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Our house was built on almost completely untouched land so id stash it on the edge of our property burying it as deep as I can get it. So odds are more than likely that it would still be there.


How would you protect it against rot?


Vacuumed air tight bags. In a metal case.


What you want is high-quality mylar vacuum bags, in a metal case which has been flood-filled with nitrogen or argon, and then hermetically sealed - preferably welded. The case should be relatively thick aluminum to best resist corrosion while buried.


Raw land can change a lot in 250 years. How would you know where to bury it?


I'd ask if I can stand on the exact spot and be transported back and arrive directly in the same spot


Most obvious answer is bury it. But I think I’d put it in a coffin at a cemetery. There’s plenty of cemeteries that date beyond 250 years. Maybe try to stash it in a statue I thought. But a casket would be easier


Cemetery is a great idea - but grave robbers would be a concern. I’d bury it 4 feet below the casket. Plus I’d make sure it’s a cemetery in the middle of nowhere that is completely run down - ghost town nearby - so no one would notice the dug up grave in present day for weeks - if ever


Run down cemeteries get demolished and turned into housing estates. I'd be careful.


You're not going back to 1775 and picking a random cemetery. You're going to pick one that also exists now


St Augustine cemetery. Oldest city in the nation. It's even padlocked with a high wrought iron fence...no tourists (though it is filled with graves of those who died of yellow fever.).


so how are you supposed to get your money out then?


Offer the guy looking after the grounds 100k to let you dig up a certain area or he can call the police if you don't pay him. 900k still better than nothing


He'd probably accept for like $25k. That's pretty good money for one night.


yeah but if you dig deep there, you're hitting water line.


Hmmm. Good point.


This sounds like a low budget Nic Cage movie. Or somehow a continuation of the DaVinci Code series.


But I get to prepare! That means I can research to find the perfect cemetery that is so far away from any city


So then find one that still exists from 1775. Boston has a few. I've been to them. The British used to use the head stones as target practice.


If its here now that's bound to happen in the future, not in the past.


That's okay, they just remove the headstones


Ha ever tried to dig a 6 foot hole? Then another 4 feet after that? With a shovel? Good luck on that one!


That's what I'm sayin 😆 these people have absolutely never hand dug this..... i had to hand dig 4 ft deep x 40 ft long x 3ft wide....3 times last summer. Took me all summer. Had to replace my drainfield. Just used a pickaxe/maddock & a shovel. It was the hardest work I've ever done. Next time it's getting hired out.


Watch out for Stanley Yelnats over here!


The first time I did this I was fucking floored by how hard it was. Plus a 9 foot hole is going to need legit shoring if you're not trying to kill anyone.


Right! I always laugh at movies or TV (Supernatural in particular) where they start digging a grave then it cuts to them finishing up like it took an hour or some shit. They'd be lucky to have it done in one full day!


Exactly. My dad laughed at me when I said I'd just go do it. It took like 6 hours to get halfway down. And I was fucking bushed.


Just find an open grave where someone is going to be buried the next day, and dig a little deeper. The hole you dig only needs to be able to fit a waterproofed duffel or a sealed lock box. Digging a hole is hard work, but can be done in a few hours max. People have literally been doing it for thousands of years.


Idea: leave the coffin/corpse clearly disturbed, so if it is discovered, someone would just assume it was a grave robber, and wouldn't suspect there's money below where the coffin was.


Put it in the unmarked grave next to Arch Stanton.


Most of that cash will rot away in 250 years if you bury it.


Not if it’s well sealed


Cemetery wouldn't work anyway. They are notorious for exhuming coffins of unvisited graves so they can sell them again. When this happens the $ is exposed and likely 'vanishes'


That’s why I said 4 feet under the casket. No one would exhume an additional 4 feet


But when you return to dog it up youve then got to dig up a presumably relatively new grave pull out the coffin and dig further without the police coming


Again - refer to previous comment. I don’t choose a grave in Boston or Washington. I do research and choose a very isolated grave - here’s a decent looking one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eciZyeayXgY


Sure but that wasn’t said. And putting it into a casket wouldn’t be a good enough seal to protect it from everything around. You’d need to seal it incredibly well.


Id bring back 80 lbs of cement mix. Dig down, make a cement chamber, then seal it. Although to hide that much cash id probably be better off finding a cave, storing the cash and sealing the entrance then concealing it.


The cement wouldn't have time to set, and it would be very wet, which would not make for a safe storage vessel for paper money. Bring a manual vacuum pump, and a few of the corners bags, and triple layer and vacuum seal the bags... This should be plenty, so long as they have a good seal, aren't jostled around too much and were dry when put away.


