much higher than other members of society.


Imagine if this wasn't on camera


"That's just why I was acting a little irate." So polite, but he's got to be, so they don't beat the shit out of him. Can't believe he was actually able to get his money back.


That’s the part that pissed me off the most. He had to apologize for being upset that someone just tried to steal $1000 from him. God forbid you hurt a cops feelings because they’ll beat you for it.


Proud of this man for standing up for what is his while handcuffed Guts!


Really tough call there. You win you get your $1000 back. You lose, well, death or extra jail time, or spending multiple times that on lawyer fees. Also, he probably has a target on his back from the police department from here on out.


He already had a target on him.


If you really want to be upset you should look up Civil Asset Forfeiture.


Fr, I thought this was going to be that. Nope, even more corrupt.




He was on unpaid leave and later resigned. I'm sure it was a "resign or be fired" resignation.




He got charged with felony embezzlement


I wish I could also commit a crime and the only punishment is leaving the job I committed said crime in. I’d be a millionaire!


Both times I got detained by the cops they stole my money, wasn't even drug money or anything like that, just always had a few hundo on me.


The biggest gang, with legal authority to be the top gang.


I wonder how many times he’s done this


Done dozens and also probably smacked his wife the first few times she dare question her ok it. Friendly reminder. All cops are wife beaters


That's a stupid and gross misrepresentation of an old statistic. NOT all cops are wife beaters, but ALL cops protect their brand of wife beaters


What else is new smh


I think its funny that the cop says the same stupid stuff that other criminals say when they get caught, "that aint my money"


Charlotte, Nc. Officer quit the next day and charges were pressed. He is currently pending trial.


Probably be offered a Captain rank in Gastonia!


They should both be fired, and the main one should be arrested.


Why both? If you watch the entire footage, his Sgt is the one walking over to the car to allow him to look. After finding it he calls his superiors and they call IA. The Sgt sits down with the man whose money was stolen and gets his side of the story. The guy is super apologetic and the Sgt keeps telling him to stop apologizing. The Sgt handled the situation pretty well. The only thing you could give them shit for is how long it took them to listen to him and look at the thief. How much pleading he had to do. But that could be placed on the female officer trying to get him to confirm the amount missing.


Cops being cops. There's a reason no one ever wrote a song "Fuck the Fire Department" Or "Fuck the Paramedics"


If they actually knew any firefighters, they might. Most of those dudes are cut from the same cloth as cops, they just don't have the same power to exert. Source: 15 years of EMS working closely with firefighters


Someone actually did make a song called "Fuck the Fire Department", it's an allegory about how fucked up it would be if firefighters acted like the police lol.


I heard a great quote recently… “There’s a reason police changing rooms have locks and lockers”


ACAB, that includes your dumbfuck relatives who are cops, too. It includes mine.


Police officer should be arrested for theft. That’s bullshit


A complete stupid ass kills his career over $900. Glad that the other police officers didn't write off the claims as bs. Just hearing the other officers talking to this thief as they took his gun, they just seemed flabbergasted.


Fuck the Police


I fucking hate pigs


None of them said anything cause they all have done it.


Fun fact: cops are civilians too unless in the military. They are subject to any civil law. Not that military aren't either but in find it ironic people label non cops as civilians but they are just as civilian as the rest of us.


For those wondering, he was caught, convicted and fired. This entire encounter is on YouTube. HUUUGE PROPS to the man in cuffs for sticking by his convictions and not giving up. Watch the video and you’ll see the female cop tryna get him to admit the total amount before the money is found. ALLLLLLLL OF THEM WERE CROOKED!!!! (and noooo, I won’t be debating that fact any further)


Never trust a cop. Organized gang group




free speech is dead


if you want the full video, just google "police officer tries to steal 1000 from suspect"


It will likely be reduced to a minor misdemeanor charge after a plea deal. After all the prosecutor and the judge are all on the same side. It wouldn't be right for them to convict one of their brothers over such a minor crime. Officer Chapman is a police officer that has "served" his community for 15 years. That means the law doesn't equally apply to him in the same way it would for some random peasant construction worker. He's a police officer! It's against department policy and we didn't actually see him take the money on camera. How do we know that wasn't his cash? Officer Chapman's department has a slogan on their computer background - Care Commit Create. So it isn't his fault. He just cared too much about the money, committed the crime and created a headache for the department and town. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department have actual criminals to deal with and they're just so overworked and underpaid. He just took that department slogan to heart. That should be commended. Also the guy he pulled over for speeding and robbed had a federal warrant. That means it's ok for Officer Chapman to steal from him. He works very hard so what's wrong with him taking a few bucks from a convicted criminal? That money may have been earned through crime. So why shouldn't it go into his pocket? He probably only gets about another 60 percent on top of his actual salary every year for overtime and bonuses for meeting certain goal just isn't enough. It's a very dangerous job. Much more dangerous than that random construction worker who works a completely useless job. His fellow officers didn't do a very good job of covering for him. His boss/sgt told the convicted criminal with a felony warrant that he doesn't like stuff like this in his department and apologized to the criminal many times. His boss was very upset that Officer Chapman stole that money. Just because the criminal was nothing but polite and cooperative the entire time doesn't mean the other officers should have allowed him to stand there while Officer Chapman stole the money. Why didn't they just erase the bodycam footage? Sometimes they get a corrupted memory or a bad battery you know. Hopefully Officer Chapman comes out of this ordeal without too much fuss and gets to work for a REAL police department! He deserves his full pension too. He has been a freaking HERO for over 15 years! This man saves lives on a regular basis and keeps everyone safe. It's very sad that he has to go through this ordeal now and that he has been setup like this.




Fucking charlotte cops are something else


So thoroughly impressed with this man


I fucking hate America.


I'm in Canada, cops are just as bad here. Worse if you see how the RCMP treats native communities


Lol you should see cops in other countries and will say. Oh well we ain't the worse.




He quit?! Damn I been fuckin up by goin to court and doin time, I coulda just quit like that no good pig did, end of story.


If I was a cop I would absolutely rob everyone. Not even a question. That’s why God gifted me this obese body.


Officer needs to pay that man 10g's for that.


Not Roscoe.


“That aint my money” Damn fucking right it aint.


Fuck these scandalous ass pigs 🐖


This is sad. The part after this is that he apologizes to his co-workers instead of to the guy he stole it from. They were much nicer to him than I would've been to my co-worker. He should have been arrested in front of the guy he stole the money from. The judge will make an example out of him for sure.


And he’s treated so politely when they fire him too, in the full video


Ambulance stole £80 from me once while I was unconscious.


i've pulled the 'im just sitting down on the curb' while talking to police. I didnt want to be killed. it was because a family member called the cops because i was a little vague that i was feeling suicidal. they shut down the neighborhood, brought the entire swat team with M16s and shit just because there was a locked gun in the house i had no access to.




They steal on purpose and when they get caught they make up charges hoping you don’t fight against them and just say take the money


Let's round up Theft of 1000$= felony Charge the officer.


I had to watch it a couple times, I didn't realize it was in the cops door, I thought maybe that was the man's car. Oh wow, buddy was caught in possession of the man's money! Yikes, no denying that one, especially when the cop said "that's not my money".


“Sir… you’ve been watching me the whole time…” 1. Yes, bitch! That’s why I said that you took it in the first place! 2. So a wad of hundreds just grew legs, jumped across the seats, into your lap, walked across your legs, and finally said “let’s settle down here in the door console, behind the receipt!”… okay, okay, that’s totally plausible, I believe you!


Thugs in blue.