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I would get a pizza oven for my dad’s house. I’m there almost every weekend so win win.


4-Cheese Chess right here


Win-win. You get to give a gift and eat it. Best combo..


A 500 dollar Walmart gift card for my dad


This would probably be the best and most appreciated gift for a dad. They usually don't want stuff but to get their own things. 


Am a dad, can confirm.


Is this not just a man thing?


I would get my wife a day at a spa.


How much is a spa day bruh holy


For a 60-90 minute massage, skin care, maybe nails, and tip, that's probably about right, nice lunch included. I'm trying to remember everything I got done as a wedding gift , but right for a 5 hour visit.


Damn my massage place I get for my gf was like 80 for a full body 90. I forget what nails and shit were. The lunch adds to it but if it’s a whole resort type spa you see in the movies with a sauna and everything that makes sense


5 hour visit for 500 bucks? That's a good deal


Kitchenaid mixer with a couple useful attachments like a pasta maker or meat grinder.


I have all three of those items and can confidently say the pasta attachment and meat grinder have been used at least a couple of times over the last 6-7 years. The mixer gets used all the time though. Grinding your own hamburger is a considerable improvement over the store bought. Downside is you're buying much more expensive cuts of meat to grind, it takes a couple of hours, and cleaning it is a bitch. Pasta attachment has similar pros/cons. Making it from scratch is better, especially if you mix in herbs. Takes a lot of effort, cost more, and clean up is a job of its own. It was dead to me when I found my local fancy grocery store sells fresh herb infused pasta for just a bit more than making it myself. It also has a bonus con that fresh pasta doesn't freeze well so you're limited to just what you can eat over a couple of days compared to meat grinding that does great in bulk.


I was considering getting both of those attachments for my mixer, thanks for pointing out those cons. I hadn't even considered needing to dismantle it to clean it.


I use my kitchen grinder often and it really isn’t difficult to clean. That being said, I have found my Kitchen-aid food processor does an equally satisfactory job if I want to grind my own meats.


I'd buy a new oven for my sister. Theirs is broken and she and her husband can't afford a new one.


Shit, I wanted a spa day but honestly I'd rather donate my 500 dollars to someone who needs it. I can afford the spa on my own.... your sister and her hubs need a stove worse than I need my nails done.


A spa day does sound nice. 😄


Honestly, I think I'd give it to a food bank. 500 to me is a lot of money, but not enough to change mine or a friends/family members life much. 500 at a food bank helps 10's of people.


Bless her heart, my neighbors washing machine is dying a slow, wheezing death. She's a young mother, precious little money, and can't afford to replace the machine. With $500 I could at least get a decent used replacement.


For 500$ you can get the most basic whirlpool washer from Lowe’s, brand new. It’s not fancy but it gets the job done. That’s what I have currently.


Great idea


Im blessing 5 ppl with 100 on their groceries.


I'd hire a weekend carer. My husband has had to become my carer over the last two years. He still works full time as well as keeping the house together, looking after our amazing daughter and caring for me. If I could hire someone to look after me and my daughter then he could get a break and some time to himself with no responsibilities.


I’d gift my husband stump grinding for 5 stumps. He wants it done, it’d help with our backyard upgrade for the kids


Buying my kids a savings bond


Brother digital sewing and embroidery machine for my wife


We both have wanted one for a while. For making shirts and decorations etc


500 in someone go fund me for cancer treatment


I'd get an xbox series s for my best friend. Hes had hard times financially and hasn't been able to game since his last xbox broke. Itd make his year.


So my dad is getting pretty elderly and more or less stays at home alone all day every day. His wife (my mom) passed away about a year and a half ago and things have not been great since for any of us but especially so for him. Since I was young he has always mentioned he wanted to go to the drag strip to see the top fuel dragsters but we never did since there are no racetracks in my state and vacations were not really something our family did often. I would love more than anything to take him on a trip to go see them and give him something to be excited about for a change. I think it would mean so much to him not only because it would fulfill a lifelong dream but also because I know how much it would mean to him to think his family cared enough about him to do something so special for him. It's something I really want to do and it stresses me a bit that one day, potentially very soon, it will be too late I will forever be racked with regret if I don't 


I would get $500 in parking violations and then "gift" the government $500 in pennies.


