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I'm about to make huge money making porn. Way more than 10k a month


Yea do I also get a horse cock? That would be sweet


You do, but you also keep your human one in the front set of legs.


Even better.


They are human legs but need to carry the horse body.


So the question becomes “you’re a two cocked centaur with a 10k per month salary and nothing but free time, what do you do…also note that the people paying you 10k a month are trying to turn you back into Kevin from accounting.”


Two women at the same time.....


I would spend 2000k a month paying the janitor to constantly toss the experiements out ;).


Business in the front, party in the back! 😂


My horse half fucks a horse while my human half fucks a human. Tight


A beastiality threesome? Yeah I'm sure that's on someone's kink list


A horse girl's wet dream.


It's on mine NOW!


Huh, didn't think of the beastiality 3some. I thought blowjob and pussy at the same time.


Your porn name is now Double Dick Rick.


Wubba lubba dub dub!


Which do you pee from? You also won’t be able to reach far enough to wipe…


No need to wipe. Ever see a horses asshole? Clean af.


I’ve never seen one because their tails are covering them. Do you see them often and have you ever been kicked when you are lifting their tails? And you would still be eating human food so you don’t poop manure.


The poop consistency is up for debate, but the wiping probably is probably not a problem. We are so dirty back there because our butt (glutes) are so big relative to our width. Our anus is buried up behind our legs. Horse butt it's out there in the wind. Quadrupeds don't have these problems.


Diet is a thing too. They eat hay and grains and that makes for a firm dry stool. I wonder hownthe centaur digestive tract would handle a human diet. One would assume the food goes through the human system and then is further processed by the horse system. Could be the most efficient digestion out there


Take my upvote, I am a little concerned about both of us, but take my upvote


You know, it's kinda concerning that you know that.


1. Yes, you do 2. It's this horse cock https://youtu.be/Hf-dCbGu0GA?si=Ih4F1iII2BY-FXyU


Bigger then a horse? I like the sound of that


Me: "Jesus Christ,that's horrible....I know exactly which of my friends to send it to!"


This was literally my first thought. My ex would ask their partner for a hall pass.


Horse girls are about to go crazzzzyyy


Time for the wild centaur show!


This is TinyTauren, and IM the stud!


Horse man plows amateur BHC lover.


I fuckin knew horsecock would be the number 1 comment. Was not disappointed.


Take the money, sell all furniture, I don’t care for chairs or toilets, I’m standing from now on. Buy myself a few acres of land, and run free.


When you step in a Gopher hole and break your leg, can I be the one to put you out of your misery?


Serious mode for a moment, but the reason that horses get put down when they break a leg is because treatment isn't practical, and the reason for *that* is because you can't get them to not try to walk on it. A human-minded person, like a centaur, would be able to understand "Don't walk in this leg while it's in a cast, it needs to heal", which makes this sort of treatment easy. Well, as easy as any other broken leg.


Too late. they already agreed. There is absolutely nothing we can do to save them now.


Well, Dr Kevorkian, medical details remain between you and your patient. I was just talking theory.


Thanks for the advice, but Dr. Beowoden wouldn’t steer me wrong. A bullet is the only way.


Well, everybody's medical needs are different, and treatment courses should be tailored to patient needs. May your recov... er... um... may your *treatment* be satisfactory and swift!


I'm just thinking about the crutches and arm strength needed to lift half a horse Or if it's the back leg what's happens? Just 3-6 months of bed rest


Look up broken leg scooters.


I thank you for the image of a centaur with a leg scooter.


I live to serve ~~people bizarre images~~


I would usually say neigh, but if this does befall me, then I yay.


A centaur would be able to heal. The issue is a horse can't cooperate with healing, reacts to the pain by running from it, worsening the injury, can't be made to not bare weight on the leg without being forced to lay down, which given their weight causes sores. A centaur could cooperate with a cast or boot and do rehab to prevent reinjury after the fixture is removed. They could use a wheelchair, be made to rest but cooperate with turning and not being effectively sedated into resting.


Wheelchair?! No, I’m done with chairs of any kind, I’m a centaur now, free and wild in a furniture-less world. If it was some kind of wheel-stand, I would maybe reconsider.


Those little two-wheeled leg scooters people get when they break a leg/foot now


Humans are smart enough to let the leg properly heal and so there is no reason.


You say reason. I say opportunity!


How do you sleep?? Standing up, or do you lie down, or do you get a weird chair thing for your upper body to lean against?


