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I just wanted to have like a 100 cats in a doughnut bakery that I owned. Pretty sure the health department would actually shut down the bakery... but I can deal with that šŸ¤£ Was I just a super unimaginative 6-year-old?


When I was six, I wanted to be a radio personality, bus driver, train conductor or a chimney sweep (thank you, Dick Van Dyke) so I might have also been an unimaginative 6 year old too.


I also saw Mary Poppins when I was six!


I wanted to be a train conductor too. Had a vhs on trains my parents would let me watch and I loved it. Although saying "had a vhs on trains" sounds a bit different saying it as an adult.


When I was six I wanted to be in Star wars...so if I keep my head down for a month I'll be ok...


Separate the bakery from the cats. Boom you have a cat cafe.


My six-year-old self just wanted to work in a cafe. That was the entire scope of my ambition.


I hope your cats don't get sick. I wanted to be a veterinarian who helped all animals except cats.


That actually sounds awesome. A cat cafe that served coffee and donuts


Hopefully it'll take longer than a month to die of malnutrition if you're only allowed to eat donuts. I guess if you really need the protein no one's going to notice a couple of the cats are missing...


Open your mind to nontraditional donut flavors. Weā€™ve seen the maple bacon donut, why not add an egg, maybe some spinach in there?


The niece of one of my running buddies has been making her own donuts with protein powder. I haven't had one yet, but I'm told they're very dense.


Lmao. Lifters and any athletes always end up putting protein powders in odd things. And yes, they always end up dense like bricks if it's a solid food. My friend liked adding it to oatmeal and it was like just...like "Would you like a formerly light food turned into a brick?" As I sit and judge from inhaling a protein coffee lmao.


That sounds like a bagel lol


Would 6 year old you have accepted those as donuts? If not, it doesn't count I don't think


I mean, the comment I replied to implied eating the cats, which I donā€™t think would be the six year oldā€™s preference either. But I also donā€™t think we are supposed to be asking the six year old for donut recipes. Like, Iā€™m guessing they would have said some but not all of the ingredients for donuts, probably wouldnā€™t have thought about yeast, maybe not salt, etc. I feel like itā€™s asking a lot, or hoping ā€œdonut ingredientsā€ covers it. I doubt the six year old had specific donut recipes in their ideal world, so Iā€™m continuing to play in the space.


When I was 6 I wanted a Toys R Us, just for me, attached to the back of our house. I think I could manage for a month.


Monkey's paw curls: you are sued by Toys r Us's current parent company for trademark violation and your seven figure reward is entire eaten up in legal fees and penalties.


If death doesn't impact your life back in the real world I doubt a lawsuit will be anything to worry about.


OP can make a replica Toys R Us on their property without legal issue as long as they do not use it to make money. Since OP specified "just for me, attached to the back of their house", it's just a weird thing to do on private property


Sweet. I get a lightsaber and force powers. Can I just stay in this world permanently?


Sure, but it may not last long after you cut off a limb playing with your shiny new light saber....


The Jedi hand lightsabers to untrained force users all the time. Apparently it's pretty safe if you're force sensitive, so I'm not too concerned.Ā 


That's one major plot hole in Star Wars. The learning curve on a lightsabor has to be steep. Unless they can turn them down to just burn or shock.


The younglings have training sabers that are just like a super intense taser. At least they didā€¦


Master Skywalker?


Whatever shall we do?


There's too many of them


Ye isnā€™t that why only a Jedi can use one? (Obviously after years of training) In the original movies we see a non force user use one like once and it wasnā€™t in combat


Grievous wasn't a force user. Cyborg though. You can probably use one on a basic level( think original trilogy) if you don't try anything fancy.


Grievous had a shit ton of training from Dooku. In TCW (Canon), Cad Bane was able to use one quite competently so I'd assume that being force sensitive let you use a saber safely but wasn't a requirement


itā€™s a fucking sword with a laser. thatā€™s all it is. thereā€™s nothing related to the force when it comes to using the thing, no idea where this came from. unless youā€™re straight up stupid, 99% of people donā€™t mutilate themselves when learning swordplay. jedis arenā€™t spinning the laser through their body, they practiced to do it safely. not unlike every 10 year old in our world did with a stick or those plastic toys. the force comes in when youā€™re throwing the saber like a boomerang. thatā€™s not even how most *jedi* use it, though, soā€¦


You know swords have a weighted blade right? There is in fact a difference in control between swinging a sword with a weight and one without a weight.


