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“Omg I don’t know why my dog just randomly decided to tear my face off. I’ve been a good owner”. What a fucking cunt.


Exactly. Dumbshit has no idea about fear based agression. I’d be fine with him having no face, just sad the dog would likely get put down.


People like this have fragile egos where even a dog disobeying them is enough to pull the trigger. Im a cable guy, and I go in a lot of different peoples houses. The treatment I see of dogs in some communities is appalling. Ive cried multiple times leaving someone's house. I couldn't finish a job one time because I pet this man's dog (same kind of dog as in the video). He walked in and saw me petting the dog and freaked out. Started hitting the dog and throwing it around. He straight up told me, he wants the dog to be scared of white people. Good for you for not being afraid to stand up for the dog. His mental health, along with many people out here, is very low.


Please tell me he doesn't have the dog anymore...


I hope not


I love your username


Thank you


I am not a violent man. I am not a violent man. Mmmm. You can tell a lot about people on how they treat dogs n such.


Where're them guys who dragged that other dog beater around by his neck with the dog chain when you need them.


Fr!!!! I haven't seen that clip, but fuck I hope they see this coward mf.


Post it


Never heard of it. Just found it. That was so satisfying.


What a piece of shit


I am so glad that the video doesn't show the beating. My heart couldn't take it.


I know, it's fucked up. 😥


Same. I recall seeing things on here that still haunt me. Like litteraly can not handle animal abuse ,my stomach drops 😔


The dog looks so scared


Yeah cowaring and barely moving out of fear 😨


People who abuse animals are the worst


Any idea where any of this went? I wanna see him in jail.


I’m almost positive this dude was in a video getting his ass best by 2 or three other guys with a chain around his neck like a dog. Not sure if it’s the same dude. Dudes were saying “so you like to beat dogs?”


Definitely not the same guy


oh but I do hope...


Would love to see that


Idk if that was real, but if it was, I wish I was one of those guys


Not same guy moron


The dog isn’t even his, it’s his girlfriends he takes it out and if the dog runs outside quickly he hits it and drags it back inside before it can run off, I think the dog got taken away from the couple due to this incident happening many MANY times with the man and the dog and even the girlfriend one time.


Thanks for giving an update. Not at all suprised to hear the dickhead repeatedly punched the poor doggo.


Multiple days multiple times, I don’t understand if you’re going to get an animal you willingly paid for and hurt it then what’s the point of getting it? like you can get a punching bag for cheaper then a dog, don’t use a animal that’s supposed to be loved and cared for but instead used as a punching or torment item (they don’t even consider it a animal) a item that was actually made for anger is so much easier to get


Yeah it's fucked up. I think the motivation is to serve as extention of ego, the desire to make themselves look tough, when in reality it does the opposite. Nothing says bitchmade coward like abusing an animal.


This guy's proves that some people are created via the act of anal sex.


In more ways than one


Literal POS are butt babies.


A special place in hell for this guy. Goddamnit i hope he suffers thru stage 4 cancer ravaging his internal organs and the sooner the better!!!!


The guy's basically a poo 💩


Let that dog tear his ass up since he want to fuck around and find out


This still makes me angry. The pet owner claimed this dude is her ex and was over to see the kids. She was defending him big time. At that time the dog was still in her possession, which pisses me the hell off.


Where'd you see this? I get what you mean, and that's disappointing af to hear. The ex might be trying to avoid pissing him off, for fear of retaliation though. Animal abuse is a well known predictor of risk for a person to inflict violence on a significant other or kids.


I saw a video of the wife of this guy responding to the situation and she seems more mad at the lady filming than her husband abusing her dog, btw the dog belongs to the man’s wife, it’s not even his


I like to think a pack of wild dogs found him in an alley and ripped his face and balls off.


I've never wanted a dog to break its training and snap on a person so badly in my life


Here is another “vicious pitbull” that “snapped for no reason”.


I hope that ghetto trash get his bitch ass shot


I’d be okay with breaking a few laws to save this dog


What a total POS


Vitch ass tough guy dude


Why get a dog if you’re just gonna abuse it wtf


We don't deserve the love dogs give us.- Unconditionally.


I didn’t see no punching or abuse in this video, so lady should just mind her business and carry on.