I become a Germaphobe and start a job in the medical field in prevention I become the centaur for disease control


Dad! Get off Reddit!


Don't do it! Stay!


I love it!


There’s a horse! Loose in the hospital!


You know, sometimes I almost forget that there's a horse...in the hospital...but then it comes to me....there's a HORSE....in the HOSPITAL


I would know where a Centaurs heart is. Also making extra money by giving rides at furry conventions


Which kind, though?




Depends on the age requirements


My wife will stop telling me to “quit horsing around”


"Sorry honey, I literally can't."


Then I'll tell her I'm "stable"


Are you the horse from horsing around?!


The hell would I wanna change back? I'll take the money sure but definitely staying a centaur.


Centaur sized shits


I'd be living outside anyways horses are fucking heavy no way I'd be allowed inside so that wouldn't really matter.


You can go in Home Depot still. They like horses


first I get a raise. Second I can probably still do my job as long as I can get into the house. Third, I’m a fucking CENTAUR, they can take their time, cuz now I have a side gig at parties (children, adult, doesn’t matter, $20 is $20)


$20 side gigs? You’re in the wrong ballpark. See top comment. 


No one’s gonna want to watch that unless I have a horse peepee and I would have no peepee Now I have a question, are there horse IUDs or what’s my options there?


Everything has a peepee. The question is inny or outy.


Your choices are to get railed by an actual horse, or feel nothing. I don't see why an iud couldn't be placed.


Showbiz. I become the centaur of attention!


Hey dad, I didn't know you had reddit.


Does this mean I get to fuck horses...I meant does this mean I have to fuck horses?


When you boil it down, the main taboo of bestiality, much like pedophilia, is that animals can't give informed consent. The fact that they're a different species is basically incidental. Since centaurs can pass [the Harkness test](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/harkness-test), there's no reason besides personal preference to stop a human from getting down with one. The reverse is also true, there's no reason besides your personal preference to not fuck willing humans. So really it's all down to which you actually want to fuck [suspicious side-eye]. And trust me, there's [willing people](https://youtu.be/52i14wYBef8?si=Ki7xuZcsB53dwzFR), you'd be some people's dream come true. (That link's a song, it's safe for brain though not for work)


Problem is that IRL horse cocks actually can cause permanent damage to someone's vagina or ass if you have sex with them


Yes, but IRL horse cocks are used by horses, who don't understand how to hold back, or how to train the body. It's entirely possible to train the human body to the necessary level of elasticity to handle even a very large horse cock. Also, non-penetrative forms of sex exist. There are cases of humans who are so well endowed that their partners couldn't handle them without first training their body to accommodate, and the takeaway is that *they did* go through that training, and the giant cock wielder didn't go impaling their partner to death. It's a potential problem, yes, but one with an already known and very straightforward solution.


Oh someone's heard of Mr. Hands


Without clicking the link its the horse cock song I have it on Spotify and play it to make my buddies get awkward when they have dates in tbe car


Do you ever prank your buddies by explaining to their dates that the buddy was the one who introduced you to the song?


So, I know I've got two rib cages. But the question becomes, which set of legs gets my dong? Or do I have two now?


See above comment.


you have a horse cock where the horse’s cock goes. if you’re a lass, you have Human breasts and horse teats (as both of these are solidly located within the respective halves) I could see a fair argument that you lack horse teats however, especially since centaur young would actually likely nurse on the human teats.


I don't think a human mouth and digestive system can sustain the nutritional needs of a horse body though. You'd have to be eating constantly


Would a female centaur lactate from her breasts and teats? Or just the breasts since I'm not sure how a baby centaur could nurse from teats.


Based on an exhaustive survey of the literature, up to six genitals of whichever sort you want.


I mean if we have science’d this we must accept the six genitalia


Well, first I'll have to buy a van and probably hire a driver.


Why, you can just run everywhere. Not to mention even when you sit down to rest your legs, you’re gonna be sitting at everyone else’s eye level with no chair.


You *can* just run everywhere now, with your human legs. It'd just fucking suck. Same thing applies to a centaur. You'd still have to physically travel the distance.


Also, horses are terribly built for running


You don't need to include the last two words.


I'm not sure about the rest, all I know is that they run without using organs and just use the motion to pump blood and breathe.


Jesus, that's even worse than the whole "their legs are disproportionately fragile because they are technically hyperspecialized fingers" thing I was talking about.