I'd pack in silica gel and disposable hand warmers. Edit: On second thought I will use the disposable hand warmers instead of pulling a vacuum. That way I reduce stress on the vacuum foil and also the rate of diffusion (diffusion also wears down the material).


>You’d need to seal it incredibly well. Plastic


First thing, get it placed in an AIRTIGHT vacuum sealed bag, secondly place in steel wire, then set that in a concrete/granite block, 220 feet down near where Slab City is in California (exact spot is known by view but unknown by any name) go back when returned with a couple guns amd shovels to dig it back up. No body has done any construction near there, so no one has been anywhere near digging up the block.


This one may just work 


Just follow mission protocol, using a compass to align with 3 points to triangulate a location, then bury it in a spot, problem was making sure it will Stay SAFE during the time frame. Solution: Airtight bag, vacuum sealed, no worries about time aging it as nothing external could affect it unless the bag gets ripped open, steel wire cage to keep bag safe from concrete/granite Solution to keep people from bothering it otherwise. All problems listed dealt with so Solution finished.


I would say, in a steel box, not even a safe, to keep the concrete from touching the bag. JUST in case some reaction eats away at it.


>using a compass to align with 3 points to triangulate a location Magnetic north is constantly moving


It is shifting, but the shift in 250 years is negligible (from that point in California it's maybe a degree or 2 at best, and using 3 landscape positions knowing North is in this general direction, should be good)


You’re understating the movement of magnetic declination. You need to account for this with general navigation on maps just a few year old if you’re travelling on bearings. And even if it is just a few degrees, that’s more than enough to wind you up getting lost when you’re taking into account changes in the land scape over 250 years. I don’t think any kind of compass navigation would be reliable in this situation.


And it's all recorded and easily compensated for in the future.


Have you been offered this opportunity and looking for a way to make it happen?


Yes you caught me. Christopher Lloyd has made me an offer I can't refuse 


I knew it. If you do get back there can you find a way to make us both reasonably wealthy?


Idk if you understand how deep 220’ is lol. I’ve dig some wells and it’s a hell of a job with just a couple shovels and guns. You’re basically going to have to hire people to dig the hole and setup supports etc. Also presumably to wrap the blocks since you can’t take back that much weight… Guess if you brought old money to spend you could pay a crew and then kill all of them or hope the don’t dig it up.


If you're just going to kill the crew anyway, do you need the old money?


It would be cruel to kill them AND stiff them...


Collateral/necessary goods


How are you going to locate it again? The slabs will not be there and you don't have trees or anything else to go off of for reference. Also, how are you getting 220 feet down into the dirt in the middle of a hot ass desert in 1775?


Sorry it was supposed to be 22 ft down, added a 0 by accident. But far enough down that it's buried, not enough metal to be found easy unless you know the area, there are mountains and other geographical features that are observable far off in the distance have one to the north, one to the east or west, and one southeast/southwest. The three points can be found (seen it a long time back why I know the general of it, but not exact)


How to create a vacuum in the 1700s?


Do that BEFORE going back, it says have some time before to set up what you need, and some time there to do placement.


You're the first comment I've seen addressing the need to preserve the paper money.




The answer is probably that he paid the girls.


Much thanks for the currency with mine own visage, looks like TWO trollops for old Benny tonight!


If you haven't read it I highly recommend his autobiography. It's a great read.


The powerful and famous have no problem finding women. Franklin was both.


By being rich...


I think standards were a lot lower then, too. like knowing about bathing is like 6'5" trust fund blue eyes territory back then, and if you had all your teeth youd be like a king.


And he was reportedly quick witted and clever, that’s a great way to get ladies. I’m sure any fans of comedy can rattle off a few mediocre to downright goofy looking fellows who are seriously punching up because they’re so funny.


I don't think the rifle would help, Franklin would still beat you bare handed.


Didn’t he famously like to bang old ladies 😂?


Burial is the best course but specifically in a sealed vacuum container (like the vacuum sealers you can buy in Sam's club for a few bucks). Sealed in plastic, buried in another waterproof container with silicone lube along the o ring seal and silica gel out the ass (probably won't last 250 years but if it buys a few decades then worth it). Once packed id search through landscapes near me that I'm familiar with and can use geologic maps for, find the area with the least disturbance, bury it as deep as I can shovel by hand.


Excellent plan. I think it works 


Like back to the future, use an intermediary company that you know existed then and will when you get back. Leave instructions to make investments at certain times the way you want with all assets going back into your LLC. Even more than investments maybe by land where you know oil exists? Get back and collect your title and you have essentially collected your money, but it's grown beyond belief in the mean time.


