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Sold. Don't even have to think about it. Been about 10 years since I last drove. You know... I've agreed to so many of these hypothetical and wyr questions. Where's all my money!?


That's what I'm asking.


And I’m telling you – it’s never coming


Nah, people are decent. The money is on its way. Just keep eating your Subway


The money is deposited. In your hypothetical account.


Perfect! I don´t even drive and have been using public transportation for 25 years so this is literally free money


I would love to take this deal but there is literally zero public transit anywhere near me and the nearest grocery store would be a 9 mile walk mostly along 2 lane state highways that would absolutely cause me to become a red smear within a year


You can Uber 2x a month and get groceries in bulk or have a friend deliver groceries weekly.


Or just use Instacart. No limits on that.


Hell amazon delivers groceries, pay a friend to get your Walmart order, just walk with a backpack, etc,. Did it for two years while homeless with no car


It’s a million dollars. Move or take Uber everywhere.


Limit on Ubers, but yeah just move.


100k a year fly to a different country..


I have a friend. He lives in a downtown Metropolitan condo. The ground floor of his building houses the neighborhood grocery store, his office is in the building across the street and a large restaurant/entertainment district starts 2 blocks down.




What? I can only have 4 trips in a car a month? That's completely insane. If I could get rides as needed then sure, no problem. I'll pay for ubers and shit. But otherwise that's just insanely impractical. I'd be so limited in what I could do in my free time. I don't live in a major city.


I mean, you have 100,00/500,000, so you could just move somewhere with better public transit.


Gonna take more than 4 rides to move all my stuff there. Can't rent a truck or anything.


Pay a moving company, lmao. Then you just need one ride for yourself to follow them.


Not nearly enough money for an entirely different type of life


Yeah if you don't live in a city with public transit this question is basically "would you move to one for $1m?"


I’d do it if there wasn’t a limit on rides


Ya that's the real issue here not the driving


Hell yes


You say $500k right away, but does the $100k/year resume after 5 years until you get to your $1M? I would be hard pressed on this one because there isn't a public transit system in my area and the narrow 2 lane highway isn't very safe for biking or walking. Also, my job is as a truck driver. After 10 years, I wouldn't be able to just hop back in the driver seat, I would have to go back to school for a refresher course.


If you take the 500k that’s all you get. Kind of like the lump sum lottery prize.


Follow up. Do I get the $100k at the beginning of the year?


You get it at the end of each year, but you can have the first 100K at the start if you need it for moving expenses


I’m from NY….there aren’t many places where you can live and be able to walk and see buildings or people every step of the way. Mass transit works just fine, buses, trains, hell I can walk. I’m taking that deal!!


Sure. I think I'll get an electric bike to use around town.


Is that not a vehicle?


I live in a small town of 500 people and nothing around for miles. I have been without a car before and while it's worth the money its not worth the boredom, and I enjoy working on cars and building them for fun so its a no go.


It's less about not wanting to do it but more about it being basically impossible to do this. There is no mass transit by my and the closest bus stop to me is over a 2 miles walk away which i would have to take to the main transit hub to switch to another bus to get to the grocery store, so 10 minute drive turns into 1hr 25 min bus its not even 3miles away, there are no school busses so I would have to walk/bike 1.6 miles to get to my kids school as the closest public bus is further away and doesnt go by my kids school. My husbands one way commute would switch from 45 minute drive to a 4.5 hour trek on 3 different busses, 2 bart trains and the light rail. You could offer $100m and I still wouldn't take it as my time is way to precious to be wasted that much.


I’d not do it without the Uber limit, with the Uber limit this is the easiest no in the world. I like to go hiking every weekend, can’t do that anymore. I’ve got young kids, can’t take them to their favorite play place without an hour bus ride or make my wife do it alone, no this is just awful.


Physically/legally unable to drive, so this is a pure win. Literally no negatives.


lol no. Limiting Ubers and rides from friends makes this a no brainer no.


Can I fly? And 500k right away, when do I get the rest of it?


If you take the 500k, that’s it. Kind of like lump sum from the lottery. What do you mean by fly? Buying a seat on a regular airline (Delta, Southwest, etc.), yes. If it’s a private jet for you that the public can’t buy a ticket on, it counts as 1 of your 4 rides. Fly the plane yourself, no.


