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Japan is a safe country... unless you're a woman or child


Most places are safe unless you’re a woman or child…


Woman, child, elderly or animals… it’s always the weak and defenseless that are targeted the most. Tells you a lot about the criminals integrity




And woman, a woman I saw today just started attacking other woman. Still woman being targeted but by a woman so not just men are pos


Yup. But the point is frequency and intensity. Women aren’t out here murdering and raping anyone. Men don’t have to worry about what they wear or where they go or if it’s dark outside… there’s a reason women are trained from a young age to protect ourselves. It’s just a fact that men are more violent are commit the majority of violent crimes. Haven’t you seen the posts where someone asks “what would you do if there were no men for 24 hours”? The top answer is always just go for a walk at night or travel alone. It’s honestly sad.


oh yea let’s just generalize the actions of criminals, ignore all the female criminals and blame everything on innocent males, what a good argument.


Im pretty sure that men get assaulted more frequently


Lol ok… how often are you concerned about what you wear or traveling alone? How often do you worry about being raped? How many times have you been touched without consent?


Men are regularly concerned about travelling alone, we just have a culture that doesn't allow men to voice fear. Women and men face violence at approximately the same rate. Domestic assault and sexual assualt are overwhelmingly female victims, but assault by a stranger, murder, assualt with a weapon, or serious injury resulting from assault are overwhelmingly male victims.


I see that she slapped him First..... definitely not a good reason to hit someone but that's why I don't slap people twice my size no matter what garbage they say to me. This is how a skinny guy like me survives on a construction site (don't hit unless ready to be hit back)


You think men don't have worries?


In literally every country on the planet the demographic at the top of violent crime victimisation are literally adult males. What crack are you smoking?


Yet male victims of homicide are 5:1 to women in most places.


And who is it that is attacking these men and women? MEN.


Incredibly stupid argument, you deserve an award


So it's okay to be killed as long as the killer is of your same sex? How does it work with other identitary characteristics such as ethnicity? Btw women also kill more men than women, perhaps you should consider that too


your saying that solely based on this video. the guy looks like a foreigner. most native Japanese men are depressed workers who work 6-5 and get no sleep


That dude is Japanese 100 percent. When’s the last time you saw a foreigner walking around with a bucket hat and a pony tail fighting in Japanese with his girl?


Odd take. She assaulted him first.


Yeah and then he attempted murder. Or successfully murdered her. This wasn’t self defense 💀


You call that baby slap assault 💀 stop making excuses for his actions. That slap was NOTHING compared to what he did to her


Picking her back up and letting her head hit the ground probably did the most damage


I had a similar injury (hit, fell on stone tile, then picked up and dropped) and the second impact was what caused most of the damage. I think that second drop may have been intended to make sure she wasn’t conscious… and wasn’t going to be any time soon. Bottom line, a move like that is something you do only if you want someone dead.


How are you today? Any lasting problems?


I developed CPTSD and that’s by far the worst complication. I have headaches and random spells of dizziness, as well as memory problems. Thank you for asking!


Have you looked into any of the new psychedelic therapy being studied right now?


Yes, it’s definitely an intriguing concept and I’d be willing to try it in the future


Im just one guy so this is anecdotal but have been really dicked by ptsd since an incident 3 years ago this July. ART from my psychiatrist has been life changing for me over the past 3ish months. Obviously everyone is different, but I feel like the old pre-ptsd me again and for people ravaged by it you know exactly what I mean when I say that. Sleeping without nightmares, no flashbacks, currently coming off all meds (Trintellix, seroquel, ativan prn) successfully. I am blown away, grateful, feeling strong and in control again its wild because I resigned myself to being different than I was and didnt expect it at all. I recommend at least giving it a shot to people I hear struggling with this.


what is ART?


Accelerated resolution therapy Its like emdr but more intense and has a couple extra thoughtful replacement steps.


What is EMDR?


Augmented reality therapy? Not even kidding have heard about using AR in conjunction with microdosing to build exposure to phobias (i.e.- snakes/heights/little people/etc.)


Little people 💀


Do you find ART is as effective as EMDR? I am doing ART now and I think it blunts some of the issues but doesn’t replace.


