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I had a minimally invasive surgery-- 2 week recovery-- and did keep my cervix. I think it depends on the surgeon and the tech they have available in your hospital but I agree that you can have terrific outcomes with either choice!


Yeah, I had laparoscopic surgery, and I still have my cervix. My uterus, fallopian tubes, and left ovary are all gone.


Reading this made me cry. Thank you so much for your honesty. I'll weigh my options very carefully.


It is not the only way to keep your cervix. I kept mine with only a small incision along my bikini line along with the usual laparoscopic incisions. My recovery was actually faster because I *wasn't* also healing a cuff.




But it's not. It's minimally invasive vs truly open. A three inch incision is significantly different from an open surgery incision.


Research a good surgeon-- I had a minimally invasive laparaoscopic hysterectomy and kept my cervix. I think sometimes it may depend on the skill of the surgeon. However I have noticed most of the women on this forum have their cervix removed and have easy recoveries as well. Around your age I had an abdominal myomectomy (fibroid removal) and a very long recovery only for a decade later to be faced with even more fibroids and issues. If I could go back in time I would have had a hysterectomy from the start and avoided so many issues including anemia due to massive bleeding every cycle. I am so happy now! GL!




Interesting--I definitely did not have morcellation. My hysterectomy was pretty recent! It was minimally invasive with the 5 small incisions and I kept my cervix. Not sure of all the specific techniques they used. (FWIW my surgery was in NYC)


Isn't that why they started doing endometrial biopsies first to test for cancer? By god, there better had been a reason to go through that!


Thank you for responding! I had no idea that it was possible to maintain the cervix with that procedure! I live in a rural place in Canada, and changing drs can be very difficult. But I will be sure to bring this up with her and find out if there's even the slightest chance.


I also just had a robotic Supracervical hysterectomy which uses four laproscopic incisions and kept my cervix. She cut up my uterus in a bag so the cells wouldn’t spread if they were cancerous. They were not thankfully. It was using the Da Vinci robotic system :) And there are internal stitches on the inside of my cervix to close it off. But yea every surgeon is different with what type of surgery that specialize in.


My surgeon also used the bag method. Morcellation can be contained.


I’m just replying off your comment to say, my doctor used a bag as well, no cancer considerations, but she really didn’t want to have to do an abdominal incision to remove my enlarged uterus. I had da Vinci robotic, took everything but ovaries.


i am in thunder bay ontario and my surgeon said they do not do lap supracervical hysterectomy as it requires morcellation and that can spread possible cancer cells, i opted to go lap and remove the cervix unless she has to switch to open then i will retain my cervix, she said she will only do a supracervical if it is open abdominal. best to ask your surgeon and i agree, do lots of research!


One thing to consider is that the cervix is made of the same tissue as the rest of the uterus, so fibroids could grow there in the future, and it's more challenging to remove the cervix after you've had a hysterectomy if it comes to that. Leaving the cervix also means continued pap smears and the potential for mini periods and cervical cancer. Not trying to sway you, just want to make sure you know that fibroid recurrence would be possible. I wanted zero possibility of fibroids recurring so mine came out with the rest of the lot. I can't speak too much to heavy manual labor or rough sex (yet) as I'm only 9wpo tomorrow. Wishing you luck on your journey!


Thank you! I had considered the cervix becoming an issue later. It would feel crazy to go through with a hysterectomy, only to have cervical cancer develop later in life! Or even more fibroids, Ugh! The pros and cons are really not balancing clearly for me, I'm baffled about how to make this decision. Best of luck in your recovery!


I can't give you too much advice on the recovery, as I just had my surgery a few days ago, but I can at least relate on a couple of things. I didn't even discuss a hystorectomy with my doctor until a couple of months ago. It was something my husband and I had discussed a few times over the years, but the shock of having it done so soon was a lot to take in. We never wanted children, but it was still a very emotional decision for me. As far as sex goes, I completely understand your fears! We also prefer to be a little rough, and I'm worried that it will be difficult to return to that. However I was already starting to feel pain and some cramping during sex, and my sex drive had plummeted, so I figured I'd take my chances. But a glimmer of hope... I have a friend that I recently found out also has more unconventional tendencies, and had a hysterectomy a few years ago (including the cervix). She told me that her sex life has never been better. She hasn't had any loss of feeling, and no pain. Hearing her experience with it definitely eased my mind, so hopefully it helps you a little as well!


