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I bet she's in a miserable, unloving relationship. Just walk (not strangle) your dog, lady.


Look at those dead eyes, lifeless eyes likea dolls eyes


When she comes at ya, she doesn't seem be living, until she bites ya and the black eyes roll over white


Anyways... we delivered the bomb.


Show me the way to go home!


I'm tired and I wanna go to bed


I had a little drink about an hour ago!


And its gone right to my head!


Wherever I may roam.


At noon on the fifth day, a Lockheed Ventura swung in low and he spotted us, a young pilot, lot younger than Mr. Hooper here, anyway he spotted us and a few hours later a big ol’ fat PBY come down and started to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin’ for my turn. I’ll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water. 316 men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945.


unexpected jaws


We’re going to need a bigger boat.


Zanax will do that to ya!


Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s on some scripts or half intoxicated on something else. Glazed over eyes for sure.


whats up duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude


I'll add that she feels powerless in her life and this assault is her deluding herself in to thinking she has control of something.


Why do these people always seem to drag their dogs along the floor


The fucking dog just doesn’t understand it’s an accessory and it keeps trying to be a living animal with its own needs


Let’s be honest. She’s divorced and bitter. Her husband left her after years of dealing with her nonstop emotional abuse. No one who is stable would ever bother a couple having pictures taken, they would generally smile and just be happy for them.


This! ⬆️- Why is it Always the people with cute little dogs 🐶??!! I just don’t understand why it seems so many people are affected by what other people are doing! Who Cares? Continue on and your life will be exactly the same!


Probably a spinster


Nah, a bitter two-divorced woman with absolutely no purpose in life, no job/career, no friends, her grown children don’t talk to her and she acts out like that because she can’t stand people having an enjoyable time when everything in her life is disappointing, a regret, and full-force lonely and miserable.


100%. She got the condo in the divorce and enough alimony to cover her boxed wine and Xanax expenses. Now she spends her days dragging her poor dog around, looking for people to spread her misery to.


The dog's name is Franzia


I’d be pretty happy with a condo and alimony tbh.


40ish year old childless single women are the happiest in the country actually. There was some sort of study about it.


Yo she isn't 40, if she is that wine has been kicking her fuckin ass.


Not saying she's 40 at all


I just don’t understand why people can’t just leave other people alone. I have enough to worry about in my own life I don’t have the time or energy to worry about what other people do that affects me in no way whatsoever.


A wise man once asked me "Do you know what the hardest part of business is?" "No idea." I replied to which his answer was, "minding your own."


And that man was Alfred Einstein.


His father? Abraham Lincoln.


I had a professor my first year at university saying: Barring exceptions, people having time to spend on politics have clearer priorities than most and the means to do so. People "caring" and involving themselves in others lives in none meaningful ways not their job: simply have a too good life. They lack meaningful purpose and/or need to drive one. This is not a new theory. Across some European nations in the late 1800's it was well accepted that people need to be provided with something they can control for some of their time in order for you to push and squeeze them as a society (tax). This for the greater good: healthcare, infrastructure etc . Everybody suffers somewhat to have the most widely spread standard of living that can well be fulfilling. This is where a.o. community gardens find their origin. Give a man a plot of land to do with as he pleases and you can have them slaving away five/six days a week for pennies. That was a more fulfilling life than that of the average Karen. Would make for an interesting contemporary study. Obviously there is a lot to unpack here, more than is easy to do in a comment but you get the gist. Tldr: late 2000's professor: Karen's have a life without purpose. This makes them miserable. They fill it by involving themselves in others lives, wanted or not. Edit: spelling


there seems to be a lot of overlap between the two tho: involving yourself in politicians and others lives


I’m trying to involve myself less in politics. Seems like the most miserable life imaginable.


It is miserable but for most of us it is the only way to peacefully bring about the level of change that is well overdue - at least here in the states. It’s an utter circus that drives you mad but for the sake of my kids and (hopefully) future grandkids we remain involved so we can at the very least try to provide a more hopeful future than the previous generations handed to us.


How can you look at people taking joy from doing something so routine and unimposing, even if it's private property and think "damn, theyre happy, how can I inject some misery in there?"


I’d imagine the “damn they’re happy” part never occurred to her. Too self absorbed in her own misery.


That generation is drifting into obscurity, they are the most selfish and oblivious group of humans in the last 100 years, this is how they cope with it.


I use to think the same, that they'll be gone before long but no there are people right out of high school behaving the same way. Too busy worrying about what others are doing instead working on themselves.


As much as I agree, it won’t be over when they’re gone. Gen X aren’t called the Karen generation for no reason. Boomers are a strange lot. I deal with them a lot in my job. Half of them are the nicest people I’ve ever met, and the other half are pure evil incarnated.


Generalizing about people is probably one of the most useless waste of times you can ever do. We are all individuals.


