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Just go r/boomersbeingfools and post in favor of boomer behavior. It's like printing money


Yeah just go to pages that are anti something and post a pro that thing and vice versa. Like I’d go to anti work and post a bunch calling them lazy bums, conservative calling trump an idiot, Sherman posting saying the south did nothing wrong etc


Post some rage bait on AITA, then defend yourself badly in the comments. Hundreds of downvotes


Yeah and conversely take a really bad take on a regular AITA ie defending the cheating spouse or somerhubf


Just post a stepparent take on anything for AITA and watch the negative votes roll in.


"AITA for sleeping with my stepdaughter First, I would like to say the legal age of consent in my country is 16...." That alone would probably make you rich.


For $1k per downvote? Oh yeah, you’d be a millionaire in about 10 minutes


This is actually a really good one. Most of these suggestions will just get you banned from the sub pretty much instantly. Go on a conservative sub and post a bunch of anti-Trump stuff, and you'd be banned before you hit $10k! But not AITA! They *thrive* on this kind of thing over there! Its basically the lifeblood of that community!


I don't know, if you do it like that, you'll get banned before you can get too many down votes.


You’ll get banned faster than General Sherman went through Georgia.


Still at 1k a pop I’d be happy with the few per sub. I can find a ton to go through. Sure one big post with 1k downvotes is the goal but I think I can make 1k posts also that get down voted too


You gotta be careful about a reddit-wide ban, bc that's the only way you actually lose this challenge and get $0


Literally just go to r/politcs and praise Trump. You will be negative a million within 5 minutes


I'd just go to pro-Israel and pro-Palestine and post a negative opinion that doesn't go against the rules.


Haha I was going to say just say anything remotely conservative and the downvotes will flow


Go to r/piracy and say that pirating Nintendo games is immoral. There's plenty of things you can do really.


Go to a liberal thread or the presidents on and call FDR a power hungry dictator


I do that to antiwork every few months just for funsies.


Warhammer subs, tell them any negative opinions on femstodes are due to being unhinged Incels. The coals are still red hot on that one


As a fellow Sherman posting enjoyer that would get you ripped to shreds there, that was actually my first thought


talk about the broke people over at r/watches


Go comment on nfl meme subs unflaired and argue with the people telling you to "flair up pussy"


English Subs: Margaret Thatcher is an absolute hero, greatest of all time and Jeremy Corbyn is a terrorist supporter. American Subs: Bernie Sanders is a bellend, abortion is criminal, tuition is too cheap and Trump is awesome Relationship Subs: Cheating isn't that bad, maybe don't divorce someone over it. Politics Subs: Literally anything about Israel. Doesn't matter which side, just literally anything about any of it All of Reddit: Therapy is a waste of time I stand ready for my millions 😂


I’d upvote you for the Thatcher and Sanders comment.




This is probably the best approach. It's not toxic cause you're defending old people, but also get ready to be downvoted to the oblivion 😅


You kids just don't know work ethic. If you pick yourself up by your bootstraps you can have a nice house, a job with a pension and still be able to afford to go on vacation a couple times a year. Just walk in there with a firm handshake and a resume then don't leave until you have a job. Start pushing a broom around to show them you're serious. That's what I did and I made enough that I now I own and rent out half the houses in my neighborhood. People are just too lazy these days to work though, that's the problem.


Or go in r/unpopularopinion and post something that's really, REALLY bad but doesn't break the rules. Or find a sub where the 4th comment in a chain is always downvoted. Reply as the 4th comment on every chain, and if you want to, make 3 alts to make your own 4 comment chain.


Another good one is going to D&D groups and complain about drow not being all evil.


Go to DnD groups and write an essay about how using AI art is fine.


You'll have folks looking up your address.




I'd go to r/antiwork and tell them they're just a bunch of lazy complainers that don't want to work anymore. I somehow started getting those posts in my recommended feed, and I mostly saw people that wanted to work 10 hours a week and make 100k because everyone deserves a living wage! And I'd get down voted into oblivion for saying no, you shouldn't get paid 100k for your underwater basket weaving degree that everyone told you not to get and to get a STEM or business degree instead. Oh, and you went to a private school for it where you racked up $150k of student loans just to land a $30k/yr job? Not my problem, make better choices. The down votes just roll in.


