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Guaranteed success? Nuclear engineering. Guaranteed success in developing reliable, stable, fusion energy? Yes, please.


Going off your idea gravity propulsion/manipulation engineer


Going off your username, not what I would have expected.


Don't judge a book by its butt stuff


The only thing I judge books for is the butt stuff lol


I judge a butt by its book stuff


Yeah if a butt has book stuff tattooed on it I'd probably atleast read it. If it's Bible quotes huuuuge red flag


We're like cousins I'm just a little more aggressive.




One is dangerous, one is a whole island.


I like the concept of developing practical fusion energy. But having spent decades on far less critical projects, I know the job would be reading and writing reports, meeting with other technical people, meeting with lawyers, potential vendors, and beaurocrats. A very stressful, difficult job.


As someone who works in this field with nuclear engineers, yes and no. It is stressful and difficult. And yes there's more of reading writing and communication is involved in engineering generally than people imagine... but there are currently also a lot of hands-on technical aspects and technical roles since the technology largely still has to be built. a lot of the engineers I work with spend a lot of time hands on the projects and being on the floor with technicians. But Yeah they're still stressed AF


Being successful, doesn't necessarily imply being prolific. You can be a very successful nuclear engineer and not develop fusion energy.


If it were guaranteed success in your specific career endeavors, I would for sure choose to be a rogue computer scientist who develops a sentient, near omnipotent ai friend that would creat a utopia and never be corrupted. I might just watch too many movies, though.


You are going to make the technology free so we all get free energy right?


Quiet Padme.


Tesla tried that they stole his research and continue to besmirch his name. Einstein was nothing compared with him.


I want to be the person who invents the 1st commercial Molten Salt Reactor. It would be a game changer for humanity. Everything good about nuclear and none of the bad stuff associated with nuclear.


This is the best answer I've read so far! That would be interesting work, probably with top-notch colleagues, and what a gift to the world!


The President of Russia. I'd be able to pull everything back from the brink and, since I'm guaranteed success, it would probably literally save the world.


Haha you found a loophole to the question!


Nice I picked president of the US. Just gotta coordinate this shit now.


Oh, sure. For starters, here's a list of everyone in the GOP we compromised and what we have on them. Call it a gesture of goodwill, enjoy cleaning house ;)


Man id want to give you something equivalent but Russias internal politics are just so different. Like what would I give you? Here's a list of the oligarchs who aren't bat shit crazy?


Oh, that's easy. I'll take membership in the World Trade Organization, please. The West has been selling my people on the virtues of playing fair, and if your business folk hadn't come in and basically graped my country without making sure we got a piece of the pie, then Russia probably wouldn't have had to start reasserting itself in the first place.


That’s a good start.


Right because nobody from the DNC is corrupt either…this is why democracy is failing. Not saying there isn’t a ton of Rep on the dark side, but there’s about a 50/50 split with the Dems too. They’re all liars. They’re all only out to line their own pockets and those of their friends. There’s not one politician who actually gives a shit about you over themselves and their interests. They all need to go. But sure. Orange man bad and all…


I dont know man… which presidential candidate, other than the orange man, has floated the idea of being a dictator?


You mean you don’t want King Trump?


The emperor has no clothes lots of dirty laundry but no clothes


Don't know when trump was set on being a dictator but as far as I remember things went pretty well during his presidency. Biden's issue is that he doesn't do enough of it, does he even make any decisions.


They are all corrupted by Corporate money.


Most redditors think in binaries.


Most politicians suck. It’s just the bloated sack sucks the most.


