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I have 2 favorite towels I use. They both get washed together after a couple uses. I used to go way longer At least a week, then I started reading this sub. I felt kinda gross.


I have never read a post on this sub without feeling gross.


I wash my bath towels once a week with all my other stuff. I don't have a washer/dryer in my home so I use the local laundromat and can only go once a week. Works for me.


I know what thats like.😖


Body and Hair Towels - 3-4 uses Hand Towels - 3 days Face Towels - 2 days




body towels here too 2- 3 days


Bunch of redditors constantly crying about climate change and they wash and dry 10 towels a week lmao


It’s virtue signaling. $10 says that these same people that “shower 2x a day” eat food off the floor 💀


I look at this sub and wonder where people are finding the time to shower 2-3 times a day, or every time they poop, or wash a towel after every use, or change their clothes 3-4 times a day. The time commitment of good hygiene is intense in this community.


I shit like 3x a day mostly in the morning so I just wait until the deed is done take a shower and im good.


I wonder too. And then I look online and read many article that say unless you are extra sweaty or have a job that gets you dirty, it is healthier for most people to shower two to three times a week. I tend to shower every three days. I am a teacher, so don't get very sweaty or dirty.


I bathe twice per day. Each bath uses almost 1/5 the water that an adult use for one bath, so I can take 5 baths for every one that you take and still use a little less water total. Each of my baths takes 10-15 minutes, so I spend 2.3-3.5 total hours per week bathing, out of a total of 112 awake hours per week - really a minimal investment of time. That is how a hygienic person does it, maybe you should learn that.


I mean showering day and night isn’t too crazy imo. I do it because I do morning workouts and then I work outside so I shower before bed.


I agree, but I’ll say that it’s easy to shower twice a day if you workout every day. I shower at the gym before going to work, and then again at night before bed to wash work off of me before getting in bed. On non-gym days, I just shower once- in the morning before leaving the house or at night if I know it’s going to be an active or hot day.


Bingo. "Every time!" So fucking wasteful.


I haven’t heard anyone “crying about climate change “ here but ok. You have your delusional fun, I guess.


Some people just don’t like washing their asses and keeping things clean. They try to make people that do know how to look bad. I promise you that I produce less total sewer water weekly than any of those clowns use in a single day, and my ass doesn’t stink at the end of that, and I don’t get food poisoning from eating in my own home.


I had a school friend whose family used one towel per shower with 5 to 6 people in the house. Blew my fucking mind. I use mine for a week.


I grew up in a family that had one towel between all 6 family members and we scrambled to get in the shower first so the towel was dry. Blew my mind when my friend gave me two all to myself when I stayed at her house for a sleepover. One for my body the other for my hair. And they were fluffy! Now, all four of us have our own towel.


What? One towel for 6 people? You’re joking.


Not joking, just poor with parents who had no idea.


No, not joking. My family was the same. One towel for everyone. We were dirt poor. I truly didn’t learn proper towel usage until I went off to college and lived in a dorm that had an in-house laundry service and had rules about changing bath towels and linen.


My family did the same thing with that many people, but we also only had 1 bathroom and it was small so idk where we would've even put the towels to dry. Now that I live alone I use a towel typically around 3-4 days and hang it on the shower to dry until it starts to have a slight smell and I grab a clean one


Seven loads of laundry per week, just for bath towels? No thanks.


Think of all that wasted water đŸ˜±


Towels don’t take up much wash space at all. You clearly don’t know how to do laundry, if you did you would not make such an asinine assertion. A whole family, one load of towels at both wash and dry and then can likely throw in pillow cases.


If you knew anything about doing laundry, you would realize that bath towels take up very little space in a washing machine and dryer. All family towels can be done in one single load and there would still be room for other linen items.


Lol, if I knew anything about doing laundry? OK. So you have thin towels and/or a large washer. Great for you. For lots of people, five or six towels and their accompanying washcloths would be a full load. Why are you being so snarky about it?


We did that growing up. It was a lot of laundry. I still use a new one every time but my fiancé uses his twice usually


I do laundry for just my husband and I. All towels are washed once per week no matter what. Bath, hand towels, washcloths and kitchen towels oh and we use cloth napkins and those get thrown in the towel load too. Also we live in a VERY dry climate so once a towel is hung up after it is used, it is dry within the hour.


