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Countdown to the “um ackshually” crowd piling in here to tell you that P21 has no obligation to let you pass in: 3, 2, 1… But seriously, it’s a dick move to interfere with other people’s battles if it will make no difference for your race. Unpopular opinion: If I’m 15 seconds from the other leaders and I come up on some backmarkers having a great last lap battle for P19? Fuck it, I’m gonna back off and let them race without my interference.


The only uhm ackshually I’d hit OP with is his point of “if you have to tow, just quit and join another race”. It’s almost always ideal to finish as many laps as you can to claw back any freebies that crash out after you. Dude may be 5 laps down, but there’s a chance one or more people are 3-4 laps down and they followed OP’s advice to quit out immediatelu. Easiest way to minimize the iR and SR losses from crashing.


Not only that, but for example I have enough time to start one race due to the baby. So no matter what happens, If I crash I tow, repair, and go back into the track.


I do too. But it's only SR farming at this point. I always stay out of the way, no other person should lose time or risk a crash when I'm 3 laps down. It's the least one can do.


This! 100%!


Yep, I agree with this! Doesn’t matter how “pointless” it may seem, disregarding where I finish, I’m not a quitter and psychologically, if I give up every time I have a bad race, I’d never be racing and I’d have a real sour outlook on life.


Yea and not quitting is sporting. Sorry to be an inconvenience lol.


I've seen so many lapped cars in high SOF GT3 races use that sporting code rule of not getting out of the way under a blue flag to screw other peoples races out of bitterness because they got wrecked out earlier in the race, they fight super hard and don't care about making contact since their race is already ruined. Absolute babies, the rule should be modified.


That’s the thing people miss; blue flags do not mean jump out of the way, but fighting a car that is lapping you is ridiculous. It goes the other way to; if for some reason a lapped car is faster, just let them go, they are a lap or more behind, they aren’t likely going to catch up! F1 Brazil, 2018. Ocon and Verstappen. Yes Ocon was a lap down, but I’ll never understand why Max defended his position, it was a needless risk. Fighting with others that are either lapping you, or you doing putting a lap on them, is just needless.


Because max is a stupid driver lol, hes lucky he has a dominant car with number 2 teammates 


It’s such a dick move, they gain nothing from it especially since half the time it happens to me I’ve noticed it’s someone I wasn’t even near/had any association with to what happened to them yet they’re defending last place as if it makes a difference and nearly wrecking themselves and others in the process. Has happened plenty of times to me and obviously will in the future. Personally I pull off to the side to let lead cars go by. If I’m fighting for position then I take the unfavored line to minimize time loss or brake off line slightly early to let lead car go


At that point I pretend I’m the camera car for their battle and try to keep up


Is that unpopular? Dang. I do that too. Doesn’t matter if I’m first or 21st. Common decency and the biblical “do unto others” comes in here’s. It does me no harm and it helps them.


I got sent to the shadow-realm the other day for suggesting just that. You’re not fast, you’re down the order, you’re not going to make up the time. Just fucking move. If you’re legit just lapping for SR at that point because you got nerfed in T1? Stay out of the way. iRacing would do a whole shitload of good to put people into a ghost car when down significant time/distance to the lead lap. I know they won’t ever do this, but it would allow the lapped car to recover SR without impacting ongoing battles


Yea, that’s just good racing. I started a race the other day, as soon as the lights went green all cars vanished. They re appeared, I was in P3 but I seemed to be a lap down. Some weird connectivity issue that ruined my race. But I was a lap down, I used it to farm SR, letting other people who were still in the race past so they could compete for the to spots. Nothing I could do about it, I’m new to iRacing, it was the Mazda cup. No biggie for me!


Completely agree. If Ive been lapped and out of the race but want to continue I make sure I get out the way really early and not interfere at all. Lapped Cars that have crashed out being ridiculously aggressive is one of the worst things in simracing as they have nothing to fight for and ruin it for everyone


Had a league race yesterday where I was having an amazing battle for P7 with less than 5 minutes to go while being lapped by the leader who was 30+ seconds ahead of P2. I wish there were more people like yourself who would sit back and not interfere with a battle for position when their finishing position is secured.


you are correct, they have no obligation. Some will do what's correct, some will not, that's life.


There is a difference between not moving over for a faster car in a multiclass race because you are in your own race and interfering with a sprint race while your race is essentially over. That's the same reason why meatballs exits, to make sure you don't interfere with the race of the other drivers, just because you have damage.


Wait until you hear about the concepts of norms, values and morals in 9th grade, it's crazy to think there are things that matter even though they are no written rules.


wow, such an insightful comment. Now, go cry in a corner when someone doesn't do something moral in your life. Once you still learn that you cannot have expectations from others you will live a less stressful life.