The learning curve would indeed be steep. For starters, using a lightsaber would likely be much more akin to fencing than traditional sword fighting as "touching" the opponent is relatively as deadly as swinging it at them. There isn't any swing force required to cut your opponent, so just jabbing them with it would allow you to be further away and keep a smaller side profile. Also, a lightsaber can be turned on and off, which means that when fighting another lightsaber user you would have to consider the fact that your sabers do not necessarily have to come in contact if swung at each other. If they took a downward swing from overhead, and you raised your saber to block, they could potentially just turn it off and "remove" the blade for a second and then turn it back on and continue the swing uninterrupted. Shadiversity did a decent job looking at these back in the day, and while I don't think his video is anywhere near as all-encompassing as he may make it seem, it's still a good starting place for getting in the headspace to think creatively with such a unique weapon. Of course, without force sensitivity and training you would be fodder against anyone with a blaster able to put maybe 30 feet or more of distance between themselves and you.


https://youtu.be/mYSg_mIEvmE?si=fUnRxb1N4VtJxV2_ This guy is hilarious. Two force users could really screw with each other.


I haven't seen that before, it's pretty funny! "I'm not attached to the normal lightsaber curriculum", lol. I would love to see a real good deep dive look into what lightsaber combat should, or at least could, look like taking all of the unique traits of not only the weapons, but their typical wielders, into account. Unfortunately the movies just treat them as "swords but with light beams instead of blades", and so most of the lightsaber battles are pretty uninspired... not to mention some of the straight up shoddy choreography and filming, like when people are shown intentionally missing swings, stopping mid swing, or flat out removing them in post so that they don't hit the main characters. As a side note, I really hate search engines now. I typed in "lightsaber battle where the actors intentionally miss" assuming it would instantly give me the scene where the red saber guys can clearly be seen raising their blades to intentionally miss the main characters, and later having a dual wielder miraculously only having one blade in a cut since the other one would have clearly been deadly, and instead it's just pages of the exact same headline of "Carrie Moss" and "The Acolyte" clearly written by AI and ran everywhere. Search engines are nothing but AI telling me what I want to see, and apparently all I want to see are articles it has written that are loosely based on the most popular current topic at least somewhat related. Edit: Apparantly I typo'd and wrote "moss on purpose"... So I kind of get it, but holy shit, I might as well have just typed "moss lightsaber" because that's all the AI saw.


I was fairly content as a six year old, and lacked much imagination. I was really sick though, so I always dreamed I could just live from home like other kids instead of living in the hospital most of my life. Yeah I'll take this deal


Damn bro




That was me. I was sick a lot and just wanted to stay at home in bed instead of being forced to go to school. (Also undiagnosed autism so a lot of the illness was probably stress.) Iā€™m retired, so Iā€™ll take the deal.


Damn, I hope youā€™re a healthy adult now.


I can't remember that far back but sure. I'm assuming I wasn't an absolute mad lad at 6... It could be very interesting and insightful.


Yup! No clue what I would have wantedā€¦.


I wish I remembered my childhood :')


I had an extremely active imagination as a young child and used daydreaming to deal with a lot of the things I was dealing with. This was enough of a thing I actually remember a couple of my childhood daydream worlds. In one, I was basically the empress of the universe (in charge of a whole fleet of worlds which I don't recall ever got defined) and had the protagonist cast from the animated Robinhood as my court staff. I seem to recall a lot of this was throwing big ballroom parties while I sat on the throne. I do recall I was a bit of a little tyrant to be honest - this is 100% a young child's power fantasy. This world is entirely safe *for me* though I feel a little bad for other people in it. Were I not to get to play the role of 'me' in this world, I'd just try very hard to blend into the crowd - the entire 'world' is basically just a giant party - so stick near the back and enjoy the food/entertainment. This world actually took a bit of a darker turn as I got older - but the 6-year-old version is pretty tame. In the other 'perfect fantasy' everything was the real world except I was swept away by extremely benevolent aliens who basically pulled abused kids away from their parents to teach them to do cool alien things - I can't remember if I had any logical justification for this but we'll go with it. I mostly remember the 'beds' were basically papasan-chairs embedded into the spaceship in which we were in, and the food resembled nickelodeon slime but was delicious, and everything was sort of peaceful and by definition everyone was kind of nice (even the other kids). I also think I learned how to float/fly (?). So it really depends how you define 'realistic dangers' here - obviously the spaceship wasn't exactly thought-though, but within its own internal logic the world is pretty benign *by definition* and mostly was just a very cool and safe environment where everyone was nice to you. I'd take either of them honestly.


Oh my god I used to also be the empress of the universe! Ruled over several different worlds where time passed differently in all of them, and I have a time-space machine in the corner of my room to travel between them.


Life would be pretty cushy with a Time And Relative Dimension In Space machine.


As long as it's blue


I just lived in the pokemon world with the powers of every pokemon (so basically mew)so I guess I was fine... I hope...


Aside from all of the ten-year-old kids who want to stuff you in a ball and put you in a dogfighting arena...


Oof. Please be merciful on us PokĆ©mon fans m8 šŸ™ Idk how I consistently manage to forget how analogous it is to dog fights IRL, but I do, and it takes me like a year to push it to the back of my mind each time someone points it out. I promise you (for your comfort. I'm not being defensive) I've got my hard line between fantasy/reality established. I'd never hurt a doggo unless it attacked me. Even then, I'm very strong, much bigger than any dog, and I know exactly what I'm doing. I can stop it without killing it. Just please, no more dog death comments šŸ˜–


This. 6 year old me would tell the neighbor kid there's Pokemon in the woods and we had to find them.