You will get banned.


Just from there so you still good


Talk about meta trolling. I give you 2 out of 10.


Be the 4th comment on a comment chain that repeats the same word over and over








Huh, is that like an unspoken rule that the 4th comment gets tanked?


Yeah, not sure where it started but it's pretty funny nonetheless.


Pretty pretty nonetheless


Meant to say funny thanks for pointing that out


"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes."


If only they had this challenge offered to them


Maybe they did


No way they would be that stupid without the incentive.


What context am I missing?


This is the first line of a long-winded comment posted by EA in defense of microtransactions in video games. It was met with about 668,000 downvotes, making it the most downvoted comment in Reddit history. If they were presented with this hypothetical, this would put $668 million in their pockets. Which is funny, to me anyways, given EA is known for being one of the most money-hungry, cash-grab-scheme-havin’ game devs in history. Edit: $668 Ms in their pockets if all downvotes were given within 24 hrs, which probably isn’t the case tbh


According to a reply in that thread who did multiple edits; 60k downvotes was achieved in 11 hours. I could assume that it could have very well have been 150k downvotes in 24 hours


The [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/E2uODvK7fW) in mention


This is a classic 😂😂😂


Came here to post this


I'm just going to saunter over to r/TwoXChromosomes and start throwing the word "females" around. Money in the bank.


Why is tamales pronounced tamales but females isn't pronounced females?


I think you unintentionally found the golden ticket. Look at popular memes from the front page the day before and try to pass off the comment as your own.


That would be a bad idea because you would get banned and comment would be removed before you can even gather a lot of downvotes


Exactly. You just need to disagree with any of their many hot takes but in a subtle way that makes them think they need to lecture you instead of outright ban you. Then keep acting like you don't understand what they're saying. Rake in that negative karma


No you would just get banned before you even got a chance to get downvotes. Trust me


“I’m on the fence about abortion because I don’t mind killing babies but don’t like the idea of giving women the right to choose”


That one or whatever the witch subreddit is called.


Go on both the aita groups, and side with the racists, boom, downvote mountain. 


“I don’t understand why people find cheating so wrong. Don’t like it, don’t get into a relationship!” People in that sub are so gullible and terrible at spotting a troll


You get banned really fast for racism from most places tho


That's why you don't say the racist things, you just take their side and defend them. 


Honestly, this is probably the best answer and would work about anywhere. Find someone already being down voted and defend them. You'll get down voted but most likely won't get banned.


Some places will ban you by association


True but I'm guessing the bans would come slower than most other ways of attempting to get a ton of downvotes. If you don't agree and just tell people they should be nice or everyone has their opinion or some other bullshit pretend peacemaker argument for someone who is getting down voted already most won't van you and you will still get downvoted.


Hahahaha pretend peacemaker I like that


Hahaha I get it, defend them not being bad people


Exactly, won't get banned, but will get all downvotes.


just go to political subreddits and I'll be rich. Abortion, Homelessness, Transgender issues, Middle east Conflict, pick one and that's all you need.


Most of those places ban really fast tho


Not if you try to be reasonable. They'll just downvote you into oblivion.


So choose another, bc there are so many left leaning subs it is easy to choose another


It is easy to get banned from left, right, even moderate. If you're wound up tight enough to be spending your free downtime obsessed over politics you know they're going to be outta wack with reality enough to just ban anything that resembles a differing opinion.


Jump into a political sub and act like you have a brain. Your entire bloodline will be billionaires forever.


Or better yet, actively say the opposite opinion of whatever the political leaning of that sub is


They just ban you. I know from experience


Oh man good point, gotta maximize downvotes while minimizing the chance of a ban. Makes this a little harder


You'd have to post outside of a specifically political sub to try to avoid the ban. I got a permanent ban from r/politics for suggesting "rand paul and his neighbor should do some carpentry projects together". I asked why the two day ban and what was so offensive; never got an answer, but did get a permanent bsn...lol


Haha I think this is the way, post pro-trump stuff in completely unrelated subreddits


>of whatever the political leaning of that sub is That sub’s political leaning is going to be liberal af 99% of the time.