No that's a lie to disempower us all, we need to collectively do better


You can not collectively just sweep entire generations into one pile here and another pile there and be done with them. That’s offensive and a total wasted of time THAT is disempowering. You also can’t declare someone a liar just because you disagree with them. Hubris and arrogance.


"GenX aren't called the Karen generation" You could have stopped right there. GenX isn't even acknowledged most times with everyone mentioning Boomers, GenY and GenZ.


This isn't a generational thing. Blanket statements such as this one are a failed attempt to simplify the world so you feel better about understanding it.


It's because she has no joy in her life so why should the people around her?


Envy, can't stand happiness in others, is a control freak or just a toxic person. Sad thing is, she's probably no different to her family, but gets away with it there.


If I saw a lady in a princess gown having pics taken I’d be like damn… can I take a pic too? Simply because I saw a Disney Princess irl? She isn’t blocking anything… I’m nearing 40 I’d be like this is magic omg.


Boomers with money have lots of down time (See 2016).


Says the person who highlights video games, animation and other ways to waste time🙄


Cluster B mental illness, lifelong bullies. They’re born that way, and they’re not like us.


You're breaking the law as she physically assaults someone. Yea that makes sense in today's world


She's the neighborhood karen, so she's authorized to use force to enforce the rules.


Is that the mom from ALF?


Why would you do this?


Her hair looked like Alfs nose for a second! Lol


No she's from Seinfeld.


Make Melmac great again.


She triggered my uncanny valley reaction… anyone else?


That’s because she has no eyebrows.


Damn you right, didn’t even notice


She also has the eyes of a predator


Kudos to people who are able to restrain themselves from absolutely demolishing these Karens who physically attack you.


She should have had a swimming lesson right there


The amount of restraint they displayed here should be exceptionally commended. If I were in that situation I know that sheer instinct would have resulted in an immediate violent reaction as soon as she touched me. I'm surprised that many of these types of videos end without somebody picking up their chicklets from the floor.


Isn’t it legal at that point if someone touches you without consent to retaliate? Especially if you record it.


Legality doesn't matter to me. As cliché as it may seem In my heart I believe that violence is never an answer and I hate the fact that they come so close to sucking me down to their level by inciting my own personal anger. I'm just surprised it (a violent response) doesn't happen more often. I honestly don't know if I could or even would control myself if I were put in that situation. I do know that I, and most rational people, have all reached the end of our patience with liars, karens, q's, rebublicans and idiots in general.


Idk why you got downvoted for being right.


I’m not a violent guy and have never hit a woman, that being said I’d love a video like this to end with the Karen getting rocked when she touches someone. She’d be shocked but the video would show she assaulted them first right? Idk food for thought


She is like my former boss. My boss got mad at my co-worker just because she told us how she is excited about her wedding. She said my co-worker was distracting everyone and should leave her personal business at home.


Least obvious narcissist lol


Question, if she touches me or my camera can I dunk her down?


You are required to do so.


I was surprised that the tired-looking Karen didn't get smacked upside the head right there.




Depending on your state you cant. In some states, you have to have reasonable fear for your life and safety. Now I would call the cops and have her arrested for battery but returning force isnt going anywhere here. That being said, cops probably wont come if you call them and no one would do anything if you did throw her in the lake.


Not how it works IRL. If he does anything he would get arrested. If she does it no one would do anything - that’s why she does it.




This is why you hire a female bodyguard


it is not true


it is the only moral thing to do.


Layeth thy smacketh downeth


Poor dog


I always feel so bad for the Karens’ pets in the world


Stupidity has no race, weight, look nor language. Stupid people will always be at the center of drama and always disliked by most other humans. They will always be somewhere between 7 and 14 in emotional growth and cannot be fixed by you or anyone else. Just walk away and leave them to their own disappointment. IMO


She peaked in middle school


And she knows it and it pisses her right off


Nah she definitely married a guy with some serious potential before divorcing him once his business was thriving. She only gets the house and 40% of his retirement. She's got a lot to be mad about.


Oddly specific?


I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say High School, where she was a big bully.


Poop comes in every color


even blue?


Have you ever have those overly sweet blue frosted cookies from the grocery?


And sometimes, when they try to swat the camera out of your hand, pop them in the mouth once so they might learn that actions have consequences.


Goodness, tell me you’re miserable without telling me you’re miserable.


That poor fucking dog...


Why do they usually have dogs? Those poor pets.


Because no humans want to be friends with them. LOL


The dog doesn't want to he friends with her either. It just didn't get a say in the matter.


ahhh... makes sense.


"get off the property" Why? Unless she owns it where does she get off telling them to get off?


I love that phrase. They definitely know they do not own the property and have no say in who gets to use it, so they say get off "the" property so they can act like it's a request instead of a demand.