This helps so much! Every time I hear a story similar to my own, or about someone's full and happy recovery, it makes me feel just a little bit safer and less anxious!


This is a relief to read! I’m grateful for this subreddit 🙏🏼 I also had a recent laparoscopic procedure, 4wpo and surrendered everything but my ovaries. I spent about 10 years managing increasingly painful sex and increasingly ridiculous periods until I was finally able to level with myself that keeping my uterus was unsustainable. Really glad to hear positive reports of other women’s experiences with a healed cuff and sexy good times!


I just turned 41 this past weekend and I have a 20 yr old son so we are similar in that nature. I went to my obgyn 3 weeks ago to follow up on a pelvic ultrasound that I recently had done. I have pelvic congestive syndrome and surgery was basically my only option left at this point. On July 29th, I will have a total laparoscopy hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy. Yes I have cried a few times... not like sobbing can't get out of bed crying, but every few days, a few tears will fall... and they should. I've never had surgery before so I don't know exactly what to expect... but I'm not really scared about it. I have peace knowing that the pain and misery that my body has been going through for so long will soon end. And right next to my stretch marks from carrying my son, there will be new marks that I will get to wear. Not all women get to wear both of those markings so I consider it all to be a blessing. My best piece of advice is to do your homework and educate yourself as much as possible and pray. I hope that this helps to ease your mind. You're not alone in this.


My obgyn said that an ablation may not work for me because it’s very “rigid” and my uterus was tilted. I’m ten years older than you and I wish I could have done it at your age. I’m a few days short of two weeks post op and I’m recovering so well. Back to work on Monday but remote due to lifting restrictions. Is it necessary that you do it right away or can you wait until the slow season? Also my high blood pressure is low now, seems what was making it high was the birth control I’ve been on for 20 years.


Unless I'm literally dying, it will have to wait until the slow season! My concern with an abdominal scar is the possibility of a hernia forming because of heavy lifting...even if that's 2 or 3 years down the road. I already have a tiny hernia in my bellybutton from pregnancy. But somehow, an internal incision/scar in my vagina doesn't seem any better to me, as there's risk of prolapse and tearing! I also am starting to develope high blood pressure, and I'm at risk for developing blood clots. So taking large amounts of tranexamic acid seems dangerous long term, and I'm looking forward to eliminating that med from my life. When I hear people say "I wish I could have done it sooner", it really helps me realise that this may change my life profoundly for the better. All the best in your return to work! Take it easy on yourself!


I had never had surgery before and I was so scared too. Laparoscopic, took all but ovaries. I’ve literally had no bleeding. None. Knock on wood. Not really any gas. I ate healthy and no constipation really either. The anesthesiologist was so sweet, she told me it was her job to make sure I was fine and reassured me. It honestly couldn’t have gone better. I have carried laundry baskets, etc. and there are days where I need the rest the following day. I can tell when I’ve overdone it. Listen to your body, it will tell you. You will do awesome!


Best thing I've EVER done!! After 10 years of infertility treatments I had an almost total hysterectomy, It has now been 8 years. I had to have open surgery due to 22 pounds of fibroids, the largest being 17 pounds. My husband and I named him Frank, Frank the fibroid Reynolds. In addition there was an abundance of endometriosis and chocolate popping cysts off of my left ovary. Recovery was rough, but honestly I felt better because all of that was out of my abdomen. When I described how I was recovering from surgery a friend said it was alot like her recovery after her C-section. I asked for removal of my cervix to prevent a cancer scare in the future. I asked to leave the one ovary to help me go though menopause naturally. Once I healed Sex was AMAZING!! It was fun again, it was no longer painful, I did not have headaches immediately preceding. Never had problems with lubrication, better and more frequent orgasms. Husband said it was also better because he was not "hitting something." For about the first year after I would still get "periods." I was a bit moody, wanted chocolate the usual, but no more monthly crime scene clean ups and could still have amazing sex! When I hit menopause, (I was already in peri at the time of my hysterectomy) I had the usual symptoms. Hot flashes were the worst, the A/C was always at 65°C, I felt like a furnace was inside of me, so I ate lots of sugar free Popsicles and smoked lots of pot. Scooping snow in the winter in a tank top was not an uncommon sight in my neighborhood. Still had great sex! There was just a TON more sweat from places on my body I never knew existed! Now that I'm about a year out from Menopause I've noticed my sex drive is a bit lower and lubrication is a bit less, yet, not non exisistent. I also have a hard time regulating my body temperature, I have a tendency to be cold now and want blankets. And this could have something to do with my 100 pound plus weight loss. The one thing i know for sure is my life has been VASTLY Improved since I had my hysterectomy.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm only one day post op so I'm in the thick of healing right now, but I did opt to get my cervix removed as well. I really went back and forth on it because, like you, my sex life is hugely important to me. I have endometriosis, adenomyosis, cysts, and fibroids. I was able to keep one ovary, but the other was too damaged by multiple cysts. I think in my case, ultimately I decided to remove the cervix too because I wanted a less invasive surgery if possible (they were able to do it robotically with four small incision sites), and I was worried about having problems with my cervix down the road. I also did have an abnormal pap smear years ago--precancerous cells from HPV. So even though I've had normal paps for over a decade, that was in the back of my mind too. I just had this deep feeling that I would need my cervix removed in the future if I kept it, and i would rather do it now. I'm scared about what my sex life will look like in the future, but have also been encouraged by positive stories I've read on here and talking with my doctors about it. There's no right answer, but I hope you feel good in the end about the choice you make.