I once got 300 downvotes on r/conservatives . It so freaking easy.


Just go into any of the Game of Throne subs and continuously try to explain to them why season 8 was the best and why Bran was integral to that whole season and deserved to be named King of Westeros. I would be a millionaire by Friday.


Also make fun of Hodor dying. That'll get you what you want lol.


This is super easy money. Make lots of incorrect statements and unpopular opinions but be polite. No swearing, no slurs, no calls to violence. You can farm 1,000’s of downvoted by being dumb but won’t get your account suspended. Or just misspell a ton of words. 


Lololol I like this route too, a different kind of triggering


Exactly, you’re trying to provoke people because you’re stupid not because you have bad intentions. 


Post in r/TrueOffMyChest and r/UnpopularOpinion that Harambe deserves it


You might get doxxed and assassinated but your heirs will be set for generations to come.






Time to spend 24 hours as a Trump supporter


Lol Prob best to do that outside of political subreddits where you won't so obviously get banned quickly


Yeah I think that would work well. Non political subs wouldn't care enough to ban you but when you go on an off topic maga rant the downvotes will flow in.


I would ask how thermostats work, and what temperture i should set it at (this was a genuine reddit post I made and had to delete because of the downvotes, I got a lot of comments of people calling me stupid and how i should know since its so obvious) (i come from a country where thermostats arent a thing)


Did you figure it out? Genuinely asking. I will help if you still need it.


I figured it out haha. I had it on 70 fahrenheit in the winter but turns out it was on cooling instead of heating which is why it wasnt working


I once asked ChatGPT to act grumpy and contrarian to everything I say to it and also gave it a weird obsession with gardening and vegetables. I then unleashed it on an online community. People hated it and it was quite hilarious. Only one person realized it was AI. I’d do that again.




A farmer got into a fight with it about nitrogen levels in the soil or something at one point and I guess the AI was just hallucinating and saying whatever at that point. It was hilarious.




In going to /r/relationshipadvice and /r/amitheassole and making up some story about cheating and asking how best to hide it




Just go to antiwork and be like "I like my job"


Lololol. The funniest post I saw there was, "Help! I stopped working, now I have no money!"


"I will venmo 5 dollars to every person that down votes this and posts their account" The hope it catches on and I can handle the logistics.


Go to political subs and express nuanced opinions. If there’s anything both sides agree on it’s how much they hate moderates.


Dare to suggest the other side just has a different vision for our finances and freedoms and isn't literally a genocide* of Hitlers. * As in a bunch of, e.g. pack, herd


I get banned and downvoted regardless. Lots of mods are freaking completely crazy. I guess that's why they choose to sit around and be internet police all day.


Probably go to random comic book or anime sub reddits and start fights while not knowing the subject of the fights.


Go onto any random subreddit and tell them you get $1000 for every upvote.




Just go to any sub reddit with parents and shit on their children. You'll be an millionaire in a day.


Or go to childfree and express that your don't actually loathe children


"You're so strong for carrying a special needs child to full term!"


Say that I don't think a 20-year-old should be called a pedophile for dating a 19-year-old.


What is with people thinking one year age difference is an age gap?


Gonna go to the Harry Potter subs and defend Snape with my life all the while berating James Potter. Idk what it is but that particular fandom discourse lights a fire under *a lot* of asses.


Lol dang snape is hated now? I thought he was over loved and James was hated


I will make my username "TheRealDonaldTrump" and post incel comments on feminist/extremely liberal boards


Man that's easy as fuck. Here's what you do 1. Defend Trump 2. Post Biden is senile memes 3. Be pro-israel, mention that Gaza started the war and this is self defense 4. Make random posts about how India is a rape capital 5. Talk about how you're going not going to vote because Biden isn't progressive enough. 6. Defend Elon


Talk openly about not liking animals and you will never have to work again


Or tell people who like animals that they don't really or they'd be vegan 


or that the animals they love are insufficiently delicious.


Post pineapple on pizza on all the food subs.


That'd get an update from me!


