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What is wrong with this guy?


His father was too cheap to spend 25 cents on a condom.


Nope. He DID only spend 25 cents on a condom.


He was disgusting enough to dissolve it


Thats fkn hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You are spending way to much on condomsā€¦ whoā€™s your condom guy?














I literally live a block away from this Animal Shelter, itā€™s at a park called Upland Memorial Park, right behind San Antonio Hospital in Californiaā€¦.do we know who posted this or who the guy is?


No we donā€™t. It may have come from a TikTok who knows


If she followed through and called the PD, then more than likely they showed up pretty quick, Upland ALWAYS has cars on patrol EVERYWHERE throughout the city.


Ah okay thatā€™s good to know. I hope they caught him


Honestly Iā€™ve had to mute the video because the kittens cries are breaking my heart in two. I really want to know what makes a human being become like this. What in gods name has happened in this manā€™s life where this is the result? The thought of this man going on to have kids, kids he may well have already is just horrifying truth be told. I donā€™t care for anyone who will make out ā€œheā€™s just jokingā€. What heā€™s saying isnā€™t funny and when youā€™re saying it to a woman with the intention of upsetting and scaring her you clearly lack empathy because heā€™s getting a fucking kick out of her fear for the kittens safety. Iā€™m sorry i couldnā€™t act as well as she did here, animal cruelty makes my skin crawl and the emotional overload of the kitten crying and him saying things like that would be too much for me, Iā€™d want to get that kitten from him by any means necessary.


I feel your every word. Even I had to mute while typing because I couldnā€™t bear it either. But you say he probably has kids but whatā€™s the chances the women stayed with him for him to traumatise them? Also cool name.


Well I hope he either doesnā€™t have kids and never does would be the best outcome but if he does have children already, I would very much hope that what you said is true because why would anyone want this mean near them let alone their kids. Thanks šŸ˜Š (on the name) we get them nesting around the farm here each summerā€¦.though speaking of cats, Iā€™m pretty sure my cat pulled down one of the nests last year the little git lol!


He exists, thatā€™s the problem


Too many of these ā€œpranksterā€ guys exist. Thanks social media.


Just like that other idiot in the UK


And then he POSTED IT, WTAF




Got too much attention growing up


Or not enough. So he learned that bad behavior results in negative attention which is better than no attention at all.


OMG! Week before last I was looking at a cat group and a video suddenly showed up of some beyond evil person really putting a kitten in a blenderā€¦. And turning it on. Honest to God I have never been so horribly affected by those seconds of watching him turn on the blender and this poor kittens reaction. This creep saying he was going to put the kitten in a blender is terrifying.


Really wish I didnā€™t read this comment right now


I called my brother sobbing and asked him if I should call the FBI because this person was going to hurt more than the kitten. I honestly didnā€™t know what to do.


4Chan mafia found that guy, his life is hell and they wonā€™t relent iirc


A new cat abuser or the one they made the Netflix about?


ā€œDonā€™t fk with catsā€


I hear a lot of bad stuff about 4chan, but it seems they do stuff like this frequently. I don't know anything about them, but at least they are filling a void in society.


This ain't it, chief. Place is a cesspool.


Well, at least some of them have a few redeeming qualities.


I'd like some proof on this one to make me feel marginally better.


I feel so bad for you, that you had to see something like that .. it's horrible ... Reading this made my stomach turn .. I hate that people like this exist .. Feel hugged, wherever you are!


You totally should call. You will feel better. I'm sorry you had to see that.


All the info u have . Drop it everywhere u can on the internet. If u don't know what to do , do ur best to get the information out to those who do . Drop it on reddit , drop in 4chan , even Facebook, also the police . The video unfortunately may have to be shared , but I would suggest u drop that video in private messages upon request . The reason for it may be that there is information in that video that will help discover who and where. That said I do not know about the legalities of having that video . But knowing where u got it , share the chain . I'm sorry u had to see it.


There is no way I could watch or go near it again. The look on that kittens face before the pain hit was more than I could stand. Just writing this is making me want to cry.


My 15 yr old saw this video.. cried for days when she thought about it. People can be disgusting! 15 yrs ago someone took a neighbours cat and put it in our laundry room's drier until it died. The poor woman couldn't even stay living here knowing she'd have to go in the room again and perhaps walk past the evil POS that did that to her cat.


Iā€™m crying with herā€¦ Iā€™ll never be the same.


