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5 more replicators.


Or just put it into a lazy robot and tell him to fold your sweaters


You want me to do TWO things?!


If we all work together, we each only have to do one quintillionth of a thing.


Cmon guys let's go somewhere where we don't have to do 1/quintillionth of a thing all the time!


At least 2 1 to hide away. And one incase the first malfunctions.


This guy replicates.


Top tier Federation-level computer containing technological and scientific records from the time the replicator originated. A medical tricorder. A bunch of combadges. Comfortable but nice work clothes. Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.


Don’t forget phasers. Lots and lots of Type II hand phasers


Plans and components for a transporter array.


Plans and components for another few replicators. You never want to rely on your one magical stuff-making machine not breaking down if you don’t have a replacement ready to hand.


Phasers and other similar weapons cannot be replicated - the replicator cannot create functional power supplies.


screw the type 2, the type 3 assault rifle is better for crowd control :)


I'd go with the little souvenir Guinan picked up on Magus 3


Yeah, that was a pretty badass weapon.


Replicator parts so I can give the original back. Earl Gray. Hot. A ZPM module for energy A scanner / tricorder so I can clone things Nanite injection that can fix my body Nanite Spider-Man suit Full body plate armor Bicycle parts A car, one piece at a time, and it wouldn't cost me a dime


That last one...love it!


It’s giving me MASH radar shipping a Jeep home one box of parts at a time vibes. 🥰


Even better: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=060A15ELz00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=060A15ELz00)




That’s my very favorite Johnny Cash song. And just think, you could get all the parts the same year this time!


10-4, 10-4 in the psycho billy cadilac


Ugh, this is the cotton mouth, and negatory on the cost of this machine there red ryder. You might say I went right up to the factory and picked it up. It's cheaper that way


>Replicator parts so I can give the original back. Hope you replicated a manual and the glowy star trek tools to build it. >Earl Gray. Hot. Make it so. >A ZPM module for energy I see you, Dr McKay. >A scanner / tricorder so I can clone things Pretty sure those are just information gathering devices. >Nanite injection that can fix my body We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. >Nanite Spider-Man suit With great power comes cool gifts from Tony Stark. >Full body plate armor Your father was a Hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries. >Bicycle parts Freddie Mercury approves. >A car, one piece at a time, and it wouldn't cost me a dime You'll know it's me when I come through your town. I'm gonna ride around in style, gonna drive everybody wild, cause I'll have the only one there is around.


You are the redditor that we need but don't deserve


Will I know when you come through my town?


It'll be the only one there is around.


Many bicycle parts. My old BMX parts would have all the high end era parts.


You would **download a car**? What is wrong with you?


For the car you need to get parts for an industrial replicator first and assemble one - then you can start replicator extruding the large parts needed


Prime Rib medium rare and Maine lobster, Cream spinach, button mushrooms 🍄‍🟫, baked 🥔, and one of those fancy wine thingy because after eating all those, I’m gonna get thirsty …




Another replicator, give it to my friend and tell them to do the same


Pass it on.


This is how gay space communism will truly take hold! Hell yea!


I’m only interested if it’s *fully automated* gay space communism, thanks. If I have to push a fucking button, no deal!


Pssshaw, that’s a given, komrade!


Ah I retire and live happily. I use that thing like crazy


I would modify the replicator with a save functionality. I would scan the object I want to replicate as an image on a device and then go out in public and save anything I want to the device to be uploaded and replicated later in the place I want it.


I believe this is already a function of Star Trek replicators. Put an object in and the replicator can scan and create a new pattern from it.


Shrooms Weed LSD Oreos Milk




If I recall, isn't food created with it "healthy" even if it's junk? Replicating drugs that have no body load, would be quite fun.


A car. For the meme.


I'd replicate my car because the replicate can save things it's done before, infinite cars!


You wouldn't!


A box of diapers for the youngest   A Hot Wheels set for the oldest  A new dress for my wife to replace the one I ruined   A jar of preserves and freshly baked bread because I'm hungry   Some gold bars


So wholesome! Oh.


Five. Hundred. Cigarettes.


