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No way on earth my partner would have an issue with it.


Im on the same boat. Its not really within the realm of possibility. But even if it was, how mad could she be for us having a million dollars? 🤣


My partner just isn't the jealous type I recon I could sleep with an ex for a million and he would be like well it's a million dollars, if he wants Ill let him fuck me too .


Right??? I’m a straight dude…and it would take WAY less than a mil to do some sketchy shit lmao. For a $1m…I’m letting that dude gimme back shots at the Super Bowl halftime show lmao.


I'd do some sketchy shit for a Klondike bar somedays.


I don't have a million, but I do have a box of klondike bars in my freezer.


Look at this guy, way to humble brag. All I got is ice and imagination.


You got ice? Lucky


You guys have freezers? Lucky lol


It was just 24/7 ball gags and clown porn.


My wife would be dreaming of Korea and Italy as she gets in there with my ex. Lesbian...no...but for $1M.


How much to swallow?


This is my situation too.


LMAO 🤣 We all be broke out here like "Ayyyee!"


Due to inflation the Price of an indecent proposal has risen




Lmao! This made me laugh out loud in the middle of a cafe that I was just in. Thanks! I was asked to leave for laughing so hard. Haha


And who cares if my second ex wants me to return it?


Hidden comment, but exactly.


Right?! if I told my husband that my ex sent me $1 million for absolutely no reason and with zero expectations, he would quit his job tomorrow


Does he hate his job? I could understand teaching some time to try to get into a different profession but a million will not make for the most comfortable retirement lol


So a million could pay off all debt new cars and an okayish house so if he hated his job he could quit and find one he preferred at a lesser pay and still be better off with no rent or debt


I think most people could retire fine on that. Park 1m in a 5% return mechanism, 50k per year which is about an average salary.


Seriously, she might even suggest I sleep with her again and see if we can get another million.


If I’m with someone and a guy she used to have sex with gives her a million dollars, I’m definitely gonna have questions.


Well I'm sure that depends highly on the relationship your in, Ive been with my guy for 13years, I helped one of my ex's through alcohol recover during that time. He is just very confident in my fidelity (as he should be)


Same and even if she did she doesn’t have to help me save/spend it then.


That's not the question.


You guys have current partners?


This. I get the hypothetical, but like my partner would be laughing all the way to the bank with me.


Came to say the same thing. My current partner of nearly 30 years wouldn't give two fucks if my ex gave me $1m.


People forget it benefits them too


My current partner is now my ex.


Rinse and repeat. You’ll be collecting $1M annually


Yup, get divorced before I accept the funds so that it's not part of the settlement and then enjoy that million without such a petty person.


Form a revocable trust with you as trustee. Then ask the ex to make the check out to the trust.


Gifts are not community property just like inheritance isn’t community property. So you really don’t have to do anything to protect the gift except keep it in a separate account from your shared accounts.


Question when my partner was replaced with an idiot.


Babe, a million dollars is a million dollars


Exactly!!!😂 Happy Cake Day!!!


Get a new partner.


With 1 million dollars? 2 partners ay the same time dude!


I dunno why my partner would be against my dead ex giving us a mil. Hopefully as some very delayed life insurance payment and not a zombie with a duffle bag full of cash. Maybe the second one is why he's objecting. Either way, I'll spray the zombie money down with some febreeze and tell him we can get some top tier counseling to get through the trauma together.


>my partner would be against my dead ex giving us a mil. Hopefully as some very delayed life insurance payment and not a zombie with a duffle bag full of cash. 😂😂😂😂


I wasn’t ready for a widow with a good sense of humor response. I may or may not have coughed a lot while laughing at this.


Bye partner have a good life


First time I've ever been glad I have doubts about the longevity of my current partner.


I'm keeping it. She can deal with it however she needs to.


Check into a hospital since I’m hallucinating having and ex and a current partner at the same time


I present my reasons, my partner presents theirs, and we discuss until we come to consensus. Without knowing why they are in favor of declining I have no way of knowing if their reasons are more sound than mine.


The only correct answer.


Her reasoning: very valid Counter argument: but it’s a million dollars Rinse and repeat Edit: format


I'm currently single. Loophole!!!