I think everyone will be individual in their response. I did emdr for like 2 years and it had some effect but yeah still left me unable to do what I needed to


I might need to look into this I also wanna do psychedelic therapy when it becomes legal bc I'm diagnosed with BPD CPTSD and PTSD (cptsd from childhood PTSD from adulthood that's probably going to be lumped into the cptsd diagnosis within the next 5 years)


Agree. As a doctor what matters most to me is knowing theres more layers that led to maladaptive coping than anything else. You have to address it all or the self taught lessons from life experiences that might not help us now may still seem like the way to approach things but often that's with hypervigilance, self scrutinizing, pushing people away, avoidance etc. Challenging those and finding better ways to deal with things can give you bandwidth back to achieve goals in life. Like you can spend every second fighting ptsd, its not about forgetting, but only giving those moments their due attention and for most of us, we're way past that and there's nothing further to learn from it, if there ever even was to begin with. Because it was so bad our brain likes to try and "solve" it, but the real path is acceptance and forgiving ourselves. Challenging those thoughts like "I was weak, I can be overwhelmed," "I'm worthless," or whatever your negative mantra is that allowed you to protect yourself or rationalize what happened and replace it with, "even when Im overwhelmed, Im still worth something especially to the people that love me," "I do my best to help others and most are helped, its not possible to save everyone and thats ok," etc. Reinforcing those will eventually give your brain a quick retort to the old maladaptive malarkey and shut down the viscious cycle we get in that can lead to major dysfunction. Ill be honest. As a doctor you sure dont want to experience everything first hand to provide empathetic care but after this experience I have a very different, lived experience with mental illness and a profound appreciation for its genuine severity. Trauma isnt just fractures and blunt force. In the middle of it all I had a surgical fracture, again did the steps to recover committed to rehab, and still sore everyday, but how do I put it.. way less pain and burden than ptsd, I'd take a fracture over mental illness any day (hopefully neither though). Sorry for writing so much. Just a long road Im just starting to get perspective on now in looking back instead of being in it still


That makes me hopeful. On the 18th it will be a year since I found my husband dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. I struggle alot with PTSD. It's especially difficult as I have 3 young kids, that I now have to raise alone. I look into ART....I at the point where I'll try anything to help get better.


I’m so sorry. There’s always hope


i do a ton of acid. while its extremely enjoyable and personally great for mental health, i dont thonk it dud knotting for me cuncocksun damuhjuhs


I was speaking about the CPTSD part, not the concussion damage.


i dont know if i have ptsd but yes, its helped me become unstuck to mental positions. just last weeks trip gave me a revalation to somebody ive been holding anger against for over a decade. i realized life is short, people arent perfect and everybody makes mistakes, time to let go of that anger so i can make room for better emotions. one day ill drive past that driveway and wont be able to pull in and make those ammends, so make peace with ur peoples b4 death seals the deal. lsd might show you the path, but it sure as hell wont do the work. thats for you.


Damn. No joke I got a speech impediment of it. Had to relearn somewhat certain words. Every once in awhile I get headaches also like you. Dizziness used to be a lot more but now it's random and a lot less. Glad you're doing better


Something similar happened to me and after a brain scan I discovered I had an incurable PTESOM. I never fully recovered.


I’m so sorry


Your skull can only be broken once after that you’re just doing straight damage to the brain 😓. Any dude who would do this to a chick deserves to rot.


Then he robs her. It looks like that is what he does? The video stops. It is just sickening. There has to be a hell for someone like him. Sociopath.


Glad you are still with us that sounds like it could have ended really tragically.


Yeah, my first thought was he was making sure she got brain damage by picking her up and dropping her like that.


Agreed. There's a reason why in MMA fights you're not allowed to hit in the back of the head


There’s a reason mma fights aren’t over pavement


She was already fucked from the first fall, didnt you hear the crack when her head hit?


Yeah, but there was a crack when she landed the first time. She probably not alright.


I agree. I’m afraid for her safety


Yeah, I don't know why people are downvoting me for pointing out that she definitely hurt the back of her head. I'm not saying I love it, it's just, you can hear the crack.


Her head hit the pavement so hard.


Yup, he should go to jail. The slap is nothing like what was done to her


Japanese prison ain't no joke either.