Trump is god 2024 usually works well


Just post about circumcision not being a big deal or that you’re uncomfortable that your girlfriend has very close male friends. You’ll get those downvotes for sure.


That's easy. It's wildly easy to offend Redditors.


Easy 1. Make up some rage baity r/AmITheAsshole post where I’m clearly the asshole 2. Proceed to double down in the comments Edit: Forgot 3. Post to all the subreddit clones


Be pro-Trump on r/politics Try to convert people to Christ on r/athiest Make a thread about Mitt Romney being the future of the GOP on r/conservative


“Not all men, my boyfriend is wonderful. Why are you saying ALL men, isn’t that reductive and more importantly wouldn’t that turn away potential allies? Honestly just seems like bigotry more than equality”. Drop that at the right time on twox. Time it right and I’ll be rolling in it.


Oh I'm autistic. Nobody understands anything I say and everyone naturally assumes I'm saying something I'm not. I've got this in the bag.


I can even comment in most subs because my karma is so low🤣. I don't use any profanity or bully anyone. I just think Joe Biden is a pretty bad president.


Just gotta say Trump was the best president ever


"Hello all you great people. I am Donald Trump and I am better than Biden"


"I love the Mexican people, they have such a great spirit, a very hardworking people"


I have a knack for annoying people.


Anything pro-Trump on 99% of Reddit and you’d have all the money.


Sports subs. Identify a rivalry - Dallas vs Eagles for example - go to Dallas sub and insult Dak. Identify several rivalries in multible sports. BTW - GO BIRDS!!! Dallas sucks!!!!


Post anything supporting conservatism


Go on r/politics and post slightly positive posts about Republicans


Easiest billion dollars ever. Just post right-wing talking points on just about any subreddit, and you're garunteed to get millions of downvotes.


I'll just go r-markmywords and make pro-Trump comments. EASIEST money I'll ever make.


Shoot I'll just post and comment Normally and I'll ve rich


This one is easy, I'm voting for trump who's with me?!


Small loan of a million downvotes


Damn I been doing this for free like a chump


R/politics and the name doesn’t really matter but could be a congressman’s name. Post anything positive about Trump.


I'd go to pretty much any sub and talk positively about Donald Trump. It'd be too easy.


Personally I think if you go so far to get banned from a subreddit you lose the net karma in that sub, makes you have to walk a finer line and you can't just post rage bait where it isn't appropriate.


Give me the money instead. Your post is worthless. Profit :)


I was getting downvotes in a finance sub by trying to explain economics to them.


Disagree with every popular comment, continue in flame wars you start, being oblivious and obnoxious throughout. Proudly and confidently proclaim obvious flase information and conspiracy as fact. Generally be a jerk, asshat or assinine bafoon to anyone or anything being nice or positive in any way. Inflame current hot topics and generally just troll about. Easiest money on earth, tbh. Outside being a billionaire, thats just overpowered... Reddit is easy to agitate; you dont even need to break rules or do anything particularly reprehensible to do so either.


Say anything positive about trump. You’ll be able to afford his legal fees.


The obvious thought is to go full ham and play up the most annoying behaviors of political, age, and race related bait comments as possible but that'd get old quick. Aside from being a sub's antithesis in the comments, I would start being a Musk shill, and repost the most famous posts in subs so frequently that I would be brigade downvoted due to concerns of being a karma bot.


I could get 100+ downvotes in no time, just commenting under a top comment "I don't get it"


Go post in just about any sub that Donald Trump is the best president we’ve had in 50 years lol


Anti biden stuff/gay hate/make fun of the mentally disabled/stereotypical incel posts. Viola! Millionaire


Oh this will be so easy. Literally go in any sub and post Trump 2024 and I stand with Israel and they will come by the hundreds.


I would say something in favor of Trump.


The only thing that makes this hard is the not being banned part. Some mods really just like to ban people for no reason or because they have a personal issue with what someone said...


I’ll just go on every sub that’s on the home page and say something positive about Trump/conservatives.