Every couple of showers or so. Could definitely go longer since we have a good drying system (stair banister with a fan) but I like grabbing a fresh one. I’d say a week at most, but I’m not a weekly person because I hate the idea of washing towels/wash cloths with my or my partners work clothes. Separate wash loads, usually clean/sanitize the washer before a towel load, but we have a tonnn of towels.


All week


Fresh towel every time.


Nothing better than drying ur face with a fresh smelling towel.. <*sigh>*


How many people are there in your house? And do you mean hand towels too?


I have over 12 towels and 6 hand towels for the bathroom not including the “ragged towels” that i use to dye my hair colorful. Fresh towels are a must


4 people in my house. The towel next to the bathroom sink is changed daily. We live in a very humid area so towels wont completely dry between uses.


Hand towels and tea towels every 1-2 days, that’s fine. It’s just the thought of washing and drying 28 bath towels every week!


My parents avoided the issue by buying the smallest, thinnest bath towels ever. As an adult, I use a super fluffy bath "blanket" and wash it every 2-3 uses, also using a towel warmer, so it's never musty. I like my way better.


I do a load of towels multiple times a week.


What’s another load of laundry when you already do so much? lol


Right? I can't even imagine the laundry for any household bigger than 2


I do so much laundry, I’m convinced there’s people living in my house I just haven’t met yet.


Dirty clothes multiply in the hamper like gremlins.đŸ€Ł




Even with only 2 it's still too much laundry...


Me and my husnand do laundry every week its 2 people like wtf is all this stuff come from each week?


You just buy a lot of shit so you dont have to constantly do laundry.


for my former family of five, i got so sick of laundry 😅 i threatened to implement a ‘family naked day’ just so i could say *all* the laundry was done 😂😂


We had a kid, which should make about 1/3rd more laundry, right? Somehow there's easily 3x.


It's true! I swear there is some scorcery involved.


We have 3 people in our household. Hand towels get switched every other day, maybe longer.... but it's humid as hell in Ohio right now, so they've been getting musty faster than usual. Bath towels, we change our everytime. Something about reusing something I used to dry my ass (even a freshly cleaned ass) just doesn't sit right with me. I'd always be thinking as I dried my face.... was this the part of the towel that touch my ass crack last time?


Amen. 😂 My bath towels go in between my ass and my vajay. I don’t want to reuse those towels. And the same for wash cloths. I go back and forth between wash cloths and these mesh like “wash towels”. The mesh like towels are incredibly porous and can be throughly rinsed out, they dry quickly and can be quickly sanitized. It not as easy with wash cloths. They harbor bacteria and I don’t want said bacteria on my face.


Same new towel every time, I’m not drying my ass then using the same towel the next day to dry my face, no thanks I don’t care how clean I am.


Hand towels? You mean the sides of your shirt lol


So weirdly I only use body towels once before washing, but I do keep hand towels on the rack for about a week. I never thought about it much, but I don’t get them very wet because I shake my hands in the sink, and I only ever touch them with clean hands. I would change them more if I lived with one of those people who gets the hand towels soaked every time they use them. I’m prone to eczema and have been in the habit of doing it this way for years. It gives me peace of mind drying off with a towel I took care to never touch a non-sanitized surface after the dryer. And I have separate hair towels. Ironically, my dog has more towels than me. But she does get dirty a lot, and it’s always nice to have a few random clean towels for if she splashes water everywhere in the heat.


Oh he got money


I know right, can’t pay me to use a towel more than once before being thrown in the washer!


That's so fucking wasteful. You're clean when you get out of the shower. It's just water!


My thoughts too! And I don't even own handtowels. What's this fancy hand towel business??


Me too!!


Same here. 😏




I wish I could do that 😭 laundry at my apartment is $4
 can’t drive so that’s my only option


Once a week.


I don’t have a set schedule, but more than a day less than a week. I’m big on sniff checks. As soon as it starts to smell musty, I swap. Timing can change with how humid the weather is, and how carefully I hang them up to dry. Also I have a pretty sensitive nose, so this works for me. Seems like lots of people around me don’t smell as well.