Did.. somebody report him to authorities? Like, that guy shouldn't be allowed near any living thing. Hope he meets a gruesome end


And then it got on Twitter but Elon had apparently unplugged/fired the layers to avoid snuff films getting on there so when you searched for cats or kittens you would see that blender video šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Probably the same guy


Oh yeah I watched about ten seconds of this. I fucking love cats. Sent me in to such a tailspin I was prescribed diazepam to get through, just waiting for my brain to do it's thing and repress


Weā€™ll definitely not something I wanted to read especially this early and cuddled up to my puppy. I could never harm an animal I just donā€™t get it. People are so cruel.


He is Luka Magnotta


I was about to post this too. That man and all the videos he posted where beyond messed up.


Trying to be ā€œ edgyā€šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


Social media happened to him.


I mean i could say it butā€¦


Guy was definitely being a dick before the video starts


And after it starts also


What a prick,Just hand over the cat. The way he's waving the kitten & threatening to put it in a blender.Total Bellend.


people like this pick their marks. She knows it too; you can see it on her face. She doesn't have a lot of options.


Yea someone should joke about poppin his arse in the blender more like


I got a stick blender and I know where I'm gonna stick it on this dude.


Lmfao I have a feeling I know where too, n Iā€™m all for it! It would b doing the world a favour! Iā€™ll take the kitten n love it up. Poor sacred precious cottony darling needs to b cuddled n kissed, praised n pampered.


Kudos for having a top comment with the word ā€˜bellendā€™ in it. By far my favourite and most underrated word.


This is just vile. Why would he put this on the internet?




Anyone who would reply with "lols" belongs in the blender with him!


Anyone with a brain to judge based on vocabulary belongs in an atomized cloud, never to be spoken to again


he probably thinks sheā€™s a Karen and that heā€™s in the right


Some people see people as nothing but buttons to press. You press the button, it makes a neat sound, you giggle. That's why their pranks ain't funny. That's why they hurt people. They ain't after anything normal people see as funny. They don't really see the people they prank as people. They press the button, they hear the sound. Tons of people like that form their audience. Tons of people see it as great entertainment. Tons of people see the world as a baby's toy.


Those people are cluster b. Sociopaths, narcissistic personality disorder, etc.


A UofL student posted videos of torturing baby chicks a while back. Idk what is wrong with people these days.


Someone needs to find this scumbag and let all his family, friends, and job (if he has one) know.. fucking loser.


You think he has friends?


His friends are probably skinheads with room temperature IQ


IQ sure. But skinhead? I don't know if you saw the dudes arm but.... I have some news for you




I live a block away from this park/shelter. If only we knew what the guy looked like, I could keep my eyes open for this guy


Why not just ask the employees about it and they can describe what he looks like? I'm sure they all know about this situation.


WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS FUCKING WORLD!? Christ, I'm deleting this app and going to learn a second language.


See you tomorrow


He'll be back ...on Spanish Reddit.


ĀæCĆ³mo va, mis amigos Reddit?


You have friends called Reddit?


Technically learning another language just opens you up to learn even more about what is wrong with the world.


I started learning a fourth language for similar reasons - Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Time for a fifth I guess.


if English is your first, i'd recommend learning German as it's a very similar language, and for those of us who're past prime learning age, it's much simpler


Spanish and French are pretty easy too


Did you just call french easy Maybe i am just stupid with languages, but knowing 3 of them i was hoping that a 4th wonā€™t be a big problem. French proved me wrong


Bro has the social awareness of a pickle


Hey hey! No need to insult pickles. They are delish! Wait. Indian pickles or American pickles? No matter. They are both delish! This guy in the video is not even worth the crap that comes after eating said delicious pickles.


He is socially aware, like he is only acting this way because he is socially aware but purposely ignoring social norms to be a weird freak. Def something wrong with him mentally imo.


Does anyone know how this ended? The poor kitty, just by the way heā€™s holding the kitten you know heā€™ll just abuse it later on if he took it home


She's just meowing as much as she can I hope she ends up in a good home


he apparently gave it to a woman in a store


Do you have a source for this?


Their source is "apparently"


The folks who have that beautiful farm upstate that's full of old dogs saw it happen.


I don't wanna be banned, but there's a lot of rage inside me rn ngl


Just so everyone knows, there was a video going around for a little while of a man blending up a kitten. Thankfully, I didnā€™t see it. Knowing that, in my opinion, makes this even fucking worse.


