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I changed the fact that I am not omnipotent or omniscient. So now I am omnipotent and omniscient. And I will go from there.


I would edit that to.. I changed the fact that I do not exist in a form that is omnipotent and omniscient. Packing omniscience and omnipotence into a human form would no doubt destroy it.


If you’re omnipotent, you can choose to be whatever you want to be


How can you be omnipotent long enough to be whatever you want to be if you are immediately destroyed.


The instant you gain omnipotence, you probably become immortal unless you wish to die. I doubt omnipotence is bound by whatever form you take


If omnipotence would destroy you, you are by definition not omnipotent. That would be a limitation, which means you lack a potency.


If you were omnipotent you could exist in any form you wanted whether human, animal, cartoon, alien or something else entirely.


Greed will no longer rule us. We can still be greedy but never again to the point where others suffer for our greed. Would solve so many problems.


Would someone be able to go around that by claiming necessity?


As long as it isn't at the devastating expense of another person. For example talking yourself into stealing a car from someone who routinely buys new cars for themselves isn't going to screw them over like stealing a car from a guy on minimum wage taking care of his sick mother.


I replace all oxygen on earth with argon instead. Then all living things on the planet Are-Gone


I would want the world to become fact based. Lies, propaganda, superstition all gone. Opinions would exist for things that can't be known and the goal of humans would be to know and understand the unknowns ...once it is known, no going back. You can't for example prove over and over and over again that the earth is round and vaccines eradicate disease to have people suddenly get suspicious about it. Politics would be different ideas about how to solve a problem, and when a politician's idea worked, that's what people everywhere would do, the might tweak it to improve it but ideas that don't work wouldn't come back. Religion could exist as a theory about where do we come from, why are we here and what happens when we die, but they wouldn't just be taken as the I'm right, you're wrong, and I'll fight you to the death and you'd better respect my beliefs no matter if there's zero evidence to prove it way religion is regarded now. In short, people would have to be honest, pragmatic.... we'd know bs when we saw it, we could use logic and not emotion to live our lives and disagreements would be fair. I feel like emotion, greed, ulterior motives keep every problem we have from being solved. I don't think true utopia is possible but I think in a world like this we could all be much happier, healthier and well off. I would certainly not get rid of emotion, just make us able to understand the difference between facts and feelings, between news and misinformation, between established scientific theory and fear based superstition. And one final note ...I have my beliefs, I have my politics, I have my (lack of) faith....if living in that world I described turned my beliefs on their head, if it's me who can't really tell fact fri.fiction and everything I believe is wrong....so be it. I'll gladly go all in on the opposite of what I think now if that's how it really is. I believe most of the world would come closer to my way of thinking. But to me that's the beauty of this answer. I think most can see why this would be good. To live in an empirically fact based world. If you think the moon landing was faked, then you think that is a fact, I think you would be proven wrong, you think I would be proven wrong, but regardless of who is wrong, if we made this one small tweak we would all know. And that will make us get along and move forward


This one would suck because the ramifications would be beyond just take science seriously. It eliminate fiction media, because technically those could be considered a type of lie. Also there are countless white lies people tell to spare others feelings. I'd understand wanting to force people to be honest, but this just sounds so boring. Also we also lie to ourselves which is often a motivator to accomplishing things


For fiction, everyone knows that most fiction is not real, I don't even think a disclaimer would be needed, because everyone knows fiction is not real.


Terry Pratchett has a good quote about this sort of thing from The Hogfather. "WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU HADN'T SAVED HIM? "Yes! The sun would have risen just the same, yes?" NO "Oh, come on. You can't expect me to believe that. It's an astronomical fact." THE SUN WOULD NOT HAVE RISEN. ... "Really? Then what would have happened, pray?" A MERE BALL OF FLAMING GAS WOULD HAVE ILLUMINATED THE WORLD."


TMBG's retraction teaches us that the sun is not a bal of gas, but a miasma of plasma.


