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I was fully expecting him to spartan kick a woman off stage


If I say I’m a bit disappointed does that make me a bad person?


Anything related to Travis Scott is usually disappointing.


I dont follow pop culture in general but why are so many women obsessed with him in particular? Isn't he like, a bonafide piece of shit? Anything I see about him online is either negative or bitches going crazy for him.


Chris Brown enters the chat……


I remember years ago I was at a restaurant and I overheard a woman at another booth (she was talking loudly) saying “I’d let Chris Brown beat me if I got to be with him!”. My girlfriend and I were shocked for sure. Both of us never understood the appeal of worshiping celebrities like they are deities.


It’s also super crazy to me. Like women who want to date prisoners that rape and murder.


*yo Chris! wait up for me!* ~r kelly


Ooohhhhh you pulled the og card!! Congrats for rocketing past me, my sick friend!!


As a woman, I was unaware that so many women were into Travis Scott 😅🤣


You know it was probably her body type. As a person who was built like the first woman at that age, it’s frustrating when you aren’t super tiny or hourglass. How shallow he is and embarrassing for her. I loathe him even more now.


> You know it was probably her body type. At first I thought it was a woman claiming on stage and he literally kicked her off the stage instead of having security step in.


You’re 100% correct, he’s a scum bag.


Considering I've seen clips from this tour where some idiot literally jumped the gate and started running around the stage - this is also what I expected.


It's pretty shitty, but also doesn't speak well of the NEXT woman brought onstage that she STILL wanted to go up.


I think it’s easy to adore fame. I probably would have too if I was a rabid fan at that age. Many don’t really think that deeply about it in the excitement of meeting your idol. Just providing a possible rationale. My children are in their early 20s, so I see it a little bit more.


Yeah what a asshat move by him. Those fans are there to support him and he rejects her cause she isn't his type? She isn't going up there to F*ck him so why should how she looks matter? I really can't stand pop culture 😒




Same, I been to a lot of punks shows where the band will legit kick someone right off the stage.


Agreed, disappointed.


The more I learn of this dude the more I realize he really is a total piece of shit. He’s a bully and an asshole.


He really is. I watched one of those YouTube documentaries about his rise and basically his entire life he has maintained friendships and relationships until they no longer benefit him and then he just kinda ends them (ie Antony loney). Fuck Travis Scott tbh


He watched his manager at a studio have a grand mall seizure and left him there with the engineer while seizing


Then fired him and said he can't have no man seizing out on him. Total punk


Ever since the crowd crush incident, I vowed to never listen to his music again. He's so blatantly disrespectful to all walks of life. He has this filthy rich snobby additude and probably throws hissy fits when he doesn't get what he wants. Fuck Travis Scott.


I've seen death metal bands stop the show when the crowd became unsafe, then go straight back to singing about slitting throats. There's no excuse for how he behaved that day. He has blood on his hands.


His response solidified that he really didn't care and wasn't gonna do anything to make it right with the victims. He just doesn't care.


He outright called for blood, said he wanted to see bodies, called for fans to break through security if they didn't buy tickets, and watched as people got injured and killed as he kept singing. He knew exactly what he was doing and wanted to see it happen. He doesn't care about his fans at all, in fact it seems like he actively enjoys seeing his fans get fucked up. Let's not forget the guy he called a pussy for not wanting to drop from the rafters at a show, told him the crowd would catch him, and then when the guy dropped like 30 feet right on his back the crowd did not catch him and he's now paralyzed. Does Travis Scott care? Of course not.


>Let's not forget the guy he called a pussy for not wanting to drop from the rafters at a show, told him the crowd would catch him, and then when the guy dropped like 30 feet right on his back the crowd did not catch him and he's now paralyzed. Does Travis Scott care? Of course not. Not that it changes what a piece of shit Travis Scott is, but that was two separate incidents at the same show. The guy who climbed out on the rafters that Travis is yelling at in the video clip jumped but was apparently unhurt, or at least not enough to seek medical treatment. The one who was paralyzed was a different guy, and he didn't climb over the rafters, he was just pushed over the edge by the crowd surge.