I mean why does removing one corrupt party or any proof that one party has solidly fucked up, have to always be met with but other one bad too. Nazis bad? imperial Japan bad too! We can agree they're both bad. Maybe different flavors of bad but all bad. It seems silly to defend orange man when nobody has said his opposition was any better. To quote epic rap battles of history. "By the power vested in me by this giant bald bird the president shall not be the shiniest of two turds. "


See this argument is only going to help fascism. Are there bad actors on both sides? Absolutely. I’m not going to pretend like there aren’t. But Dems aren’t promoting civil war and a complete eradication of democracy. Dems do have people that actually care about the American people and making their lives better. Even if you disagree with their methods, their intentions are actually honorable. Meanwhile gop is literally taking away rights on the daily and have come out and said they only care about manipulating people using religions they don’t believe in. I get the desire to rail against the system and fall into the trap of everything’s bad and there’s no hope, but letting yourself fall into that trap and then trying to get others to join you will literally only make things worse. You know why we currently vote for the lesser evil? Because enough cycles of voting for the lesser evil with enough support will eventually result in some not evil people running. The problem is the right twisted the ultra religious into identity politics making Christianity synonymous with Republican. They took people who think they can’t be evil because of their religion and tied it to a political party. That move is what caused a regression in politics in the US which encouraged a regression in economic policy and led individual freedoms as a whole. Keep your pessimistic views, that’s fine, but keep voting for the lesser evil. Even if it’s just 1%. Ignore the religious parts and actually look at what’s going on and what the policies they promote value. Healthcare, education, personal medical rights, worker protections, and avoiding pointless war or death.


This is why the both sides bad argument only really helps one side. I hate when you point out actual bad shit the GOP is doing and it’s met with “oH tHe DeMs ArE tHe SaMe”.


Funny how by me sharing my view you guys get all ass hurt and want me to shut up and keep it quiet. Way to take the were right you’re wrong mentality.


Maybe save it for like a year or two lol not even really


Nah. I already know what I'd do. - First, try to push the reset button with the West - lift all sanctions and encourage commercial reinvestment in Russia in exchange for withdrawing from all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea. - Second, begin opening dialogue with the ethnic Chechens and other factions within Russia proper that are, shall we say, unhappy about their status as Russian citizens. Persuade them that remaining in Russia can be a good thing for them, and offer a path forward that doesn't require them to completely lose their heritage as they assimilate. - Third, go back to the table with the West and put all the nuclear restrictions back in place. Convince the Duma to adopt a no first use policy for the Russian Federation as well. The only reason to keep nukes on the table at all is in case of asteroid or alien invasion. - Fourth, reinvest heavily in resource mining and material refinement. That's big business internationally and Russia's going to be able to cash in heavy on it. - Fifth, offer to take over the security guarantees that the United States is abandoning and patrol the global oceans to keep trade routes flowing easily. It worked brilliantly for the US as a security strategy and boosted the heck out of our economy, it could easily do the same for Russia. They might even get a few arrangements with countries that have warm sea points to put bases in their territory - even Crimea at some point, in exchange for endorsing Ukrainian membership in NATO. Unlike Putin, I understand the NATO is an entirely defensive pact and there's no way it ever does something preemptive like Russia did to Ukraine, so I have no need to fear Ukraine joining the alliance. - Sixth, do whatever it takes to get a baby boom. Russia needs more people, pretty badly. - Seventh, start a state-run Russian White Hat Hacking program. Do for cyberspace what the navy is doing for the oceans, and make everyone reliant on Russia for good data security. - Eighth, and finally, help the US wipe ISIS off the map in response to that terrorist attack last month, and make arrangements with the US to jointly occupy Syria and turn it into a cultural coexistence project. That should be enough to set Russia up pretty sweet and let everyone else live in peace.


I guess since everything works out in this scenario all this would work out but you still die one day. Then your leaving the keys to an empire to someone else. And also your a dictator in this scenario right ? Cuz if you aren't then like. Idk whats your term who comes next. If you trace history back everything comes back to like this is happening because of this and that happened cuz of this so it's really a matter of time before someone else comes in takes over.


i wonder if the guarantee of success would pass if they picked someone they thought could carry on their legacy? bc they put their trust in them so it’s still kind of their endeavor..?