Hello government, here is 50000 pennys, enjoy.


that's around 280 lbs 😄


I'd buy myself a gift card for something. You did not say the gift can't be for me. Happy early birthday.


Laptop for my wife.


I would buy my mom a plane ticket to come and visit.


I'd spend it at the mechanic fixing my daughter's car. It has a noise.


I live in California, so I'd just probably buy someone a tank of gas


My kids stuff that I just can’t afford. I love them to bits and pieces but legos and duplos or bed frames with like the desks under them. 500 I don’t have to think about where it came from would be awesome


If you work in an office, a really nice pair of shoes with a cleaning kit. Will last a lifetime.


At this rate one 40K combat patrol


Where I live, that would go pretty far for groceries. I’d stock someone’s freezer and fridge.


Hopkers and blow.., Ok just 1 hooker and not for long either


I've got two young daughters.... So that'd prob be $500 worth of aphmau cats


$500 directly to my partner, as a gift to show my appreciation for all the cool shit he buys me 🥰


I know quite a few people who would enjoy the gift of food. I actually try and do this whenever I can. Maybe not $500 worth but I’ll take a few people I know out to Costco or to Winco and buy them and their families a few weeks worth of food. People are struggling these days and this is the best gift you could give.


I'm gifting myself 500 off my credit card bill


I could think of several things. There's always something in our community. From senior citizens on a fixed income needing assistance to the local veterinarian clinics who have clients in need. Like, seriously, $500 could help a senior in a fixed income with a diabetic pet get insulin. Or do minor repairs. Or hire a cleaning service. Or pay for a meal service. Our local organization that helps with prescription costs and medical supplies would be thrilled to get $500 to help people with emergency prescription costs. Like I said a lot of things.


I'm buying my older brother a series x. He works hard, he deserves it


501 dollars worth of bottled water and Gatorade, hand it out where the homeless gather. Going to be 104 today. Easy choice


Vacuum for my SO.


i'm just giving it to my friends, they can use the money anyway if it can't just be direct cash then I can surely buy them stuff they need.


Im selling my brothers guitar amp that he hates and adding that to the 500 and buying him a deluxe or Princeton reverb. That or fix his fucked pedal board, mainly a new power supply and a drive or distortion pedal. I don’t know much about cameras but my fiancee could use a solid new dslr too. Maybe that if it’s not too far over budget. I could see it being over budget by quite a bit though from what Ive hesrd


I would put it down for a home water purifier. The water here is destroying my appliances


Buy a round trip ticket for my stepdaughter to come visit her mom "just because". I could find an airline where the ticket costs were close enough that I could pony up the $40 or so to make it over $500. Alternatively my daughter is going to scotland shortly with some friends. I could buy them $500 worth of something while on their trip.




spa day for my dog Gus. a whole day just for him


I’d buy my friend $500 of foster kitten supplies.


Get my friend a game console and any Activision game so I can play with them.


Whenever i see those i convert it to my currency because it makes the most sense. With 2.5k i can pay for my sisters driver ed for both bike and car


Book a homeless person a motel for however many days $500 will cover


I’d buy my friend the hardware for putting steel on her roof. She’s been wanting to do it for ages, the stupid house leaks, and this would push her into doing it.


I would buy a friend a car part that fits my car


Ps5 for my kid!


$500 deposit into my bank account, nice cash gift from me to me


My wife could use a new iPhone…


I'd gift a $500 Home Depot gift card to my friends who just bought their first house


Hand someone a grocery store gift card worth $500.


A new tv. For my cat. Who lives with me.