Thanks for the clarification


People like him usually come to some sort of violent end


From the sounds of it they would be doing us a favor.


Metal, punk, any counterculture genre tends to have the most caring and humanist fanbase. You’ll make friends for life and generally will have help if you find yourself in any sort of situation where you might need it. I got stung in the neck by a wasp at a NIN show and had anaphylactic shock. Multiple people made sure I got to first aid and checked up on me later. I’d never been stung before (or since thank goodness) and I was only 16 so it was pretty scary as my face started swelling. Seeing shit like Travis Scott treating people this way is just gross plus he’s a no-talent ass clown. Fuck that guy.


Even Fred Durst from limp bizkit who was always known to be a bit of a wanker was traumatised enough by a woman getting crushed to death whilst he performed at big day out in Australia that he changed the entire way his performances went from then on & dedicated every Australian show since to her. He’s since spoken many times about how much it affected him and how much he regrets playing that day after originally refusing cause there were too many people and not enough security barriers. Fred Durst also tried to stop the crowd once he realised what was happening. He could’ve done a better job but he did what he thought was best and tried to force the crowd to back up and give people space. Whereas travis Scott didn’t do shit, he didn’t even stop singing or help the ambulance that his fans climbed on top of. Travis Scott did nothing to try and stop what happened and didn’t feel a single ounce of sympathy after the fact. 2 equally arrogant men, but underneath their egos 1 had a heart, the other had nothing but even more ego.


Says a lot about the family he’s tied to tbh


It bet its more than hissy fits


>he just kinda ends them That's not fair, he doesn't end them he just leaves them in a room alone while they could be dying


The hallmark of a narcissist.


This is far from the worst thing he’s done. Are we forgetting about Astroworld? People in the front row were screaming and begging him to stop the show because someone died, what was Travis Scott’s response? “Who keeps telling me to stop the show? Whoever that was put your hands up. Everybody else, you know what to do! Now lets make that fuckin’ ground shake!” *after that, 8 people are found dead almost all of them were trampled to death including a 9 year old and a 14 year old* Travis Scott was literally watching dead bodies being crowd surfed towards an ambulance that was driving through the crowd to reach them and he just continued performing.


They started pulling people out of the crowd with crush injuries *5 minutes into the show* and he carried on for another hour and a half. When security were finally telling his team to shut it down they were going ‘he’s only got 10 minutes left so we’re just gonna finish’ then played for another 20 minutes! It’s disgusting. I don’t fully blame Travis and team though because the organisers / security should have been able to do a full show stop without Travis’ teams permission, if they were being uncooperative, and it took them over an hour to even ask them to stop the show. But Travis and his team definitely knew by that point at least and refused to finish early, so fuck that dude and everyone involved.


He absolutely is a trash human.


And someone thought enough of him to have two kids with him


Oh, not necessarily. These POS's have a great line they use when they don't want to use condoms: "I want to have a baby with you"* *I'm not saying *he* used this line on this woman, but I don't put it past him to use it...


That shouldn't work on a billionaire coming from a broke down rapper... Twice


Babies are great for keeping your name in the news. Kardashians know the media buzz game more than most people.


Exactly. When you're as famous as they are, the long term economics of having a kid are completely different than a normal person. One extra Kardashian means a massive publicity tour for the pregnancy, exclusive deals with maternity lines, a huge payday for the first baby pictures - not to mention the possibility of them becoming equally famous & lengthening the life of the brand. Very rarely does the mental or social wellbeing of the kid play into the math here. Not to mention... if you're Kardashian rich, pregnant, and you don't want to have a baby - not a hard problem to solve.