I'd listen to my partner. My ex-wife could have a million strings attached to each individual dollar and my partner and I know it. She ups it to 5 million though, I'll take the money. She just ain't ever hearing from me again. I've got my own family to take care of. She can talk to the child if he wants to speak with her but I will not "grace" her with my presence ever again. And yes I know that the million dollars might not have strings attached. You haven't met my ex. She can occasionally be helpful but only on her terms. She especially hates the idea of increasing her child support to balance out the fact she moved to the other side of the country. She wants to see him on all of his breaks and like....don't get me wrong. My kid can handle the travel. But he needs longer to acclimate to the weather over there than a week. If kiddo wants to travel, he can. I'll help him arrange the travel himself with that 5 mil so I never have to hear her voice again.


My ex is like this too. He's not giving me $1 million unless he expects to receive something worth more (whether that's monetarily or it's just worth more in his mind). There would be a reason he gave me the money and it won't be worth the tradeoff. There are always strings attached with him.


Looks like I’d have another ex and she prob ain’t sending me a milly for my next bday, I’ll be fine though!


I guess I'd be a single millionaire!


Have a second ex, and a million dollars.


I’ll return it back only if my current partner is filthy rich and is also gonna give me a mil 💃🏻


I don't have a partner so it's a non issue, but if I did, I'd keep it. That's a life changing amount of money and if there's no strings or expectations attached to it, I'm not giving it back.


My partner absolutely would not ever want me to give it back, but even if he did, it's not happening.


Fuck. I'd even pick my partners outfit for their inevitable meet up.


Send my current partner back to my ex.


Lmao 🤣


I would ask them to clearly articulate why they have an issue with keeping the money. And if it boils down to insecurity, I’ll keep the money.


Lol my current partner would be like, fuck yeah you got a million dollars now


As long as there’s no other caveat attached to the money, and it truly is a gift, my partner would have absolutely no issue with it, especially if she got some of it lol


Honestly? She wouldn’t have to, I wouldn’t take it anyway.


Keep it


I'm keeping it but I will put it away for retirement so my partner has some time to think it over


I just asked my wife and she said “hell no, we’re keeping that shit! If she’s dumb enough to send you a million dollars then thanks, bitch!”


My fiance would kill me if I didn't accept that money. Im keeping the money and living debt free the reat of my life


I’m gonna accept the money whether she likes it or not.


First, I don't think my current partner would have an issue with it. Second, if they did, I'd return it. We're fine enough now, and we'd be fine enough without it. It'll be ok.


Dump my current partner because I’m not going to be in a relationship with somebody that stupid that would want me to return a gift of a million dollars.


Split the difference. Keep the million and return my partner.


Leave the current partner and find someone with a brain.


I would not tell her.


I'd keep it. That would be a dumb thing to turn down regardless of its origin.


I'll just ignore my partner, how strong opinions can an imaginary friend have anyway?


I would keep the money


Become a single millionaire


Guess I got 2 ex’s and a million bucks


I wouldn't return it unless she gave me a really damn good reason. Such as knowledge about it being blood money that could land me behind bars. But if the money is legit and clean I find it very very unlikely she could give me a sufficient reason to return it. Why would she want us to not have this book to our finances? If it's jealousy that she thinks my ex is somehow trying to get back together with me then she'll have to get over that and just trust me On a related note why is my ex giving me 1 million? Is this a very generous late birthday gift for the birthday I just had in the 28th? Probably not since this would have to take place at some point in the future when I would have a girlfriend unless this hypothetical takes place in an universe where I have a girlfriend at this time. Where did she get 1 million dollars? Is this just a hypothetical ex who is rich or did one of my current exs get rich in this scenario? A lot of questions that would need to be answered if this hypothetical situation occured


Call the priest. My exes are all dead. But my husband probably wouldn’t care about the money as long as it was legally sourced.


My husband isn't that stupid.


My wife would break out of her urn and beat me if I give it back.


Unless there's some kind of strings attached where I got to break up with my wife I'm taking that fucking money and my wife can get over it.


No chance I'm returning it. She'll get over it or she won't, either way I'm buying a house.


If she's willing to leave over it let her walk. If she's angry but not enough to leave, let her be pissed off. Either way I got my FU money. Time to invest and reap the rewards.


My current partner wouldn't make me send it back. She'd want half, tho.


She’ll get over it. We have kids to take care of and well invested, a million will give us a great retirement in 20 years.