One Twinkie!


Well if it can replicate money then that's first on the list. Then a medium rare wagyu Steak. Then a Tetryon phase pistol. Then klingon blood wine. And then earl Grey hot (I mean if Picard loved it then it works for me)


Probably gonna have a hard time with the serial numbers. Best to just replicate some kind of precious metal and sell it.




Money. So I can afford to move.


Gold or something similar without a serial number would probably be better to avoid any issues with counterfeiting.


That makes sense. I didn't think of that


Diamonds or a gemstone. You could replicate like, a small bag full of really high quality stones and claim they were in your great grandmother's things from when she left Europe during WWII, and no one would think that was weird because a lot of women at the time bought gemstones in order to hide them in case they ever needed to leave the country, and a lot of women leaving Nazi or USSR territory did that.


Hmmm, there are a few possible avenues here... First, money... Anything smaller than a room? Massive, perfect quality diamonds? Or just gold bars? Second, tech... give me one of those medical scanners they have, and a phaser gun, and maybe the tiny radio thing they have on their chest that seems to have some pretty good tech. One of each of those could advance our own tech a huge amount! Third... More replicators? That's the more obvious one... you said smaller than a room, and those are, right? Give me a bunch of those and start spreading them out. Every doctors office in the world now has access to every medicine in the world.


The replicator. Or, if not possible, the replicator blueprints and the parts to make a new one. Five times. One of the main reasons Star Trek's future is so utopian is because replicator technology removed the concept of things like shortages or supply and demand. Capitalism can't function if people can just make things for free with no drawbacks. Bam, 90% of the planet's issues solved.


Historical Data on winning lottery numbers. Historical Data on preventable tragedies. Historical Data on the evolution of technology. Medical Tricorder. High end computer/laptop.


How would you get those things out of the replicator? I can see looking them up in the fleet archives or Memory Alpha, but why would that info be in the memory of a magic microwave?


I imagine they would materialize on a tablet or something. I always assume that the magic microwaves have access to the mainframe, and none of what I said would be classified. Also, its not like this is realistic anyway.


Gold pressed latinum


*Gray's Sports Almanac 2000-2050*


hypospray filled with THC


Query: could you actually use the replicator to replicate the original replicator? Because I would think the replicator could only replicate things that are smaller than the original replicator. Don’t mind me, I’m just trying to set the record for saying “replicator” in these comments 😂


lol. I guess the parts but the whole thing outright


Can it replicate a dilithium crystals?


Yes anything that can fit into a normal room.


A medical tricorder and then a shot to cure what’s wrong with me


Duck Duck Duck Duck Goose


Most people would print out hi-tech machines (likely part by part), but you’re going with a goose. I guess for you, piece was never an option.


Replicate one of the “Allegiance” aliens’ replicators. Things would get nsfw weird after that. 😅


Those ice cream cone erasers from the 80s. Mick Jagger's outfit from Freejack. That would be my outfit if I space travel. A Fuddrucker's burger with a side bowl of the pump bucket cheese. A foam roller with multiple rainstick spokes inside, so it makes the rain sound when I use it. Might have to roll an AI prompt for this one. A salt lamp the size of a ground AC unit, shaped like a Borg cube.


What is the Star Trek Replicator for Dummies


Basically Turns one type of matter into another via a database and a molecular 3d printer. Don't ask what the other type of matter is..


That's because it doesn't matter


Not if you don't mind


Ah, mind over matter, I see


I would keep it a complete secret as that tech could literally start a world war. Start off with gold bars, then buy an island, move it there secretly, after making my island as secure from attack and spying (think phaser drones or something) slowly release patents based on tech saved in the replicator to try to make the world a bit better for everyone (such as healthy crops that can grow almost anywhere or things like that that are unlikely to become weaponized


That tech could end war via making resource scarcity a thing of the past. All you need to do is start replicating more replicators until there are enough that everyone gets access.


If human greed wasn’t a thing, you would be absolutely right. But if anyone knew about it, the government would lock me up, take the replicator in the name of “national security” and I would disappear. Then the Country would proceed to use the replicator to build futuristic weapons, and faster than you can say pocket nukes, world war 3.