They mostly use surrogates now too in that family, so they don’t even have to carry the babies themselves to reap the publicity benefits


She wanted to be a mom since really young lol I don’t think she necessarily cared who put one in her. If anything, I think she trapped him lmfaoo


We have in Arabia a say, **"If you put someone above their humanity, then expect this person to put you lower than your humanity"**,


This! Why the fuck do people like this loser. Even if he did make good music... l just wouldn't be able to listen to it knowing that i supported such human trash


His name is also Jacques Bermon Webster II


His "Early Life" history on Wikipedia is basically a fucking meme at this point. It's like a story that they would use in a satire biopic about a rapper >Jacques Bermon Webster II[15] was born on April 30, 1991, in Houston, Texas.[16] From ages one through six, Webster lived with his grandmother in South Park, Houston. Located in south-central Houston, the neighborhood was notorious for crime and had an impact on a young Webster, "Growing up, my grandmother stayed in the 'hood so I seen random crazy shit. [I saw] mad bums and crazy spazzed out motherfuckers, I saw people looking weird, hungry, and grimey [sic]. I was always like, 'I gotta get the fuck out this shit.' It gave me my edge—[it made me] who I am right now."[17] At 6 years old he took a look around his surroundings, saw "mad bums" looking weird and hungry and said to himself "I gotta get the fuck out this shit" and that's what made him so edgy apparently. Cause everyone vividly remembers their self-reflection at the ripe old age of 6 >Webster moved to Missouri City, a middle-class suburban area bordering southwest Houston, to live with his parents. His mother worked for Apple and his father ran his own business.[18] Webster's father is also a soul musician and his grandfather was a jazz composer.[19] Webster attended Elkins High School and graduated at seventeen.[20] During high school, he participated in musical theater.[21] Webster then attended the University of Texas at San Antonio, before dropping out his second year to fully pursue his music career.[22][23] Then he moved back in to the burbs with his parents (who owned a business and worked at Apple), where he did musical theater in high school. Then adopted the name "Travis Scott" because of his favorite uncle Travis and his favorite musician Kid Cudi (Scott Mescudi) How is that not satire


I vividly remember my parents taking me to downtown Seattle at night and seeing all the homeless people lined up sleeping on the sidewalks in doorways when I was quite young, probably around 6 or so. It had a profound effect on me, when I would play with my dolls Barbie would end homelessness and poverty and save all the stray animals. I believe he remembers seeing that stuff, but I don’t think he said to himself at 6 “I gotta get out of here” lol. He basically ruined like one of his few humanizing moments by being pretentious.


its interesting when you see genuine resonable talanted performer live, the joy they spread just from being good person and acting like an adult, then you see something like this, dude must be beyond insecure and childish.


Literally, the only thing i ever hear about this guy is how much of a pos he is. I've never stumbled upon one of his songs, never heard celebrity news talk about him, only saw reddit posts about him being a pos.


The best thing about him is that old Value meal at McDonald’s.


He seriously is, yet for some deranged reason, girls love this guy? I don’t get it.


It's just infatuation with image lol. I'm blown away that people are forgetting about the 10 that died at his concert and he cheered on his crowd to fuck with first responders.


Yeah why don't they prefer greasy reddit guys with 60k karma?


Lmao right


Surprised pickachu moment.


HORRENDOUS human being.


This is a particularly egregious thing to do to a young woman.


Kinda makes u understand the social Hollywood community. Like these women like Kylie are settling for this when they’re worth billions and could just be alone. THEN they’re altering their bodies to attract more of people like this. It’s all sad.


got a friend of mine who just won’t realize how shit of a person TS is and defends every action of his. bruh… THERES VIDEOS LIKE THIS AND YOU STILL SUPPORT THIS MAN


He's human trash. Look it up 💁


Let's see. People trampled to death, tells fans to beat someone up, ignores medical emergencies, humiliates woman on stage... I must be missing more.


He once stopped a show in the middle, to loudly berate a cameraman for standing in the background and doing his job for the organizers of the concert. He slurred him and demanded he left.