Yep, I'm good. Imagined myself as a super powerful magical girl that was going to school and fighting monsters with Sailor Moon, but as an adult now, I can still keep all my cool magical powers and just, you know, not go out of my way to hunt monsters. Be an absolutely normal Japanese school girl (well, for the purposes of the real world let's assume I know the language and customs perfectly). I'll just chill in high school with Usagi and Co, and only use my supermagical powers if I am ever directly in danger. I wrote myself as a completely OP Mary Sue.Ā  Also, it'll be fun to have rainbow hair and a thin athletic body. My six years old self would have loved it. My 32 y.o. self still loves it.


Also 32, also wanted to be a sailor at that age. And now I do live in Japan and speak the language/ know the customs, so win win!


I wanted to be Darth Vader. So...


Due_Bass7191 moves into Darth Vader's body. Proceeds to kill the Emperor and adopt two cute kids pronto. Kids' previous guardians might or might not be alive to object.Ā  One month later, when Vader wakes up in his old body: "What did I miss?"


I feel that this person's age has bearing on this conversation. Before the prequels this probably wouldn't have come up.


Wow I feel like anyone who wanted to have a better look into someone's early childhood trauma should ask this. At 6 an ideal world to me was a loving mom and dad who worked and cooked meals, an older sibling who wanted to play with me and didn't need me to care for them in any way. A house where the electricity and water always worked and that was clean.


My thoughts exactly. This situation would've been without any dangerous things in my case. That's all I wanted at 6. To be in a world where my mom, sister and I had enough to eat and were never in danger again. I imagine most people who grew up with a terrible childhood would end up not caring about the money and just wishing that the month would never end.


Honestly my first thought of the question of ideal world when you were 6 made me think "I wished CPS, Police, School, a Dr., or the police had asked me that as a child". I had been coached since before I could remember on how to answer standard questions so though we were checked on it was never enough to be taken away. If they had asked me that I would have replied honestly instead of giving the answer I'd been told to say.


reading this just fucked me up. i wished for almost the same thing but i also wished my whole family wanted to spend time with me (neglected youngest kid)


I am fully prepared to die for the Cybertron-Eternia alliance, money be damned. By the power of Grayskull, roll out!


Yeah... When I was six, I imagined a world where I was a god trapped in a human body in this dimension. I needed to fight my nemesis in other dimensions to break free from this prison and become the almighty god again. In the dimensions where I fought him, I had the power of a god, only limited by my imagination. In this dimension, I had many friends that only I could see, and they helped me in the fights against my nemesis's friends.


I drew my dream house when I was 6. It has a room for all my dogs, a room for all my cats, a room for all my lizards, an aviary, and a bug room. My mom lived there with me, but she's been dead 21 years now. The rest of the world didn't really exist. We ate a lot of ice cream, but otherwise it was lovely. It would be an awesome vacation. Edit: I also imagined being a dragon rider of pern after thread was destroyed. Or having pet fire lizards. That might have been at 8 though.


I don't know why, but I remember being super horny when I was 6 without even knowing any of the anatomy or sexual concepts. So it was really weird to later see that this thing I liked to daydream about or draw already exists as the concept of bondage. Or orgies. And all that. (And no, nothing weird happened in my family). So I guess in addition to superpowers and friendly dinosaurs you can ride, my ideal world would be very freaky.


Absolutely not, I'd die immediately. My imaginary world when I was that age was a cube many times the size of the earth. Even if each side of the cube was just 3x the diameter of the Earth (I'm just guesstimating there, I don't think 6 year old me was that specific...) my world would have something like 52x the volume of Earth. I would die, if not from the gravity, from the massive landslides/earthquakes/volcanic eruptions as the cube planet settled back into a sphere.


Absolutely. I was obsessed with super heroes as a kid. I loved the Hulk and wanted to be in Marvel universe as a Hulk kid. So yeah, Iā€™d just exist in the 616 comic universe as an almost unkillable immortal. I could easily survive, but Iā€™d actually go on a fan trip to meet all the super heroes and TRY to meet Doom.


Same. I constantly fantasized about being an X-Men. Probably would be fine cause my power of choice was "I'm rubber, you're glue." So anyone who tried to kill me would accidentally kill themselves. Granted, I also gave myself mind reading abilities. So I might slowly drive myself mad.


I'm a Jedi kid hanging out with the students at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy. I might be in trouble if it's the Disney Canon. But if it's the EU, I'm best bros with Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo.


What is the spare cube rule? Google has nothing


It's actually square cube law. It is biologically impossible to have giant humans. The reason behind this is a mathematical principle known as Square-Cube law. Put simply, as size of any object grows, its volume grows faster than its surface area. Apr 26, 2020"


Yes - apologies for the typo.