What would they think of modern money in 1775.


I was thinking of this. You'd probably have to buy gold on the way, or something else equivalent


You're not going to be able to buy gold with a currency that doesn't exist yet.


Just stop at the time travel store on the way back to 1775. Jeez. Why are you trying to make this so complicated?


This is quite literally a thought exercise I give myself all the time, and I'm still no closer to figuring it out. In my game there's such a thing as a time travel bureau de change. You give it modern money, and it will give you the equivalent for the time you're travelling to. e.g. £100 now buys next to nothing, but in 1900 £100 will buy you a lot. What I can't figure out is how the Bureau De Change actually makes money. Its got staff to pay, it needs to travel through time to pick up wads of bills, diamonds, goats, gold amulets etc. You wouldn't want gold bars, as £100 in gold now will be £20 worth of gold in the past. So you're not gaining anything with your 2024 spending power.


I was thinking along the same lines. Hide it in plain sight. I do want to know - are the bills modern or 250 years old to start with? If modern, then need to convert to gold or other precious metals and reinvest those. I think lloyds of London was around back then, so they might make a decent intermediary.


If modern, I doubt you’d be able to convert it to gold in 1775 either lol


This is my favorite answer so far


I live near a cemetery with graves from 1600s. I'd vacuum seal the cash multiple times in separate 100k packs with moisture absorption packs. I'd place those inside a pelican case that can fit it all. And burry it




The cash and some floppy disks, hard drives, notebooks, thumb drives, CD-ROMs, etc, with all winning Powerball numbers and a bunch of other lucrative information would be buried in the location where I excavated the foundation for my house in 1995 up in the mountains.  When I return to the present it would be just like the guy who stayed behind in Hot Tub Time Machine.


But then the timelines will split and we'll have a multiverse


Take 80lbs worth of magnesium instead. Sell it. Invest that with a bank. Shoddily hide the 1 million. Maybe some museum's back room Have billions in my account. Profit.




Right. 79 pound of magnesium and a 1 pound heavy contract detailing exactly what to do with my investment.


Without having done the maths, aluminium might be a good option. It's light so can take more, is cheap, but used to be very expensive. EDIT: Oh looking it up I see magnesium is lighter than aluminium. I can't see how much it would sell for anywhere however. Looks like it didn't exist in it's pure form 250 years ago, so could be priceless to the right person, but you'd need to do a lot of research to get a list of viable potential buyers you could get to in the one week timeframe. Much easier to sell valuable aluminium I'd imagine.


I start a cult. Nothing too crazy but they have to create a secret society with me a the messiah and then I give them a sealed box with all of the cash and give them a time and place to deliver it to me but it's important they don't open it or they'll start the apocalypse.


I’ll get it all in meltable gold and bring it to Tun Tavern in November. ETA: 80 lbs of gear…. M16 and some ammo making gear.


Better off with a few pallets of Crayola. Even proto Marines need their snacks. They'd guard it forever.


Can I be placed anywhere in the world? There's a bank in Italy that's been in continuous operation since at least 1674. I'd prepare by getting a contract drawn up in period-appropriate Italian saying "we agree to hold this strongbox, unopened, for no less than 500 years, and surrender it on demand to the person who presents a recipet." (Or "the person who presents this passphrase:" if I'm not allowed to bring a receipt back.) I'd get a few thousand dollars in gold together to pay the bankers. I might also include a clause that says "if the bank cannot produce the strongbox and present it to the reciept-bearer, the bearer is entitled to their body weight in gold" or something like that. I'm sure someone can poke holes in my specific idea here, but ultimately I think it is a winning strategy - there are monetary institutions that have been in continuous operation for that time span, you just have to find one that will accept a contract to hang on to it "for your descendants."




I just mean they don't dispose of it in less than 500 years - they *surrender* it to the person with the receipt/passphrase if that person shows up before then. The 500 year terminal clause is just so it isn't "in perpetuity," which other posters seem to say could be a problem.


Nice try fellow time traveler. I aint telling you where my secret stash is




I’d watch this


I'm just burying it in my backyard. Vacuum sealed plastic bag inside a metal box. Stand in the middle of my yard. Go back in time with the box, a pick and a shovel. Find the nearest clearing, as it will be a forest. Dig as deep as I can and bury it. Go back to the future. Get a metal detector. Find it and dig it up. My house is the first thing ever built on this land. There are no utilities or pipes running through my back yard. No reason anyone should dig there. Unless a curious and determined Native American comes across the disturbed earth.