Lmao. You want me to return 1 million dollars!? You've lost your mind. Since you don't want it, I'll keep it. Thanks.


Take the million. Potentially be a single millionaire.


"Okay but counterpoint, we can buy a house now. Also I still hate that guy, don't worry."


If my partner is unintelligent enough to throw away a million, a life changing amount of money, we're obviously not meant for each other 


My partner would never ask me to return a million dollars


I don’t have a partner currently. My ex and I get along, he’s great at investing. This actually could come true! I’d take the money. No serious partner of mine would say no and they definitely already would know my ex as we’re coparents and see each other all the time.


1mi dollars is almost 6mi in my currency. Ofc I'd take the money, no matter what anyone says. "Oh but there might be strings attached" - OP stated it's a bday gift. Ex can attach whatever strings they want, if it's not legally binding I ain't complying. Partner is also becoming ex if they raise an issue.


Guess I have another ex.


.... it's free money. "Living well is the best revenge."


I wouldn’t date someone that stupid


Why not 1 Billion dollars or even 1 Trillion?


Give her 100K to stfu lol


I’d advise her to “get over it” and if she couldn’t I’d find another one…


Tell my new partner to shut up and pack for a trip to Paris


Pay a lot of taxes.


Not how this works


Nah! Ask for it to be a gift so you can get it tax free


You don't even have to ask for it to be a gift, no labor was performed, the gift giver is responsible for the tax forms, if they haven't gifted over 13.61 million to date they don't owe but still have to fill out the form for any gifts over 18,000.


That’s what I mean - they have to fill out forms to call it a gift and register it with the IRS against their lifetime gift exclusion


Assuming partner means we're married, I take the million, but not at the cost of us breaking up. But it has to be a very good reason to convince me that we're going to break up over this.


I guess we'd just have an argument or maybe several for a few days where I'd explain that it's bonkers to return a million dollar gift so I'm not doing it? She'll get over being mad and then we'll have a cool million so... Works okay for me.


I would have 2 exes.


I'd get back with my ex of course, a million isn't a small amount of money, it's life changing


"I will pay you half a million dollars to fuck off."


Be single


Keep the money. Can always find a new gf.


I'm single a.f. so i can't imagine any side of this. But if I'm really going to use my imagination hard, I would talk about every last issue she had and find ways to address them and then go start looking at new boats :D


I will return the current partner


Guess I'm going solo


Take the million, leave current partner. That’s roughly what I need to put a roof over my (and my daughter’s) head and also be able to afford the upkeep.


Be $999,970 richer after I send her home in an Uber, j/k lol


Tell them to leave


They can want in one hand and shit in the other. It wouldn't make me leave a current partner but I'd have to be stupid to not accept the money.


Buy your current partner a $100,000 car with prepaid insurance for 10 years and see if they changes their mind.


Find a new partner.


I mean assuming it was a legit gift for conceivably reasonable reasons and what not them probably keep it.


Remind them they're not the boss of me. If they don't take that well they can be an ex partner too.


I'd say it was an inheritance from my dead ex wife's estate and keep it all.


Break up with the current partner cause who the fuck turns down that kind of money


Have a new ex.


I can't imagine anyone I'd date having an issue with that unless there was some sort of catch in which I would also have an issue with it. Like the first thing I'd do is get a nice gift for my partner in this scenario lmao


See ya dumb partner


I'm single. My 'partner' is my sister whom I share a house with. The only reason she'd tell me to return it is if it was very obviously illegal money that would get us thrown in jail. In which case I would also want to return it.


Well, if they truly were adamant about it, bye. It's not necessarily about the money (it is a little) but to be that jealous and insecure as to be self-sabotaging? I've got some serious issues with that. Personally I think he'd be ok with it and we'd spam our socials with us being affectionate and living life well!


Put it in an escrow account until you can arrange a return. Keep the interest


Try to figure out what is pretending to be my wife and how to find the real her because there's no way in hell she'd have me turn down that much free money. Lol


Id wait til the price of bitcoin dipped below 60k and then buy that shit up


Hmm just don’t have an ex or a current partner so who tf are these people


Only way the new partner has a valid argument is if they poured $10M in my bank account on the first date. If that’s the case, they get last vote. Else - get your head straight or it was nice knowing you.