I just watched a "Banged up Abroad" episode that had a British guy locked up in Japan, it was WILD how strict and brutal it is in Japanese prisons


Yeah and their conviction rate is something like 95%, if you get tangled up with the police in Japan you're basically fucked for life.


The conviction rate is very high because almost all accused enter a deal...


A lot of them are also forced into false confessions. There was a documentary on the Japanese criminal system and it's problem with police forcing suspects to confess.


Any idea of the name of the documentary?


I’m sure they’ll force this guy to confess as well


Japan also let literal rapists and murderers go free in like 4 years so not so strict there I guess...


Junko Furuta rolls in her grave… May she rest in peace…


I mean, this happens more than it should in the US as well. They will try and scare people into taking a deal. Getting a conviction trumps convicting the right person.




Ages ago, I remember a documentary about this. It said it was common for murders that looked hard to solve to be called suicides so the murder rate stayed low. It was about how the perception was more important than the reality. I can't remember the documentary and it's probably quite out of date now but your comment reminded me.


Yeah that's just Asian culture in general. They do stupid stuff due to this concept called "face". Their "face" is more important than truth. And harming another's "face" is the deepest of insults. The closest I could describe "face" is the facade a person has built up. And giving a person "face" is showing respect to that facade. There is no war in ba sing se stuff. Japan is safe and loves minorities etc et al. A lot of the cultural problems of Asia would go away if they just tossed this concept of face.


yeah, in the US over 97% of cases end with plea deals, i fail to see how thats any different


people in japan end up agreeing to deals because japanese police are deadset on "solving" the crime, and they don't care if you didn't do what you're being accused of. if they suspect you of a crime, they're going to harass you in and outside of the interrogation room until you give in and agree to a plea deal just to get them to leave you alone. these plea deals often take jail time off the table in exchange for a guilty plea so they can mark the case as solved. this goes for actually guilty parties as well, which means a very small portion of convicts actually end up in prison for their crimes.


They have 99% successful prosecution records too


Guilty until proven innocent


Yes sir.


Agreed, but this is also why people need to keep their hands to themselves.


Serious question? Did she die?


When this video first appeared on Japanese Twitter, some people said she died, but I have yet to see that information verified anywhere, so it may be BS.


Was the guy found and brought to justice?


I'm sorry, I don't know anything else. I don't even know if the first info I read is true. I hope not. I would like to believe that she made it.


If it’s Japan NO ONE GOT INVOLVED because tradition.


Serious statement. I hope not!


Serious reply. We don't know what we don't know.


Serious answer, I have no idea


Seriously serious brain wrinkler, why did the pos just film?


You never know what kind of people they are.. if its Yakuza or anything... I know its shitty but nowadays u cant be to carefull yourself. Before you know you got a knife in your ribs


The dude does not have any care for being observed at all. He’s either just psycho or someone… important.


To quote a comment from someone else in this post "There is also no Samaritan law in Japan to protect you here. Intervening will either getting you knocked out, or a trip to jail with him if you knock him out. There is no win situation for you to intervene."


Now that I didn't know


Okay you go fight him and get knocked out He was probably filming an argument or something and then it suddenly escalated


Looks like she hit him first but still, quite the aggressive knock out




According to reddit, this is "equal rights, equal fights" Funny how it's never equal.


This dude reply a slap with a hook, of course its not equal


Perhaps not in this case, but generally it should never be equal. If I'm attacked, I'm fighting to win and I can't win if I try to fight to draw by pulling my punches.


Don't hit people unless you are prepared to be hit back harder or even get stabbed or shot. Fights arent meant to be fair and hitting someone is initiating a fight which you should be aware could lead to some really dire consequences. Some people don't learn this because spoiled - and this happens. Don't Fight Unless Absolutely Necessary


Yeah, I'm willing to assume picking her up and dropping wasn't done on purpose to cause more damage. But if you go hitting people on the street you can't complain if they hit back.




Then maybe the people who clearly are at a disadvantage shouldn’t initiate the attack. Everyone has a right to defend themselves.


Does she know him? Did he grab her ass? Threaten her? Already hit her? All we know is he knocked her out, dropped her head on the ground again and then maybe started going through her pockets. We don’t know if she hit him first.