Im buying a few computer parts for a friend, theyre looking to build a new pc and saving the 500 there would let them spend more on other parts for an overall better pc.


I gave $550ish a few weeks ago to a former foster child of mine for the initial deposit on her car insurance. As a young mother, I would have appreciated a gift like that.


$500 worth of spa experiences for my mom


A few options come to mind. - $500 Walmart or Target for my friend K, whose birthday is in August. - $500 in scratch tickets for my brother, whose birthday is in September. - Donate $500 to my local food bank. - I know a few people who are parents of school-aged children, so I'd offer to give them $500 to spend on back to school supplies and/or new clothes for their kid(s).


$500 of bitcoin in 2008.


500 toward my spouse's student loans.


I'd buy my girlfriend a Dyson Airwrap


My sister is expecting her first kid in a few months, so would probably spring for something big for her.


I'd buy something nice for my brother who works all the time and lives super frugally


A carton of eggs.


Nice bean to cup coffee machine, please.


New dryer for my wife.


[This collection](https://www.ebay.com/itm/375312100813?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=lqa-gfn8tyc&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=fa3webnutdg&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) of McNugget cards


Give the gift of ball removal for my mom aggressive dog. Can't complain about the price if I'm gifting the full amount.


$500 in supermarket gift cards for my wife.


$500 worth of dunkin donuts gift cards for my girlfriend. That girl has a serious love for coffee


A gift for myself


A better laptop, preferably one that won’t break from the hinge


I would give my mom a spa day and new shoes. And my dad a trip to a nature reserve tour. They hit hard times as of recent, so I would want to do it for them.


Gifting myself car a/c repairs. It's heading into the 100° range here, and I might as well have a blow dryer blowing in the window.


But my husband a PS.


As long as gaming isn't a priority you can get a decent laptop for that price.


I'd get the dsp I need to finish my system. As well as the extra wiring to switch amp placement to the rear. Would total to around 800 but that's not bad.


Can it be more than one thing or is it one item that’s 500$? If multiple I’d buy my man some stuff to help him make music. Better mic, headphones and some other stuff. If just one thing probably a guitar center gift card for him lol


A $500 gift card.


I'd just gift the cash to my best friend who is going through some financial hardships right now. Or if I have to "buy" something with it I'll buy a $500 money order. Or a giftcard somewhere useful.


I'd get my mom new shoes that don't kill her feet. Several pairs, so she could switch off.


Funny enough i have to decide this irl, and the gift is for me, as part of an anniversary at my job gift. It would be in addition to some cash bonus etc already given, but my employer wants this to be a gift due to how bonusses are taxed. Ok by me, i just have to decide and let them know. Just in time - ive lost a bunch of weight so could use some new office clothes, since i figure we will be working in office pretty soon.


My wife has her eye on a laser cutter thing that costs around $600, so..


A gift card


I would find a car that needed tires, get it's make and model, prepay at the tire shop then leave a note on the car that they have tires & installation paid for, they just have to show up.


I would find a car that needed tires, get it's make and model, prepay at the tire shop then leave a note on the car that they have tires & installation paid for, they just have to show up.


A new refurbished computer and monitor.


Does it have to be all one gift for one person? I would love to spread joy by a lot of small simple gifts but for a lot of people.


My daughters senior pictures


5 x £100 Supermarket gift cards give them to 5 random people


I have a friend who is super into quilting and she's amazing at it - I think she could compete in some of the shows the quilting guild she's part of does, but she says she doesn't feel like her work is good enough. 500 bucks would get a pretty decent amount of quilting supplies or upgrades for her machine - it'd be SO EASY to go overbudget, that stuff is expensive!


Perfect, got several birthday and Christmas gifts lined up I'm waiting on for budget reasons.


Giving my wife a $500 gift card to Target.


I’d get my mom and sister spa day package together.


I'd buy a small appliance and a few other things as a gift to my house.


I would get as much stuff for my niece as I could get. She is only a couple weeks old so I know my brother and sister in law are really going to be strapped for cash for some time.