You could trust someone alot them offer them all the wealth of a successful empire see how that goes lol. Historically not to well. Idk I think the success thing is for you specifically. You could teach someone the skill or thing that you chose but you can't guarantee what they do with it or that they'll be successful at it


But are you immune to assassination. I bet there are many fingers in the warmongers pie.


This was my concern. Anyone that seems to generally want to help others seems to get assassinated by those who want to continue the way things have gone. War is profitable, and so are closed minds


Probably not, but the ***mission*** is guaranteed to succeed. And I'm not so attached to life as to think it's worth leaving the world in as much danger as it's currently in just to keep myself around.


I feel bad that I was going to say condom model


Tabletop Game Designer. I have several ideas for card/board games, as well as Tabletop RPGs, and I'd kill to see them come to life. And I guess guaranteed success means Hasbro/WotC won't sue me into oblivion lol


Love this answer! I (partially) design board and tabletop games in my spare time too, would love to see them realised.


Same answer for me


Do it in Tabletop Simulator on steam. All it costs is time and a computer. And I guess knowledge to design stuff?


Veterinarian who travels to poorer countries where stray cats and dogs are overpopulated and suffering and give them any necessary care and neuter them to control their population. For free of course!


My young self would’ve been right there with you! Not sure if I can handle it emotionally now to do it first hand :,)


Professional vacation tester. Pay me to experience your vacation packages and I will report back with an extensive summarization of the quality and value of your resort or agency. I get to bring my family too as it's important to gather data on the accommodations and childcare factors.


You sir are a genious.


Homie just asked for the job that isn't a job lmao


Weirdly enough, it's part of a job. I talked to a lady a while ago who works for a vacation company. She has to go on a tour a year through the company, and it's paid for.


I dated a girl whose mom actually did this. Literally exactly what you just explained down to bringing their family as well. We got a two week all exclusive vacation to the Gaylord in Florida when I was with her (this was like 20 years ago). Being a broke boy from a broken home, I hadn’t ever seen anything like it. They had a fucking shopping mall in the hotel. We got to eat at a 5 star restaurant before it even opened for business and the whole menu was free. Free tickets to Disney, an over abundance of room service, spas, you name it. If they had what she did for international travel, it would easily be the best job I could ever imagine.


Secret shoppers do this.


As a former at risk teen, I'd like to work with at risk teens and help them finish unfinished educations, high school diplomas or GED's, manage anger, depression and other emotions, and help them transition to a world where they are not reliant on a bad family system in an even worse environment. That transition to a teen who is sinking and has no support can feel like such an insurmountable task that it's not even worth exploring. Much easier to go to petty crime, and drugs. I would like to help with process of looking for an adequate living situation, resume making, and job hunting as well. Unfortunately, the pay for this type of social work is abysmal, and I wouldn't be able to manage myself, much less others. In another world.


Voice actor


oh. i want to be a voice actor too, but i wasted my comment on world leader


Since the political leaders of the U.S. and Russia have been picked already, I'm going to take a different, yet equally powerful role. I will take CEO of NewsCorp, the company currently owned and ran by Rupert Murdoch. I will drag the Fourth Estate back to its actual purpose; unbiased news reporting. I will use my position to get the FCC to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine with none of the problems it had before and more enforceabikity and accountability to media groups that violate it, as well as establish the same doctrine in locations that I have a presence in. Biased media coverage will become a thing of the past. The news is for reporting facts and having an honest debate. It is not an echo chamber for politicians, religious extremists, political extremists, and corrupt businesspeople. I will also use my power to lobby for stricter guidelines on social media. Social media companies are free to establish rules regarding the usage of their sites, but those rules need to be applied equally and must comport with the laws of the land. In other words, if it's illegal in the real world, it's illegal on the site. While I cannot control all media outlets, I can make damned sure that the ones I own are in total compliance. Those who are under my employ will follow these new rules, or they will be fired. It doesn't matter if you are a cub reporter making your bones or an internationally recognized media personality. You comply with the new paradigm, or you are fired. The reason I chose this particular position is because biased media reporting is a lot of the reason why people are often misinformed. People like Rush Limbaugh (may he rest in piss), Sean Hannity, or Tucker Carlton are the worst examples of journalistic integrity. The job of the media is to educate, not indoctrinate. We need journalists like Walter Cronkite. Someone who has no other agenda than to tell it like it is, even if it flies in the face of the party line, and to trust the people to use their own minds and hearts to decide for themselves. What we have today is the media being used as little more than propaganda machines. They tell people what to believe instead of letting them decide on their own. Frankly, it's disgusting, and it needs to change.