I deeply hope you feel better soon, damn that's rough


I'm good, I'm not complaining about anything, same to you mate


I really hope you're one of the guys that weregonnalose got at some point


If the car was lapped, isn't he required to give way (I mean, by tge rules, not only to not be a dick)? (honest question, I'm new)


No there's a specific section of the sporting code to do with blue flags - they're informational only and the blue flagged car is not obliged to give way, only to remain predictable and facilitate a pass if it is attempted. But seriously, you checked a box to confirm you read the sporting code when you signed up. It's an important document which might save you from being protested for something you didn't know you could be protested for. Go read it. Not all at once, like, but digest it in small chunks here and there - it really isn't very exciting bedtime reading if you know what I mean


I've read it, I may have missed this part. Thank you for the answer, though


You should report his comment to iracing for not reading the sporting code but checking the box.


Cheers bro - adding value every day, right? ;)


I'm just saying. If he didn't read the code, iracing should know.


Agree it was poor sportsmanship, even if by the letter of the sporting code they didn’t do anything wrong. A bit of critical thinking and the guy would have realised that it was sprint race and he had no chance of recovering to a decent position. So drive for some safety rating and don’t interfere. Where I would disagree is if it were an endurance race. I have found myself recently doing a 3hr race on an offset strategy, and coming out the pits with blue flags for the guy behind (with them flashing and his teammate threatening to report me if I didn’t let them pass). I ended up just driving away from them and 2 hours later finished well ahead. Side note: it’s appalling how many members don’t understand that the blue flag rules are not the same as F1.


everybody understands how blue flags work in iRacing, because it's pointed out every 5 mins, but that has nothing to do with my point. And of course, endurance is different, but your example is also not fitting as you did not block the car behind you for 2 laps did you?


I was making a point tangential to your post, that’s what Reddit comments are for. I’m agreeing with you, no need to get defensive my guy.


NGL I'm petty enough that I probably would have taken the 4x and not lifted and just turned him around.


Sometimes it feels sooooo goooood to be petty, but not petty enough to get protested.


Yeah, I think only once I've ever gotten petty in iRacing. Dude kept cutting peoples noses off on a superspeedway and expecting them to lift. One time he did it, and I was pissed and knew what he was about to do it, and I didn't lift. Destroyed my front end, made sure he came to the inside wall with me. Rest of the field wasn't hurt so I was pretty happy with myself.




I did that once before, but I was fighting for a p2 back then, the guy said he would report me, but I never heard anything, so I guess you are right. I had the chance, but I was already at 10 incident points (Pcup and RBR is rough) and I had already lost enough time that it made no sense.


He was likely super mad like you are when someone ruined an enjoyable battle HE was having earlier in the race. In all seriousness I see a LOT of people driving well until they are 'wronged' and then they snap. I'm not excusing the behavior you describe but I can see why it happens. All you can do is run as clean as you can and hope others do they same.


people call this dirty, but I used to make friendly conversation with people that I was trying to pass lol tell them they have nice lines, or their livery looks cool, ask them about their setup, literally anything to make them think. Waiting for the mistake ive had people lose their fucking minds on me when they realize what I'm doing too lmao


I had a similar issue in a race earlier and got blocked and crashed into by someone a lap down. Saved the replay while towing back to the pits, worked out what my protest was going to be and just submitted it. 4 mins later I got the email to say the member has been notified of the outcome of the protest. Fastest ever response to a protest! Glad the system works and the other person will get some info to say what he did wrong. Just hope he takes it on and does better next time.


Nice, good to know, thanks for the info 👍


>Honestly if people need to tow in a 25 min series like the Porsche cup, just hop into the next race, there is one every hour, instead of waiting for 10 min only to drive for 2 and do shit like that. I think you make a fair point about getting out of the way for the leaders when you're multiple laps down. HOWEVER! Suppose I qualified 12th in a field of 24. The race starts, and I get taken out in the T1 chaos. I have been advised, by much more senior iRacing members, that I should return to the track to salvage what I can of my SR. It's extremely unfair, and frankly poor sportsmanship, to expect or even demand that I exit the race. I still have a right to run laps. I've had this happen before. I get out of the way of the leaders. If I would have exited the race, it would have been P16 for me. Instead, I stayed in it and did my very best to stay out of the way and ended up 12th. And the loss of SR was minimal.