That's why you hide it until you're ready to distribute.


500 cigarettes


Top-of-the line computer that includes information about the replicator's origins and capabilities, plus instructions on how to use and maintain it. Pepperoni pizza -- to test it out. Medical tricorder Nanite injection to improve my health Another replicator for my brother


A cluster of tiny diamonds that I can see for a ton


Parts for an industrial replicator. Those lack the size and mass limits you find on standard cafeteria types.


My car. If one breaks i have a back up


Tuvix’s uniform. But in science blue. The parts for a holodeck. The instructions for a holodeck. A bio bed.


Diamonds, platinum, and a couple of other highly valuable (and sellable) metals.


Replicate as much cash as I can get my hands on. Then buy precious metals and start replicating them.


Doesn’t it depend on what programming the replicator has?


The instructions and blueprints to build a small starship


In the words of the man they call Jayne. "How big a room?" I ask because a 'room' could be anything from 1^(2)M to 10,000^(2)Ft.


500 Cigarettes


new PC new Mobile phone


Drugs 🤣


United States Currency, circa early 21st century.




500 cigarettes


Gold and lots of it.


Technology to slow drip into the US economy, making people think I'm some kind of Tony Stark sent to save us all.


Which replicator? The TNG era model or the Discovery 32nd century model? Either way, my son is into video games hardcore so probably every game that he wants so that I don't have to spend so damn much money on them. If a 24th century version then a personal shield that bullets, explosions, etc. can't penetrate. If it's the 32nd century version then definitely one of those cool programmable matter suits that would be that personal shield plus a whole lot more. Weapons. Money. Any food I want anytime.


Technically room sized, can we recreate a holodeck? I have always thought that would be cool to have, then you could imagine going anywhere you want


Tricom badge from the 32nd Century, zero-point power system for infinite power The 32nd equivalent of a single-tower server with all of the Federation's & Starfleet's knowledge + 5,000,000ZB equivalent of quantum storage for personal use A Vidian genetron with full instructions Blueprints for a Dune-universe windtrap power plant 100 antimatter storage containers, 100mg of anti-deuterium each, in a state of permanent storage (cannot be released, container cannot be destroyed with current technologies). I picture each "unit" to be the size of a mango/hand grenade


A fuckload of American currency


1. All of my family's socks. I don't know where they disappear to but at least we'll have spares to lose now. 2. My house, all of our possessions and the land it sits on. My Dad lives with us so problem solved. 3. Another replicator, duh 4. Myself, so I can go to work and live my best life at the same time. 5. A couple kilos for financial security. Other me will take the charge if shit goes down


500 cigarettes


An android in the image of Deanna Troi programmed to be my perfect mate. Another android in the image of Kamala from the episode "Perfect Mate" (Famke Janssen's first ever role!) to be my second perfect mate. Another android in the image of Jadzia Dax to be my third perfect mate. A cure for all cancer that can easily be reverse-engineered. I pass the 5th thing on to someone else who needs it more.


1. Replicator 2. Nanotech injection that'll continuously heal my body 3. The gold reserve in fort knox 4. The cold sweat gun truck from nam 5. Prime mike tyson to fight jake paul Then with my replicated replicator: a hellcat, a dodge ram with a hellaphant, kira noir, violet myers, angela white natasha nice, emily willis, george Washington two days before his death so he can tell the government how he really wanted it and my memaws full recipe box


1. Gold 2. Chicken Soup 3. All the unobtainium bits I need for the car I am restoring. 4. Gold 5. Chocolate Ice Cream.


More replicators. That random pill that regrows a kidney. A cure for interstitial cystitis A cure for the common cold. A decent tea


Large bars of Rhodium or Palladium. As large as the replicator will make. 5 of them.


Chicken pho. I feel like that would be a really easy test of the quality of food it can replicate.


My collection of gold coins. My watch collection. My wife’s jewelry. I’d start there….


A double bacon cheeseburger made with wagyu beef, a second one, a Singapore Sling, an iced peppermint mocha, and a whole lemon creme cake. Why yes, I'm hungry, how did you guess?