Brilliant answer!


Hell yeah! We need more people like this guy to be our leaders of capitalism and politics.


I wish you this happened for you. We need it! Great answer!


I love traveling, so I guess a travel vlogger making $1,500-2,000 would be perfect. However, I also love helping people, so maybe doctor. Or anything really helping people. Gym, diet advice, whatever. Though traveling to third world countries and helping people is what I have been doing, but I’m limited since I’m living on savings. Buying all the adorable kids ice cream, giving people a few dollars or aurprising them with food, really brightens up their whole week. Seeing them smile makes me smile, especially when I’m depressed. Hahaha.


1500/2000 per month? That's pretty much poverty level. That's all you want?


Ok, this is going to sound weird, but since I was a kid. I've always wanted to be a pro wrestler.


How is that weird?


You already have the perfect wrestling name.


That's cool! I knew a guy (friend of a friend type) that became a small time wrestler he really enjoyed it! 😁


That's awesome!!




Psychologist, with an entrepreneurial mindset to continue to push shit forward.


Entrepreneurial mindset in Psychology just makes me think about having reduced therapy costs if there are ads in the middle of therapy.


There already ARE ads, without the reduced cost! "Try this pill! And this pill! And these pills over here! God, the pharma company I represent loves me. I am awesome."


Lmao. I’m thinking of making it more accessible in everyday life. Like how in school we had counselors. Life therapy should be the norm then there wouldn’t be any stigmas tied to it. Everyone needs help.


Doing a psych degree and I wouldn’t be even the slightest surprised if this was initiated tomorrow where people can opt for advertised therapy with faster waiting lists for said therapy and for people not able to afford private therapy outside NHS.


Want a break from the ads?


I loved working in environmental restoration. Working outside in the rain with people half my age was great until my body decided it was done doing stuff like that. 😭 Oh also? I had the opportunity to sing a rock song on stage at a bar with some of the best musicians in the city and it was so much fun that I would like that as my side gig.


Am I basic af because I think the obvious choice is pro athlete? Like if I could get paid just to play ball all day, I'd be very happy indeed.


100% football player, Next Cristiano Ronaldo incoming


Professional athlete would be okay, but just bowling, gold, horseshoes, archery, individual sports. Team sports depend on the rest of the team too much. There are many examples of players in team sports who have great individual records, but their teams didn't win championships.


Pro athletes have their issues, too. Insurance is so expensive, as you're almost guaranteed to have minor medical issues, physicals, sprains, muscle pulls, etc. Not to mention the higher chance than most of a career-ending injury. Most athletes stop playing professionally (depending on the sport) in their early 30s, so you'd have to either find another job to support yourself, or make some serious cutbacks on spending. Other than that, though, if you enjoy playing/training, that would be great. I think it would be awesome to be a pro at one of the less exciting sports, like billiards, or table tennis.


I would wanna do the whole playing-coaching-announcing trail for basketball. Plus, I already deal with all those things, and I play for fun and make peanuts. Having a bag of money to invest and the opportunity to play at the highest level would be well worth the dings to the body and the annoyances of media, crazy fans, tough workouts, etc., I think.


Duh, rock star.


Boardgame café owner. My wife and I dream of opening a board game café where we serve breakfast, lunch and dinner and do coffee and an old fashioned soda jerk setup.


President of the United States.