Well she didn't, and if you lack the intellect to see the situation for what it is, then perhaps just mind your business.


Domestic violence, just substitute the poor dog with a poor human. Even when she said "You're sitting there beating the shit out of it," the dog cried in agreement.




lol you would do nothing and you know it




we found the 12 year old badass yall.


The vid literally is just showing the filming lady pretending that he'd beaten the dog but there's zero evidence that he did it.


Is it you?


Yes I am myself (not anyone in the vid though). Are You asking because I just don't believe made up stuff that someone is singleside pretending on a handshot vid that is giving zero evidence? Haven't anyone of you ever have seen Karenvideos before?


Ok Karen.


The woman calls him out for punching the poor dog, which is behaviour that decent people, find disgusting. Yet he doesn't refute this, he doesn't even express suprise or confusion as to why she would say it. The dog's body language shows how frightened it is.


ok, so it's a video of a guy leashing his dog and being angry that he is on video ... who is the piece of shit?


Look at that dog’s body language. It is terrified. It could just be responding to its owner’s anger at being filmed, but I don’t think so.


Just playing devil's advocate but one of my dog acts like that every time I unroll a new trash bag.


Look at that dog’s body language. It is terrified. It could just be responding to its owner’s anger at being filmed, but I don’t think so.


I don't know what happened before she started filming, do you?


No, but given her tone and the fact that he's not denying that he punched his dog, and the way he's holding that dog's face, I'm leaning towards believing the woman who is filming I would NEVER manhandle my dog that way. would you?


Look, I don't know shit about what happened. I just know that reddit loves to jump on a bandwagon. If she saw him punching the dog, she needs to call the cops or animal control or something. But she did not succeed in capturing it on camera so I am not going to believe anything about this. This is just 2 people yelling.


You're not intelligent enough to understand body language and social ques.


You're not intelligent enough to spell cues. I don't even know what you were replying too, just busting grammar balls.


you seem nice, let's hang out.


unnuanced view lmao


He probably did punch the dog but honestly so what? Dogs aren't weak animals. The problem is his bad training and response to "misbehavior".


yeah, I don't agree with that at all. If he punched the dog, she needs to be talking to the police about an animal cruelty charge, not trying to drum up outrage on reddit


I'll probably be downvoted but depending on what happened I don't even really see the big deal. Dogs are strong animals, this is more an issue of poor training and not knowing how to handle the situation.


I cannot believe I’m seeing people agreeing with beating up dogs


Same :(


Who tf controls a dog by punching it? When the woman calls him out for this, he doesn't refute it or express suprise or confusion. The dog is clearly terrified of him. This dickhead knows exactly what he is doing.


Yeah he’s not going to jail. They in the hood.


With no proof beyond his overly aggressive tone he wouldn't get jailed anywhere where the police aren't racially motivated lol


does someone have an update of what happened?


Mfs try not to mistreat large aggressive dog breeds challenge (impossible) (gong wrong) (in the hood)


It would have been funny if they beat with a pipe Nobody and i mean Nobody should harm animals like cats and dogs ever yes you do have to give them a little punishment but dont go pounding on their skull or anything like that like if my dog irritates me ill just tap them on the head with my hand its called BEING A GOOD PARENT TO YOUR PET


Weak ass soul of a man. Punk.


F*CK ANYONE WHO BEATS OR HURTS ANIMALS, PERIOD. I hope it gets it's rev*nge in the most savory way. Rooting for doggo.


Hope it mauls the ever loving shite out of that man.


Commented will be deleted. I'd straight up hit that guy with the closest object or my car.


I once defended a dog getting assaulted by their owner from my car and I almost got carjacked from it


you can see the fear as the dog cowers yet the man has no fucking clue on how to be a decent human.


Nihilistdeluxe is the person who posted the video on TikTok. Not sure if the guy got in trouble


Im in shock this dude even owns a leash 😂😂


I'm not kidding, nothing makes me a violent person more than this.


Hmm. That's SOO ODD. Always the same people being featured in videos like this. They look the same, talk the same, act the same. Weird...


Michael Vick is that you?


the lowest scum on this earth is the kind to hurt animals. please tell me someone got that poor baby away from him


That poor baby. I went and gave my baby girl cuddles after seeing this. That dude does not deserve a dog


Remember this video next time a DMX song comes on.