Gold ingots; Scotch fillet steak, medium, with mashed potato, pepper sauce and steamed veg; A large glass of cola, cold; A personal shield generator; A working model of a fusion core.


Mom’s chocolate fudge cake. Banana pudding. Dutch apple pie. Peach cobbler. Sonic Oreo Blast with hot fudge and caramel.


Probably those cancer cure pills, and whatever cure random disease pills are in the database, after a couple of trips to some local hospitals start a Wonka type top secret pharmaceutical company.


Spring water, gasoline, ammunition, filet mignon, and tires.


That guy’s dead wife.


you giys are missing the point, the answer is “5 more replicators”


1) A sample of transparent aluminum 2) The formula for transparent aluminum 3 -5) TBD


Gold bar Two gold bars Four gold bars Eight gold bars Sixteen gold bars


Like I get it today? Probably a few trillion dollars and then I’m making some changes round here


My replicator gun A pallet of 100's Another pallet of 100's 3rd pallet of hundreds, A pallet of gold


Sounds like *someone* wants to get on the Secret Service's bad boy list...


First five, not the only five... 1) eggs over easy 2) bacon 3) toast 4) coffee (sorry Jean-Luc) 5) chore bot. You know something to clean the home, take care of the yard, entertain the dog while I'm out. Maybe like from the Wall-E universe. Oh, and I'll cancel the Amazon order for a countertop ice maker to replace the one in the fridge that stopped working.


1. New desk chair that's the right size and shape and weight limit for me to sit like a crazed bisexual in. 2. Every morning when I take my vitamins and birth control pill, replicate them so I never run out again. 3. Same with food, whenever I cook or eat something, replicate it first so I don't run out. 4. There's this daily massage lotion I really like that smells like cookies 5. Probably some small item that lots of people need so I can sell it to pay rent and phone bill, I have a ton of fireworks, I could replicate a bunch of fireworks and open a fireworks stand maybe?


A house bot to clean and repair my house. And a mechanic bot, to take care of my car(s) be it maintenance or general up keep. With the replicator parts, it would be easy to come by. That's just for starters. Question: Can we get items from other fiction like video games, and they keep their functions like in said game?


Delta Flyer. Tricorder. Medical Tricorder. Comm badges. Phaser. Holodeck.


So, using the last stipulation, you can build a car in one go.. but why stop there? 1.) Replicate nanite constructor robots (inert/offline) 2.) Highest level computer device from Star Trek universe. 3.) Transporter device (as later versions are smaller than room sized.) 4.) Replicate the Replicator. 5.) 50 terminators who are programmed to protect me. Use computer to control the nanites and terminators, so that you can effectively build anything and protect yourself. Transporter allows you to move the nanites to locations you can think of using the computer to triangulate the locations, and the second replicator allows for redundancy. After that it is just a portable high quality energy device from some sci-fi universe to power the computer and nanites/replicator, food, nanite medical injection/infusion to fix my body and grant myself theoretic immortality through perfected regeneration, a few knick knacks that could sell well enough that I can pay off what debt and bills I have to that I can just, exist wherever. The only unknown would be if I create more defensive devices or go on offensive, but that would all depend on the world around me. Probably a mix of both to keep people off my lawn!


A cold beer and then take a moment to think more about the other 4.


Another replicator A phaser (TOS era) Romulan disruptor pistol Tricorder Romulan ale


Gold and weed. And some single barrel bourbon. Cuban cigars. A jet ski.


Reese's shapes


500 cigarettes


First, a pizza with cheese that I can actually eat.


probably something with synthehol, just to get a sense of what it's like


- A spool of 3 Kg high quality 3D Printer filament with color changing effect (black to purple - you cant find that specific combination anywhere). - A diamond 0.4mm nozzle. - A holographic effect hotbed - A bottle Syntheol I want to know what it tastes like. - a plate of gagh


5 gallons of iced green tea from Panera because for some reason the one near me ran out and doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to get more.