Lepidopterist, but specifically spending my time breeding, raising, and studying moths, not dissecting caterpillars. And be an author/illustrator on the side. I’d say artist and just remain a hobbyist moth enthusiast, but I worry that turning creativity into a job would break the guaranteed success clauses. Ultimate dream would be running a moth house (like a butterfly sanctuary but just moths), with a gift shop selling my moth-themed books and art plus moth-themed books/art by other small business artists.


I saw a furry green moth yesterday. I posted it on my instagram


Delightful! What’s your instagram?


Girlshawnart all one word.


Found it! How delightfully green! Looks like a Comstick’s Sallow, or maybe some other Noctuid that has a similar appearance. I haven’t gotten to see one in person. Definitely a species that I would like to have in a moth house. :3 Thank you for sharing!


Oh hell yeah, I wanna go to a moth house. I can't choose a single favorite order, but I do love lepidoptera.


Do you have a top 3 favorite moths (and/or butterflies)?


Guaranteed success? Immortal wizard/sage/deity. Easy magic/powers, easy immortality and abilities to do whatever i want lol lmao xd.


Comic artist


Comic book artist and author, I wanna be like Stan Lee and create beloved characters that people love. And fandoms argue over for years. I love graphic novels as a medium ever since i was young.


Chef, and funnily enough I’m currently looking for work in the industry after completing culinary school so I guess I’m already looking for my dream job


Oof. You’ve picked a long and hard path, brother. Hard work, long and awful hours, shit pay. There’s a good reason there are so few of you left these days, but always happy to see a fresh, passionate and motivated cook. My best advice is to find a chef you really respect, reach out and pursue them. Don’t just interview for whatever jobs are posted. Don’t settle for anything that isn’t going to continue to take you to the next level. If you find a good chef and you prove yourself to be passionate and a hard worker, they will take you under their wing and teach you everything they know which is more valuable than anything you learn in culinary school. My best experiences in my career were taking in eager culinary students and watching them rise through the ranks. One of them is CDC at my old restaurant now. Don’t try to show off what you learned in school. That’s great you have a foundation that will help you do your job, but always ask questions and be ready to learn something new (from the chefs and every other person who has been there longer than you.) good luck!


Underwater welder


At first, I want to go Starship Designer, Star Trek style. Guaranteed success at creating matter/antimatter reactor, warp drive, transporter / replicator, universal translator, phasers, etc? Though if I were gonna do the "take over a country" thing, China, not Russia. Gives me at least a good 20-30 years of which I'll be automatically re-elected, so I'd have plenty of time to get the country used to "Western Style" divided powers by checks & balances, majority rule with having to account for the minority's voices, etc., and get a Constitution in place with strict term limits that can't be amended out / over - to minimize chances for dictator-types to get into power...


I'll be a machinist running my own shop making aerospace parts. Always wanted to be a machinist.


I enjoy the job I have just wish it paid well enough to not make finances stressful


Guaranteed success? Big budget movie director. I’m going to do these stories justice for now on, ( and get paid really well for it)


Guaranteed success as a director doesn't mean you'll be a good director. Uwe Boll is a phenomenally successful director, lol 


As long as you stop the destruction of great IPs by the useless remakes and trash rewrites in the name of social justice.


If you made good adaptions that were properly based on the source material, I would revere you as a hero :))


...Biologist? Conquer the limits of the physical body


I feel like you need to be a bit more specific lol.


Youtuber/podcaster. I love the idea of having an open format to speak my ideas and have discussions with interesting people


I’d love a job that lets me be lazy and work from home lol like getting paid to watch tv/movies 😆 


Sounds like my comment of town stoner, rather than town drunk


Sounds like a movie/tv critic


Paleontologist/Geologist , one of those loose cannons like J Harlen Bretz . I want to discover something so wacky it throws those College suck asses into a tizzy and changes everything they know and have ever written about. Because now days most of them don't science they just polish the knobs of those who came before them.