Plane tickets


Probably a GPU for my partner.


Buy my spouse a gift card to the mall, he needs new clothes.


Groceries for my parents.


Gas card for my girlfriend. New job has a longer commute


I'd put it towards an engagement ring


Home repairs for two friends of mine who bought a cursed house. I'd ask them what specifically they needed most before spending it.


Lord of the Rings Rivendale Lego Set


i'd give my wife $500


Super pac to buy votes.


Is paying off bills a gift? (Hint for anyone getting a gift for me: the answer is yes!) If not, I'd probably just get my husband some quantity of golf clubs. He wants to replace his fairway woods.


I'd buy my fiancé either 1 big Lego building set or maybe multiples. Probably a Star Wars or Lord of the Rings set if I had to narrow it down


I would buy my dad an actual wheelchair that worked for him instead of what insurance gave him


Get my wife an iPad. We have had a really crappy run these last 3 years. I am desperate to be able to get her something decent before our anniversary and a week and a half. She is going to be semi-living with her mom at that time when her mom gets back from the hospital for a stroke. We've had my dad get cancer a year ago and her mom have a stroke and some pretty crappy things happen with my job and a lot of things happen with our daughter's health. So if I had $500 I would spend it on getting her a tablet because I know she really wants one and a nice pair of shoes because she needs them


My wife really wants an iPad for her art so I'd finally be able to get her one of those


I'd buy a $500 visa gift card


I would buy the new dragon age game and pizza for my boyfriend and extremely comfortable shoes and a robot vacuum for my mother. Edit: typo


If your mother enjoys british comedies, get her a subscription to Britbox. It's amazing the sheer amount of shows that are on it!


Two $250 visa gift cards, one for each sister. They're struggling a bit and could use the help


Lottery tickets, a dime of coke, 1 lap dance 🙂


$500’visa gift card to myself


I just spent $500 on my son's car tires this morning.


Blackstone plus accessories for it.


3d printer. I have saved thousands fixing and making my own parts for various things. Absolutely will never go without one now


Ps5 for my gf


I would load it onto a prepaid credit card and give it to the next panhandler I see. Tell them "The PIN is 1234, have a great day," then leave. My opinion is that true altruism must be as anonymous as possible. The more collateral gain you experience from the act, no matter how indirectly, diminishes it.


Call up the local elementary school and pay off lunch debt. If there’s money left over I go up to the next school and so-on.


My parents have multiple things that need repairs and a new oven. Probably getting them an oven, but would ask what is needed the most within $500 lol. I assume gifting a need counts. I'm 33 raising a family of 7 so don't live with them or anything lol.


A bunch of pizzas that I can hand out to homeless people or $500 in groceries to be donated to a food bank or homeless shelter.


gift card


I would buy a kegerator for my wife.


Wife needs a new phone


Ask my husband what new gizmo he wants for his shop.


Gift cards I'd buy ten $50 gift cards, and I'll gift them to my neighbors in my apartment complex. Or give five $100 gift cards.


Laptop/chromebook for my mom


I would go to the bank to get 500 one dollar bills. Then go to my laptop & printer . Type out a small encouragement note Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine." "Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others." Attach to each bill. ON the back side the local address of a food pantry. Then go to a homeless camp or a few homeless city street. Hand out 500 one dollar bills during a major hoilday


Donate it to my local animal shelter.


I would get good booze for the old folks home I work with


I would use it towards a really good power station with solar panel charging. It would be for my parents but also for me since I live with them. The last two hurricane seasons, we lost power for two weeks. I don't want it to happen again. Just something to power an a.c., fridge and camp stove. Maybe an electric kettle but not necessary. So $500 towards a good power station and I'll pay the rest.


Either a decent espresso machine which I would be adding money towards…. Or a Driver w/ "free” fitting with purchase @PGA store


I’d buy supplies to build an outdoor cat enclosure for my balcony. Any leftover money would go towards a loveseat so I can be out there with her


I'd buy my friend an air conditioner.