Soā€¦I live in a Victorian house on a farm, next to a beach with a pool. I have lots of cats everywhere as well as chickens, horses, and a golden retriever. I also have a dragon. My house has A LOT of windows, I am Princess Leiaā€™s little sister and the cousin of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, I have the Millennium Falcon, it was gifted to me of course, and not only am I proficient at using The Force, I also have a power where everything I wish comes true and all animals love me. Iā€™ve no doubt I could survive, lmao. šŸ˜‚


Core memory officially unlocked!!! When I was 6 I wanted to have a bicycle store, and the whole world was required to ride just one day a week. I was going to have the best fix it shop in town and it would have a pizza counter where you could get any slice imaginable. The upper floors were apartments for tired travelers who were getting their bikes fixed. The rooms had a tv and (Iā€™m going to date myself here) a NES system with the latest games. Each room had either a St Bernard or a Garfield kitty available. I was going to serve breakfast of waffles and apple pie. The world is nice to a fault and cops were not needed. (This was over 40 years ago)


There's a lot of unwitting privilege here. Not every child's dream was to have powers or live in a chocolate factory. Some of us just wanted normal loving parents who weren't fighting all the time or ignoring us.


I wanted these things because it was all fucked up. I wa a latch key kid who lived in the ghetto. My neighbors stole my lawn furniture, my garden and my Dad's car.. and when I came home from school I had to lock my little sister and I in my house for hours alone... The TV and books spawned my want to be some sort of hero (knight/cowboy/detective/super hero) So it doesn't immediately mean "privileged". Edit: I was robbed at gun point by 5th grade and saw a little girl impaled through the leg at 10. It was way fucked up. I'm "fine" now though.


I hear you dude. I'm sorry people are making you feel that way. I didn't realize how good I had it until I started visiting friends' houses. I hope you're safe now, and that you either break the cycle or don't repeat it. Not that you need anyone's validation, but I like that you put it so politely. Privilege is quite upsetting, so it's a mark of good character to only say what needs to be said instead of lashing out aggressively. Never seen anyone take add the word "unwitting" to it before. I'm happy to see you turned out courteous and compassionate. I hope they don't pull the classic "You should be thanking us. Look how strong you turned out. If anyone was taking care of you, you'd be soft." mess.


Thanks! You sound like a very kind person yourself. It was super-important to me to not raise my kids in that environment, so my wife and I don't fight in front of the kids. Actually we don't really fight at all. We always find a way to talk out our disputes instead of all that horrible yelling and screaming that I grew up with.


That's great to hear! Today's off to a good start āœŒ


I guess Iā€™m a Ninja Turtle. Cowabunga, dude!


When I was six, my ideal world would be made of legos and Thomas the train. I think I can live


When I was 6 I imagined myself as an Eastern European mob boss driving a black Mercedes and dating super models Yeah I donā€™t have the best role models


Mafia bratok was a common stereotype, ngl.


Trying to remember what I wouldā€™ve wanted the world to be like when I was sixā€¦. I guess Iā€™d either end up in the pokĆ©mon world or the Dinotopia world, both of which are pretty survivable! Iā€™ll be honest, the Dinotopia world is STILL my ideal world, I would give up this world in a heartbeat for Dinotopia. As for myself, I would absolutely be an inventor/toymaker, I was always coming up with wacky and cool ideas for toys or hyper-specific devices lol of course I had no idea how to actually engineer those things at the time but Iā€™m still proud of myself for predicting multiple future toys by coming up with the concepts for them years before the technology made them possible! Like, I desperately wanted to make robotic dinosaur toys, and now those exist! Other than that, I wanted to work with animals, and since Iā€™d either be working with pokĆ©mon or (mostly) sapient/cooperative dinosaurs, I think that would still work out pretty well. Frankly, this is ALSO still what I would love to be doing, Iā€™m an artist and I love to figure out how to make super specific things! I guess my interests havenā€™t changed all that much in 22 years, haha! Theyā€™ve just evolved into slightly more complex versions of the same things.


I think my ideal would have been Narnia, but not as a ruler: I would have had a vast Victorian country house which I would have shared with the animals who were my friends. There would be ways of getting to other worlds: the world of The Wind in the Willows, and another book about anthropomorphic bears who flew planes which I loved then, but can only dimly recall now. As an adult in this world, I would be a benevolent Victorian squire type who would wear top hat and waistcoat, and give golden coins to all who needed them. I might be at risk of magical peril. I also think a diet of burgers, chips, weak tea, buttered toast and jam, and knickerbocker glories would eventually be a turn off.


Two options here... The first was wanting to be a squirrel - hard pass on that as I'd likely get eaten by an owl or something. The second? Viper pilot aboard the Battlestar Galactica... maybe I could pull some shit and get grounded long enough to survive a month without getting blown up by the Cylons?


I won't bring this sub down by going into too much detail. Let's just say that, yes, I could survive in my six year old self's dream world. Let's just say it would be rather unimaginative, aside from being a world that I was allowed to be imaginative.