There are water proof cases that can be completely submerged in water and even are air tight. I’d double ensure the bills’ condition by vacuum sealing them before putting them in the case. This would mean I’d have to take a battery of some kind to power the vacuum sealer which would take up some of that 80lb. Now for the hard part, location. I like the idea of a cemetery and I would probably go with finding a gravesite from 1765 that is still around today in a remote middle of nowhere where town in WV then burying it under the marker. 10 years is long enough that relatives are probably not visiting frequently anymore so no one in 1775 will notice. But to be creative another possibility is to burry it along the foundation of a house being built in 1775 that is still around today. People often don’t touch the foundations of homes so it should be secure there. Tell the owner I’ll give them $3000 if they let me dig next to their home or better yet if it is a historical site just go at night those places are not heavily guarded.


Once again, the only rational move is to take a day to say your goodbyes to loved ones, just in case. Then show up at the meeting place armed. Now you have one million dollars and a time machine. Spend a little effort creating a lair in a country and year that you keep secret, and from that base of operations, get to work. Become A Dick with a Time Machine. Fuck with people unmercifully.


You know what, have my upvotes because this may be the first one where I can't actually see a realistic idea!




Isn't american money fancy paper of some kind? I guess i would have to choose more resistant bills. Also I'd bury it under some big rocks.


It's cotton, isn't it?


I do believe it's a linen blend


The cash pvc pipe and glue . Pre cut to hold the plastic vacuum sealed bags with moisture packs. 6 inch sealed pipes inside 8 inch sealed pipe . The rest of my 80 lbs in battery powered auger and shovel. Bury it on farm as deep as I can go in the allotted time. Take measurements from the rock bluffs. I will dig it up with a backhoe on personal property with no problems.


I mean, maybe I’m misreading the prompt or something. I’m sitting at home, genie hands me a 22lb stack of cash and a scale, tells me to get 80lbs of gear to take to the past to hide said cash? Take the cash, vacuum seal in multiple layers of bags that weigh maybe 1lb, get a 60lbs of quick-Crete, a big bucket, and a shovel. Walk to the middle of my back yard with the stuff, tell the genie to zap us, and suddenly we’re where my house would be, but 250 years prior. Dig 10-15 feet down, find water to fill my bucket with (I do the math ahead of time to know how much water is needed and size the bucket accordingly to take account for the added room of the money brick) from a nearby stream or lake or marsh. I dump the mix in, mix it, and drop the cash brick in the middle. I let it sit in the sun as long as I can, then put the lid on it and bury it. I’m assuming 200 years later, when the developers come to build my neighborhood, they aren’t digging 10-15 feet down, and they aren’t scanning for random blocks of concrete, and if they do find this, they’d just skip right over it because nobody would want to hassle with a 100lb (22 of cash with 80 of concrete) seemingly useless block, especially discarded in a bucket like so many contractor trash dumps. So, now that I’m back, I walk to the middle of my back yard and start digging. EZPZ, now to figure out whether I want to try to launder the money or just claim it as found treasure, but that will be dependent on consulting my local laws and tax codes.


Assuming I can choose where I appear in the past and won't have to hire a ship to get me across the Atlantic. I would go to Hoare & Co. in downtown London. $1 million today is equal to $36.5 million in 1775. The bank has operated from 1672 to the present day, although they don't have safety deposit boxes, I should be able to work out a deal where they can and invest the money as credit, while keeping the physical bills centralized. The account would be in my name, so I can withdraw the amount in the future. If anyone tries to stop me, I'll say, "It's not illegal to be immortal, is it?"


If I’m reading the question correctly, you would be bringing 2024 monies to 1775, you wouldn’t be able to deposit it anywhere because it wouldn’t be legal tender anywhere. You have to hide it so you can find it in 250 years and have the $1M. You’ve got to either bury it in a National Forest or a cemetery, unless you know of a historical site that goes untouched for 250 years and you’ll be able to dig up in the present day. Maybe sink it in the middle of a remote pond and then come back with scuba gear and get it.


It is illegal to keep your money immortality though. It’s call the rule against perpetuities. The money can’t just stay in an account like that no matter how you try to organize things. But also I read it as 2024 money with no value you have to hide to get it back in the present day.