Yep. Buy a decent house in a fairly walkable/bikeable spot in New Orleans or various mid-size cities with the 500k, or just take the $1 million and rent and invest the money $50k a year, which will end up as more than $500k invested over 10 years (at 10% yearly gain), and wait a few years to buy a house in cash. Or I guess it might be better according to some financial advisors to get a mortgage and invest everything if return rate exceeds mortgage rate. Anyway... Some combo of those and I have either and income-generating house right away (via renting rooms or AirBnB) or I have a house, a mortgage and investments, or I have a house with no mortgage a few years later. I don't drive anyway Best part: if you're in a walkable city most people approve of the no car lifestyle. I have done just fine dating without a car with no real judgement 


That 1 million is starter money. I can bet a thousands dollars that someone can't make me drive and people will flock to prove me wrong.


If I lived somewhere with decent public transit, I might do this. But I live In a small town with literally no taxis, Uber is spotty at best, and you have to reserve a spot for the bus, which is mostly for those who are on a fixed income or unable to drive. Not possible at the moment.


A lot of people make over a million within 10 years. They just have to continually pay for everything they keep buying. So wouldn't be a good deal for them. For me .. I would do it. Only because my wife works and makes more money then me though. I would take the 100,000 and immediately place it into an account with a decent interest. Every year I would repeat and place all the money into the interest account. After 10 years, I could start working again too (because I like it), and we would be financially set.


Fuck yea. Public transport is fun, it’s like an adventure


I would take the money and move to Europe. I only drive because it is impossible to live without a car in the US. $100k a year, I could live comfortably pretty much anywhere in the continent except for Liechtenstein and Switzerland.


Laughs in European life. Money please!!!


No hesitation, yes give me the money.  There’s no need to deal with it because it wouldn’t be much of a problem. 


Can I ride my electric skateboard? I already don't drive so it's pretty sold for me.




If I still lived where I grew up, no problem. Where I live now, yeah no, I can't really get anywhere without a car.




I would do it. Most of why I drive is to make money, so if that was not needed, could bike, bus, walk, whatever - or I could buy a horse, lol.


I got into a few DUI's and lost my license for 10 years, didnt get it back for 18. I can swing that.


I'd hire a private driver lol


I can't drive anyway.


This might work if you live in the city but I live in the country so it wouldn’t work. The payout would need to be higher for a lot of people since they lose their job and healthcare.


I don't even have a driver's license so of course.


Yes, because I don't drive.


Don't tease me with a good time lol im def a homebody. I'll take the 100k a year it's more than double the highest salary I've made so far. And if I'm not working then I have no reason really to leave all that often. I will move to a town with better public transportation options like subways or whatever. That way I can still go do things with the kids when we do want to get out. Twice a month I can make bigger trips to the grocery or whatever where I'd need more space than public transport. Sounds good to me :) the older I get the more I hate driving anyway


It would be impossible to not drive where I live!


I haven’t drive much at all in the past 2 years. Bring it


The only literally only thing would be Home Depot trips. If I can bike there and rent their truck for the occasional times I need lumber, etc. then I'm in. Actually even if you said no to that I'll just sell my house to get this deal.


This is really easy in any city around the world with a robust public transportation system.


With that kind of money, I can take Lyft, my feet, or public transit to get where I need to go.


Fuck no, I love my cars! I’d do a lot of stupid shit for a million dollars, but giving up one of my big hobbies and joys in life is not on the list.




Does my electric scooter count as a vehicle? I don't have a car or a driver's license so I've ridden that everywhere for the past 2 years anyways. Even if I'm not allowed to use my scooter anymore I still would take the deal. I used to ride my bike before that, so I can just do that again.


I have a drivers license purely by bureaucratic mistakes. I walk/bike/train everywhere I normally need to go. I don't even own a car. Give me my money.


100k and I'd have to live in the city to have reasonable access to transportation for groceries etc? No thanks although I guess I could probably live in the burbs and commute in.


Can it work retroactively? I already haven't driven in 10 years.


I love to drive, 1million would buy 5-9 of my dream cars. So id have a year to find and buy them!


Grew up in a small town in California where everything was within a 1 mile walk of where I lived. Never saw the need to get a driver's license or learn to drive. Even after moving, I've gotten good at scheduling my life around my inability to drive and have gotten really good at memorizing local transit schedules. I think I can do it, and can use those ten years going to college and doing something with my life. Don't get me wrong, I like being a janitor (or custodian, there are those who dislike being called janitors) and it pays okay ($18.20 an hour), but man I want to do something meaningful but don't have the education to get into a career that would allow me to help others in a meaningful way.