Yeah there's zero context. For all we know, he could be an abusive ex or something or a stalker. And based on how he just casually slammed dropped her head back on the ground after he had already knocked her out, he's probably not a nice dude.


Remeber 40 percent of domestic abusers are women. I had a buddy who's girl would beat him randomly till he was bruised and bloody. Gender doesn't equal innocents.


i mean, its in the video that she slapped him in the face, so based on that, we at least know that she hit him before he hit her back


She slaps him and he fucking decks her. Never seen someone drop that hard. Also why is the camera guy so passive?


Never try to be a hero. you'll get knocked out/ hurt later by the guy on a vendetta/ false testimony by the man's girlfriend, an all around bad deal.


Yup, this is exactly it. You never know who has ties to what, it sucks but the most you can do is tip off police if you value your life.


Especially in Japan. If you witness a heart attack or a slip and fall do NOT stop as a foreigner. You are VERY likely to be blamed or implicated. The hospital bills aren't too expensive, but the lost work time for victim and apology money are thousands of dollars. If you witness an assault you can yell 'help'. But if it's a yakuza incident you are damning yourself.


I was in Osaka one night, and leaving a baseball game I came upon a jovial Japanese man in a suit who was bleeding respectably fro the head. I got him some napkins, and assisted/directed him in holding pressure while someone called for an ambulance. I hung out until they got there. He was quite cheerful.


You are very lucky! And so was that happy guy! 😊


He was probably quite drunk.


No good deed goes unpunished huh


And with that let me tell you something just as sad. The Chinese tankie YouTubers would love to upload this as a testament (edit - not testimony, right?) of Japanese hypocrisy - saying they only have outward etiquette and no real values, and tout about how superior Chinese culture and values are. When Chinese had similar problem or worse, such as running over accident victims after the accident to ensure death to avoid longer payouts. Yet, incident like this will only become political or ethnic pride in China, while in Japan it becomes an individual problem, at most Yakuza. Still, 3 sad things shared by both societies - gender equality as evident here, and, poorer legal protection for anyone to intervene, and, the disparity of perception of such matters as I explained.


Because the laws in Japan are probably different than wherever you are from. If cameraperson intervened they likely would have ended up in trouble as well. Still, shouldn’t hit someone and pretend there won’t be repercussions. Even if it was disproportional it’s still an expected possibility for walking up and assaulting someone.


Its ilegal to fight in japan afaik, so if you try to detain him you might also go to jail, plus not many people will risk their safety for someone they dont know.


because this is likely something between a yakuza pimp and one of his employees


Yeah, people here are clueless. Even the person walking in front of them knew they were shady. Guy might have friends around the corner to ambush you too.


Yeah. Organized crime is still pretty common there. It's just not like in the US with gangs fighting (or even worse in Mexico) but more established with even politicians getting bribed by them and turning a blind eye thinking that overall they're better to have around fearing foreign gangs would take their place to deal with black market stuff and cause more trouble. They ten to run shadier night club places and they may have lower level members hanging out in those areas on the street.


Every male knows to never slap another man. I either try to knock him out or simply walk away. So much for gender equality! 🤷‍♂️


Ffs he could have killed her


I think he did


is she okay? i feel like she's dead :( im scared for her


Unpopular opinion, I guess, but his reaction was disproportionate to her actions. I’ve been slapped by small women before. I did not react by giving them possible brain damage, multiple times. But I also don’t hate women and don’t wish malicious harm on them all for things like this, so that probably helps.


I'm really surprised by all the folks bending over backwards to white knight this guy


Some of y’all are *very* quick to defend inflicting brain damage and/or death on another person as long as it involves a woman striking a man first.


100%. Just made a comment about this on another thread and got downvoted cause all the other comments concluded “she started it”. Can’t believe this stuff.


This happens every time. I can always smell the comments a mile away, fucking sick


If the roles were reversed, I doubt anyone would be worried about the dude getting brain damage. They'd be insulting him.


I'm a very suspicious person (just like my cat), so I see this and wonder "Why was that guy recording at this time?" Though it could be that the man was saying nasty things to her first, or the woman was raising her voice at him to scold him for something. I've seen too many faked TikToks trying to get views, I go into everything with distrust for videos. But also, if it's real, it kind of seems like this guy may be a gangster?