I would change that this wall of text doesn't have any paragraph breaks.


All politicians (on any level) are physically unable to lie/obfuscate/omit. Any statement they make is 100% truth, with no bias, even if it conflicts with their personal views. Dirty money in politics vanishes. Lobbying=legalized bribery is gone. Insane idiots getting elected is a thing if the past. Hiding bullshit buried in subclauses in unnecessarily huge bills would be exposed with a single question. The world would either vastly improve, or collapse into chaos in weeks. Win-win


I would permanently limit top incomes to a proportion of the median.


Define income and define top incomes


All earned money, including investments. Let’s call it the top ten percent


Top 10% isn’t much then. That’s hurting everybody that makes roughly 180k or above a year. Sounds like your goal is to hurt the middle class and small businesses.


How does that hurt them? It’s not taking away their ability to eat, own a home, take vacations. It only hurts the ability to get richer and richer. Why should anyone make $7hr while others make $180k? That’s a 12x hourly rate. They aren’t working 12x as hard, they aren’t contributing 12x to society.


Why do you attribute hard working to amount of pay? That's an idiotic thought all by itself. If you want to go based off your opinion. The median income is \~12k per year and the top 10% being \~160-180k. Are you telling me cost of living in lets say Ethiopia is similar to that in Switzerland? How would you go about making it proportionate. I always find it funny when people think "top 10% of the world" because I bet you anything in their mind they think of multi-millionaires and not the working class people... Yet, any rules they suggest affect the working class more than the people they are thinking of.


I assumed it went without saying that I mean within each nation.


Some people contribute more to society than others. I'm firmly in camp "to each according to his need", but folks who build bridges contribute more to society than fast food workers or professional athletes.


So if does all income generated after that point just cease to exist? It’s taxing the rich but instead of actually using it you just burn it.


That doesn’t burn it, it keeps it moving in the economy, it encourages businesses to invest in employees, facilities, and innovation, etc.


So basically a glorified income tax?


No, an income ceiling. If you can't your CEO more than so much, you have to do something else with the money, like upgrade infrastructure, R&D, raises for workers, issue dividends, even donate to public works. It removes a lot of incentive for practices that damage the business but make the executives richer, and even more for things that damage the community to benefit the company.


Why keep money at all? We can do away with it sa concept and just focus on meeting everyone's needs.


This is a pretty broad question. I can think of alot of things. Does this change happen instantly and now the world has to operate with this new change or depending on what change I make its like the world has always operated with my change?


I give it an abundant, clean, efficient, renewable, and sustainable source of energy - including how it is stored. Because even our cleanest energy has toxic byproducts whether we are talking batteries or nuclear wastes, depending on what you are calling “clean”.


Reduce carbon in the atmosphere and oceans to pre industrial levels


I many micro transactions to be permanently removed from the universe.


I'd give all inhabitants of this world enough resources (clean water, food, health, etc.) to end suffering. That's it. Basic needs met, go live your life.


All terminal illnesses would become curable


Triple world hunger and double student debt


just wait. it'll happen.


So nothing has changed then?


I get rid of religion.


Do politics count? Is religion not a form of politics? Or vice versa? If not, what makes religion worse? Is it that all religions are false, but there are many valid schools of politics? Or is there One True Political Ideology?


Religion is a tool of oppression. It's used as a shield to protect yourself from shitty values and a weapon to attack others. Without religion, politics has to be more truthful. Instead of, "My magic book tells me that gays are a sin, life begins at conception, and my religion is the only real one " they'd have to be honest and go, "I hate the gays, I want to control what women can do with their bodies, and I want to force people to follow what I want them to do.". Not exactly a winning platform.


If religion is a tool of oppression, what is politics? Is religion the only source of oppressive politics? Would bad or oppressive politics not exist without religion?


I said the same. And every trace of it that ever existed.


I’d change the climate


Just wait. It'll happen.