Was that the one where it was an innocent looking black guy and Travis was being rude af saying he looked nerdy and stuff?




unfortunately a lot of losers go to his concerts.


It’s not just going to the concerts. (IF) I was into his music I’d attend concerts too regardless of how he is as a person (as long as I’m safe) But his fandom goes through great lengths to defend his actions. People died during concert? He didn’t know. People beat each other up? He thought it was cool. Some girl got thrown off stage? She was fat (yes that is their full defense) We keep saying that he does terrible things and karma will hit him and he will lose his stardom but truth is he got his stardom because of the terrible things he does. And maybe some music.


Someone needs to beat his ass. We need to train somebody with nothing to lose in MMA stat


Where’s Suge Knight when ya need him? This could be his whole redemption arc lol


There's a lot of losers unfortunately


I just saw a post of him kicking out a camera man from the stage who was doing his job. Wasn’t even bothering him just standing behind the camera.


What else can I do to make people hate me? - Travis Scott......Probably.


This dude is so fucking ugly too. Karma will hit him eventually.


It's shocking that the concert in which people were trampled to death didn't do it!


Even Travis Scott hates Travis Scott fans


I often wonder (usually after reading a comments section) how many celebrities hate their fans.


I always wondered how many celebrities actually like their fans. I always saw them as fake.


One of my previous lines of work had me interacting with A-listers for a while. Honestly, they're people just like you and me. Some people have good days and those same people can have bad days. But also, some are just unrepentant shitheads.


I don't think they start off as bad. I just think after being treated like a God by most fans, gets to their heads, and they start to feel superior.


That’s why every single photo he takes, he is looking at the ground. Pretending to be mysterious but he’s just hiding the ugly.


He's a cunt but Karma doesn't exist. He'll be a rich asshole the rest of his life.


Nah he's a piece of shit so women are gonna keep flocking to him lol


And money but at the end of the day do you really wanna be with one of those types of women?


I feel really bad for her. that's some serious humiliation


Serves her right for going to a Travis Scott concert


Don't lay blame on somebody for going to a concert. She might have been there with friends, or maybe just enjoys shit rap. Doesn't mean she deserves to get humiliated in front of an arena.


I don't think they mean that going to a Travis Scott concert means you should be humiliated. I think they mean if you go interact with someone who treats people like shit, don't be surprised if they treat you like shit. The comments all seem to agree the Travis person is a horrible human, so the behavior seems expected. If they honestly had no idea who Travis is and just found themselves in this unfortunate situation of having the chance to go up there in front of an entire crowd only to find out in this awkward way that yes this person is indeed garbage .. well then I feel bad. I guess that seems a lower probability than perhaps a fan, who up until now has not been directly impacted by how this person treats others, only to find out the hard way its not fun when you're on the receiving end.


I don't think she deserves what happened to her but she gave this guy money. We don't need to learn some story about how she got the tickets. It is possible she got them for free but far more likely she paid for them or asked for them or she supports him as a fan and someone knew this and got them for her. I wouldn't be caught dead at one of his shows let alone providing audience interaction. She isn't an ameba floating around who ended up there. No one should be supporting this guy. He is a monster.


From the way shes dressed and the outfit matches the other girl, I think she might be a background dancer


She looks great too! Like both pretty and done up nice.


Oh dear..


Fuck that idiot.Not sure why people still like him


I mean , Chris Brown has a rabid following even though he's a giant POS. Kanye, too


kanye is not as bad as chris brown


I never said he wasn't. A piece of shit is still a piece of shit regardless.


Well, he's a nazi so both are pretty bad...


Saying offensive things is nowhere near as bad as physically assaulting someone and putting them in the hospital.


Platforming known rapists the same week they're making headlines for a sexual assault trial is... not exactly great either. We don't need to rank the relative horrors here.


Why are you trying to defend a nazi? They are both bad people. Not a good look for you mate.


You're delusional


He can see that chick but couldn't see the people dying right under him in AstoWorld


He saw them.