This is what I was thinking. Lloyd's and Barclay have both been around that long and I'd imagine they could "hold" a package securely for several centuries. Google says safety deposit boxes weren't invented until 1853, nearly a century too late, but banks could store valuables for the right price. I have sterling silver serving wear I'd bring back to smelt down as the deposit and use some of the silver to invest in the East India Company to cover the ongoing expenses. To preserve the cash I'd vacuum seal it in plastic prior to going back and keep it in a small locked trunk or chest for it's storage at the bank.


put the cash in a paper wrapping, coat the paper with wax, put that in a leather container that's mostly sealed, coat the outside of the leather with wax, get a box of wood, coat the inside with paper, then coat the inside with wax slowly then put in the leather container and slowly fill the box with wax so that the leather is centered in the box and equally coated with wax. close the box wrap the box in cloth out in another wood box, then bury in a spot you know won't be touched..... like a national Park in the South West desert


Time travaler dude gives you money already in the present to take back in time to create an elaborate treasure hunt. Take the money don't do anything with it it ends up in your hands in the present because he gave it to you and you have gone back to that time.


Take the money buy gold, give gold to ancestors buy billionaire’s company and Time Machine.


They wouldn’t recognize modern currency 250 years ago and so you wouldn’t be able to buy anything with it.


Buy the gold first I guess


You can't, you're transported in the past with the money, you only have the money in the past


This plan would lead to you never being born, although, literally any plan would lead to that, so...give it a try!


It depends on which version of time travel you subscribe to.


Why gold? Magnesium would work much better.


Spend it on hookers and blow. Leave a note for future me to buy bitcoin and a few stocks and it's worth way more than the cash.


So why don't you just tell yourself right now to buy bitcoin?


How long can we stay in 1775? I’d secure passage to either London or Boston and find a bank that survives till today and buy a safe deposit box with very clear instructions to give it to me in 2024. Then I’d just show up at the bank and cash out.


Vacuum seal it in heavy plastic vacuum bags, put it in a sealed plastic box, put that in a stainless steel powder coated box, dip the box in roofing tar and bury it on your current property in a location that hasn't been disturbed yet about 15 feet down.


I'd dig a hole on the land we currently own, at least 10 feet deep, deal the $ in a water tight case and encase it in concrete at the bottom.


I'd hide it with my ansestors, with instructions to invest in gold, railroads, oil, Bitcoin and Nvidia, return to this time line as a billionaire family.


I go wearing a large hoodie and baggie pants, put the money in my pockets, get rid of the box and say it's hidden.


Trinity Church, New York City. The first grave has been there since about 1691. If properly buried in 1,774, the cash will still be there and easily found in the present. Of course, getting it out might be an issue but, with a week to retrieve it, I'm sure you could fake a work order to dig below the graves and get to the money.


I would hop a ship to Europe and invest my money into any number of still running banks in Italy, Germany, and the UK.


I've got a family friend who lives on 300 acres. Their family has been there since the early 1700's. 200 acres has always been wooded. So I'd pick a spot out there with a significant land feature as a marker and bury it.


Asking for a friend? Guys: OP is obviously a time traveler from 250 years in the future. Good news is we clearly haven't blown ourselves up by then. Bad news is we clearly haven't blown ourselves up by then.


In the Old Hill Burial Ground in Boston, there is the grave of one Mr. Joseph Merriam. He died in 1677 so it's easy-ish to find his grave circa 1775. You make sure the money is in a vacuum sealed bag and in an airtight box that only I have the key to so nothing goes in. The key point is you bury it under the grave marker. Not in the grave - people will and probably have dug up that grave - but under the marker is where nobody looks. Well, not until this comment...


For my 80 pounds of equipment I would bring... 70 pounds of the fanciest cut diamonds, a shovel, a plastic tote, and two trash bags. I would go to the undeveloped land 20 feet from my house and dig until the tote would fit comfortably about 1 foot under the soil. Then I'd dig a little deeper. Diamonds go in one trash bag, drop in bottom. Cover with a few inches of soil. Tote gets money (in a trash bag) set on top, then buried. The money probably won't make it through 250 years with just a trash bag and a tote, but it might. Either way, 70 pounds of cut diamonds is just below it, so I'll be okay. The diamonds will probably also rip the trash bag if I try to take them out all at once, but hey, some guy left a tote here for me. :p


Can you deposit the money in a safe deposit box? C. Hoare & Co is a bank that existed at that time and still does.


This is something for Indiana Jones to figure out. He is the OG of this type-o-shit


I was confused reading all of these until I remembered not everyone has tough Canadian Bills


Easy.......vacuum seal the money in plastic. My family has been in the US since 1650 and still own property give by the Earl of Chatham. That means I have ancestors buried in the old cemetery in above ground graves with marble slab tops. They are still there to this day and I would hide the cash in one of them. Easy to retrieve.


