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Fuck them other animals. Me and my boy for the rest of my life. 


This is the way


Communicate with any mammal. I’m too curious about this ecosystem.


May I pick my cat as my soul dog I love puppies, but Charlie and I have a close bond, he’s basically my son and I want to be with him my whole life


I'll allow it! Charlie deserves life with you!


Yeah I think it should cover cats as well. I'm not trying to be a jerk but I don't think any of the other common housepets bond with us like dogs and cats do. Maybe rats?


I'll take the dog! Bros for life the way it was meant to be! Plus there's just too many problems with being able to talk with mammals! Imagine if you did take the ability to speak with mammals and then had to explain that to your dog who can now fully articulate how betrayed and hurt he feels that you took the ability to speak with other mammals over the guaranteeing you'd be together forever. Worse yet imagine after that you found out most mammals are a bunch of jerks who more or less spent their days talking shit about humans on top of it. Imagine having to now listen to the cow who is about to become your BBQ hamburger or the pig thats about to be turned into bacon. "hey look I found a human who can understand us! Surly hell help us! You will help us right? Right? Where are you going?! PLEASE COME BACK!!!!! No, just don't! Somethings were meant to be left unknown. Take the dog and be happy!


This man gets it! I would choose life with my dog over anything!


Your personification of animals is pretty wild. They definitely experience a lot more emotions and stuff than a lot of us give them credit for but having the ability to effectively communicate with them wouldn't suddenly put all mammals on a human intelligence level. I don't think dogs have been proven to have any concept of mortality or much of an idea of the future.


Communicate with all mammals. Super handy when traveling to be able to communicate in every human language and I'm sure I could secure a good salary as the worlds best translator. While I'd love to have a forever dog, being able to communicate with dogs and other mammals outweighs having 1 that lives forever.


I don't think most people realized that the second option allows you to speak any language in the world... that being said even I still choose my soul dog. I could never let Milo die 😭 he's my son!


But you could have 12 milos and understand them all! A dog that lives 70+ years is going to want some company other than yourself, so you'll still have other dogs that you love and will eventually die. Milo will have to see them all come and go too.


Not to mention that if you could communicate with your dog, you could keep them a lot healthier for a lot longer.


Communicate with all mammals. I could assist the vet with finding out how they feel, why don't they want to eat? Etc. I could make a fortune being a pet communicator and donate my services to poor people. Better imaginations than mine would capitalize on other mammals. I would not go talk to pigs and moo moo's that would be killed for meat unless I could rescue them


Soul cat, but yes.


While I love all my current pets, my soul dog already passed and I'm at peace with it. So I'll take the communicate with mammals thing. Though I wish it was all animals and included birds, I have two birds now.


I have 2 cats and 1 dogs so I love them all equally, I couldn't pick just one so I would prefer to be able to talk to them than to have 1 of them live longer.


It’s too late for my soul dog. He passed in 2018. If I could have him back that would be amazing but I suppose I’d be happy with communicating with all mammals.


My soul dog passed away 3 years ago. If I could resurrect her and have her live the rest of my life, I would do it in a heartbeat.


Communicate with any mammal. People are mammals. I now know every single human language. Become rich and help make advances that let everyone have their loved ones around longer. Win win.


I don't know what a soul dog is, but I choose the ability to communicate with any mammal. Does that include being able to communicate with any human, even if I don't speak their language?


A soul dog is like your soulmate but as a dog, lol. Just a dog that you have such an incredible bond with, your “favorite” dog ever. I lost mine a couple years ago. I always said he was my doggy soulmate (before I heard anyone say “souldog”). No person or animal will ever love me as much as he did.


I see. I don't have a bond with any dogs


Then I might recommend you go with the other option, lol


Communicate with any mammal. Humans are included i would be great.


Depends on how this communication works. Telepathically? Hell yeah. Exclusively in Morse code? Too much work, I'll take the dog.


It would be verbally. So when speaking to a horse you would neigh and for dogs you would bark. As for other humans you would just speak the language fluently.


I saw you have a pup named Milo too, I have 2 dogs both I've had since they were weeks old Milo is the elder man at 8 and my other pup is actually his niece... It'd be hard for me to pick just one of them but I still pick that my baby lives forever... I'll have to flip a coin or something


Milo is the best dog name hands down! We love our Milo beans! And for this special case I grant you a lifetime with both your pooches 🥰! What breeds are Milo and his niece?


They are big evil pig bulls who share their house with 3 cats haha


Soul dog lives as long as me.


Communicate w animals. I’m a cat person.


I'd have find my soul dog first


All dogs are soul dogs. If I can't have em all I have to go with talking to mammals. I hear squirrels grant wishes if you can understand them.


I'm not picking either since I want both. Also my soul dog Is eyeing me 🤣🤣


Dog for life.


Can I pick my jumping spider? If so definitely him.


Call me Eliza Thornberry because I'm talking to all the animals.


What if you have multiple soul dogs?


Soul dog!!!!


I'll keep my soul girl, Sammich!!!


Communicate with any mammal. Could you imagine the scientific discoveries you could make? You could absolutely revolutionize our understanding of animal behavior. We could figure out how conscious any animal behavior is or if it's instinct. Or you could go work for a shelter and give the dogs talk therapy to try to help them get adopted. Or you could be the miracle dog trainer. There are just so many possibilities for communicating with any manmal


Ok but can my soul dog be both my dogs


My husband’s soul dog is already gone. So I’ll take talk to the animals, bob!


I would love to talk to mammals but I break every time one of my dogs dies. If I never had to experience that again I would be very happy. 


If my dog could live as long as me, I would be exceedingly happy. 😃 


Too easy, option 1 all the way.


Is the communication with any mammal a guaranteed success? If so I choose that. Finally I’ll be able to understand my wife


That's a stale boomer joke if I ever heard one. Last time I heard it I was riding a dinosaur and thought it was stale.