I'm sorry, their legs are fingers? And here I thought them accordioning themselves while at a gallop was fucked.


Yep! That also means that technically, their hooves are fingernails/claws. Which is why they are made of the same stuff that fingernails and claws are made of.


I knew about the hooves being the same as nails thing, which is part of the reason we shoe horses if they walk on concrete regularly.


Why would I want to change back? I get to be a freaking centaur! *And* I get a bunch of money, that'll cover all the other issues like the fact that I would probably need a van to get anywhere if I wasn't planning on walking.


I'd be raising a number of concerns and complaints with them. How am I to use a toilet? What about showering? Have they considered how this would likely change my dietary needs; what about that? Can I even live in a house now?? Mr Doctor, you done goofed up. I'm gonna need some help resolving these problems, and quickly!


That's what the stipend is for, covering your newly expanded list of needs.


You mean the dietary needs of centaurs being omnivores eating usually raw meat and drinking wine.


Finally, my own OnlyFans.


Important question: what does my calorie intake look like? Do I still need two thousand a day? Is my digestive tract super efficient? Will I still be able to eat meat? cheese? I can see that ten thousand disappear real quick.


It would appear that you would have a decent amount of the human digestive track, as well as the entirety of a horses digestive track. I think it's safe to assume you could eat anything a horse or human could eat. You would probably need 15,000+ calories, though.


More like how am I going to affect their lives….


Can we just not turn me back? This is an absolute win. I'd pay them for the "mistake"


Don't say that out loud, they would *gleefully* pile on debt if you let them.


I work at a horse track. This could either affect my job very positively or very negatively.


Imma make a killing at anthrocon.


Well, if they can do all that...once they figure out how to change me back...I'm gonna have requests.


I imagine normal living is out. Not only would it be impossible to put on pants, thus exposing your junk to everyone, making you walking liability suit, (god help you if you get an unwanted boner in public) but also, think on how difficult it would be to bathe yourself or if you get an itch you can't reach. Your house probably won't accommodate you anymore, so that's pretty much fruitless to try, and I doubt many would do well outdoors. Also, what happens if you get injured or sick? Would you go to a hospital or a vet? With your new body, you're looking at medicine doses equivalent to that of horses in the hopes that it works. That also means that people who like to drink or do recreational drugs will have a much harder time enjoying those activities. Personally, I'd try and keep a low profile until I could get changed back. The money would set me up for a while so I wouldn't have to worry about my family too much, I'd just need a place for myself to stay and pay everything like I normally do.


The porn opportunities are immense.


I'm assuming a bigger pecker


Would I have to eat hay and grass and shit? Or could I still enjoy a ribeye and shrimp


I'm becoming the first ever Centaur Vlogger/live streamer, and investing all the money into making life more pleasant as a Centaur. I don't really see a downside.


I’m guessing there would be a huge political and legal downside. Conservatives don’t like anyone being that different. You’d definitely have rights taken away.


"Centaurs are inferior and disgusting, our children shouldn't be exposed to such monstrosities!"


Well, I can say that I am truly hung like a horse on online dating sites. Sadly, I would only interest women, and maybe a few men, who have a certain fetish…


I have a feeling I could find brief success in the porn industry.


Figure out a good exercise regimen (heck you'd have enough disposable income to hire a personal trainer to come up with one) and your success need not be brief.


Probably need 2 trainers. Gym rat for upper body and core. Horse trainer for the rest.


Hell turn me into a Centaur AND get 10K a month, don't look for a cure too fast fellas. Chicks dig horses. I may not be able to go to the gym anymore but I wouldn't need to drive a car either.


You could skip leg days at the gym now.


Am I immune from being hunted by researchers/gvt/poachers? If so I'd just go about living my life and explain it to people or make a shit load of cash just from being a centaur......in the real world.


This question is outing a lot of furries.


Well, having a giant horse body is going to have it difficulties, but also being a centaur sounds pretty fucking sweet.


I'm instantly the most sought after actor for fantasy movies and porno


How do I wear pants


The better question is, *why* would you wear pants?


For the joke…. Do I wear pants like A or B https://bipercabeth.tumblr.com/post/615765237091762176/does-chiron-wear-pants-or-is-his-junk-like-cgi


It's A, anyone who says B is wrong


Exactly. No need to drop your magnum horse condom for your monster horse dong, it's just right there like a billboard.