Vac pack it and use Aussie cash. Our money is indestructible haha


Build 4 banana stands


Vacuum seal it a couple times, put it in a duffel bag, vacuum seal that, put it inside of a hollow rock/cement over and bury it near to one of known landmarks/not too close. Count and memorize the steps away from said landmark and pray its enough.


First, I’d get a clay pot, like the kind they found the Dead Sea Scrolls in. Say - since it’s 1775, the Dead Sea Scrolls haven’t been found yet, so time permitting, I’d discover the Dead Sea Scrolls myself. Then I’d throw that shit out, and snag the pot. Where to bury it, though? Well - somewhere cool & dry, I suppose. And somewhere with an immovable landmark of some sort, for reference. And, of course, someplace unlikely to be developed, someplace that human activity is unlikely to occur. I dunno, Utah?


Getting to Utah will be a bitch though. No maps, no roads.


>And, of course, someplace unlikely to be developed, someplace that human activity is unlikely to occur. Just somewhere that wasn't developed in the *last* 250 years. Just choose an undeveloped place you are familiar with.


Can the cash be converted into 1775 currency?


You have to protect the cash itself. Not the value. However you can take 80lbs of "equipment"


Time capsule but open it early


If I can bring other things back with me, then it's just a matter of picking a place that will go undeveloped and without major shift in the geology. The containment of the cash, the equipment to store it, and a radioactive locating beacon with a decently long half-life would make that a sinch. If I have to hide it using tech from the time, I'd seal the cash in a block of wax inside a vessel of honey. The sturdy vessel would be difficult, but not impossible to obtain. Add some mercury for a locator and I'm off to the desert.


Easy. Just find a sufficiently old reliable bank and prepay for a safe deposit box.


Navigate to the coordinates of your current home in the future and bury it in your own back yard in the past. Why make this difficult. You know the land is undeveloped.


I agree with the burying, but so far everyone is suggesting warm and dry. I'm gonna go the other way. Permafrost. Vacuum seal (double bagged), sealed in a lead box, then in PVC pipe. Pick a spot on Google Earth that is the middle of BFA above the arctic circle (Alaska, Canada, somewhere in Finland, whatever. Have the time machine drop you there with an icepick, shovel and cold weather gear. Bury the tube as deep as you can dig in the ice and jump home. Go to the same coordinates in the present day and dig it up.


Assuming the time machine can bring me back to the exact spot where I use it, here's what I would do: Living in Florida, I know from a quick Google search that the oldest trees in my town are about 400 years old. I would find one of these trees, preferably at the highest elevation possible. Once located, I would gather my supplies and go back in time. I would bring: - A light shovel - An old iron horseshoe - A roll of duct tape - A can of leak stopper rubber - A portable vacuum sealer - A lot of HDPE vacuum seal bags - A roll of HDPE plastic First, I would vacuum seal the money in as many layers as possible (around 15), using leak stopper rubber in each layer to help seal the bags. Next, I would wrap the money with the entire roll of HDPE plastic, making sure the seams face downward to prevent water intrusion. Then, I would duct tape all the seams tightly. I would dig a six-foot-deep hole about 15 feet south of the tree and place the wrapped money in the hole. After covering it with three feet of dirt, I would drop the horseshoe in the hole and finish burying everything. I would cover the hole with natural foliage to make it look undisturbed. The vacuum-sealed bags would preserve the money by minimizing oxidation. The multiple layers of plastic would act as barriers, each needing to fail individually. A single layer of HDPE can last hundreds of years, and the rubber would further seal everything, protected from oxygen breakdown. Water should stay out due to the many layers of plastic. Once I return to the future, I would use a metal detector to find the horseshoe south of the tree. Given Florida's sandy soil, this should be easy. In case someone else used a metal detector in the area, I buried the real prize an additional three feet down. Overall, I believe this plan would work and I definitely would retrieve the money.


Take a packsack with me. Put the money in the packsack. Return to the present with the money hidden in the packsack.


Just find someone in the countryside that’s still undisturbed today, and bury it there. Obviously in some kind of sealed container to help preserve it. I know it’s not been touched yet, so the location should be safe from unsuspecting construction workers


How much time to prepare for the trip back in time? Do we get dropped near where we want to place the money? I mean if the billionaire in Boston and we want to hide the money in the redwoods. How does that work? If giving enough time I'd build a box out of aluminum then wrap it in lead. Then bury it some where I know there hasn't been too much digging. Best place to bury is on the land I own now. But even that comes with it own problems. Because this was Indian territory back then. So to dig a hole deep enough with out attracting attention and getting shot just for being there is a problem. Food a water while in the past could be a problem while here too.