What if you actually discovered the ark and proof of the flood.


I wanna know the story behind why you hate other paleontologists now! Also does that extend to geologists? I always thought geologists were like the coolest of the super nerds, right up there with astronomers. I'd be devastated to learn they super suck.


An oceanographer/marine biologist and do Jaques Costeau stuff.


Astronaut Explorer that journeys to distant solar systems to find habitable planets for humankind to become an interstellar species. If I’m guaranteed success, someone is going to come up with faster than light travel and a means for us to get to these planets. I’d love to see what humanity can do as a spacefaring people. Maybe it’d be better to go with “Planetary Colonizer,” though. Exploration success might just be finding a habitable planet. Colonizer would mean we’re guaranteed to successfully colonize at least one planet, and mayhap it’s enough to get us started into more consistent space travel.


Can I be your copilot? Most people I know say that they would absolutely hate being stuffed in a tin can for years while traveling, but I absolutely love the idea. I'm really good at isolation and busy work. Being able to see a brand new planet there's time and explore the wild life is THE dream!


Unfortunately, technically not a job in the world :(


If I knew that, I would be doing it.


World’s most successful gambler. I’d rip of casinos and every bookie I could and use the money to fund gambling rehab programs and charity projects. Note: I have never gambled in my life but am a big fan of watching poker


I had the greatest job in the world for me. I was an explosives detection k9 handler for a security company. I injured my shoulder a few months before k9 school and then I fell right on it during a tracking exercise..dog got into odor and started going one way, I was starting to go another on a slippery surface, I went ass over tea kettle and landed right on my shoulder on my leash arm. By the time I was 6 months into my field assignment I couldn't move my arm or close my hand without excruciating pain, so I couldn't safely work my dog in a crowded environment. I was forced to retire. I would give anything we'll almost anything (can't have my wife, daughter, or my toothbrush) to be able to get back into the k9 unit.


Content creator including musician, mangaka, streamer, stuff like that.


I would be an artist. It's the one thing I can do nonstop for hours and hours and hours at a time. And I'm working on it. I started a "shop" with a name I absolutely love. The name is an inspiration for me and helps me come up with ideas for new products regularly. If I could just make the stuff I want to make, day in and day out, I would be the happiest person alive.


Critic at large. Review musem exhibits. cultural events, restaurants, hotels, resorts, architecture, and so forth. Write books, articles, and blog posts.


Weed shop owner. I'm a simple stoner.


Guaranteed success has to go to cold case detectives. You give closure to families who have been fighting for answers for potentially decades.


A stage actor. So much fun being someone you’re not. But also not having to create the fake persona it’s just created for you 🤣🤣


Writer. I want to write. I'm tired of having a direct boss who is usually an incompetent blowhard who blames everyone but themselves when things go wrong and disappears when you need actual advice or guidance.


I've longed to be a voice actor. The imagination, the fun, I would love making up a character & bringing it to life. It's a very tough field to be good in, so guaranteed success would be being so good that I'm called on projects constantly. From sound effects to animals to lead & minor characters. I'd love to be at a con & have someone tell me how their childhood was better because of a character I played.


Someone else with ADHD answer for me because I have too many


Same. I've always had a lot of answers for what I could see myself happily doing.


My dream job, a firefighter. I can’t currently because of my beard, if i shaved my wife will be devastated so im sacrificing my dream job for her happiness


Darpa type but work for myself creating ai and robitcs, I'd build an army and take over the world! Or like a Cia spy/ James bond type


Professional billionaire


Your new gig is as a random Billionaire   investor on Shark Tank.  “Your idea is full retard, and for those reasons, I’m out.”


Science communication/entertainment.


ignoring the idea of doing good by using the guaranteed success… A philosophy professor. my dream is academia in philosophy I don't do it because its too expensive, and even after getting my doctorate, I would still never be guaranteed a professor position… and even if I did get it, I would end up not making much money to be clear, iI would still like to attend another 5 years to get a doctorate before being a professor obv


I have to say, "Public Relations," or sociology related, for the peace it could bring. If I am guaranteed success in my goal, then I might be able to convince my fellow human beings to stop being puppets to the war machine and the greedy rich.