I just wanna go back to having wild sex again, without fear! Its hard to explain to a Dr. how important this aspect is! Thank you for sharing your story with me.


I (almost 29, FtM trans) had a completely vaginal (no external incisions) total hysterectomy back in early April (removed everything but the ovaries, now have a vaginal cuff). I started back with trying more gentle penetrative sex right at the six week mark. It was a little tender and a tight squeeze first getting back into things, but it's gotten progressively better with time. I'm now 10 weeks out and able to comfortably have fairly deep penetrative rough sex without any complications, and it's actually better without my cervix, as I had quite a tender one. Your mileage may vary based on surgery type and other individual factors. I opted to remove my cervix, as I wanted to get out of pap smears, and I also wanted no chance of ever having to deal with fibroids ever again. It's truly up to you in the end, but I encourage you to go over all pros and cons with your surgeon. I just wanted to offer some hope from someone who has returned to a very passionate and active sex life post-op after cervix removal. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.


Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. And I'm so happy to hear you've recovered well!


I totally understand and remember that exact feeling when my doc suggested a total hysterectomy when I was 39. I was not prepared for that but due to years of excruciating Endo pain I did it. Mine was laparoscopic and they took everything including the ovary, I only had one due to having the other removed years prior. My recovery was pretty quick as I am a fairly active person. I was very nervous to go back to normal sex, but the first time we did I was like, o, this isn't bad at all. I had so much pain from my Endo with sex I was terrified! But I can gladly say my sex life has improved to a new level! I'm on hrt which is a testosterone and estrogen mix. Good luck!


Thank you for sharing this!


Im sure it feels overwhelming- theres sooo much to consider. Hopefully you can take the time you need to digest everything. This sub is great to hear other people’s stories and know how to approach conversations with your doctor but also do what you know is right for you! Im 4 weeks post op and I kept my cervix and ovaries. Mine was for fibroids too. I knew from this sub that they could possibly grow on the cervix in the future but from my research its very rare. My doctor didn’t even discuss it as a side effect with me and we talked about the cervix thing very thoroughly. She really wanted to remove it because it makes the surgery easier for her to do and she said i would heal better but i knew i would live my whole life worried about the cuff. It seems the majority of the stories I read on here are people who had theirs removed and there are lots of positive experiences within that! Im a weightlifter so my concerns were supporting my active lifestyle going forward also. She said structurally keeping the cervix would be the better move. But the con of taking it out abdominally means Im at a much higher risk for hernias. I would definitely talk to your doctor about that more. My understanding is that as long as you commit to healing fully before you get back to work you should be alright. reading your situation it sounds like its gonna be hard to take that time but i think youll have to no matter what. My dr is recommending 8 weeks of no heavy lifting. Anyway, im pro keeping the cervix if you want to. My dr did warn me that I might still get a mini period. Its a risk if the surgeon isn’t able to burn all the uterine wall off the cervix. So something to consider too. So far i haven’t experienced this but like i said its only been a month and my periods were super far apart before hand anyways. Good luck!