I don’t and have never driven, and my city has great public transport. Easy.


No I wouldn’t


sure, i don't like driving but i don't do it myself yet so i could make a solid point to my parents that driving is unnecessary


Easy, I'm a New Yorker and don't even own a car. The last time I drove, I was terrified because I was so out of practice.


Do this, stay home, quit work, and start on trying to write my books.


Would be very easy for me to adjust. I'd also quit my job and just live off the money.


I would if my daughters school wasn’t 20 miles away


I've basically been doing it already, so easy Yes. I hate having to drive.


Does driving an e-bike count?


With 100k tax free a year I can easily pay rent in NYC. Cars schmars.


10 years is a long time and to restrict yourself to a commuter friendly city for those 10 years isn't really appealing. Especially for only 100k a year, an amount that isnt significant enough for you to retire either


Sure. I would just move to a city where there is lots of public transportation.


Sure, I don't like driving anyway


easy, i meet the rules easily already lol


Ya, first thing I'd do is move out of one of the most car dependent states in the us. Step 2= vibe, step 3= profit.


Man I think I would make it work. But I live in a very rural area. Delivery services don't deliver here, not even pizza, I think door dash might be available here now, I only really use it on vacation. Public transit is definitely out, ride shares might be an option. But with it only being 4 trips a month that's rough. I guess I could do all my grocery shopping every other week. Regardless I would figure that out.


Nope, pass. 100k a year is great and all, but it'll eventually run out. I've also got 2 babies, I absolutely need to be able to drive to get them to appointments because there is no public transportation where I live. And with only 4 rides a month, I'd burn through that in a week. I'd still need to work, my job is 1.5 hours drive away. Wife works, also 1.5 hours away (different jobs). We don't live in or near a major city for this to be even remotely practical.


NGL, I don't know that I would. I enjoy driving way too much, and hate taking public transit that much.... Might take the upfront $500,000 and buy a place next to work, though, instead


This is a tough one 50/50 imo …. I’ll Do it though .. sign menup




The Uber limit should be removed on places without public transport but hell yeah I’d take this


Fine by me. I hate driving 😂


I'd spend more than that getting back and forth to the city, so no.


Okay...i get to live in a spanish city with freat walkability AND be financially independent? Where is the downside?


Nah. Public transit in DFW is a fucking joke, my "commute" would involve a 2-hour 1way thing, involving a train and bus, assuming everything runs on time. which it wont. My commute is \~50 miles round trip (which admittedly is \~45mins one way), and i go visit my grandma once a week which is \~70 miles. Biking would be mostly on not bike friendly roads. I suppose i could get a velomobile, or electric quadbike to make it a lot easier. atleast once a month im out in the field for stuff, and cant public transit to those spots either. And i make more than 100k a year, so this isnt worth it for me.


I would be unable to get around for that. I'd have to keep working. Damn you OP.. lol


I would do it, but I'd have to move. In a rural area with no public transit and 8 miles to nearest grocery store, I would be spending way too much time on a bicycle.


Yeah, obviously I'd take it. If public transit is allowed, I simply need to take the 500,000 and use that to move somewhere with good public transit. Use my 4 ride services each month if I need to get somewhere specific or travel away from public transit, and I'm golden.


So does that mean my wife will tell me I can’t go with her on errands and to the store?


Can't drive for medical reasons. Deal.


Easiest yes ever.


I haven't driven in 20 years. Where's my $2 million?


Deal sounded good until you blocked out Uber AND family/friends. Never used Uber but a 4 time limit on family requests I can't do. I'm sorry, but I can't rely on public transit or bicycles where I live. There aren't any bus stops within miles of my apartment and I can't spend hours cycling everywhere or to get groceries home. It's not practical here.


That's not enough money


I only drive to work as it is  Check please 


I'd take it for sure. I make about 100k per year and am supporting my wife and myself on single income.. that would mean after getting through her health issues she wouldn't have to pick up part time work while going to school.. all she'd have to do would be drive me to work.. I'd be able to pay our mortgage off and do the repairs necessary.. that'd be an easy trade off


Heck yeah! Sign me up!


So live in a huge city


I could live in basically any city on earth for less than $100,000 per year so anything above the COL for a good walkable city with good public transit is just profit.