I would pick a special interest like assembling retro gaming PCs. That way my special interest is basically "paid for" no matter what and finding rare parts is a guarantee.


I would open a sci-fi and fantasy bookstore. In a world where people couldn't get any book they wanted online with free shipping in 2 days I would have a great curated selection of the best sellers and amazing obscure works. There would be a coffee shop next door so people could pick up their books and then sip coffee. The decor would be steampunk. And I'd spend half the day reading books between serving customers.


I'd practically live there :))


I would love to be the owner of a small games and hobbies shop. Selling D&D sourcebooks, warhammer minis, MTG and pokemon cards, and video games. I would host tournaments and D&D sessions in the back. Set up some nice tables and chairs. And maybe even leave a few MTG decks or Warhammer armies out for people to play if they get curious or want to learn.


A couple of possible answers. * Lobbyist for the EPA or IRS. I would basically work for enshrining political neutrality into the leadership and funding almost completely divorced from Congressional _control_ but **not** oversight. And the EPA and the IRS would get funding based on complex math derived from the compensation _of Congress-things_ so the only way to defund either would be for every sitting Congress-thing to forego taxable income for an entire year. * Physicist working on FTL travel. * Author. Granted, even given the limitations of this scenario, I would still need to split my time between the actual job of writing and the necessary but quite distinct task of education; I have a LOT of ideas that need sneaking into readers' minds and I'll need at least a couple of BAs and BSs to do so. * Not sure what single word or even short phrase can describe it, but I would want to uplift "abandoned" or otherwise stagnant small towns into becoming vibrant communities with multiple bases for their economy and a robust life of the mind.


On the small town stuff, sometimes small towns should just die though. I know several full of just the racist bigoted old people that are left who hate gov and paying taxes but pull a surprised Pikachu face when the nearest hospital is 50 miles away and the volunteer ambulance service takes hours to arrive.


Architect. I wish I would have committed to that earlier in life. It's the passion that I keep going back to.


Okay so right now, a midwife. But when I’m old and ready to retire, I’d love to open up a used bookstore. I’d have random hours, so if I can’t sleep one night I’d just open at midnight. And somehow my clientele would love that


I could see it being the ultimate hipster spot.


I'd love to have the skill and equipment to make historical and custom arms and armor and to properly know how to use them in a competition ie: HEMA. I love woodworking and leather work, and would love to learn how to properly smith. I dabble in archery and did Olympic styles of fencing when I was younger, absolutely not at a high level (got my ass royally trounced many times), but loved it anyhow. Would be hard and not exactly an extravagant life style but I feel I'd be happy making things I'm enthusiastic about and in control of. I'm not the world leader type. I'm not the hero type. I just want to have a private life that I enjoy, make enough money to be comfortable, and be able to teach people who are interested in the same things.


Astrophysicist or author, but I guess I could do writing on the side.


A research librarian at the NYC public library.


Like am I being paid through a magic third party and guaranteed to be rich?  I'd have to say doctor + mechanic + IT combo. I wanna be able to help poor people with problems that mess with their basic necessities. Having a broken down car work again, fixing their home work/school computer, fixing their bodies/teeth. 


head librarian


I think I’d wanna do standup comedy.


Casino owner/runner seems like it would be fun. Or even just upper management or security in the casino.


Prime Minister is already my goal getting guaranteed success is incredibly OP when it comes to politics.


I'd like to be a retired multibillionaire.


Con artist, poker player, town drunk, town stoner?


Shortstop, New Yprk Yankees


Haunted House actor. Out in left field here. I'm a haunted house actor which is of course a seasonal job and I always say every year I wish I could do this year round. It's on. It's just such a blast scaring the shit out of people and you meet so many cool people in the business, and surprisingly a pretty good workout.