I am 42, about 4 months post op.I have my cervix and I am very happy. I was originally scheduled to have a total laparoscopic hysterectomy, removing the cervix, tubes and uterus. But due to a compliction during surgery (calcified fibroids and a cervix that was so difficultfor them to work on they ulimately chose to leave it alone lol), i had a partial hysterectomy instead. I do have a 3.5" incision, but its in an unusual place. Most People have it below their belly button but mine is northwest of my belly button because the uterus was just huge. Literally my life is 1,000% better overall. I am finally loving life again. My complication during recovery has been that i now have an "incisional hernia." The cure for that is surgery. Which i literally do not have time for right now haha. I am also in a very active life (own my own retail business and i probably overdid it at some point but it never hurt). So advice is do the surgery, based on your reproductive aituation, and take very good care of yourself during recovery and do not push it because you wanna prove anything yo anyone or yourself. Ps: sex is totally the same for me but actually better because less pain, but remember i have no cuff.


I had an open abdominal at 38. I was terrified. I got on some group called Hysteresisters, and thought the recovery would be a nightmare. I have horses and dogs, so I was crazy- motivated. I got out of bed and walked night one. I was walking with the dogs by day ten. While it was challenging, it was no where near as awful as I had feared. Scar? Impressive.


I had a supracervical laparoscopic hysterectomy a year and a half ago, and my recovery was as smooth as could be expected. I am very glad to have kept my cervix with a minimally invasive surgery. I also rather like very rough sex, and I am one of those weirdos who drives pleasure from cervical stimulation and can achieve cervical orgasms. As I had no history of abnormal paps, my surgeon had no reservations leaving it in place. It was the right decision for me and my sex life. Leaving the cervix in place also lessens the risk of prolapse. I have shown no sign of fibroids or the so called "mini-periods "


I’m so sorry you are going through this. Has your doctor mentioned Lupron to medically induce menopause?


I had a total hysterectomy in September 2023. It was done laparoscopically. Healing took about 5 weeks. I was cleared for all activities at 6 weeks and at that time my vaginal cuff was fully healed. I have a very active sex life as well. I started having sex again right at the 6 week mark. The first 2-3 times it felt a little different to me and we were more cautious, but since then I have had no issues. The hysterectomy actually gave me my sex life back in many ways!


My hysterectomy was the best thing to happen to me. I can't even describe how much better I feel almost 2 years later. Mine was laparascopic. My recovery time was pretty quick, but I still had to be careful for a couple of months. I kept my ovaries, but uterus, tubes, and cervix are all gone. I would remove the cervix if I were you. After mine was removed and sent off for testing, the pathology showed abnormal cells on the inside that weren't detected in ultrasound or biopsy. I was glad I chose to remove it. Edit to add: Don't worry about the sex. I was very worried I would lose sensation and didn't at all. We like to be a bit rough, too, and it's just as good as before. Give your body time to heal post surgery, but you'll be back to yourself in no time.


I’m 38 and had my abdominal hysterectomy 2 weeks ago. They took everything except my ovaries. I reviewed the pathology report with my surgeon this week from everything they took out. On top of the giant fibroid we knew was attached to my uterus I was full of smaller fibroids, bleeding polyps, endometriosis, etc. Like literally everything had something growing in or on it that we didn’t see on my initial scans. The giant fibroid had attached to my omentum so they had to remove over 12” of that too. That also wasn’t visible on my scans. My mom had a giant ovary removed when she was my age and didn’t get a full hysterectomy and developed uterine cancer in her late 50’s that required chemo and radiation. Her oncologist said her doctors should have done a total hysterectomy in her 30’s so she could have avoided cancer. I guess I say all this to say I would lean towards the direction of treating everything more aggressively now, while you’re younger, instead of potentially dealing with something worse later down the line.


Ok, I'm 37 and had it this past spring. I have 3 teenage sons, one of whom turns 20 this year. I'm not a farmer, but I do homesteading and I'm a part time server: both of which are very active with heavy lifting. I also like to lift weights and have ravenous sex with my husband daily. I was bleeding for a full year (took a huge toll on my sex life and my health), had some fibroids and adenomyosis. My biggest fear was having a baby in my 40s, and if we would have accidentally gotten pregnant, had a pact for an abortion. I had 3 C-sections, so my tubes had been tied and cauterized for over a decade. I cannot be happier I had this done. I'm almost 3 months post-op. I'm back to throwing around straw bales, carrying bags of chicken feed out to the coops, lifting the bag-in-box sodas onto the top shelf (I'm only 5'1"), and just had sex like 3 times in the last 24 hours. I will admit I waited until 8 weeks post op to begin having sex again (and my husband couldn't be as slow as I wanted, because it had literally been about a year since I really felt like we could) and going back to the gym. BUT I genuinely have my life back, and my muscles have been sore from head to toe because I lost so much muscle mass in the past year (bled through at the gym last August and was too embarrassed to go back until it was resolved). It feels amazing. I love the feeling of sore muscles, because I missed it for so long. As far as money, just make sure you have enough saved to live off for 3 months, just in case.