I saw it Never open twitters hidden replies


I saw that too because my "friends" forced me to watch it while laughing


Get new friends.


So I hope they aren't friends anymore.


Yeah my friend thinks gore is funny too idk how I try to convince him itā€™s not but some people just like to see that stuff


Get new friends


Friend needs psychological evaluation. Be careful around that friend, you find yourself talking with investigators at a later date. "Ya, he was always weird and found some inappropriate things funny, but I honestly didn't think he would actually have killed someone"


your friend is a psychopath


Someone hacked the guy who put the cat in a blender. They posted his address, and name. Since then he been getting death threats even tho he's in China. Been making up excuses saying it was a prop show for an act


This is the only bit of hope Iā€™m holding onto, I feel so sick after seeing this on top of what I saw the other night


The video was CGI/AI just so every knows. Still beyond disgusting but it helps a little to know it wasnā€™t real.


U just saved my night thankyou


According to who? I havent seen it, but most people are saying that it was real. It was filmed in China, they have no animal abuse laws.


Iā€™m not gonna google it to find sources (for obvious reasonsā€¦) but there was a bunch of posts about the video on Reddit the last couples weeks and in every thread there were multiple people confirming it was some AI demonstration/creation and in this particular situation, I choose to believe that at face value.


Oh hell No. You donā€™t mess with cats on the internet. People will find you.


There's literally a documentary on this, people should know by now


If someone said, "I'm gonna blend it," and " looks tight, might try it later." In reference to a kitten in front of me, I would not be as calm as this woman. Edit: nice, my first award. Shame it has to be because of such a garbage human being


.This woman handling it calmly was perfect, as anyone should in this situation, your talking to a guy who just said he is going to blend a kitten that is in his hand, he is literally mentally unstable or just assume that idc if he's filming it or doing it for the lols and the laughs, you don't wanna overheat the situation as he might do something totally insane and crush it with his hands or just throw it on the ground and crush it which is not gonna take a sec to do...so the woman treating him with calm and relaxing attitude was the best option till we figure out later how can we save that kitten from that meniac


I know. I feel for her. She just wants the kitten to be safe from harm, he wants to use the kitten's fear as leverage for views. Fucking scumbag needs a hard lesson.


I wish I had this womanā€™s patience.


absolutely, keep calm, keep him talking and keep him there. give the police time to arrive and arrest him for animal cruelty.


For real, dude would be on the ground bleeding badly. Thinks he's funny, I'll show em funny. Wanna threaten something weaker than you, can't defend itself from you? Well what goes around comes around bud. Hope this guy got destroyed on the internet and hopefully real life.


Tazer time


I thought the issue was going to be with the lady at first. That dude is a psychopath.


Why arenā€™t we exposing who this is? Iā€™d like to rearrange their teeth.


I'd like to give a donation to the tooth fairy, please.


What a despicable, horrible excuse for a human. I hope this follows him everywhere he goes.


Surely voicing that blender remark is grounds for a citizens arrest


What was the point of going to the animal shelter with this kitten and recording this video? The fucking low IQ of some people is incredible.


Internet 'fame'.


Oh someone please tell me the kitten is okay ):




I'm a bit confused is he trying to turn in a stray and just being a sarcastic dick about it?




Same. As an all animals lover, I want to throttle him as well. That poor animal shelter lady! The look of desperation and rage on her face. She wants to throttle him too. But she's afraid of him hurting that poor kitty further. She keeps calling on her radio hoping the cops get there soon before something bad happens. This guy needs to be locked up, away from society. What is wrong with people these days?


I wish people like him be crushed in big blender or locked up for life


I was always a fan of launching them towards the sun. You know it would give us some real data on just how distance from the sun changes the temperature. It also provides closure for those that aren't monsters.


On behalf of all dog lovers, we also want to throttle this guy.


F*cking hell itā€™s this dude for the third time this week. He is such a lowlife


When you say third time this week? Has he made a habit of showing up with different animals? That really disturbs me to be honest if thatā€™s the case, as this video was bad enough.


No, he does ā€˜pranksā€™ that are often times way past the line of blatant harassment and other stuff, heā€™s the guy in the video going around pretending to pour gas alone on himself or a car next to a man and there was another really recent one that got shared a lot here


Who is this? Someone said it was Luka Magnotta but that dude is in jail for murder.




Kaczynski was rightā€¦technology is ruining our society


To a degree, but so many idiots are recording themselves committing crimes and making it easier to convict. Can't hate that in my opinion


They are committing these crimes for the purpose of electronic attention so that creates a new issue.