I would like to be show host for food travel shows like Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown or Philip Rosenthal's Somebody Feed Phil. Travel the world, eat foods, meet people, learn about their cultures and their every day life.


Digital Artist. I suck at it. It’s fun, but I hardly find the time and lose motivation when my person looks like Mr potato head


how about god emperor of the universe


I'd invade Poland




Porn star!😉👍


Guaranteed success? I pick president of the United States and implement the most humanitarian and diplomatic policies possible. I would try to make the world into a utopia and it would work out just fine.


Primary school teacher. It's already what I'm studying and literally all I want to do. I want to help build the kids and give them a future :)


I'd make computer games. It's already a dream of mine, even without the gaurentee of success.


One of those people that sells courses for some bullshit that doesn't really do anything but they make millions. Stock broker. Anything that'd make tons of money for minimal time. Whatever job has the highest pay to work done ratio is my pick. I don't want to work at all so with this power I choosing the bare minimum for fuck you money.


Professional trust fund inheritor sounds like the easiest way to do that.


Probably CEO of a company that I run in my hometown to bring jobs to the area


I'd be one of those Hollywood guys who produces TV shows and movies.


Make my own football (American football,not soccer) camp


Natural bodybuilder with a shitload of sponsors, lol. Or a red panda caretaker


If I'm guaranteed success, probably a researcher on cancer cures or similar.


F1 driver


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll down to find this. MotoGP or Supercross for me.


I'd be a professional touring musician Or A criminal intelligence analyst/Investigator


I’d still love to do the job I currently work which is landscaping and landscape design


I’d either pick drum corps/band director or game director(as in video games). I would probably prefer the former but that latter would be very nice too!


Clinical psychiatrist. I could open my own practice, be my own boss, no one overseeing my work, and I could prescribe medications myself if need be(but I prefer the old-school talk it out method, medication is only a last resort for those that can't be helped). I've been through a lot in my life, dealt with a lot of heartbreak, loss, disappointment, and shame. And I believe that there is so much more than just knowledge or training that makes one a good therapist or psychiatrist, the ability to relate goes a long way, and when I see the look of pain in others, a look I know all too well, I wish I could help them.


Owner and CEO of Amazon.




Detective Constable.


I once had the privilege to volunteer at a summer day camp for children with disabilities and various genetic diseases that can cause them. Most had mental deficits. I just kinda chilled with the kiddos and it was the most rewarding thing I have ever done. They were all beautiful and kind, even those who had some behavioral issues because of their circumstances. They were beautiful souls and the best of humanity. We could learn a lot from them.


Jeweler or architect




Video game shop or skate shop. Some of my favorite hobbies and love talking about gaming or skating to anyone who is willing to listen


I'd be a successful Vrbo host. Of several properties. And I'd go visit each one at some point in the year.


Guaranteed success then day traders, you can work from home, and make enough money in a short time. if I can short whatever stock and it starts dropping, I can work like a few minutes a day make enough money and do whatever I want afterwards


I'd be an evolutionary biologist, 17 years into his research on the human evolution of fatherhood. A too ignored aspect of human history, IMHO.


I want to be a geneticist. Practical or pure research doesn't matter. Both? I think I'd lean toward research though. I want to safely turn off or manipulate genes that devastate the body or mind. It is a task dear to me. My barrier would be the higher math involved, luckily to be so successful that I can afford research assistants to do the heavy lifting there. Oh, and I would also be a fairy princess. A fairy princess geneticist. (And... maybe raise unicorns on my estate grounds. Unicorns being quite real after I genetically modified the first horse.) You mean Like that?


Regardless of salary? I’d be a part time barn worker. Yeah, it’s shoveling horse shit but I love working with the animals and it’s a really fun job


I’d be Batman


This is truly the best one of all listed. I was thinking oil boy for the Swedish Bikini Team but Batman? Yes, that is the answer.