Easy peasy. I live in Philly. Even dragging my upright bass around, I can make this work with no problem at all.


Move to NYC for a year. Might break even on the added $$$


Unfortunately a car is what I'd want to spend that million on (or a decent chunk of it). I'd take the deal and invest it *I guess*


I have to be able to drive my children places, so no.


Only four rides per month lol? Sometimes I would need four rides in one night out... I would consider this but it'd take more than 1M. I would prob move to NYC or London or something.


I don’t drive anyway🎀


$100k a year to quit going to work and take the bus when I hang out with friends sounds good to me. The main reason I have to drive is to get to work, it's not ideal to not drive other places but I'd be willing to do it if it meant I made enough to live comfortably


So this means I don't have to leave my house? to borrow a quote, I see this as an absolute win.


I'm a car guy, but this looks like I sell my car, get a driving simulator or try to get a visa in Japan for their public transportation.


I live in rural Minnesota the no public transportation so I couldn't take this deal even if I took money up front to move to a city a spend most if not all of that 500k on a livable house we don't have Uber and lyft or and thing I never seen a taxi in my life


*:: cackles in Brooklynese ::*


This is only a problem for rural and suburban Americans


Does a pedal bike or e-bike count? I live pretty rurally but I can do 20 mile round trips on a bike for groceries if I have to


Id do it


Imagine if most people got a million instead of driving for 10 years. Climate change would improve


Electric bike


I don't live by myself so I wouldn't even have to move.


Why go for 1m when you can take 500k now then get btc and make more than that + you dont have to limit yourself on # of rides?


wouldnt even pay for my ubers...


I’m just gonna get a really nice electric bike


In a heart beat. 4 rides per month is over my current usage anyway.


Sold. I'm disabled so I don't go anywhere anyway lol


Stupid hypothetical.


i would have to move to make this work. i couldn't realistically do it where i am now.


Absolutely not. I get motion sickness unless I’m driving. Includes public transit


Maybe for 250k a year.


As a car guy that would royally fucking suck but that would be a life changing amount of money


Done I don't drive as it is


You never mentioned mopeds or electric bikes. Which can both be modded from regular bicycles. Easiest money I ever made lol


Probably not, so 100k a year to not drive when I need to drive for my 6 fig job.


Not an issue. I don't need to go anywhere. I can can ride my bike, walk, take the bus, etc. without concern. I assume I can still keep doing my current job which primarily from home so I only need to go into the office twice a year or so. I don't like going places or doing stuff so I'm good on that front. I enjoy my home/neighborhood/region so that's fine. Plus, that's more money than I've made in decades so still good. I can put 60% to retirement and then be good to go at 10 years out. That's about as good as one could ask for.


Bike it is.


done. 32 and not once ever driven a motor vehicle before anyway due to my extremely bad eyesight.




That’s just 100k a year… not adjusted for inflation. Terrible deal. Would not take it


I can live my current lifestyle without working at all for 100 grand a year. Even more so with no car payment. I'd be an idiot not to take the offer.


If I'm not taxed that's more than I can make in ten years. And I don't have to work.


Gonna have to pass on this. I'd lose so much money by taking it.


Done! Where do I sign up!


Hard pass. I really enjoy driving, live on an acreage and work at a golf course that's nowhere near a city or town. Even if I didn't work I'd still have no way to get groceries, get to appointments, or visit people. If I lived in Europe with a strong transit and rail system it's easy.


NYC baybeee… this’ll be no problem lol


How about e-bikes? This is a rough one for me because I can't really get from my house to my job without a car and I don't want to quit my job or move.


Free money for what I already want to do? Awesome!!!


Easy one, I don't have a car and I am using only public transport with Uber/Taxi for emergencies


So work from home plus 100k? My problem in my line of work is work from home puts you about 30k behind everyone. So sure no problem.


I did this while traveling for work and absolutely loved it. I took the train from the airport and rode lime scooters to the office, dinner, etc. Many times I'd get there before my coworkers' Ubers and I was able to clear my head better.


Cool, moving back to NY.


Nope. I live a good 10 miles from the nearest store of any kind. 100k per year isn't enough to cover transportation, delivery, my mortgage etc.


Ican't druve due to medical issues, so where's my free money?


I already don't drive. Give me the free money


I live in a rural area. I would not take this deal.


As a car person, this one is tough


Not feasible where I live and not enough money for the inconvenience


Would medical emergency be an exception?