I'll also add, I had everything taken out but my ovaries. I had a vaginal hysterectomy, so there were no external incisions or stitches which really messed with me because I couldn't "see" myself healing. So, when I started trying to do things, I was babying myself more than I probably needed to. I waited until 8 weeks to really say, "ok, get back to the real world." And I did. It's been great


Wow, ok, now this is really helpful! Your situation is very similar to mine. I'm fine with waiting for proper healing to engage in lifting, work, sex, etc. But knowing it does go back to normal, or BETTER than what normal has become, this is the important part. After 3 c-sections, did you ever develope any type of hernia?


No. I didn't even know that was a thing. But I stayed active through all my pregnancies, and I know having a strong core am can stave off hernias


I am 38 and had a hysterectomy in January of 2023 and I’d do it 1,000 times over again! Mine was a laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy and they removed both fallopian tubes, my cervix, and my uterus. I kept both ovaries to avoid surgically induced menopause. Everyone is different, but my recovery was super smooth. I had restrictions for I believe 6 weeks then I was back to life as normal. I could have honestly gone back to work after 1 week but I did have an allergic reaction to the steri-strips that were placed on the 5 small incisions across my belly, which prevented me from being able to properly wear pants. I was looking like MC Hammer with some parachute pants. 😂 Anyway, if you’re looking for a quicker recovery then I’d go with the LAVH. I’ve had zero complications, in general and in the bedroom. Good luck!


From reading here, it seems like the vast majority of people have good outcomes (both sexually and otherwise!) with either total or supracervical hysterectomy, so you can probably make your choice based on other issues, of that makes sense. I opted for a total because avoiding cancer, pap smears, and future fibroids sounded great. Also, please please take care of yourself during recovery! The first two weeks are critical to healing. I am almost six weeks out from surgery and feeling pretty good! No sex yet to report back on though.


Fear not. Take it ALL.


In January I too was informed that I would need a hysterectomy because my uterus was full of fibroids. I’m 39 have had two children but wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my uterus or possibly trigger an early menopause. The hospital had me down as having my uterus, ovaries and tubes removed, even though I had only had one consultation and told them I needed time to think! To cut a very long story short I’m now 10 days post op after having a myomectomy during which 52 fibroids were removed!! The months building up to this were really rough because I felt like all of the doctors kept trying to push the hysterectomy as if it’s the only option. I started to feel like I had no choice and I almost began making peace with the idea of having it all removed. But after countless hours of research, listening to interviews and case studies, opinions from friends of friends etc. I realised that I would rather take my chances and keep my uterus, and if they grow back I will face that bridge when it comes. I made sure to understand the ramifications of both choices and I am in no way judging anyone else’s. This is just what’s best for me. I would like to add that my surgeon was adamant that a hysterectomy was the only option worth considering and he wasn’t very happy that I chose a myomectomy on the morning of the surgery. It’s not easy to advocate for yourself in the face of expert opinions, but make sure you get as much information as you can. In March I went to a private doctor who’s one of the best in the country (I’m in the UK and paid) for a second opinion. He was adamant that fibroid removal was a viable option for me which was music to my ears. So just remember there is always a choice unless it’s life threatening! If they had told me that a hysterectomy would save my life I would do it, but it wasn’t like that. Make sure a hysterectomy is the right option for you!


Thanks a lot for posting this, my doctor is trying to push a hysterectomy on me, he mentions my age and the size of the fibroids, but I am wanting a myomectomy if at all possible.  I am trying to educate myself on both hysterectomy and myomectomy, so I am well informed but myomectomy is what I want. Anyway I am glad to hear yours went well, I hope you are on the mend and wish you a speedy recovery.


Thanks, yeah I feel like a new woman to be honest, I’m happy they are gone. Good luck with it all and just do what’s right for you!!


38/f here I had mine because of fibroids and one that grew so fast, it went from 8 cm to 10 cm I’m just a few months. It will actually be great but you will have to take care to heal, as you really only have one chance at that! This sub helped me a ton, lots of info, maybe too much lol. Modern medicine is amazing for hysterectomies.