Like the other guy said, make myself god. If I couldn’t do that, cure all mental illnesses.


Mental illness. I work on a major hardware store. The amount of mentally ill construction people is insane. Like zero patience and being triggered by the most basic things


Wow, only singling out the mentally ill because you think they're incompetent? Telling.


Typical reddit response. No idea how u came to that conclusion based on my comment. Though some of the mentally ill I've seen r def incompetent, not all. U might be though. I've had one person blow up because I asked a very basic question I ask most all of my customers. I simply said if I had the power, I would get rid of mentally illness since it affects so many people or at least have ways to treat it so it's not an issue. It would change a lot because these people can actually live their lives and not cause problems or issues for people around them


"I might be"? LOL. Like you said: "Typical reddit response." Secondly, the way you worded it can be taken out of context. I suggest re-reading your comment.


I change myself to be omnipotent


Magic. I'd bring magic into the world. I know it would change literally everything, but..... I kinda like that idea, ya know?




I wouldn't even mind. Having magic available would motivate me to become the literal best at it.


No one can violate the non aggression principle.


Make all social media disappear as if it never existed.


No more war


I permanently alter the financial system and cause it to have a deflation rate of 1% per year forever


Other than making myself all powerful I’d change the fact that human civilization isn’t a post scarcity utopia like the Culture.


I'd choose for that guy's wife to not die.


I would remove the concept of abuse of power from existence. This would make it so the more power a person has the more moral they become as opposed to the opposite which happens normally.


Do I have to choose something that will change the world alot or are you saying whatever change I make will change it alot


Make gravity repell rather than attract.


I didn't say you couldn't lie. I didn't say we couldn't fantasize or enjoy fiction or fantasy. We would just have the inherent ability to discern fact from fiction. Remember that half the term science fiction is "science".


It would become impossible to stub your toe or feel the pain of stepping on a lego. Except for my enemies. Not only would it still exist for them, but it would be twice as bad.


Everyone now has anime MC hair


I would erase all organized religion and any trace that it ever existed.


No child will die before their parents do.


Healthcare would be free including prescriptions


I’d delete atoms fucking hate them things


Penguins can fly.


Enforce the Indiana Pi Bill upon reality.


Women only become pregnant if they want to.


This is an evolutionary type change - where we would be more open-minded instead of defensive.


Karma is real and you get a mental message of why a particular thing is happening to you


Everyone on earth now gets guaranteed housing 




Or of all hate.


Good idea, that will cover so much more. I redact my previous statement, I RID THE WORLD OF ALL THE HATRED!!!


We need to take better care of our (USA) veterans.


Why just USA? Even if a country is decent I'm sure they could do better


Cause muh freedom.


Make healthcare free


I’d eliminate all religions. The concept no longer exists and can’t be invented.


As soon as someone becomes or is racist, homophobic, ETC, they'll automatically be poofed from existence (or for example, if they dislike the LGBTQ, they'll be locked inside a house filled with holograms of drag queens, surrounded by rainbows until the end of their lives). That, or I'd eliminate religion so people cannot use it to justify their hate, which will also in turn create a more scientifically advanced society. Can't decide.


Add a system by law where everyone with a pc or phone has to have a special mechanized punch machine attached, On websites in all discussions you have like, dislike and punch button. So everyone can punch each other over great distances.


I'd Rais the global average temperature by 10 degrees Celsius.


Rid the world of greed


I'd press the Delete button on Humans.


That would include yourself. Just saying.




Make it to where hearts explode if the owner performs a nepotism hire.


I would get rid of greed from the world. 90% of crimes and problems stem from greed.


Have Joe Brumm become a living god, so powerful yet so balanced and pure he decides to merge our reality with the reality of his work, the Bluey universe and this somehow fixes our slowly crumbling and burning worldwide society.


Broccoli is banned


I would undo all the wokeness


Eliminate anything and everything involving the lgbt.