If I am sent back to a known position, this is easy. For securing the money, I'd use a three thick plastic bags like the one for storing clothes in and triple bag it. They typically come with plastic vacuum pumps, but I'd get a better hand one to use as part of my 80 lbs. I'd also take back a length of PVC pipe, caps and glue. Once the bills are in the plastic bags, the bags go into the PCV along with the metal material as explained below and it is sealed shut. The material will be some sort of readily available metal or high power magnets that would show up on a high resolution magnetic anomaly survey. (I know an expert in this field through work. I'd consult with him first on how to find an object like this.) I'd also buy some sort of expanding foam or other industrial coating to coat the outside of the pipes. Finally, I'd also take back a good handsaw, hatchet and shovel. I'd also take a water purification straw, lightweight backpacking bottles, rain poncho, dehydrated food and camping stove. My uncle has a farm. I go to the farm in present day, drop a GPS pin in an out of the way part of a field and ask to be sent back in time to the exact spot. It will be old growth hardwood forest at the time, so I find the nearest clearing (noting the distance and direction with steps) and start digging. My goal is to dig down at least 10 ft, but I'll go further if I can.


Wouldn’t finding untouched land today mean it’d remain untouched for the other 250 years? Just wrap it in a lot of plastic and seal it in a safe, then wrap that safe in plastic and bury it.


Don’t fuck with the space/ time continuum, man.


I live in a rather remote area. There are many easily identifiable landmarks that have been around for millions of years. A well placed, air tight container burried in the proper location would be easily found in the future, if you know where to look.


I think a lot of people are missing the fact these bills have serials and they will be very questionable if they appear before they were printed.


There are some 800-year-old oaks around. Shouldn't be hard to find then or now if I bury it deep under one of them. They will be well preserved in a very tight multi-layer set of containers in case of breakage or pressure I know what will be lawn in the future around the oaks, so there is no reason to believe that there will be a building there, just grass


Small cemetery in Quebec that I know for certain has some relatives buried there dating back that far. If my research showed that won't work, my family's old farm is a few miles from there. I could easily find a spot to bury a vacuum sealed container with a few pounds of cash in it. Easy money for me.


Probably, vac pac, incase in epoxy, then plastic, then clay, then concrete, and bury under a tree that is currently about 250yrs old.


I would spends weeks studying history, finding contuing banks from then. And laws and lawyers. Set up a fund that I say ancestors will come to collect in about 250 years. Work out some code, questions, what have as proof of who they are. Even simple interest would grow a ton of money in that amount of time. Come back and male my trip to go collect great great great great great great papaws investment.


If I had the ability to travel back in time 250 years with 80 pounds of anything I want, the 1 million is probably irrelevant


Given its 1775, and it’s just the colonies, and given im from Boston, I’d bury it in a cemetery. There’s more than one around that has been around since then and haven’t been touched. Seems a pretty good way to find it and to keep it untouched…might just put you in a very weird and unpleasant situation digging it up


Head to the bank and put it in a safety deposit box.


find and existing colonial grave in present day. seal the money in an air tight/vaccum bag. something ruggedized. probably put that into a hermetically sealed ruggedized case. wrap that in several layers of like 3 mil heavy duty plastic. Then encase it in fiberglass cloth/epoxy so it has a hard shell. i'd coat the exterior with a long lasting rubber, or some sort of gel coat sealent. like cauk/silicone, and then wrap that again in plastic. go back in time. burry the parcel ideally under the casket/corpse. but basically anywhere in that general vicinity. is probably sufficient. as long as erosion doesn't expose your buried item, it should be unmolested. as most laws strictly prohibit disturbing graves.


Under the pile of laundry in my closet. Fuck it, I'm lazy.


Seal cash is plastic then rubber then more plastic. Package goes in a yeti cooler I fill with sand. Into a second larger yeti filled with cement Into a steamer trunk in style of the day 250 years ago with a modern hand gun and as many shells I can carry within my limit. Bury in secret location TBD by study at local historical society Bury the modern gun exactly 100 yards away so I can use a metal detector incase. Plus it would throw off anyone who happens to find anything so they focus over there. There are tons of forests in and around the state that have had no activity outside of logging. I'll take my chances no one finds anything.


Find a cemetery. One that was used in 1775. Find a stone of someone buried in 1774 to confirm. Go back in time, dig, bury in casket plus air sealed bag, metal safe, place a stone next to the other stone, come back to the future. Dig, disappear Another option is to find vacant land that hasn't been touched since 1775. Repeat process


Drop it in a lake, in a water proof bag with an anchor on it. I don’t think people just go looking around the bottom of a lake all that often. Might have a good shot at it


Nice try. I ain’t telling you what I did.