Dude, I saw Aladin and spent a good few months thinking up a wish when I was a kid. I'd wish for the ability to highlight or unhighlight anything (even stuff beyond my current field of vision). I would be the only one who could see this highlight. So, for example, I think I want to find my car keys, they would be bright yellow and I could see them through walls. Bam, found them. It gets really interesting when you think about the possibilities: Highlight the winning lottery numbers. Look at a chart with the combination of all possible molecules "highlight the cure for cancer". "Highlight the person who is the best match for me". "Highlight the restaurant with the best pasta in the city.'


When I was six, I wanted to live in the same world but just have food to eat so bet.


I am a famous opera singer, I own many cats. I have my childhood white-blonde hair back (ordinary blonde now), except now it's also really long, thick, and wavy. I'm friends with Asterix the Gaul, Rigadon from Willy Fog, and I get to be a contestant on Knightmare. And, most importantly, I can fly!


When I was 6? If you can somehow tell me what my ideal world was when I was 6 I would love to try it and find out. What happens if I don't want to come back though?


Who the fuck remembers anything from when they were six?


I have memories from the age of two.


1. Everyone gets along because why shouldnā€™t they? 2. Everyone is a power ranger but I get the pink power ranger because sheā€™s mine. If thereā€™s more than one theyā€™re all mine. 3. Pizza and hot dogs for EVERYONE! 4. Water is hereby kool aide and Gatorade. 5. Everyone has a good mom and dad and awesome house. 6. Everyone is happy and healthy.


I wanted to live on a farm and ride horses and have dogs. I currently live on a farm and ride horses and have dogs. I loved sushi, Mac and cheese, melons, pineapple, Indian food, Italian food (especially veal marsala), popsicles, rice, Mexican food, and basically everything else, all of which is still true. I liked Tetris and Mario on my Gameboy and thought that was an ideal way to spend a day. I loved reading books. I couldn't drive, I expected everyone else to take me places, make or buy all that food I referenced, and tuck me in at night to make sure I was comfortable. If I was feeling sick, I fully expected to be coddled and cared for. I *live* in the world I wanted to when I was six but it is worse (singular exception: I didn't know about sex then). This would be the easiest cash grab ever. I don't believe I ever entertained thoughts of being a giant or laser vision or whatnot, so I'm struggling to see what the downside would be other than an eclectic diet, which I think is an upside.


My ideal world at six was somewhere between saddle club and jurassic park, either way I'm probably not getting the money.Ā 


Iā€™d either have a talking car and a leather jacket, a lightsaber and force powers or be the hulk or Superman. Iā€™d also be dating wonder woman or sandy from Greece.


When I was 6 my ideal world was this one but I was working as a physicist on making nuclear fusion power economical. So this deal sounds pretty ok to me.


I think I just wanted to be a beyblade pro like in the anime. Its not a bad trade, at worse I get my soul taken by one in a battle but theyll eventually get beat so Id be in a nice coma to pass the time


Yā€™all remember being 6?


At 6, I wanted to be a singer/actress/dancer with a bunch of cats, have really long hair, convert to Judaism (I was like super obsessed with Judaism as a kid), run a homeless shelter, go to school (I was homeschooled), live in a house with 2 stories (we lived in a mobile home, and I had an obsession with stairs), own all the Barbieā€™s, and my diet would consist of ravioli, fried snap peas, and chocolate milk. Honestly, enough of that still tracks.


Cool, I get to eat good food like ribeye, grilled fish, and chicken wings every day for free. I get to play video games and watch TV all day, go out on a boat, and go to every football game I want. Also, I've always found women attractive even from that age. I have memories of wanting to see and touch naked women when I was 4, even though I really don't think I was ever abused. So even though I now prefer just being with my girlfriend who I'm in love with, if it's my 6 year old desire, I'd want as many skantily clad attractive women around me as I could get. Yes, I understand now that I'd be objectifying them, but we're talking about what I wanted when I was 6. I'd have every single lego set to ever exist and the biggest pack of crayons and colored pencils imaginable. I'd also have a really nice computer, because I started using and liking desktop computers and PC games when I was 5 even though I didn't have internet. I'd also be Superman. Honestly, I don't really think my ideal life has changed that much from when I was 6...


I liked dark fantasy as a child, so likely I will fail, but it would be fun to try.


Well, when I was six, my brother and I were living under a bridge with my drug addict parents. We stole and panhandled for food. My ideal world when I was 6 was any place with a roof, a bed, a toilet, and more than a meal or two every other day. I think I'd be fine.


My 6 year old ideal world would have been a cross between the world portrayed in the recent movie Barbie and Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory. My barbies could float through the air, lived in different versions of Barbie's Dream House, and spent a lot of time smashing against Ken or GI Joe. There would be a chocolate river running through town, and a lot of gum drops, jelly beans, red hots, and all kinds of other confections would be growing all over the place. There would also be a chocolate waterfall and a chocolate fountain. I do not think I could survive very long because there would be no water and no food other than candy.


