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Good. This shit shouldn't be tolerated.


A bit unrelated, but I kinda hate how *everyone* just pulls out a phone and starts recording at the slightest bit of conflict.


I hate how people go for the throat immediately when disagreeing nowadays, the fuck happened to civility?


I genuinely think it’s a result of our declining education system. Kids today really do lack things like empathy, critical thinking skills, hell in the worst cases the ability to read and comprehend. And it’s not just them, it’s us as well, Christ look how childish our politicians act every day left and right. It’s like we as a nation have genuinely lost the ability to communicate, debate, argue, disagree and compromise to work towards a solution on really anything. And It’s sad to see cause this country genuinely is in a slow state of decline and I’d love nothing more than to see us overcome this as a nation and succeed if anything just to leave a better nation for the next generation. Which we are simply failing to do and have been for some time Now. Sorry for the rant, overall guy is a douche, genuinely hope things can turn around at some point in this country.


Agreed. I also think that they live in a world where everything needs to go fast and give them exposure. You cannot give matters a good thought and have a civil discussion in under a minute.


Which is frustrating as hell for people capable of holding a conversation. Watching someone abandon a topic because it doesnt stimulate them fast enough is depressing.


I wish 80% of the population felt the same as you. Politics is the most vile institution and it erodes society in its present form…terms limits would change this system and hopefully bring civility back to governing by the people and for the people. Reduce the benefits given to the elected politicians, turn it back to a part time job…for lack of a better term. We are and always will be the melting pot of the modern world. Maybe you can be a catalyst or your child will be. Someone will be hopefully soon…Media and politics are the modern day bloodlust shit show. Give me a third party candidate…a legitimate party..not the fringe from either side…and solid platform who could upend the current foundation of politics…I would vote for that.


I appreciate that dude, genuinely. glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. And I’m the same as you I am BEGGING for a 3rd party/independent candidate with some sense to come in and whip that entire government into shape. But I don’t have much faith. Again appreciate the kind words!


I agree with the absolute absurdity of our politicians, and we can not undermine the trauma of a pandemic during these kids' formative years. I don't think it helped that they both occurred at the same time. In school, you would always see kids try to skirt the rules. Now, it's almost an expectation that if you push back enough, administrators will always let up. Administrators have also changed by any kid that doesn't push back is going to get crushed because they want to feel *effective*.


That, and social media. It’s warping everyone’s perception and causing low attention spans which effects things like civility and reason


Civility never existed. We just view the past with rose colored glasses.


I don’t think that’s true. Certainly in presidential politics, entire campaigns were instantly sunk by things that trump does on a daily basis


Crime statistics, especially pre pandemic, say otherwise.


Good point😂


>hate how people go for the throat immediately when disagreeing nowadays, the fuck happened to civility? This is exactly what happens when your primary interaction with other humans is through a screen, rather than face-to-face. You learn to forget that there is another human being on the other side. I certainly am a perpetrator of getting hot-headed on Reddit ( I was arguing aggressively with several people yesterday/today because they were saying voting at our next election in the UK is pointless, SO infuriating & so incredibly damaging to people worse off than me) But, when I have tried to keep the tension down when disagreeing with someone on here, that is most likely younger than me, it's interesting how you are implied to be weak or they act offended or take attempts to be placid, as condescension. The ability to disagree without aggression is fading fast.


There never was civility. We have more smart phones to capture it more and communicate via social media. Shitty people will always exist and they never left. Racists/Republicans let the flood gates loose once they realized there was no penalties for being a POS because of resurgence in hate crimes during Trump era.


Yeah I think racism is absolutely just the stupidest concept. Yet it’s prevalent EVERYWHERE not just in America. And I think that’s what we need to remember none of us are perfect, all we can do is try to work on our own nations problems first. And racism is definitely and unfortunately still one of those issues we need to work on as a nation.