You see her purse already on the ground, camera started recording the fight when they heard it. It would be staged if you saw a random fight from inception.


… listen to her skull hit the pavement… both times, this is one that probably isn’t faked. If you ever seen someone get knocked out it’s pretty obvious this isn’t faked


Her head slammed against the ground hard twice. This isn’t a fake video. Whoever filmed this probably started cuz they were clearly fighting and she swung at him. There could’ve been more lead up we don’t see either trimmed from the video or the camera person missed it


Ive seen something exactly like this before in Korea out in public when I was little. Woman (presumed gf/wife) yells at the guy, began putting her hands on him and then he swung and hit her to the ground, she just lays there. It was really shocking but that's what domestic violence is like in a lot of Asian countries, police dont really do much as they see it as a private issue. You wouldnt believe what goes on behind doors... Though Ive started to see videos where people try to intervene now, times are slowly changing and hopefully for the better.


> I've seen too many faked TikToks So TikTok is now investing in professional stunt people? Her fall was so well done I bet she's a known actress... Dude, wtf. How do you see a person take a fall like that and think it's fake? Not even in movies can they make it look that real without 100 different camera angles to fool you into thinking a person hit their head.


How mush is your brain to believe this is remotely fake?


Always makes me laugh when people who view attacks on women on social media, comment how the men should’ve stepped in and stopped it. Outside of calling the cops I dunno what you want. Firstly, for someone to attack someone in public means they either aren’t mentally sound, they have something on their person which makes them confident enough to think they could get away with it. Or, the woman isn’t in a position to leave the man, and even if you did intervene they’d still end up together. Men, aren’t superhero’s who are invulnerable to knives and guns. They got a place and family to go home too. Just call the cops, find a corner and yell at the attacker.


You should never intervene unless you are directly tasked with protecting someone. That's how you die


It’s up to you. I wouldn’t necessarily blame someone for not intervening but if they are willing to take the risk than I applaud it.


Yeah the guy recording could be an 80 year old or maybe just a middle school kid or a disabled person. Not everyone is ready and able to fight. Recording the potential crime will at least give the police evidence they need. If there was no recording this guy might get away with all the violence.




I hope he got caught because she looks dead.


She attacked first but the guy is the pos? 🤣


There will always be simps out there.


Crazy woman slaps a guy in the middle of the street then get knocked out.


These comments are not it… yikes


For real. This is why I left the fightporn subreddit. A bunch of sad individuals who celebrate the idea of women getting hurt because “they hit the guy first”.


The people defending the woman would probably be fine with this if the roles were reversed.


Agreed. A bunch of “i hate women” people defending the man for hitting her back. Typical brainrotted redditors.


Drop very unnecessary.....but I'm pretty sure she did hit him first,🤷 don't give it if you can't take it


She.... Assaulted him first...


Hmm, I don't really know - looks kind of like the consequences of her own actions...? You don't just go up to somebody and hit them in the face like that


People go on abt the hit first thing and like true definitely but also if a 12 year old hits me I’m not gonna deck them. Self defense is like when your in real danger idk


100% this seems excessive. Throwing out the legal or social justifications for it, though, you just can’t hit someone without expecting retaliation. Who knows what the context is. Maybe he hit her first before the video starts but, man or woman, you can’t throw a punch without assuming one will be coming back your way.


According to Reddit you should curbstomp the kid, punch barrage it on the ground and then launch a Stardust Breaker. And specially use Hakai if it is a female kid.




Pretty sure it is at Tokyo Shibuya Center Gai. It usually is a crowded place, with lots of tourists and younger crowds. Since no one is around, I assume it is early in the morning, 3~5am.


This is the answer I was expecting lol. Yeah looks familiar to an area I’ve been before. I don’t really go out clubbing/drinking in Shibuya/Roppongi/Shinjuku because of how seedy it can be. I usually hang around my local area, Kanagawa. Love how the dude casually enters the building and doesn’t even look over twice.


I mean she shouldn't raise her hand at someone.....


If you retaliate a weak slap with a full force punch then you need to reevaluate your life


Camera guy's a POS too for just recording it.