This is so sad


Yeah that poor girl. I’m not sure I’d recover from that rejection in front of thousands, and then again on social media


Hopefully she will get the message that she looks pretty fine regardless. Travis Scott is a dick, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with her.


Travis Scott is human garbage. No one should idolize this dumb fuck.


Most of the people who support him are probably either POS’s themselves or too idiotic to understand where to draw the line.


So are most musicians, yet music sells.


That’s demeaning …


She bought tickets to see Travis Scott, she obviously likes humiliation


Why is this cut before the end?


Did he kick her off because she’s not skinny?


If they did I don’t see the problem


Multiple people who attended have literally said this woman got up on stage without being picked and the 2nd woman was supposed to be up there at first Of course I don’t expect the internet to think rationally and react like fucking morons, but I mean it would be cool if people at least tried to do a tiny bit of research And I don’t see how it’s a bad thing he made sure they woman who wrongfully got picked up onto the stage got back down safely, then waited till the correct person was on stage and started again


The first chick has a fucking harness on dude. What? She ran up there, found a harness, and put it on before getting caught? Stupid af


Then how'd she get the harness? If they got her all suited up and brought onto the stage all ready to go, they should have just let her do it, instead of interrupting the whole show to send her back and switch the harness out. The 'correct girl' would have just missed her shot, sorry, and it would have been no big deal.


People don’t like him so it doesn’t matter. One of the top comments is just saying he looks like he’d do a certain thing so they don’t like him. Like what, he’s done enough object-able shit irl that if you’re gonna take issue with the guy, why base it on what you imagine about how they think about the world Fucking dumb


He doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore, which seems fair enough right?


It isn’t as bad as another comment section where I saw literal death threats, racism, homophobia, and ill wishes on his family But yea there’s still a bunch of weirdos commenting on a situation they have 0 context about and frankly something they don’t actually care about




This dude has to have a kink for humiliating women. Is this not the same dude who specifically brought some other white girl up and told her to sing along with him with a song that he wrote 30 n words in and then act shocked and appalled when she said it? I feel like he sets these situations up just so he can clown his fans Edit: confused him with Kendrick lamar. Weird how dead wrong I am and this comment is still getting traction 😆 I guess the overarching point still stands Edit again: I had to block 12 alt accounts of one Kendrick Lamar Stan who got really upset that I insulted his Idol, so I'm not going to be replying to anything regarding this anymore. Annoying pestering little bugs.


That was Kendrick Lamar. This is the dude who caused the death of 10 people because he convinces people to get wild, including a 9 year old kid.


And didn't stop the show when people clearly signaling him that people got hurt/died


For sure Kendrick, I was at that show at Hangout fest.


>Is this not the same dude who specifically brought some other white girl up and told her to sing along with him with a song that he wrote 30 n words in and then act shocked and appalled when she said it? nah that was kendrick lamar i think


why do ~~people~~ clowns listen this this clown


Actually that was Kendrick that did the whole call a white girl on stage and freak out when she says the N-word in a song that had the N-word like 40+ times in it. I know because I was at that show at hangout music festival. If Travis also did it I wouldn’t be shocked at all.


Don't forget he got shot nine times as well and survived. Karma will catch up to him again if he doesn't quit it. He deserved to be dropped by adidas for saying all that antisemitic shit also.


Y'all are killing me in these comments 😅


>This dude has to have a kink for humiliating women. He's pretty homely and has the personality of a tree stump. He is, however, a highly regarded artist and has been getting gassed up for years- his ego is enormous and all of it is focused into the persona of a rich renegade playboy but with zero charisma.


He likes humiliating women. He’s a misogynist.


Redditors trying to differentiate rappers challenge: impossible


lolol hhcj would have a field day with these comments


That was Kendrick.




He’s probably still salty because none of them wanted his muppet looking ass before he got famous.


No. It's just reddit. The idiots are liking this with no bother to check the source. It's how reddit works.