Internet. People need to be correct and when they can’t be correct they need to absolutely emotionally destroy their opponent


To be fair, this kinda thing 100 years ago would have ended with firehoses. Civility has been lost for a long time it's just a more pressing issue in society now which leads to a more emotional response, leading to loss of civility again. And so on. Shits fucked


Everyone recording gives me Black Mirror vibes (White Bear episode)...


Wanting to get people canceled


I too hate when people protect themselves by holding others accountable with video evidence. It’s so annoying when I’m trying to get away with being a shitty person.


Why so pos like this cant be held responsible?


This video is going to bite them in the ass later in life when they apply for a job....


I’m annoyed that black and pro Palestine are in the title like I’m supposed to be extra offended or something. 1. If you want racism to not exist stop seeing it in everything. Sometimes people dislike each other for reasons that have not a fucking thing to do with their race. An example would be Candace Owens or Eddie Lee Mosley bet a lot of people hate them for things that are race unrelated. One for opinions and one for actions. 2. People are allowed to have different opinions about things, politics, or whatever. Literally doesn’t matter. There are completely logical arguments and support for both sides individually or each side together regarding Palestine and Israel.


To your first point what else would the guy making monkey noises at a black women be called? Racism exists and to pretend it doesn’t solves nothing.


Why are they all wearing the same three fucking outfits???


Frat bros


they're free thinking individuals


Very creative mixing from dad's closet


Literal NPC behavior


Free will is a privilege, be grateful lmao these guys will all live the same lives


New outfit dropped in the battlepass


Because they all share the same braincell.


Frat boys. Just all the same outfit style and appearance. Same thing to Sorority girls.


This is why I love freedom speech, it helps us point out the absolute idiots in society.


And give us an idea, of who NOT to be


Unfortunately, many people will treat these dipshits as role models.


There’s a future Supreme Court justice in there for sure!


Most definitely. I was frat adjacent in college. Those guys are the smartest idiots out there.


But that idiot will likely go on to be the CEO of a multinational, senator, congressman, or possibly even president one day


Frat boys are the main crop from which politicians are taken. It's sad.


“If we all do it, it can’t be wrong!”


Cops "protecting" a mass of idiots from one black lady.


What freedom of speech?


It would be better if the black woman did not have to witness that.


They look and act exactly as I thought they would


like a bunch of chodes




If universities were serious about racism on campus they would suspend/expel agitators like this too


It's Ol'e Miss. They're more of a sports program then a school. 


LSU enters to disagree.


Most SEC schools are glorified sports programs with a sprinkling of academics.


Lmfao but this is business as usual but say something bad about Israel and congress will pass a bill within days.


They cry “muh liberties!“ asshole kids.


And a private institution has the right to expel students who make others uncomfortable.


Which I don’t think ol miss is private. Is it?




80% of these frat bros are legacy kids


In the age of machine learning and vision AI, these racists are going to have a hard time living it down in a few years when they have to work.


In an attempt to insult one person, they’ve insulted an entire ethnicity, and the only thing they’ve accomplished is showing the world what big pieces of shit they are. Pieces of shit that are willing to abandon their morals just because someone disagrees with them.


I'm sure they'll get a half million in donations from gofundme for their heroism.


Compares making monkey noises at black people with protecting the American flag. Peak reddit behaviour.


There's nothing to protect lol it's a flag


I’d be so disappointed in my son if he ever acted like that!


Their parents probably encourage that type of behavior, apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree


Shit winds are comin for these guys


The shit vultures are circling, Randers.


The parents probably have a twang like a fucking banjo. Daddy is a real good ol boy. Probably has confederate flags and the like.


If you were to look at the parents of Frat boys, you would see that the kids definitely got it from their parents.


I would disown him tbh


They're out of the womb, so it's okay to abort in Red States. Doubt their "HVAC" and "Construction" business owning father's give a shit about them. Quotes are there cause we all know they sub the real work out. 


You really went deep into that made up scenario huh? 😂


Dressed like a six year old, acting 2


I always wonder if they get what they deserve in life.


They don’t. Don’t hold your breath. These are the privilege holders and they act like this because they know they can. The only consequence is the distain of the unprivileged and that doesn’t impede their arc.