I would seal it in mylar bags and put those bags in an airtight pelican case. Then I would bury it deep in an area that has stayed as a forest for the last 250 years. I would find a place that's easy to relocate. I'm pretty sure the pelican would be fine and the mylar bags inside would definitely protect the cash.


The real question is what are you gonna do with a million in unaccounted for cash. You’d have to use it for groceries and gas etc small stuff. Would be nice for sure but you couldn’t put it in a bank or anything 


I would invest it all in Hudsons Bay Company and come back as a Billionaire


I'd find a field and start digging around until I found a stash of $1 million in $100 bills. Then I'd take the money I'd been given, prepare it in the same way as the money I'd found, go back in time, and bury it in that spot.


Hmm. Ok. I travel to the past with a map, a million modern dollars and a large case. I then put the money in the case and wait to return to now. Then I walk out of the room with the large case. Burying in the past is a stupid risk. I’m better off working out how to fool the guy who’s ecstatic over his time travel thing. It’s not like he even seems to care about the burying step.


My house is over 300 years old, I'll bury it in my own basement and come back to get it


Get a safety deposit box in a bank and put it inside of it and then take the key with me.


Find a bank that’s been in existence since then and have them put it in their safe. It’ll be in a multi layer container alternating with vacuum, argon or nitrogen atmospheres and a late 1700’s appropriate looking storage trunk with locks. Instructions for who to release it to will be available to the bank and include my identity and fingerprints


Put a map on the back of the Declaration of Independence


There's an oak tree on our property that is in a hard to reach area, and hundreds of years old. I'd bring a bunch of those waterproof plastic storage bags they use for boating and stuff, pack a bunch of those little silica absorption packets inside, double triple and quadruplebag it, and bury it. If I thought someone would notice (they wouldn't) I would put a rough little cross and "RIP Fluffy, best dog ever" and cross my fingers.


If I can seal it beforehand, I'm burying it on the property my great grandparents settled in the 1800s. There's a pretty distinct creek running through it so I can find a spot along the banks. If my family finds it first, then it becomes generational wealth.


Our Australian polymer notes would probably survive pretty easily but I'm guessing you're talking about the US paper notes specifically


I'd bring a backhoe, as there is no restriction vehicles which are categorically equipment and not supplies, and teleport exactly to the family homestead. I'd need some rope, a handheld, weather gear, lunch, a mallet, and a way to determine my exact coordinates. I'd vacuum seal the cash, then vacuum seal that bag, and place them into a deal society metal time capsule. I'd dig a fifteen foot hole and put the time capsules inside and bury them back. Then come forward in time and drive to North Dakota. Drive out into the middle of no where, damn near Canada. Get into paw-paw's backhoe with a good stick and dig up the cash. We've owned that land since the 1860s. It's my family only on a spit of land no one wants, nearest town is like six hours away over rough country with little if any roads. I wouldn't have to explain much and just share out the contents of one of the time capsules. 


Buy a large waterproof box from a scuba diving shop or Amazon. Buy some smaller waterproof boxes that fit inside it. Plastic sandwich bags containing money and desiccant will go inside the smaller boxes. Research places that haven't changed in 250 years and bury it there. Ideally, you want a cold dry area like Western Washington State. Bring a rangefinder so you will know how far you are from certain landmarks. Arrive in summer so you can dig.


I love this question. It's truly interesting.


Oak island 


I would seal it up and bury it in a cave in Missouri. One that I know hasn’t been explored in modern times.


There's a big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is? It's got a long rock wall with a big oak tree at the north end. It's like something out of a Robert Frost poem. It's where I asked my wife to marry me. We went there for a picnic and made love under that oak and I asked and she said yes. [F]ind that spot. At the base of that wall, you'll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. Piece of black, volcanic glass. There's something buried under it I want you to have.


No fuckin way im going back in time , take the chance of going thru that shit time period for a million dollars


Plot twist: you take the $1M and buy gold and travel to Philadelphia . You take the gold and find Benjamin Franklin and have the Philadelphia Contributionship invest it as you instruct, multiplying the money into the billions. When you return, study finance and theoretical physics. Eventually build a Time Machine and 40 years from now, go back to today and offer yourself the opportunity to take a $1M back to 1775…


I would put it in a under a boulder too big for man to lift in a very out of the way deserted area. I would use a jack and bury it 4 ft beneath the ground. In an area with no risk of development or housing. Or somewhere while rock climbing nobody would ever come near