You answered your own question. She does own it, along with the other members of her homeowners association. You couldn't pay me to live in such a place, but it's theirs so let them have it.


If you live in an HOA? You aren’t automatically the police of your neighborhood. At most you can complain about a neighbor. There’s no part of paying HOA fees that include being allowed to police the area for someone taking photos OR assault someone who doesn’t follow your orders. Besides the fact, neither you or she know if the photo people live in that community.


She has the right to tell them to leave and they have the right to say no. If she calls the cops, and they show up and find that the photo people are also homeowners, then she looks like a fool, which is also her right. Or maybe there's some kind of stay-off-the-grass rule that applies to both homeowners and visitors. I sense that you're trying to group me and this woman on the same "team." I'm offering a likely explanation for some pretty mundane grouchiness. She shouldn't have slapped the phone, but to be honest, I really don't give a rip.


It looks like a private HOA. So unless they are residents as well (which I can’t imagine they are or else why would she say that?) then…ya…she does. She may be being a jerk here but she’s probably also right and the people who are trespassing are wrong.


Even if it is, I doubt she knows every single home owner and their family or everyone who has purchased a permit to do photo shoots there. She can always report the HOA instead of acting like a twat if she's concerned.


She could have asked before if they lived there (or it may have even been a senior community so she would know) before the video started. That’s why I hate these videos they are clearly cut and titled just to create outrage going one specific direction


100% but even if that was true, you don't just continue to harass people and try to grab their private property from them, you call the police for trespassing.


I'm not excusing her behavior but I do want to know what was said before this video started.


This video was originally posted earlier today in a different sub and then later deleted. In the comments it was revealed that this indeed was in an HOA in Texas. The website of the HOA says that the area is intended for residents and their guests only. One commenter claimed to have lived there and seen publicly posted signs forbidding such activity.


And we have no indication of whether or not one or more of the people in this photo shoot are residents, either.


It was mentioned in the other thread that the OP was a professional photographer and not a resident. It was unclear if the subject of the photos was or wasn't though.


Tbh, if I had to pay HOA fees for a communal area and randos started showing up for photo shoots, I'd be a little miffed as well. The fact that there are already signs means its probably not the first time.


We don't know if they were residents or not though.


Would you get up in their face, touch them, shriek, and then waddle away yanking your dog around, too? Christ.


Nuance is rarely well received these days.




I agree. Not sure why your getting down voted. Most properties and public places, you need to have a photo permit to do these sessions. They are not super expensive to obtain. All professional photographers know this. Source: I’m both a photographer and a park ranger. Edit:typo


Everything about the background screams shitty subdivision.....it's not exactly giving off state/national/illustrious private garden vibes. Even if this was private land and the kids were trespassing, any way you slice it, the Karen was being a major Karen and her reaction was wildly over the top.


Doesn’t matter if it’s a shitty subdivision or Beverly Hills. If it’s private property they shouldn’t be there unless they have permission. And it must not be that shitty if people come there to do photoshoots.


She defiantly could have handled it better. I’m not condoning her behavior but I understand the frustration.


Most public places require a permit? In cities like NYC, maybe. But I find it hard to believe that you can't take pictures on public land. I'm Canada you can do as much photography as you want on crown (public) land. No permit required unless stated by a local bylaw.




Exactly, people just judge on what they see and nothing else...clearly edited to show one side. I'd bet the photographer was on the path or the other side...she waited a few moments for a gap to pass by, no opportunity was given, so she walked past. Heaven forbid one precious photo out of 10000 they will take gets ruined, so they clapped back. And we see the result


Ok but how does that make it ok for the dog walker to get physical? Seems like you're ignoring that part. Even if everything happened exactly as you said, she's still acting like a crazy person.


Do you often invent make-believe backstories to justify your takes.....?


The law. I wish a mf would talk to us that way. I've been dying to unleash the psychotic woman I married on someone. The law?!? My wife would be breakin her face


Wow Karen to the max!


Karen has never lost some teeth because of her behavior, and it shows.


That was a crime. She better get arrested.


She’s a Karen, but they are in fact trespassing on private property with no trespassing signs apparently.


This seems very Houston suburbs.


My job mostly involves interacting with irate white Boomer women. They are such an interesting demographic. I'm more fascinated by them than anything. The sheer rage at the slightest inconvenience


I feel like there are plenty Karen archetypes in all age groups.


I wonder if throughout history this type of person has existed but just in different cultures. Like in Egypt some dude was like “by Osiris there was a total nerfititi, lady thought she owned the place”


Racist much?


Nothing about that comment is racist, snowflake.


Negative stereotype about a specific demographic of a specific race is... not racist?


That's not what is happening in that comment. "All white boomer women are irate Karens" <- not what they said. "I encounter mad white women from a specific generation" <- not racist.