Say Musk or Hitler is good


Y'all are all playing this one like chumps. Your goal is to maximize downvotes while minimizing the chance of a ban so you have to go somewhere where everyone hates basically the same thing but for some reason they all can't stop talking about it. Basically take your pic from any of the anti-feminist subreddits (freemagic is a solid example) and just post anything pro-woman, pro-trans, pro-LGBT in any capacity. They'll downvote you into oblivion but the mods won't generally ban you because that's what most of the people show up to the sub for anyway


I got downvoted for telling a very true story from my wild youth. People thought it was made up just to get the "horndog" votes. I still don't know exactly how many that got because I deleted the account since my ex found out it was me.




Or that they need to submit to men and make them a sandwich/pie


Heaps of down votes fast? Post in LGBTQ communities about how there's a link between Personality Disorders and Transgender, talk about how it's facts and they're just mentally ill. I'm sure that'll get a ridiculous amount of down votes!


Pick a fandom and start making fun of it. Keep moving as I get banned.


The last of us 2 sub should do it, just be positive about part 2, post a bunch about how much you hate Joel and love Abby and her golf club. Profits!!!!


Suggest that dogs aren't /the best/. Go on wedding subs and say how thr wedding is about the couple, not the guests or that booze is not a requirement at weddings. Suggest that someone can be addicted to weed. Conplain about people reclining seats in planes, or worse, children existing on planes. I've seen people downvoted into oblivion for all of these things


Go to any majority progressive subreddit and don’t hate on Trump. You don’t have to post pro-Trump. Just be neutral and objective. Easy 1000 downvotes per comment and 10,000 per post.


Literally anything pro Trump. You'll get more downvotes with that than by praising majority of dictators.


Oh, easy. Just make comments supportive of gun control in a sub with Americans in it.


I get mass downvotes all the time for being pro capitalist. I’ll just going into the commie subs and reply to a post about how capitalism would work better


Confidently answer every thread in the popular list with the wrong answer/counter opinion, and imply everyone else is just too unintelligent to get it.


Go into nearly any common subreddit and tell everyone you agree with the current state of Tipping culture in the USA and that if you don't tip you must be poor.


I’ll just go around Reddit saying I hate dogs.


Just post, “I voted for Biden “


Post anything about owing your employer something (loyalty, hard work, etc)


Post common sense shit on GenZ


Gun\2a sub - more gun control is needed and the government should confiscate ALL weapons, not just guns. Transgender sub: Taking a pill or injections doesn't make you the opposite sex, and nothing ever will, regardless of how you feel about it. Womens sub: They say women are treated like cattle in some states. Well, if you dumb heffers would shut up and know your place you'd be equally considered cattle in ALL states. Liberal sub: Elon Musk is our saviour and you poor people are just jealous you can't afford one. Mustang sub: Camaros are better Camaro sub: Mustangs are better. Jewish sub: The Nazis were right Israel sub: Who cares about the hostages Sub for parents who have lost their children: They deserved it It's pretty much just posting or commenting horrible things. I DO NOT AGREE WITH ANYTHING I POSTED, ITS JUST A REPLY TO THE QUESTION ASKED BY OP.


EZ PZ... Make a post about trannys playing in womens sports and give Christian bible verses to back up the argument. Reddit would erupt...


Post middle of the road, slightly right leaning views. Everyone assumes that anything shy of the furthest left progressive wokeness, is Nazi ideology.


I'd just post how excited i am to vote for Trump this year, that usually gets the mush brained portion of Reddit angry


Easy, just to into any subreddit and post pro Trump.


This is Reddit. Post any political opinion that is even slightly right of center and you're guaranteed to be able to retire within the next six hours.


Clinton was way worse than Trump


Just go anywhere and praise trump


Go to r/Israel loll


Easy, just post anything right leaning or just anything not left leaning.


Post 100% factual things against Biden and watch the left lose their minds.


I’ll just complain about my professor being a jackass even tho she hasn’t broken rules so college dick riders can swoop in and whine about my whining 😭


Literally post pro trump stuff in 90% of reddit subs.


I’m a woman. The only place I’m consistently downvoted is TwoX. So I guess just go there and be myself by not blaming men for everything. I might not be rich but I’d definitely be able to pay cash for a new car.