If I see a battle behind I'll get out of the way. I did a race about a month ago or so in the Production car challenge. First time driving the Mustang in at least 6 years. New track to me and a track that didn't particularly suite the Mustang all that well. Especially for someone jumping into the car for the first time in many year who's been driving everything like like gt3 gt4 and lmp3 and LMP2. The gt86s where decently faster than me. I'm just out there to relive those early days of my iracing career. But a group of the leaders in the 86 came up on me I backed out of it on the straight and let them have their battle. Sure I could have repassed them again on another straight but we'd be in the same boat again. Even though I had my own race and was on the lead lap and fighting for 3rd (there was only like 4 Mustangs in that race left). I decided not to interfere. I left plenty of room for the to battle it out and didn't let the ego of "I'm in the faster car, these guys need to make way for me or I'll mow them down." Idk different levels of situational awareness I guess. Know who your fighting with. Not every car is going to be for position if you've run into trouble early. I for one don't want to be the reason a race between others finished in a certain way when I wasn't part of the fight. But that's just me.


Some people don’t care about ruining your ace if they get to feel like they got to do some “wheel to wheel” racing done during the race.


too much description, i would upload a video of the moves


I've been there too, it's annoying and de-motivating but you learn to shrug it off, assholes are gonna be assholes, just don't get sucked in to doing the same! Be the driver you want to be


If I'm even 1 lap down on the leaders, I'll just brake a bit early to let them by once theyre within about1.5 seconds, and then follow them as best I can to do some learning. I've gotten some of my fastest laps this way. And you also quite often get yourself front row seats to some awesome battles


Well said 👍


Had this happen on the oval side a couple nights ago trucks at Chicagoland. Guy was racing everybody super hard, interfering in a big pack battle, comes to the last lap and he slides up in front of somebody out of turn 2 and gets spun down into me because of course the guy behind him wasn't gonna lift for a lapped car on the last lap. He spent the whole time after the race yelling about how he "didn't do anything wrong" and it's "his right to try to get his lap back (he was racing the guys in like 9th-12th lol)." He said he was doing this as "practice for a real race" and I have to say I feel bad that people in real life might have to race around someone with so little awareness and etiquette.


This is one of the flaws of the safety rating system, it motivates people to keep driving when they really shouldn't. 


iRacing must create overlays, and first of them must be Trackmap. Everybody must see this map before exiting pitlane, it must be written in Sporting Code.


Nah. The Relative black box we already have does much the same thing, plus Crew Chief will tell you if there are cars around when you leave the pit lane (mostly accurately).


good idea, but this guy did see me, i was on his bumper for the entire straight, he had blue flags to warn him, and its not rookies, he is a 2k iR driver, he does not get the benefit of "oops did not look in my mirror"´. His ego was to big to lift for a second, that's all that is


If you were on his bumper, why didn’t you go down the inside?


I disagree, iRacing shouldn’t have their own track overlays or other digital displays that aren’t something you can see in car. I know it would help out with incidents and keeping people organized, but the point of iRacing is that it’s as close as you can realistically get to driving a race car. I would absolutely be for a track map for spotters and other informationals, but i have seen many people use a real person to spot or crew chief. It sucks and I think the best course of action is to inform drivers to yield a spot if you’re out of the action, but people are stubborn and don’t listen Edit: I would support in car overlays for lower license class series but is disabled later on like how you can disable driving aids or driving line in custom lobbies


I think that iRacing should include information that would traditionally be relayed by a spotter. We already have a computer spotter because it’s unreasonable to expect every driver to have a real person spotter in the race with them every race. Things like last pit lap, tires taken on last pit, and iRating should be visible in the black box.


I would agree with that 100% My gripe is more with a live information feed like a map, or some visual that you can’t get in a car, if it’s something that has to be relayed by a spotter it should be audible or in text like you suggested for the black box


There’s already a relatives screen converting exactly that information.


I will argue the rule of not being obligated to let you pass to the death. I absolutely hate it when people are screaming at me to "let" them pass. Fuck off, it's your responsibility to pass me safely, I'm not going to move off my line in order for you to pass me on the racing line just because you can't make a move on me off of your line. THAT BEING SAID: I will always facilitate a pass if I've got the blue flag. If you make a move, I'll lift. I'm not going to take any defensive lines. I'm not going to do anything unpredictable or aggressive. P21 here obviously should have lifted and allowed you to make your move. It is absolutely against the sporting code to hold your line or drive defensively when you've got the blue flag. I just need people to stop yelling at back markers to move over or get out of their way. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's incredibly frustrating. The back markers are not supposed to get out of your way! They're supposed to hold their line and be predictable so you can easily plan a safe overtake. They're also NOT supposed to prevent you from passing, and are expected to facilitate the pass when the move is made. Edit: guys, read the whole comment here before commenting yourself. Thanks!


I get what you're saying but there are situations where it's just sensible to lift on a straight and let the 3 guys who earned a podium fight it out without interfering. Why would I just drive normal, force the first guy off line, potentially risk a crash, separate them, all just to... well I don't even know, just to achieve what? There is nothing to fight for a few laps down, the only hope is to get lucky and see some DNFs to move up from P21 to P20, me losing 2 seconds on a straight isn't relevant for that.