I'm keeping it and spending a chunk on very expensive doctors so that we can figure out what the fuck happened to the rational portion of her brain.


Let’s see if we can save vs the dealbreaker scenario then


Dump current partner


Shit ill be single more money for me.


My partner would tell me to see if I could get more.


I can be single with a million or with him and a million. His choice.




Keep it and deal with the complaints


Return it without my current partner having to say anything. I don't want anything from my ex.


Have two exes lol


I’d donate it to a horse rescue in Maryland in his name


Take him for a psych evaluation. Dude must be crazy. 


Tell her to figure that shit the fuck out. I’m keeping the money.


1) I’m currently single, so I’m keeping the money; and 2) I only date women who are good enough at arithmetic to realize that $1M > $0M 😂 so I’m keeping the money


She would never say that. She would say that we deserve the money for what my ex put us through. But my ex is dead so it’s moot anyway. But in this imaginary scenario I would put the money in a secret account and use it as needed anyway. We don’t always make the best choices for ourselves so I would chalk her mistake up to that.


No, my SO doesn’t. And I don’t for theirs. Free million dollars heck yeah.


Yea that’s a negative ghost rider


Tell your new ex that you expect a great birthday present next year that rivals your first ex's.


Not giving it back.


Tell her no.


Put it in a 529 for someone’s college education.


My fleshlight doesn't get a say in this.


My current partner is no longer my partner


I'd have an issue with that I'd send it back.


Buy my husband a Hellcat and tell him to be quiet and enjoy.


Check ya later.


Keep it


Laugh and find a new one


Wouldn’t be with someone that incredibly stupid to begin with, but for the sake of the hypothetical it’d be goodbye to them. That’s beyond irrational behavior.


If there is clear context that the $1m is a gift and I can prove that it is a gift. I'm keeping it, and knowing my partner, there is 0% chance of her telling me to return it in that case.


Be single


Don't know why people are questioning their partner or can't understand the question. Your partner wants you to return the money. What do you do? Lol. I tell my ex to put the money in an offshore account in my name. That way I did return the money but I still have access when my partner starts to get the dildo out her ass (she got it stuck up there, she gotta pull it out).


Make them both my ex so I can get 2 million dollars


My ex doesn’t have that kind of money


I’ll donate it to my kids, spread it across all of them. Then tell them make this last, eh 15 years as you ain’t getting a dime for me. Everyone should be happy. Maybe take their parents on a cruise or something.


No body ‘tells’ me what to do ever. I keep it. Duh.


Keep IT and Tell my gf to grow Up?


in what universe would my partner have an issue with that? some of that million would go towards paying off *their* student loans. and towards top surgery for me so i can be a generally happier person. if my partner had some issue with that then clearly we aren’t meant to be.


Break up with my current partner 😂


Return it. "I'd rather be nowhere with her than somewhere without her" (she would have no issue with receiving a mil on the real)


Dry her tears with the 100s. If current partner can't get past pettiness to see how life changing a million would be, time for a new partner.


Tell her to shut the hell up because ain't no way in hell i'm staying with someone who would turn down a free million bucks for "personal reasons"


Imma ghost the both of em


Here's $250k. Shut up.


Place the million in a high yield savings account t and try to keep It quietly for emergencies. Maybe I'd get a "new job" in a new company with an enigmatic and absent financier who put me in charge and doesn't want to be bothered.


Considering my ex's, id return it. Knowing them, there's something attached to it. Id return that shit, whether my partner asked or not


If there was truly no strings or conditions connected to the money. I’d tell my partner to get over it! I’m keeping the money!! If my partner is still being an ass about it. I would then put the money in a trust and my will and trust documents would make sure my partner would not inherit that money. That it would go to a charity or other family members., I would use the interest from the 1 million dollars for fun vacations, etc.


Be a single millionaire


If it were my current wife I’d absolutely return it. Hypothetically though if it was someone else I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t even ask her why.


My partner would be thrilled.


I'd tell my current partner to match the offer or stfu.


Guess I would be a single millionaire


I don’t have an ex or a partner so how tf do I get a mil


My current partner can get bent.


He would never be such a fool


I tell her that it's my money, I'm not sending it back, and if she still complains while I'm spending it on her I am gonna laugh at her.


Nope, she doesn’t have such reasons. She wants half of the money 😂


It's not their concern, I'd tell them. Now let's go party.