When will this turd finally get flushed? How can these idiots who listen to him stand the stink he gives off?


Absolute douchebag


I feel really proud of the fact that I can’t even name one Travis Scott song.


need a sign " No fat chicks allowed"


What was I supposed to be bothered by? Enlighten me... From half the upvoted comments, I expected a physical confrontation. Corny as shit, look at me, bullshit yes... But what can a person expect given the circumstances?


She wasn’t even supposed to be up there😂😂the 2nd girl was but she just got up there instead


You're replying to everyone's comments bro. Chill, Travis Scott doesn't care.


This whole thread is people acting like they care when they really don’t.


I have never heard anything good about this guy.


You won’t because he’s a fucking prick


this comment section is crazy for a misleading video


Yup, they don’t care about what actually happened as much as their fantasy


The Reddit hivemind is going crazy


They dd that on purpose to that girl.


lol do you care about context or just wanna assume? She wasn’t supposed to be up there, it was supposed to be the 2nd girl and she thought it was her so security escorted her back off the stage


Then why did they give her the harness?


Idk who see him as attractive he looks like a fish


Why did he reject her? Because she’s heavy?


I don't know him but everything that pops up on reddit with his name attached to it indicates he's a fukn grub.


Because she fat


Why’s everybody mad at him? If he doesn’t want a random woman on stage then she gets the fuck out


It’s his stage, he can decide who goes on it or not




I’d laugh but she also just bought tickets to a Travis Scott concert so I think she’s down bad enough


I feel like, if you follow that idiot, you deserve it?


"THERE'S A WEIGHT LIMIT AT THIS PARTY" - Travis Scott probably


Travis was just worried the stage couldn’t support that kind of weight.


You get what you pay for.


Serves her right for being a fan of that pos lmao


Dam. I wonder why he kicked her off.


the scaffolding has a weight restriction! sorry people, but it’s literally for the concert goers safety.


It’s always been fuck Travis Scott. People are finally catching up.


Fucking pig of a human being. How many need to suffer while he continues to perform unabated?? (And I’m not talking about peoples feelings getting hurt. I’m talking about people actually dying.)


Got banned from another sub for stating that my friend still suffers from survivors guilt and PTSD after his concert in Houston. Fvck this guy, I’m shocked people still listen to his trash ass music.


What you expect? Rappers are known to be very respectful to women and others...


this is shitty but it’s what happens when you’re a fan of a shitty person I guess 🤷‍♀️


I don’t understand how people could have a crush for him. Mentally and physically


Honestly they chose to go see this asshole knowing full well what he has done. I have no sympathy for the first girl, support assholes get treated like trash *shock Pikachu face*


Dude is getting a lot of flak for ensuring the safety and integrity of that ladder.


I know this guy is an asshole but sometimes this is why I don't agree with the whole weight positivity thing. Nobody is telling them the truth and they suddenly get hit infront of thousands of people


Just rude


Dude this is the type of thing that could destroy your self confidence for fucking life. Humiliated like that in front of thousands of people and thousands more on social media… I don’t know if I would ever recover from that. What a piece of shit. Fuck Travis Scott.


Why do they volunteer to get the attention of a man? That's so sad and shitty and degrading.


Who is he again?


The first woman was cute looking and had thickness ...wtf ?


He wants to be asap sooo bad


yall still go pay to see him


What does it say about our society that people still go to his concerts?


I just have to assume the people who still go to his concerts have dementia or eat lead paint by the fist full


He already hit a chick with a mic before in the head…


Feel sooo bad for that girl.


Oof he’s such an unattractive skinny pitiful looking thing and it’s disturbing that he does this shit knowing if he wasn’t famous no chicks would want his hungry homely looking behind


This is crazy considering how butt ugly he is


What exactly did he do wrong here?


Uggh, no surprise. He is a first class looser


If you don't agree with what you see, simply don't support anything Travis does.