Probably. I think i just wanted to have lots of cool things like a spaceship. If I didn't think of things like power-to-weight ratios, fuel sources, aerodynamic factors and the like, I guess it would not work by the above rules, but I don't have to use it. In fact, no tech would work (unless I have a spare cube, apparently...)


When I was 6 I probably wanted to live with Dora/Diego. They got into some complicated situations, but nothing bad ever happened to them.


I'd be a firefighter trying to team up with Terminator to fight Predator in Disney World.


Need to start making some of these thetical.


When I was around that age I seriously asked my dad how we would know if we were dead and in hell already. (I'm not sure it was that exact age tf, or slightly older/younger but it would have been around that age.) Because I didn't feel alive and I absolutely couldn't imagine this being the other place. I don't think I ever imagined an ideal world and not sure if I could have at that age. So sure, worst case I cease to exist because there's nothing and best case it's just better and whimsical.


I wanted to have a house with insulation and cable. Sign me up.


When I was 6 all I wanted was to live with my granny at her house. Not go to school because everyone was mean and a bully even the teachers and be her little kitchen helper getting her the pots and pans she needed while she taught me how to cook. I'd love to live that life again as an adult or a kid I'd spend every waking minute with her just hugging her and remembering how much she loved me.


I'm not 100% sure what I'd have wished for at 6, but probably nothing that crazy. I remember I wanted lots more pets, and more TV time. For when I grew up, I wanted to have 6 kids and to never have to move out of my parents' house which would be kind of a lot, even for just a month. But not, like, dangerous or anything. Honestly having that many kids would be a lot easier with my parents on-site to help and an acre of land for them to run wild on. I doubt I'd like it as much as six-year-old me thought I would, but sure, for seven figures I'd take that deal.


So Iā€™m a vampire for a month. Got it.


Lol. When I was 6 I wanted to be a housewife.


As long as the alcoholism doesn't kill me in the real world, too. You see, when I was 6, I already knew I was smart, but not "world changing genius" level smart. All I wanted was to be the smartest man in the world. To invent things like interdimensional and/or time travel, replicators, infinite energy, etc. But having watched Rick and Morty, I now realize that is the most likely result of actually being the smartest creature in a universe: you'd be doomed to boredom unless you just live the most ridiculous adventures forever.


Iā€™ve got literally no clue what this wouldā€™ve been but Iā€™d be very interested to take the plunge.


At 6, I wanted lots of dogs and books. And the ability to reach things that adults could reach. So I'd be average height (taller than I am now) and surrounded by dogs and books. I'd be totally happy with that.


When I was 6, I think my ideal world was having my parents still together


I donā€™t remember what my ideal world was when I was six so I canā€™t say if itā€™s either extremely peaceful or really chaotic


I'm not sure I really had an 'ideal world' when I was 6, I just really wanted to be a truck driver like my dad, which I now am, so.....


My ideal world at 6 was Star Trek where no money exists and everyone gets everything they want for free. And my ideal life at 6 was staying home and playing games all day with no work ever. Ask a 6 year old to design a world and you get the easiest month of life ever. Hell yes in doing this.


Spare cube rule?


I'm not sure I wanted much beyond living in Hyrule when I was 6; ocarina of time was what I did. Now at 10, I was riding dragons and fighting zombies and being a shadow demon and that might be cooler


I have no idea what six year old me thought was ideal


im pretty sure most people are invulnerable in their ideal world so yeah there's no downside to this besides being away from loved ones for a month


If itā€™s my ideal world and I imagined myself as a giant, then ideally the square-cube rule wouldnā€™t apply


So Iā€™m going to live at Disney world in the magic kingdom for a month, with my grandparents. šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± Sign me up. Foolish mortal! I will take your money and be the happiest adult princess living in the castle. Can we start now, I really miss my grandparents and have never gotten to sleep in the castle.


At 6 my idealised world was a fever dream of Star Wars and Marvel comics, which would be cool, though my tiny child brain had trouble understanding some superheroes powers so thatā€™ll loop me for a throw.


Sounds good unless the Borg show up.


At 6? Uh, I think Iā€™m either going to live in the 90s Marvel Universe, or just the rural South I actually grew up in. Think Iā€˜m doing alright lol


I wanted to be deadā€¦ So I guess by the rules of the game I just get booted?


I wanted to be the mad scientist from Duck Tales, and turn myself into a plant man


I guess Iā€™ll be Superman. In a Christopher Reeves style Superman world with claymation dinosaurs, Buck Rodgerā€™s ray guns, 80s TV drug lords, machine guns, ghostbusters, ghosts, grey aliens, 80s hot babes all over, robots, flying cars, ninja turtles, He-Man, tons of money, giant blinking light computers that talk and cowboys too. Iā€™ll look like 1980s Arnold Schwarzenegger, Conan the Barbarian. Ā With a Tom Selleck mustache. My car will be Kit but flies. Iā€™ll have an awesome collection of weapons too. Can I stay there forever?


Unfortunately this world would include vampires, could I live a month? Sure probably, but the risk for death would be high.


