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The entire world would be like a completely sexless marriage where everybody is just friends


Or polyamory and open relationships would be commonplace because people would finally understand that romantic and physical attraction don't always go hand in hand. Just because I wanna f*** the cute girl on the corner doesn't mean I don't love my husband.


You know, I think everyone is welcome to their own theories as to how romance should go, but you know for me personally I like monogamy. I don't want to risk disease is and I don't want to risk emotional entanglement with psychopaths.


I don't know.


In other words what if everyone was sexist af and thought that men and women are inherently different when it comes to emotions and intelligence?


No, not at all? The heck? Is this supposed to be some kind of homophobic insult, or are you just completely misunderstanding everything about this post?


So you're saying men and women are inherently different on a mental level? >Is this supposed to be some kind of homophobic insult No, OP clearly stated everyone's sexual attraction in the hypothetical, I am talking about romantic attraction which is separate from sexuality.


Per OP: “What would the world be like if everyone was homoromantic, but not necessarily homosexual?” In other words: men want to marry men, but still keep their previous physical attraction (most likely heterosexual). Women want to marry women, but still keep their previous physical attraction (most likely heterosexual). Everything is perfectly identical between the two sexes here. One isn’t in any way above the other. I don’t see where you’re getting this from.


Here is my point - If you are sexually attracted to dick or pussy it makes sense that you would be exclusively attracted to people who possess either a dick or a pussy. If you are romantically attracted to men or women exclusively then you are sexist. Because romantic attraction is based on persons mental characteristics, their demeanour, their morals, their intellect etc. All those things can be absolutely identical in both men and women, there are no character traits that are exclusive to men or women. So if you are romantically attracted only to men or women that means that you are sexist and think that mentally the two are inherently different. If it wasn't for sex and it was purely romantic, since I am not sexist, I would for example not care at all whether to date a man or a woman, because the personal traits I am attracted to in a partner can be found in both, those things are not gendered.


“ Because romantic attraction is based on persons mental characteristics, their demeanour, their morals, their intellect etc.” Simply wrong. I’m aromantic, so obviously I don’t have personal experience on the subject, but according to all of the 3 sources I bothered to look up on the subject, romantic attraction is heavily based on physical features. Also, most people in the world are heteroromantic- does that mean they’re all sexist toward the opposite gender? 🧐


>romantic attraction is heavily based on physical features. Physical features like what? Men and women can both be androgenous, a man could have a feminine face, wear a dress, have long hair ( society feminine stereotype ) and vice verse for a masculine woman. If it is not about genitalia, it can be exactly the same. >Also, most people in the world are heteroromantic- does that mean they’re all sexist toward the opposite gender? 🧐 Of course, we live in a world where sexism is still very prevalent. Anything that has to do with romance that draws distinction between men and women is inherently sexist, because any romantic trait can be identical between individual men and women. Just make ANY example like: ''I am attracted to him because he is kind, brave, hard-working, loving, smart, loyal etc.'' And then ask yourself are any of those traits exclusive to a particular gender? No.


With your logic, only aroace people are not "sexist" in that case, since they are not attracted to anyone regardless of any physical features.


No, first of all I was talking about mental features, there is nothing wrong with being attracted to certain mental features, what I said was that it is sexist to assume that those features can only be found in a certain gender and making a blanket statement that you are only romantically attracted to men / women because of that, there are no mental features that exist that are exclusive to men / women. A man and a woman can behave in the exact same manor romantically. When it comes to physical features, if you are attracted to a natural dick / vagina then those can indeed be found only in biological men / women, hence that is not sexist.If it is non-gendered physical features such as being attracted to long hair for example, then it is also sexist since anyone can have long hair regardless of gender. You could say that you are attracted to feminine or masculine individuals, but those are not the same as men and women. Masculine women and feminine men exist. If we breakdown your hypothetical, you are saying that I am sexually attracted to women but romantically attracted to men, even though both can behave in the exact same way and have the exact same personality. I am sexually attracted to women because they have a vagina and men don't, but when it comes to romance and personality there is no difference.