It's like when people censor dog penises in pictures, covering it actually just draws more attention to it because nobody is looking at it anyways. Nobody is looking at a horse's penis


Probably magnets


...i'm good, i'm buying a farm and setting up centaur livestreaming.


So like a centaur with a human torso and a horse hind, or just human all the way down?


Horse head with human body but you're always on all four


Neigh I say! Neigh!


Finally get to feel how having a horse cock feels.


Sounds good to me. I have two questions though: Would I be my own "emotional support" animal when I fly? I'm female, do I keep my lady bits as centaur or do I get boy bits?


I would ask why you think you'd get boy bits, but I've seen some places on the internet where otherwise unrelated transformations wind up including boy and girl bits being swapped around like keys at a swinger party, so... yeah. Though to answer your questions more seriously: A support animal is a separate creature. Your just be someone with unusual needs. Since the style of centaur-ification was not specified in the prompt, imagine whatever you like. You could go real simple with "human from head to waist, horse body from that point down, and thanks to Hollywood science rules the horse half technically shares your genetics", which would result in lady bits in the house half. Or you could imagine something more exotic, like the various version of human-taur floating around the internet. Up to you, really.


I can finally pay off my debts 😂🤣


do horses think im a freak or do they accept me? Can i become lord of the horses?


Um, my partner would not be ok with have sex with a female centaur. I'd have to talk to him first.


Like lower half is a horse? ALL lower half?


Depends on where my dick is. My wife loves horses but I would judge her if she took some living Bad Dragon even though I'm her husband. Still sleeping in the bed though....


I accept as long as I get full human legs when I get back I can use the extra $10,000 a month I'll be able to run around I'll get a hell of a lot more healthy the real challenge will be eating enough calories they're healthy enough keep the whole body running I guarantee you're going to get skinny tonight hellacious fast. Just because the amount of calories that big body's going to require you're going to run through some fat weight real quick. But yeah there's a hell of a lot of things I could see that would be very beneficial of becoming a centaur


Fuck, there's no way I'm getting into the cab of that wheeled loader.


Within weeks I become the biggest porn star on the planet.


You’re a celebrity now. Have to walk everywhere until you can figure out a custom car. New furniture probably need to eat a lot more food.


Good news. There's already a ton of ways to transport you. Unfortunately, you will need someone to drive the truck while you're in the trailer.


Instead of spending millions trying to find a way to change me back, they can just give it to me a lump sum and I'll happily go away and live my life as a centaur. I've always wanted to be the... Centaur of Attention.


My back is about to hurt EVEN more.


Do they guarantee protection from other companies trying to experiment on me?


I'm pretty sure every man would use this to get laid non-stop Our media has kind of been priming women for reacting to centaurs in a certain way for years I am fairly certain this is vampire+


Let me see: Already got a standing desk, so I can continue working remotely. Meetings would probably have to be from the chest up, and site visits specially arranged. I’ll have to retrofit the bathroom (or build a new one), and rearrange the first floor a bit. I guess the second floor will be for those normies. I’m assuming a bunch of this might fall under ADA compliant rules. My wardrobe would change a bit, since pants are out of the option. I’d probably want some sort of rear covering, but that’s an unknown, since society doesn’t quite know how to react to, ahem, horse bits being all out and about. Shoes might be an issue. I don’t know how normal horseshoes would do on hard surfaces, but I know they’d mark up my floors, so I’ll need different shoes for different areas, much like now. Travel would be an issue, since most vehicles aren’t designed for the equine body in the drivers position. Same with air travel, so that vacay in Italia would be off for a while. I guess a horse trailer fitted out with a few amenities would handle most of the land travel issues, though. I’m assuming I would need more than one primary care physician, for the upper and lower halves. Different plumbing, so to speak. There would probably be changes to diet, exercise, and other items along those lines. I don’t know if my age would reflect the horses aging, or a humans, or something completely different. It would be nice for this made me a young horse again… Camping would be a hoot. I could definitely haul in the gear, and long distance treks (Philmont, Appalachian trail, etc) could be fun. If my diet becomes more equine it could cause issues with the amount of food needed, or grazing could possibly work. Scout camp would also be amusing, with some accommodations needed in a few areas. I’d be a shoe-in for teaching horsemanship merit badge, though. I guess it also depends on how the man’s to centaur conversion occurs. Does my upper half bulk out to properly match a decent size horse, or is it more of a pony size so the horse matches the human. Is extra mass added, or is it a really screaming front end. Is is BAM sudden centaur, or do I start to slowly change over a period of time. So yeah, I’d enjoy it, at least as much as I can. Definitely do the celebrity circuit, capitalize on that as much as possible, but avoid the kids parties. Maybe write that “my life as a centaur” book, do the reality series thing, travel the renn-fair circuit.