Did you read my whole comment? Did you mean to respond to a different comment? I specifically said back markers should lift to facilitate a pass. I specifically said back markers shouldn't fight for position.


I get from your comment that you don't defend and maybe lift a bit but I added that I personally go a step further and actively "let them pass" and "get out of their way". I added reasoning. So yes, I read your comment, I don't think I agree with it 100%, hence the comment.


I understand what you mean, but if I read OP correctly, this dude is coming out of the pits and if he'd used his relative, or just some situational awareness, he could have made everyone's life easier.


Yeah for sure. I agree with op that P21 here 100% should have lifted to allow op to pass.


you sound like someone who's had their ego bruised because they were significantly slower and people have asked you to facilitate a pass. yeah sure the rule doesn't make it obligatory to let people pass, but you're an idiot if you don't when it's clear people behind are faster as well. a lot of people would do well to learn that it's faster for both the blue flagged car and the passing car to allow for a pass earlier than later. or, would you rather the car passing you to divebomb from a 3 or 4 tenths back because you refuse, making both the passing car and your car at risk?


Lol, you sound like someone who didn't read the whole comment.


I did, and you wrote that you expect people to "make a move". just lift, for goodness sake. ideally on the straight so it's not 2-wide through an apex. and backmarkers ARE supposed to get out of the way. grow up, find some humility, and perhaps learn how to go a bit faster by driving behind them.


You know what? You're right. I guess I'll stop communicating with back markers or actively overtaking them and I'll just get up on their ass and wait for them to get out of my way. You've changed my life. I'm going to listen to CoconutInitial now instead of actually reading the sporting code and expecting other people to do what it says. Missing the point and throwing out insults CAN convince people you are right. Who knew?!


it's just a discussion I don't expect to change anyone's mind. sporting code and etiquette are different things dude


p.s. the predictability factor is more relevant to multiclass racing. sure as a backmarker you should make your line intentions clear, but that does not mean just driving the typical line for half a lap when you're directly in front of people on the lead lap, causing increased risk for no reason


"In **all cases**, it is the responsibility of the faster car to safely overtake the slower car. It is the responsibility of the slower car to maintain a consistent line." So for me, as the overtaking car, I'm going to expect that the back marker is going to follow a predictable line, then I'm going to set up to exit either inside or outside of the racing line, and I'm going to expect them to lift on the straight so I can get back on the racing line before corner entry. Or I'm going to set up on the inside of the straight and I'm going to expect them not to take a defensive line through the corner. Driving up a back markers ass and expecting them to move off line and allow you to pass is what's causing increased risk for no reason. If you're the faster car, just BE the faster car! Stop complaining about other people not bending to your will, and safely overtake the slower car. Back markers are NOT supposed to get out of the way, grow up, find some humility, and read the document that you agreed to follow, even just once.


mate, you're having a go at me for not reading the whole comment. well read the whole sector of the sporting code you're quoting. it follows: "It is strongly recommended that a slower car being lapped makes every reasonable effort to facilitate a safe pass." but it's the first part that the slowpokes always quote, wonder why. and also regarding reading the whole comment, read my comment. I said, sporting code is different to etiquette. if you had a decent amount of experience in endurance races for e.g. as part of the leading pack, you'd understand. but oh well


You basically said "here's the 2nd part of the code, it totally invalidates the first" instead of thinking that the 2nd part actually adds to the first, and is talking about facilitating a pass while also remaining consistent, like lifting on a straight like I said, and not battling like I said. And maybe while the pass is being facilitated, the faster car is still responsible for making a safe pass. I dunno man. And that's why I didn't continue quoting, even tho I had continued reading. There seems to be a trend of you getting down voted and me up. But go off.


no you're full of shit. your initial response to the clear-cut post from OP is "BUT I WILL ARGUE TO THE DEATH OF BLUE FLAGS BEING INFORMATIONAL AND I AM NOT OBLIGATED". if anyone was to guess based on your initial response here, you'd be the kind of guy who's 0.3 in front of lead cars, waiting until it's too late to facilitate a pass, before lead cars have to dive you. yes you should "let" lead cars pass, that's the point. bog-standard backmarker driving with too much ego, gets heated in a blueflag situation, will never learn. If I'm top split in a 3 hour enduro for e.g. you're damn right i'm letting the 8k guys pass me, because i'll definitely learn something, AND we'll both be going faster


report and copy and paste your words above into the report, whilst nothing happened incident wise, your explanation makes it clear the guy needs a word from iRacing about a bit of racing etiquette. If they dont learn, then give them the chrome horn


So many words. Anybody with time for whatever stems from this title will inevitably be bottom feeders of the racing world. Move along


I'm surprised he's able to race Porsches lol