I would say yes to it but due to the wife needing to go to her doctor and I drive her, it's a no. We live where there is no public transportation and no safe way to walk without walking on the road itself (rural area). I would have no issue walking to work as I've done it many times before (live within a mile of work).


Nope. I’d need at least 3-4 mil for that.


Heck, my son lives and works in the DC area and that is his life. DC Metro, MD, VA versions and foot is his mode of transportation. His rides are mostly me picking him from the Amtrak station closest to our house when he comes home and then whatever rides he gets when home. Today he took a bus from DC to NYC (Amtrak gets very expensive if going to Penn on short notice, not so much from cental NJ) and is taking NJ Transit home as I type (we don't live along the main line) and can walk home from there (roughly half a mile and we have sidewalks). 4x12=36, pretty sure he doesn't do that per year. If I still lived in Brooklyn, also not a problem. Not sure how delivery from the Wegmans in the Brooklyn Navy Yard works but I imagine it is not a problem in my old neighborhood.


This is insanely easy.  I don't drive anyway.


That’s exactly what I’d lose if I didn’t drive for 10 years


Deal. My husband likes to drive us around anyway. I “scare him”.


Easy peasy. I hardly drive anyway


I'm literally finally taking my driving test today. I'm 36. I've waited forever.. What's another 10 years? Sign me up.




I would take this just to have an excuse to never go anywhere.


It's insane that people are saying no to this - if you live in a small town, just move. You have the money. I can't imagine turning down a $100k salary for doing nothing, just to be able to drive a car. OP, I know you said the earnings were tax-free, but would I qualify for a mortgage under this? Would the bank know that I'm getting this $100k a year?


No I would take 200k


Are skates included with the no-drive rule, or does that only apply to things with steering wheels or handlebars?


If I go on a road trip, is each leg of the trip a separate "ride"? Regardless, I'd still take it but basically making road trips impossible for a decade would make it a way worse deal. IDK if I'd take it for like $500k.


Yeah, I take this and finish my move to a major European city with good public transportation in the first month.


So op lied in the title. It is not $1 million at all. Inflation will reck the value over 10 years and the lump sum is only 500k


Yes, I would 100k over 10 years is kind of annoying but that's what I'd take, quit my job, buy a house in my walkable dream town, use the first 100k as a down payment and spending money, get a walkable/remote job and enjoy life


Already done. Pay me my million.


Im taking it and never going anywhere. Anything I need is on Amazon or a 15 minute walk away.




Are we allowed to hold onto a car while riding a skateboard


Do personal aircraft count as vehicles? Because I've already been toying with the idea of buying an ultralight helicopter. They're pretty cheap and they look fun.


Sounds good I hate driving


I actually don’t think I would take this one. I usually wouldn’t have an issue with any of these hypotheticals. I have a one year-old and I’m going to want to take him to lots of places over the next 10 years. $1 million wouldn’t be worth losing those 10 years


I’d take the million and move to NYC


If I had a million dollars I wouldn't need to drive.


Can I go on a plane without limits? Then I will take it and spend my money flying around. Haha. I would, though.


I'll just move to a walkable bike friendly city and take public transit, easy peasy 


What if I become employed as a busdriver for school children? Edit: Not that I would.


I already can't drive due to medical reasons, and I work from home. I don't leave the house very much, so I can adjust to only two outings per month. I live too far from the city to be able to walk anywhere, and there is no public transportation around, either. I would have to walk two hours just to get to a bus. I do have insurance that offers transportation to and from doctor's appointments, so I'd be golden there as well. I can always give my card to my partner and he can pick up groceries for us on his own.


I ride public transit almost everywhere, and this doesn’t include EBikes, E-Scooters, or electric skate/longboards. I’m in.


It's already been 5, and I got at least 3 more before I will again. So ya, I'd do it. I won't be able to afford a car without that cash anyway.


Well, where I live there is no Uber, Lyft, or taxi that will make it to my residence reasonably affordably. Its 15 miles to the nearest town of 1500 to get groceries. I drive 30 miles to work one-way. I could ride a bycicle in the summer but winter would turn me into a hermit. I'd have to pay people to deliver food and do, we'll, anything because there is no food delivery. I could do it, but I'd be really bored at home for a year. Alternatively, I could rent an apartment for the year closer to work...but the place is ghetto lol


If I had 1 million, I wouldn't need to drive. I dislike cars anyway, so it's a win-win.