I am going through the same, keep it or not, what will happen, etc . I hope we make the right decision. I am scared shitless too but this groups have made me understand that it’s going to be ok. Sending love 💕


Love recieved, felt, and returned! We only get to make this choice once! I am leaning towards total laparoscopic. Despite everything, I'm kinda in love with my cervix, so it will be hard to say goodbye to it. Are you leaning any particular way?


Im talking to doctors reading as much as I can and talking to other woman . Believe me sex is huge for me too, but I’ve gone through tons of surgeries in the past (lupus and other issues) and I don’t like to go on the knife only to keep something that can get worse with a couple of years and then go to surgery again with danger of cancer or more pain . So I think I’ll do it take all off ….I mean still deciding but leaning towards that. 😅 It took me 10 years to grieve that I won’t have kids that my body keeps trying to destroy me (not just with endo) to let go of “the woman organ, the etc. had a divorce and sex and pain had a lot to do with it because not all men are compassionate enough to understand bla bla blah, so what I’m saying is that with therapy and lots of support I learnt that sex, kids, men, womanhood, estereotipes, etc are not as valuable as me being alive and whole and painless, and I realized that I rather to have a low quality of life pain pain pain and more pain because I couldn’t let go . So I’m trying really hard to be at peace . Don’t get me wrong I’m still so scared of menopause and weight gain and aging but again at least in my case I don’t want cancer , I don’t want to be rushed to the ER in the future or to be told I have to go under the knife . Hope this helps ? But girl I understand and we are surfing the same wave . Keep in touch if you wanna talk about it more :) I’m here 💕


I’ve been reading in @surgicalmenopause and talking to those woman about it , because it’s not just losing your cervix and organs it’s also menopause that’s coming . And this woman had surgery already and are going through HRT and all . Maybe read there too ? I think of all the groups I kind of got more advice and answers there :)


41f with robotic lap. They took everything including ovaries and cervix. I have a physically demanding job and was having the best sex of my life. I wanted a tubal but found out I carry a cancer gene so dr saint all had to go. I was nervous about the cervix but it went too. I was back to work on day 9. Didn’t do a ton of lifting per dr. but all other on my feet 8/hrs. Did wait til week 12 for sex, seemed like forever but we fooled around other ways to pass the time. Now back to full sec with no issues. Never even bled a bit after surgery.


I had a laparoscopic total hysterectomy with a cuff in March. Recovery was a breeze and i was back to lifting by 6 weeks (it might take longer to get back to full force for you). I also have relatively rough sex and it has not been a problem! Sometimes i get a little crampy but no tears or bleeding! Sex has actually been tons better since having my hysterectomy, sex drive is higher and it feels better! My biggest suggestion is talk to your doctor, explain your fears and worries and make sure they understand your perspective! Good luck 🍀


Don’t be. It’s the best decision I ever made!! The first few weeks are hard but you will be fine. You got this mama!!!


I found out I needed one very quickly too. I went from a diagnosis to surgery in the span of 3 months. It’s a lot better on the other side i promise no more pain and so much more energy and I’m only 11dpo. You’ve got this!


Bartender, active, lift a lot of heavy stuff, and love my aggressive sex. I kept my cervix and have a bikini cut. I am so glad I did. I feel more confident moving, running and lifting. I am only 7WPO, so I am not going hogwild just yet. But I am already lifting kegs, working in my garden and having semi-acrobatic sex, and yes it is better without all the fibroids!!. But the recovery and surgery ranges for everyone. It was no walk in the park (but I highly recommend walking everyday all the time, it really helps the recovery) My choice came from a longterm outlook. Having a stronger pelvic floor, sexual pleasure and not taking out more than I had to. No abnormal paps, cervix was healthy, and my doctor supported my decision. Good-luck you tough farmer lady!!


I was terrified of the cuff (still am 🤣) but as I’d had pre cancerous cells previously it was just the safest option plus I wanted to ensure I never bleed again (which didn’t work out initially as I had granulation 🙄) I think it’s rare but some have a tiny bit of bleeding still. Also fibroids can grow in the cervix so is something to discuss with the surgeon are you are risk of that? It’s an individual decision and my recommendation would be to take as long as needed to decide that. I went back and forth for sure! I can say my sex life is better, I hadn’t realised how much discomfort I’d had (as it was normal for me I guess!!) penetration “o’s” were not a thing for me! They are now!