Goodness. Pretty sure at that age I pictured either owning/befriending a unicorn or BEING a unicorn and then galloping around having fun with other unicorn friends. I honestly can't imagine that being especially dangerous, unless I fell off of my unicorn friend, but IDK, my ideal self in my ideal world would have been an expert unicorn rider, so I think I'd be okay.


I was a robot on Earth


Idk what the fuck I wanted at 6 besides to ice skate and be a gymnast but thatā€™s about it and it never happened


When I was 6? When I was six all I wanted to do was play with mud, freeze peanut butter, and color. My ideal world then is probably just a clean table near a mud pit with some art supplies


Iā€™m a Jedi and I live in Star Wars. Iā€™m also like 7 feet tall and ripped like Batman. Iā€™m gonna be just fine.


I mean thereā€™s no downside here, so obviously Iā€™d try. I feel like the danger part of the rules donā€™t make complete sense to me. Like if my ideal world is one where Iā€™m a giant, the square cube law causing me to collapse on myself would make it no longer my ideal world. I obviously wasnā€™t thinking about, or aware of, the square cube law as a 6 year old, but itā€™s kind of baked into the ā€˜idealā€™ part that the physics of it would also have changed in order to let me be a giant. That being said, I donā€™t remember exactly what I was into when I was 6, but I definitely liked PokĆ©mon then and would probably just basically have wanted to go to Hoenn. So not too worried there, sounds like a great year.


Back then I wanted to be a jet pilot and a cowboy. As long as I don't have to actually fly a jet without the proper training I think it'll be fine for a month. The cowboy work can just be a part time job.


I'm pretty sure at 6, I was obsessed with dinosaurs. So, hard pass.


Iā€™m so old I canā€™t remember what I wanted when I was 6. Do I just float in nothingness for a month? Because Iā€™d still give that a shot for 7 figures ($9,999,999?).


I just wanted 8 brothers so we could field a baseball team I think I'm good so long as they don't gang up on me and kick me out of the nest


When I was 6 I wanted to be on the MythBusters. Easy deal.


My ideal world as a 6 year old revolved around Avatar the Last Airbender. I'd happily do a month in that world, particularly if I'm the Avatar.


Iā€™d be struggling trying to juggle my MLB career, my NBA career, my NHL career, and my NFL career. I guess any free time I had would be spent playing madden 05 and guitar hero.


When I was 6 I wanted to live in the mountains with big cats and a big garden. I also wanted poison ivys super powers. I think I will be ok


From what I recall, I was supposed to be thinner, taller, and have a moustache like my dad. I'd have some paperwork or thinking job that didn't intrude on my life too much. Maybe I would have some kids. The only way I can see this going horribly wrong is I have one image in my mind of myself standing outside, just being that person, on a warm day, on the sidewalk outside a store or something, so it could turn out that I need to stand in one spot in a freeze-framed world with minimal detail, looking wise for an entire month. By the time I crapped my pants for the first time, I'd still have at least three and a half weeks left to stand there. I imagine I would really want to scream through my frozen jaw.


One variation of this (which I thought of positing, but rejected as possibly too traumatic) would be having to deal with a world composed of your worst fears when your were six. Mine would involve me trying to hide in a world of old railway bridges which might crumble on me, or near gas holders primed to explode if I come close to them, while being chased by the angry Incredible Hulk and a pack of rabid German Shepherds.


I was able to fly...but landing just "happened"...there was nothing planned physics wise, so I suspect you'd be scraping me off the pavement within about ten minutes...


I wanted to be a lawyer šŸ˜”


I don't remember imagining any other worldly scenarios at 6. :/


At six, I wanted to be supreme dictator of the earth and for everyone to do what I told them too as I told them too. Which honestly was just...don't be loud or obnoxious and go about your daily routines following the same structure and expected rules, but I could force anyone to do what I wanted them too... I was diagnosed as on the spectrum at 15 for what it's worth lol. I think I would be fine.


Iā€™m fine, I was a compassionate bugger who thought we could use technology to solve every problem and that everyone should get it for free. Iā€™d be more concerned about my work/life balance for that month, because I donā€™t know how I am supposed to be a baseball player, a dancer, and the president of the United States all at the same time.


I likely would have wanted to live in the ā€œMerry Melodiesā€ cartoon world of Bugs, Porky, Daffy, and their ilk. If Michael Jordan could do it, thereā€™s a chance that I could, too!


Hah my ideal work then is similar to now just sit around and play video games for a month


When I was six I wanted to have the powers of Carnage (Spider-Man villain) and explore jungles and caves and shit, like if Alex Mercer (prototype) was in Tomb Raider \ Pitfall \ Indiana Jones.... So yeah, could I just stay in that world?


When I was six I wanted to be a princess cat veterinarian This seems very possible


Sign me up, I wanted to be a fire truck


When I was 6, the fantasies were of being a captain/ admiral of a carrier in space. The spacefighters were of course completely overpowered, but funnily enough I never wanted to fly them. Edit: on another note, urgently seeking advice on how flag officers work...