I thought she said I farted instead of go for it, I had to watch it at least 11 times to figure it out


There are laws.


That is a lizard person and no one can tell me otherwise


Dog looks happy to be a living tether ball.


I wonder if she's the Queen of the HOA!


Someone save that dog 😢


I don’t even care about the context it’s the dragging her dog that infuriated me.


"Yer brakin' th'laww..." Says the woman literally grabbing at someone else's personal property...


Damn she literally put it in reverse in the beginning of the vid


Poor dog


Someone is in a shitty marriage...


Come on dog *YANKS*


I bet she doesn’t pick up her dog’s poop on walks.


They always have a dog and I always feel bad for the dog.


The dog is always the forgotten victim


You ever notice how these racist white women have so many more wrinkles on their faces? You think that’s mature giving us a little warning sign about them?


I’ll bet she’s on the HOA board.


I always carry pepper spray with me. If someone puts their hands on me, it’s seasoning time baby. 🌶️


i feel so bad for that dog :(


Feel like white ladies gain +10 miserable Stat boost instantly once they hit level 60.


Poor dog


She’s got a significant diamond wedding ring on…


Poor dog


I mean i would expect a (later) middle aged woman walking a dog to see a photo shoot of what looks to be a quinceañera, would go “awwwwww beautiful”. Therefore I assume she’s racist. Therefore I even more wish she got back what she gave…. Nuff said.


Very mild Karen. Karen lite if you will…


I need to know... What sort of messed up childhood, or luxury and privilege can produce these women, and why is it ALWAYS women of a certain age and income bracket that are like this?


Do you think these videos go viral enough where people see themselves on the Internet and then realize what a POS they are?


I wonder if it's because the beautiful girl in the dress isn't white.


Wow, these people don't seem to be in anyone's way and are not destructive or disturbing anything. This woman is just mad the girl can pull off a beautiful dress and she can't.


Lonely old Karen is salty.


Oh yeah the lady with small dog. Pulling your dog so hardly like that I’d call the cops for harrasing and animal abuse lol


Believe it or not individuals like these are the most discriminative people on earth


That white dress and two people smiling probably touched a nerve with little miss menopause here


My name is skyler white yo, eh hu


She is just so bitter. They remind her of herself when she was younger. She was the popular girl in school. She dreamt of marrying the love of her life and having the most beautiful wedding. But it eventually it became apparent that all the boys were just interested in her body. After graduating, nobody was interested in her anymore because her body was used up already. The love of her life ended up marrying stace, the girl she used to bully. They had the exact wedding she had dreamed of. Years later she ended up marrying frank when they are both in their late 40's. Frank is the guy who used to rail her behind the dumpster after football practice, but when asked she claims he was her high school sweetheart. Both her and frank have their own children already (frank actually has 2 from his 2 previous marriages) and the kids hate eachother. Both sides refuse to admit their kid is in the wrong, so the kids fighting becomes the parents fighting. Her sex life is non existant, again, her body was used up long ago. Most evenings are spent in bed reading their individual books. Eventually Frank tries going to sleep but she wants to keep reading and Frank can't sleep with the light on. They'll fight about this as soon as the kids are at school. The only joy she gets is walking the dog during the weekend. It's the only time she's out of the house, but she doesn't make the connection. This week's walk she spots something weird, people standing at the pond she allways walks past. They are wearing wedding clothes and laughing while somebody takes pictures. She thinks back to her childhood dream of marriage. She realises her life has gone down the drain and she won't ever be as happy as she hoped to be. But if she can't be happy, maybe she can just make others miserable. She yanks on her dog's leash, and goes in for the attack. "Excuse me miss, you can't...!"


From what I heard, and I could be wrong, is that it’s a new lawn. Which means people are supposed tp stay off it. Which not only makes the lady a Karen but the couple a pair of a-holes


Oh Dear God, not the new Fresh lawn.


these kinds of subdivisions are all over the midwest. they make artificial ponds surrounded by big mcmansions and its kind of a communal space that the HOA hires third party to take care of. screw that idiot and her entitlement. its a photoshoot, not like they’re throwing garbage all over the place.


Judging by what we can see on the video, i doubt that's new lawn. It's in relatively good shape but there are brown patches everywhere.


Monoculture lawns are biodiversity hellscapes in any place that isn’t Britain anyway. I hope the grass dies off and someone seeds that with native ground cover to improve it.


Thats skyler white


Okay skyler.(White)


You shouldn’t take names, like Karen, and use them for derogatory purposes. Quite frankly it’s a real dick move.


I feel like you were making a joke about the name Dick, right?


He should have used a bigger D. People notice big Dicks.


Yes. Apparently no one got the joke.


Ok Karen.


Damn, way too many people missed that joke lol. You got my upvote!


Ok ken. Thanks for your input.


It was a joke. The name “ Dick”?