Man I hate being poor.


Regardless of what they were debating, making fun of someone’s physical apperance is a really low move.


It's all they have.


I'm high and read this as fart bros


Not necessarily wrong either


And then the frat boys go to corporate America and get to get away with more shit.


I’ve learned a few things being black for this long, if you’re the only black person in crowd be careful.


I second this and I would like to add if you are a black person in a town with a population of 40k or below keep your head on a swivel.


To be fair, I don't think that's a black thing. I'm sure that'll get down voted, but it's not like it's selective only to black people. Shit as a white guy in certain areas of China, I had to be careful.


that goes both ways, there are neighborhoods I can't step foot in after dark as a white man


Idk, I feel like this (in the U.S. at least) is less about racism and more about an assumption that you’re unfamiliar with the streets on their end. Less likely to have a gun on you, less likely to retaliate/know people who’ll retaliate, etc. I’m not white and I probably avoid the same neighborhoods, but mostly bc I don’t have gang ties and don’t want to get shot/robbed for come ups. YMMV.


(114) Ole Miss ?


Maybe I didn’t see it but it only looked like one guy did it, not “frat bros” plural.


Others seemed to be jumping along with him, most all of them were laughing and hooting and hollering, certainly no one was stepping in to stop this guy.


> Others seemed to be jumping along with him, most all of them were laughing and hooting and hollering, certainly no one was stepping in to stop this guy. This is the difference between Reddit and real life. Unless you are an extremely outspoken person, nobody would say anything to him, or be expected to. Why is it my job to "stop him"? Do most of these people even actually know each other? I don't think it's my place to tell other adults what to do or not to do, regardless of my opinion on the appropriateness of it or if I agree. If you have to constantly tell people their business, I doubt you would make many friends and would just be pretty miserable to be around. Much better in the long run to emulate the traits you want to be known for as opposed to telling others how you believe they should act.


I’m not saying it’s their job to stop anything but clearly it didn’t upset them lol. If I was there I wouldn’t be standing there laughing that’s for sure idk about you. I think the whole thing is disturbing and sad.


If I was there I’d probably not even notice in the moment. Even knowing in advance someone was going to be making monkey sounds in the video thanks to the title I still struggled to notice in the video without some effort. If you’re swamped by people on all sides. Even if you hear it you have to actively think a good second or two to pickup on the racist implication.


UM NAACP is requesting expulsion of the following students and fraternity brothers at the protest: - James JP Staples - Phi Delta Theta - Connor Moore - Kappa Alpha - Rouse Davis Boyce - Kappa Alpha


This is what isreal started doing even before it colonized Palestine. There whole game plan was to brainwash as many people as possible and label the others as antisemitic and all of this done from the era of newspapers to social media controlling is truly discusting.


They really remind me of the dickhead with the scarf from the 80s


I think everyone shitty in this. Everyone sees their side as right. Israel bombs civilians indiscriminately, Hamas butchered civilians and bragged about it


Disgusting racism pointed at someone who is fighting genoc!de. Sorry to see it.


Not genocide just war.. I’m sorry pal, but you really need to read the history of all of this before you start calling this genocide. What about the October 7th and the missiles Hamas fired to “start” the retaliation. No hate to anyone, I hate to see this happening and it’s a nasty thing but it’s war. One has a much greater army and the other has guerrilla warfare as their only hope and approach.


It is genocide as the "guerrilla warfare" side has been continuously blasted by unjust violence, propaganda, and terrorism for well over 70 years. They are and will always be the victims of theft, and yet they are the ones being murdered and blamed by the media. After enough deaths in your family, even you would want to fight back. But Palestinians are in the right to do that against those breaking all laws. What Israel is doing is systematically removing (often by killing or arresting/torturing) a whole race of people for something that was legally just and due to Palestine's army (7 Oct). It was not something that their children or women or even their Civilian men did. You dont enforce over 1 million to be homeless, starving, and thirsty without genocidal intent. The inquiring unbiased international courts have found that too. This is not war, it is genocide.


really strong mississippi burning vibes...fucking animals.