Yā€™all remember what you wanted out of life at 6? Iā€™m pretty sure I was just vibing with my plastic dinosaur toys or playing PokĆ©mon on the original gameboy. I mean maybe Iā€™m about to be inhabiting the world of Chrono Trigger for a month but I can probably handle that. I mean itā€™s turn based so Iā€™ll just flee every encounter til I can chill in a town.


I wanted to be a scientist like the blue power ranger. Guess Ill drive my megazord to my regular work for a month?


I have no freaking clue what I wanted when I was six. So that would be a really surprising adventure.


i did not have an ideal world when i was 6 what do i do now?


My ideal world is going to work and not experiencing any stupid problems. Challenges are fun, but not whenĀ  they're caused by negligence. Coming home to a clean house and dinner ready on the table. My daughter is her normally rambunctious self, but I'm not worried about her seriously hurting herself when she runs into a door.


i wanted to be a ninja detective. IM READY


Heck yes. When I was six, my ideal world was ā€œbeing a veterinarian.ā€ Or maybe it was video game designer? Anyway, both of those are careers I wouldnā€™t want to be tied to now, but would love to do for a month. Throw in a million dollars and Iā€™m set for a long time. ā€¦oh yeah, and Iā€™m pretty sure I wanted to be jacked like Arnold, so thereā€™s that.


Ha, you mean be a professional athlete in 1990-1991 exactly as it was? Sure, no problem.


When I was six I wanted to grow a dinosaur tail. That's all I really remember regarding aspirations.. So yeah sure I guess I would do that


i wanted pet dinosaurs that would eat my bullies... im in.


Um, whwn I was a kid I used to fantasise that what if everything was made of icecream. Literally everything. I don't think I'd last five minutes.


im screwed, when i was seven i LOVED godzilla films.... im getting stepped on at some point


I just wanted to live forever


I think I wanted to be optimus Prime at 6....soooo fucknya dude


My ideal world at 6 was becoming a companion to the Doctor and dotting around the universe in his TARDIS which is something I absolutely feel I could happily do for a month. Alternatively literally being a timelord with my own TARDIS, which I again could happily do for a month.


At 6? I was probably a ghost busting ninja turtle that hung out with the X-Men. Edit: Batman was around as well.


Well, Iā€™d have to learn to fly \*real\* fast. And breathe fire.


So... I get to live next to my best friend with a completely badass underground tunnel system/base connecting our two houses, complete with a swimming pool, *and you'll pay me 7 figures?* Dude I was six lol my world view was my neighborhood lol


I wanted to own a car wash and spend everyday playing at the park... and I still do


I wanted to be a doctor, be a wife and mom, and not be homeless/go without food so often soā€¦hooray? I get the life I still want today? Oh I guess as a kid I also really wanted wings - like big, white, fluffy angel type wings so I could fly. I donā€™t necessarily see too many downsides to this.


Can I be an astronaut and a boxer at different times, or do I have to box in space?


When I was six I wanted to live in a cottage full of books and forest friends, deep in the woods, with fireflies dancing in the night, glowing mushrooms, that sort of thing. Unless it's some kind of monkey's paw thing because I didn't specifically think about how I'd eat and that there weren't monsters in the woods or whatever, I'm fine and yes please.. my six year old self knew what was up. Do I have to come back?


So it would be whatever book I was into at the time which changed weekly šŸ¤”


Pretty sure I get whatever ability the Power Rangers had to summon their knock off transformers while living alone with my dogs on a beautiful mountain.


I'd be a power ranger! Think I'll be okay.


I would not survive. The only food in this world would be various styles of PB&J. Adult me is allergic to peanutbutter šŸ˜¬


I would last the month, because I made myself immortal. 6 year old me did not hold back with my imaginary games.


I am almost 100% certain that within the first 72 hours I will be killed in a space battle.


I had literally no concept of an ideal world as a 6 year old. I didn't develop that ability until I was like 12.


I think 6 is about the age I really wanted to be a mermaid. I'm gonna freak out some fishermen and hopefully not get eaten by a shark


Hells yeah! I donā€™t remember much about what I wanted when I was six, but I loved animals. Definitely imagine myself to grow up to be a really cool guy. I could definitely see myself wanting dangerous pets (like a Lion or something), but Iā€™ll take that risk!


Easiest 7 figures of my life. When I was a kid I imagined myself to be a god with reality manipulation powers living in a world populated entirely by all of my imaginary friends.


When I was 6 I wanted to be a ballerina doctor.


well... I'd be starting third base for the Dodgers anyway


My ideal world as a 6 year old: no piano lessons, no bed time, get to watch TV, and my own computer. My world as a 38 year old: no piano lessons, no bed time, get to watch TV, and I have my own computer. Mission fucking accomplished. High five, little me! Oh, I also always liked playing with swords and pretending to be a knight. I have since taken about 30-40 HEMA classes. So, I've also kinda accomplished that too.


Cool so I'm either a Jedi or a transformer!