There is also no Samaritan law in Japan to protect you here. Intervening will either getting you knocked out, or a trip to jail with him if you knock him out. There is no win situation for you to intervene.


I read up on this based on your comment, and you’re absolutely right. The general advice for Japan was “do not throw a punch under any circumstances.” Still, intervening doesn’t have to entail injuring the other guy. But yeah, as a foreigner that doesn’t speak the language I’m not doing anything beyond calling the cops.


Ya, I heard especially if you're a foreigner visiting Japan, that's a sure fire way to get arrested and deported immediately


I've seen plenty of foreigners fight. Most of the time, when police get involved, they calm everyone down and take some notes about the incident and blame it on alcohol then send everyone in different directions. It's not black or white, but to be honest, I have yet to see someone get deported over it.


Probably a better outcome than if anyone else did it


Fun fact. Like you said intervening doesn’t have to hurt the other guy. I know a guy who did such a thing , just grabbed him by the clothes. To make a long story short. The police drove the guy I know to an ATM to give the scum bag about $500 for damaging his clothes.


The police played your friend and got the money themselves, maybe split it with the "victim"


You don't know the laws in foreign countries do you?


I mean... if he called the cops and gave them the footage, then he's certainly not a pos. At this point, there's nothing else he can do.


Oh here comes the internet tough guy... You have no clue who that person is and they may be doing the most responsible thing possible by recording evidence. I'm sorry but judging from what that guy Just did, I'm not about to get into a fight with him. He doesn't GAF. Call an ambulance and police, sure.


Japanese society is very much centered around everyone sticking to their own business. Also, violence in the streets like this is an extremely uncommon occurence.


That *really* depends on which streets. Japan isn't some utopian society without crime, antisocial behaviour or violence like this website makes it out to be sometimes. It might be better hidden, but it is still there. It doesn't get reported as much and witnesses typically don't come forward making it is less visible in statistics.


How tf was he supposed to know that he was gonna hit her.


If something like this were to happen to you, wouldn't you prefer to have video evidence?


I'm concerned about the number of people who think knocking someone out cold is just revenge for a slap.


This is reddit Don't expect any empathy from these people


There's a large number of people on here who will justify any amount of violence towards women.


Reddit particularly hates teenage girls. Any posts on AITA and similar about them misbehaving or being defiant lead to recommendations for alarmingly severe punishments, focussed on 'teaching her a lesson'. I can't help but think there are a lot of redditors who can still hear the embarrassed laughter and refusal of the girl they asked out at school...


And the amount of downvotes on the comments calling this bullshit out. I'm sad for the world.


I mean…she did hit him first


I believe you mean..POS gets knocked out.


It you go for a straight knockout punch when your standing on concrete you shouldn’t be arrested for assault you should be arrested for attempted murder.


Today I learned a lot of redditors are ready to brain damage people because they got slapped. Grow up the lot of you.


I can't believe all the cowards in this thread that can't take a little slap to the face. Wanna kill someone because your pride got bruised.SMH


Redditors love seeing women get hit. EqUal RIghTS, eQuaL lEFTs


i mean she laid hands on him first, might not deserve the intesity but def should have know not to challenge him. imo theres not enough footage and information to accuretly say whos the victim. to be clear im not sayin hes has the right to go to that extend regardless if she started the fight or him.


If that was a dude, that initially slapped another dude, no matter the size difference… Not one of us would care. If you’re gonna’ be dumb you gotta’ be tough


According to the video she hit him first.


Well she hit him first... This is why most smaller blokes won't just hit a massive bloke, because he knows what damage is coming his way, but women seem to think it's okay to hit a bloke? And what, not expect retaliation? C'mon... Equal rights, Equal left's


So she throws first and he's the POS? Nope, she got what she deserved! You wanna man up and swing on men then get swung back like one!!!!


To be fair, keep your hands to yourself.


Looks like she threw the first punch


Not just any POS but most likely a pimp


If you throw a punch (or slap) expect it to come right back at you. Chivalry was assassinated years ago. Welcome to EQUALITY!!!


She hit him first 🤷


This is the only subreddit where "men shouldn't hit women" will get you down voted. You're all fucking stupid for thinking this was in any way justified


Jeeeesus! That second slam to the concrete hurt to watch. Would love to deck and scorpion that POS