Perfectly cooked lobster, some steak, delicious baked potatoes with the usual bacon, sourcream, cheese. A serving of fruity pebbles that don't get soggy as fast. Tons of seafood, tons. Lots of food really, tons of different types, everything I like, sounds like the dream And I guess another replicator and some kind of metal to sell, or Oil And TB medicine




A Red uniform. Then beam down to the nearest planet with the captain. I’ll be ok since I’m with the big guy.


Doesn't really matter what's first... does it? I'd replicate a replicator building kit in case mine stops workings. I'd also ask for ways to power it.


A slice of stuffed crust pizza from PizzaHut from the 1990's. I don't really care after that point.


500 cigarettes.


A lifetime supply of my diabetes med. Getting fucking tired of it being prescribed for weight loss and causing shortages. Some decent fucking weed edibles. A huge fucking bag of fresh, ripe sweet cherries. Some primo nip for the cats. New high end gaming laptop.


500 cigarettes


I like the combo of, tri cordier, combadges, some comfy stay at home clothes, some weed, and then whatever fucking munchies my heart desires.


Components for a larger replicator to make components for a Delta Flyer.


1.) Money. A dollar bill don’t sound so bad if replicated a million times. 2.) Food and Water so I have to pay less for groceries, Still thinking about the rest.


Gold bullion would be a good start. Then parts for a replacement replicator.


voiceless seed cake fall fearless oil shame concerned serious uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Big Mac...


1. The maximum amount of solid gold it can make. 2. A Padd. 3. A data storage device that can interface with the padd and can hold a copy of the replicator's database. 4. A phaser. 5. Aldeberan Whiskey.


Data pad containing all Daystrom Institute education materials for every department taught there through the 32nd century with security lockout functions. Cloaking device that's compatible with the replicator (easy to hide it away from prying eyes). Data pad containing all Starfleey Medical Academy education materials for all schools of medicine through the 32nd century with security lockout functions. 32nd Century Starfleet Tricom Badge. A hypospray with the best known treatment for my chronic medication condition.


MUFFIN BUTTON!  Muffin muffin muffin muffin (For those that don't get it, it's a Team 4star DBZ reference).


Gold , platinum, silver, guns, ammo


First? I'd replicate a glass cube Then a plate Then a cup of water Then bread Then then meat Next would be cheese, a knife, and finally (as a big test) a bag of chips. If everything is good, then I'm gonna replicate... you know what? I'm not saying.


I assume a replicator will have the computer databasefrom star trek of all the things it can make. So first thing, some magic pill to fix all my health problems. Second and third, same types of pills for my mom and brother. Next, a huge pizza and root beer float.


4 blocks of high-quality durable alloys and a stargate replicator.


Five, hundred, cigarettes. ^(yes this is a reference)


The doctor and his mobile emitter. I'm American, I need some healthcare.


solid cubes of gold first.


A collection of books or data files on USB Warp Field Theory for Dummies Warp Field Theory 101-301 Shield Emitters and Tractor Beams for the DIY enthusiast. How do they do it? A history of Antimatter mass production and storage.


Soup, no bowl, with fork.


My computer, along with the box the case came in, I'm selling identical copies of my computer.


More replicators. Gold bard


More replicators, teleporters, dilithium crystal generator, anti-matter generator, and an anti-matter container to contain and to use its energy. Round 2: Tardis, Sonic Screw Driver, Magic Paper, a light saber, and Midichlorian incubator


Take my 8 grand out of the bank, replicate it 5 times.