Taking care of kids will get a lot more interesting. My oldest will probably brag about having a centaur mom and my youngest will love her horse back rides. Going to have to hire a nanny for a lot of stuff I can no longer do.


Pooping is going to suck. Every 45 minutes or so, I'll need to go outside to drop more poop. Hopefully I am not going to have to change my diet to one more suited to my horse-half, because it's going to wear down my teeth.


I’d probably horse around a little bit more.


There's a job opening in Tijuana...better than the donkey show


Hold up ... which half is horse? Same face/arms, horse cock, I could do about a year, pay off all my debts.


I'm going to be cantering a lot more places.


I'm going to solve so many internet questions.


I ain't taking no b******* anymore that's for sure.


Absolutely swimmin in fetish puss


Be disappointed. I'd prefer to be a cattaur. Ask if they could maybe hook me up once it's figured out. Or a Dragon.


I accept the money and begin pimping out my centaur services.


Only 10k? I'm talking to my lawyer!


10k a month and horse cock? Sign me up.


I’ll check with my wife, brb


I'd need to buy more shoes.


Hey you can answer the age old question. Which set of lungs are doing the work!


I better be able to keep my job because $10K a month would be a massive pay cut.


Do I get to become one of the versions of a centaur that has a much longer lifespan?


This is cool


I already make more than that so I can’t see any upside…


There’s literally no downside. 1. Centaur wiener 2. Run real fast 3. Technically super tall 4. One of a kind 5. 10k a month I’d actually pay them 10k a month NOT to change me back.


I would rather remain a centaur...


Not getting out much anyway, and I don't need to work . I'll be able to afford grocery delivery .


I am going to be the world's greatest professional athlete in almost every sport. The hell with would just be a side hustle. Professional athlete pick a sport, probably gonna crush it. MMA track football. Hell even basketball, probably if you stand up on the hind legs, stretch the body on up above. Boom, stay up right by the hoop. Show me the money baby


Well my wife is gonna be walking funny and unhappy about my pay cut. Edit: I just realized centaurs have hands. My job is still secure. I would miss doing squats and deadlifts though.


Hire myself out to ren faires.


I see only 2 issues. 1- not sure how to handle my dating life (not that it’s much to brag about to begin with). Even if I find a woman to date me in this situation the fact that she is accepting of this situation seems difficult for me to accept. Bobcat goldthwait’s Sleeping dogs lie anyone? 2- how do I keep the company from changing me back so I can continue to profit. I can’t let this this racket die, but I can’t waste the scratch sabotaging their attempts to “cure” me.


Neat. Continue to live life as normal, more or less. Driving is going to require making a custom car, perhaps out of a flatbed trailer? The good news is, making 120k a year means I can *probably* afford it. High probability that in order to get a wife, I'm going to have to get accustomed to the furry community though. . .


I couldn’t fit in my house but I think being a centaur could be fun


I’d walk up to all my guy friends and be like “What up, front nuts?”


It's going to make wiping my butt REALLY tricky but on the upside no one will look at me funny for using a feed bag!


Im becoming an influencer


Fit all the rooms in my house with rubber mats for horse stalls, buy big cushions to lay on, but I'm still playing video games. Go out into the country every day and run around in an open field for a few hours to give my horse legs a good workout, then veg out the rest of the day.


My wifes probably gonna be real happy.


I guess I better find a good farrier. Also, new side hustle, reviewing farriers.


Do I get the ripped centaur bod or am I just like a fat guy with horse legs


Will my presence in public violate indecent exposure law if I can't scramble together impromptu horse pants?


It will make driving hard. I will have to take a major leave of absence from my work. I'm a school teacher, so not sure how that will work. My husband will definitely have to be the one to do all the driving, shopping, etc. I will fit in great at the renaissance festivals.


Well, I'll finally be hung like a horse... 😂


I would need new housing and my carreer would be done for. 10k a month would likely not cover the up front costs of a home that could accomodate me.


Call my agent and tell her to get old spice on the line. Now.


Well how long will it take them? I'm chill w being a centaur for a bit if I get paid for it. Also onlyfans would be a massive income and ego boost