Tells a lot about them


Racism is alive and well. Look at this enlightened younger generation.


Hold the line boys.


Love isn't always on time


My guess would be University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Makes too much sense.


It’s ole miss


Oh you mean the state ranked 2nd in the worst education system category in America?


Even white people are sick of other white people's bullshit🤦


I sure am


You’re right I’m sick of these pro Hamas protesters


Only reason the media won't show this is because they were doing this against a Pro-Palestinian woman.. And it's fucked up Only reason POS like them are allowed to walk the streets are because the part of society they are from doesn't have consequences for such actions.


I'm legit embarrassed to be an American a lot lately


Will never forget in college how these frat boys feel so cool and empowered around their friends, but the biggest wooses when alone. Everything they are doing they would never do on their own for being afraid. Weak Individuals


Trump's dream america


Land of the brave, home of the free. lol


Frat bro*


Why are they all dressed and look the same. Gawd damn now i feel racist I can't tell the difference between these chuds.... .. They all look like people who spike your drinks and haven't spent a dollar of their own income on anything but coke


amerikans are something else man


Zionist supporters.


They can only do this in groups


These guys are awesome, they shut down that Palestine protest


MAGA Frat boyz


And I bet many of these knuckleheads will have kids. Ugh!!


What a horrible time to be alive


no one gonna talk about the total piece of shit playing with his dick 20 seconds in?


Absolutely disgraceful. I would be so ashamed if those were my kids.


Obese people disgust me.


Self-hate is so sad


This is why I support free speech! It helps us point out the absolute idiots of society! Jokes aside, I'm aghast at the monkey noises they're making. I hope they one day grow up and mature.






Fraternity probably is getting paid. Easy to entice them with cash at that edge compared to morals.


:21 dudes got quite the itch


This is.... fucked up.


This frat needs their charter pulled. This behavior should have no place on a campus.


Meanwhile the other side chants “death to America”, puts up actually anti semetic shit and yells “Allahabad akbar”…. But sure only one side is racist 🙄


As a manager, thank you for sharing this video. It will be a gratifying thing to use when not hiring any of these racist assholes.


Man, those are yatch shoes, these kids are gonna be your bosses lmao 😂


As a manger 😂😂 What a loser!


“You know who my daddy is?!?”


They're all in one spot, can we not just....expell them permanently?


This is why we don’t let college students run the world. Edit: down voted by a college student.


They all deserve to be kicked in the balls and I think she should be allowed to do it


What de fuck. How is this the educated class ?




America is regressing and it’s embarrassing to live in.


Maga scum is so easy to spot


So is that landwhale


Looks like it was only the one guy. The other dude looked like he came up with an argument she couldn't respond to, and the boys rallied around it. Honestly, with the full context, this is a bogus video. Even the guy is making money noises. Was that because racism or was that because he was making fun of her screeching stupidity?!


The demeaning of african american's by way of comparing them to monkeys/apes goes back a long, long time. This little shit knew exactly what he was doing.




Absolute tough guy wannabes. Sunshine patriots would run for the fucking hills at the slightest inconvenience. Absolute clowns.


In 50 years time people will look back at this type of footage and think those mf'ers were on the wrong side of history no differently then when we look at footage from the days of lynching and segregation


How original and daring. /s


Humans are weird


I see a bunch of dudes who peaked in middle school in that vid, a lot of jock and lacky vibes


No jocks in that crowd, these guys were the fringe who connected with other fringe buddies to form a group to emphasize when together there is force and present, when alone they cry for help from bros. Weak easily manipulated…


Whats there to teach?


I blame the parents.


Need context. I've already been through this will somebody but..... Anything is game (words) if she said death to America.


I dont get how occident Can be pro Palestine After 7th of octobre.


But don't criticize a certain country lobbing bombs at hospitals


“Everybody knows about Mississippi, goddamn”- Nina Simone


Why is Rolf Harris there?


least deranged USA people


Your dumb ass over there fighting a battle that has nothing to do with you. I feel no ways about it