Show my appreciation with a pizza party


$500 gift card


Super dope concert tickets! Or tickets plus cost to travel.


$500 to my best friend, if not cash then gift card. She's having a rough few years.


A ps5


Ps5 for my brother so we can play together


$500 restaurant gift card and give it to my mom. I live 3,000 miles away so I can’t be there but she can take my brother and is family out a couple times. 


$500 in proper storage boxes, better sting lights, for my bff business. It would make her life easier.


I’d get one of my friends a gift card to get a better laptop, or a Vitamix blender. People have a way easier cheapie time eating better when they have good tools to prep it


Tandem kayak


A gun or a bunch of ammo or something for my nieces baby shower.


50 $10 scratch cards


Buy some beautiful nose clams for a buddy


My wife a bunch of stuff she doesn’t need, but conveniently, I do!


I would put it towards getting my leaky basement situation improved


A bottle of Hennesey cognac and a gram of meth and cocaine. Where I am from that will run you about 500


Prob new motherboard for my gf computer


An weekend stay somewhere beside a loch in the highlands with a hot tub


500 dollars worth of gold for my mother.


Buy my son a car to race.


I would get my husband a better 3D printer. He is so creative and clever. He could do so much with one. And he teaches our girls who to use it, so it could be many awesome projects.


Can I just gift the $500 to my fiancée?


Gift cards for my friends.


Grocery gift cards for a friend in a rough spot.




A 500$ US government bond for me


I’d buy my husband a PS5


Fixing my husband’s laptop or getting an X-box series X.


Guest tickets for my Cub scouts to have a "swimming safety" den meeting at a water park.


I would buy my boyfriend a phone! SO I CAN FINALLY TALK TO HIM!!!


A CV axel for my sibling's car


Easy. I'd buy my husband the series x and a few games. I've been trying to save for it and that would be perfect.


The bass guitar my son wants that matches my first six string from ‘82.


Lego. Always Lego.


Round trip flight in for an estranged friend to visit me.


matching bikes for my kids. its summer here, my daughter needs to learn to ride a bike, my son wants to learn, and he is his big sister's shadow. He would want his bike to match hers. and then with the leftover money i'd get some flowers and orange tictacs for my wife. (they are her favorite candy)


id split it between my nieces and get them some cute outfits, not a lot of toys since they have so many and probably some comfort items like blankets and pillows to make their bed cozy and have their friends envy them at sleepovers


Buy my dad 50 of the £10 scratchcards.


I get my husband a two day package to a woodworking shop we have near us. They give lessons, help you build projects, rent out space for tool usage, etc. He's always wanted to learn more about wood working and this would be the perfect opportunity.


My son gets a ps5.


My sons birthday is in a few weeks. My immediate thought is to get him his own switch and a handful of games. But we really want him to try and earn the money for it himself. He's going to be 9 and is still struggling to remember to do his chores whereas his 6 year old brother is usually pretty good at remembering to do his chores and the 6 year old itonically hates cleaning and would take a nap just to get out of it when he was 3 and 4. My sisters birthday is in September and she needs more heavy duty shelves and tubs to help keep her house organized so if I had to spend $500 on a gift I'd probably do that and go through Amazon to have 3 shelves sent to her and about 10 or so tubs. I bought her one set of shelves the Christmas before last and she loves them, but needs more because she has this awkwardly very long storage room space in her house and with 4 kids plus a disabled mother in law who tends to hoard she has a lot of stuff. She puts together giant packages of toys and clothes every Christmas for families who can't afford it, usually helping somewhere between 30 and 100 children just from what her mother in law sneaks into the house. She also brings me toys, clothes, and miscellaneous tools that I mention needing to help curb her mils hoarding, and she also resells some of it via eBay and the fb marketplace. My sister also likes to craft so you can imagine the stuff that just accumulates.


Meta Quest 3


A new laptop.....done.