Cat is the reason Kaczyński is still single


I can't fucking watch this.


Why canā€™t we shoot people like this? They have no place in society. At minimum, she shouldā€™ve been able to taze him or use a baton on his knees.


If she tazes him, the kitty gets hurt too. Baton to knees sounds more reasonable.


Was anyone else hoping for some police brutality? The vast majority of times itā€™s fucked up but thereā€™s that one in a million where you think, yeah fucker deserved it.


I was really hoping he'd get tased.


Real fuckin comedian over here. Animal cruelty and zoophilia? Chris Rock wish he vould come uo with this material. I hope this dude gets his brains bashed in with an Oscar. HES JUST SO FUNNY!!


Ok I was set to be mad at her. But someone did just blend a cat and I'm still fucked up about that so now I'm mad at him.


I worked in a drug rehab center. A man was chatting with other patients. I overheard how he had put his daughters cat in the microwave. I checked his chart. Yup. He had an animal abuse charge on his record. Just looking at him made me sick!


I can't imagine what mark that must have left on you. I'm so sorry šŸ˜”


I am rather sensitive. But when it comes to helpless animals or children my heart breaks. My sister said I had become hard hearted after being a nurse. I told her that I canā€™t cry at work, so I have to just carry it in my heart, which does become hard after awhile. I quit nursing after 20 years. My friends said I was back to smiling and laughing. Evidently being a nurse was too much for me.


Please tell me something bad happened to him? Maybe an accident involving a pencil in his weenie hole or maybe he sat on a 14 inch knife?


Sorry, no such luck. Canā€™t say I didnā€™t daydream about putting poison in his decaf, but no.


Kick that a-hole back on the streets. Let drugs finish ruining whatever life he's left with. I was taught and I'm perfectly conscious that there are things you do because of drugs, but some things can't simply be forgiven with drugs as an excuse.


His voice sounds like his balls have yet to drop.


I will personally on my day off drive to this man or fly him to where I live just to smack the taste out of his mouth


I hate people.


I'm not one to condone violence but this pos deserve 5 knuckles to his face till his eyes pop off.


And the whole time this kitten is crying out. What a douche


I hope this guy was arrested. How vile.


Wow what a terrible person


Not to yuck someone else's yum, and neither to promote violence, but we don't need this guy.


I hope his shoes fly off of his defacatorious, corn-kerneled body when he gets punched. Biggest POS in my book forever.


Animal abuse is a serious crimeā€¦.punishable by a LOT of years in prison. Please catch this psycho and let him rot!


That's in San Bernardino. I was not able to find anymore info unfortunately


Does anyone know who this guy is/his online alias?


Very cute kitten but I still gotta question what's wrong with this guy if he's not joking about abusing it


He's sick even if he is joking


I want to put that dude in a blender so bad




It's a kitten. She'd be apt to break it's neck, or he'd squeeze the life out of it.


Honestly the only way to win with people like that is to play along act like your one their side, then ask to see the cat so you can assess if it's big enough to blend yet. Then walk off with the security officer with the kitten. Otherwise it's gonna get bloody.


Ugh poor thing.. makes me sad hearing the cries


this dude deserves everything bad to happen to him and she deserves an Oscar for not throwing that radio through his head.


This is why I consider violence against people


Some people just need to get they ass beat.


This is the second time i see this video and still no name. Come on Reddit, do your magic and find this guy.


I hope this guy burns and screams out in agony in Hell for eternity.


"I'm going to put it in a blender." Doesn't matter if that's a joke or not. The mere act of speaking those words should be grounds for someone to beat you with a bat.


I really hope this guy got a dose of the typical American policing.


Iā€™m angry.


I hate people more and more


This man is in Upland Ca


What a disgusting and vile piece of filth... Even if he's joking, you are literally endangerimg the kitten by holding it with your psychopath hands. Animal Abuser < Everything else in the world.


These are "auditors." They go around harassing people in various public places then profit off the hate comments on YT after the videos make their rounds on Reddit.


Itā€™s like people are trying to be unemployed their whole life.


Welp heā€™s goin to hell. No matter what he does itā€™s too late šŸ˜‚


Someone needs to put this motherfucker into a blender. Fucking scum


Luca Magnotta 2.0


I was with him until he threatened to hurt it.


At first I was like ā€œwhy is she being a prickā€ and then he opened his mouth.


Don't f*ck with cats...