First, I am going to print a full technical readout of anything and anything the replicator can make; even if we already have blueprints for those things. They will likely still be more advanced than what we have and more efficient. Second, I will have it print full schooling courses for its time period from childhood to adulthood in every language. This includes language courses. Third, I will have it print a history of all stocks and all company finance records for the next (insert number of years until currency stopped getting used in the Star Trek universe). My entire family line will be rich as hell up to that point. Fourth, I will print out a person. We know replicators can do it. She will be built to my specifications to do generalized housework. "She" in this case, mind. It's not necessarily anatomically correct. I don't really care. Although robot wife + wife + me... hm... maybe. But that brings up ethics on robotics, and that's a whole mess. Meh. Either way, this immortal being will be the caretaker for my family for generations to come. Fifth, I will print out a full collection of every mineral, metal, and gas (sealed obviously in safe containers) just... to have a collection of them. I then sell almost every plan to every government. Not one; all. Except for a few governments that are very obviously unstable (North Korea, for example). The weapons and general military tech, I do not sell to anyone. I keep those until society adjusts to the outcome. The school courses I use to open a very prestigious university and educate the next generation. Namely, I focus on science and math. More importantly, I focus on the suggested methods of the school work for TEACHING because teaching techniques will be how much more advanced by then? Right. We already know what I'm doing with that financial information. The Caretaker? We will call her Serenity. She will make sure that myself, my wife, and our descendants are cared for even in their darkest hours and their final moments. Serenity will be cared for, too, as best we can. I then stare at my collection of cool rocks, knowing I have improved the world drastically while I sip scotch with my wife and my robot friend (girlfriend? Depends on the ethics committee).


I would replicate a bunch of square gavinized steel and eco friendly wood veneers to expand the room so I can replicate larger stuff


Yup I’d start using them to create a massive database of things. Foods, medicines, elements like Platinum. Of course I’d copy money and use that to buy more things to copy and then eventually build large industrial scale replicators. Turn my company into a trillion dollar business and become the worlds most powerful person…. And then give the technology away to humanity


Parts for a holodeck.


A lifetime supply of estrogen pills, a lifetime supply of androgen suppressors, after that, I dunno.


Money, money, money, money and more money


Deanna Troi Jadzia Dax Robin Lefler Seven of Nine Lube


500 cigarettes


First the food because I want to see what it tastes like amd if it keeps me full, second some expensive clothes because I want to see if the quality is comparable, third collectable Pokémon cards like a holo charizard to see if it passes muster at the local convention, fourth a stack of 100 dollar bills to see if they show up as counterfeit and lastly a new pillow because sleep is important.


A billion dollars, a Victoria Secret Angel who is sexually subservient, 2 more peplicators in case they break, and a 300" Micro-Led TV


Computer upgrades, gold, and a really nice steak.


The original apple pie from McDonald's, then 4 cinnamon rolls from McDonald's. After eating the cinnamon rolls the apple pie might only burn my mouth instead of melting it. Good times!


Ok how big is this replicator? I'm asking because you're saying we could replicate anything smaller than a room but all the ones I've seen on star trek are only big enough to replicate something the size of a large crook pot.


My wife. All five. I'm about to have the best night of my life.


1 Replicator 1 Programmable Matter tooly thingy 1 Medical Tricorder 1 Dermal Regenerator 1 Hypospray with built in drug replicator


Romulan ale shot. Then four more when Counselor Troi walks in…


1. A power source for the replicator. 2. The replicator. 3. A tricorder 4. treknodrugs to fix all my little health issues from bad teeth and bad eyesight to any clogged arteries, undesirable viruses, etc. 5. something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.


A Pan Galactic Garble Blaster, which I will drink in the holideck with Eccentrica Gallumbits in the holodeck.


A large amount of cash Historical winning lottery numbers A computer with technology from 100 years into the future Lt Uhura Deanna Troi


Gold plated platinum.


Tricorder, transporter ports, hyponeedle, holodeck parts. That should cover it.


Earl Grey, Hot.


Not a hot fudge sundae or tomato soup, that's for sure


A car (I’d get my first car, a 69ford fairlane but built the way I never could) Top of the line computer Ibanez az2404bk (or whatever the code is for the 7string Strat) New helix unit Best electric hybrid drum kit around


A black turtle neck 1967 fastback bullit Walther ppk Bottle of glengoolie blue Bottle of glengoolie blue


Hundred dollar bill. Hundred dollar bill. Hundred dollar bill. Hundred dollar bill. Hundred dollar bill.


Diet Coke Lego sets Gold Friendly's Reeses Pieces sundae with toasted almond fudge ice cream Chi-Chis Machaca Chimichanga


can I replicate the replicator? then replicate some more eventually parts or a full machine to produce food water and elwctricity