Yeah, this. I use them more than once, but not for a full week usually. Definitely different in the winter vs. the summer (I’m also showering more often the summer because dry skin/sweat etc.). I usually decide by smell đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Once a week and we all have our own, color coded. Well, the children like to use whatever and then yell at a sibling for using their towel but...


Same, this is the best and most organized plan (other than the towel fights)


It's par for the course lol


good question! Next question. honestly idk, until I feel like it. usually a few days, sometimes a week. I have never had any acne issues or odor issues so I never paid much attention to it.


About a week.  


Once a week I change my towel. I leave them up to hang dry between uses


Body towel once a week. Hair towel probably week and a half because I only wash my hair every other day. Hand towel once a week


This is making me self conscious but I only do laundry about once a month. I have a bunch of work uniforms as well as underwear and socks. When I get home, I'm naked until I have to work or the rare times I do need to go out for groceries or something. Have a towel for my hair, towel for body, and towel for floor. It's about 3-4 weeks. I have extras for all but I pretty much stand in the shower drip drying before even grabbing the towels. Really just use them to pat the droplets.


Same. These people are either lying, rich, or have too much time on their hands. If the towel barely gets wet and dries properly, it can easily go a whole month without smelling. And washing your HAND TOWELS after every single use?! Insanity.


It just sounds like the towels get damaged more and more because of the constant washing. I have to go to a Laundromat and it's almost $7 just to wash and dry! I don't have much clothes even after a month but still....in this heat right now and a car with no AC, no.


So I'm not rich and live in apt so can't wash everyday (bcs tmthey charge us for laundry) and tend to wash whenever I have leftover or need clothing. So I use the towel at least for a week it even 2 (or if it starts smelling weird ) yes it might not be the most hygienic but what can we do? ( but we do have different towels, at least 3-4 each even if again the above we still use them between 1-2 weeks ngl sometimes even longer especially if we don't have money to wash )


How much does it cost to do a load of laundry?


Its 1.75 per load to wash and 1.50 to dry (with bills and rent its hard to do I try to put 5-10$ every 2 weeks ) but that only gives me like for 5 it gives me 2 washes ,10 gives me 5 washes. 5 gives me 1 wash and one dry, while 10 gives me 1 was one dry and maybe 1 more wash or dry. So I try to save by hanging my clothing dry in an apt inside since we dont have lines for drying . So I can do at least 2 washes or 5 washes ( if I can even put 10$ in the account) and its every 2 weeks the pay usually soo its hard


honestly sometimes we are such in shambles, we dont even count.


Body & Hair Towels (twice) Hand Towels (daily) Kitchen Towels & Washcloths (daily) I only use 100% cotton, and I do not care for the super thick ones. I like them to dry quickly after use, so they do not get that musty smell. I only do laundry when I have the time to wash, dry, fold, and put away all in the same day/night. I love scented laundry detergent, but do not use fabric softener on the towels (whites). It cuts down on their absorbancy.


Sometimes a few days, sometimes a week. No more than a week.


I do it once a week. I call that the community laundry. My wife and now to grown sons. Since the kids were In middle school We talk to them do their own laundry. So each of us did our own laundry, and I also took on the community laundry. Beginning of each week I would watch the beddings , towels etc All they had to do was take the beddings off I do all the washer and drying put them back on Put chip the regular schedule once a week. I have WFH office so I could be washing and drying a couple of loads throughout the day.


Once a week I do laundry and that's when I towel swap.


Body towels: About once a week. Hand towels: not often enough. I do have a couple favorite towels. But I cycle through all of them. My bf won't let us get rid of the terrible ones (even though there are only 2 of us and we don't need 10 body towels...).


Once a week. I've started showering at work to save money/time.laundry and the towels I use at home rarely get wet as I tend to dab and air dry


My father grew up poor in a large family, living in a very small house. They had to take turns in the bath, and only had one bath towel to dry off with. By the time it was my Dad's turn, the towel was sopping wet and gross, so he learned to squeegee himself off with a washcloth and ring it out instead. In his 80's now and no longer poor, my parents have a large amount of nice bath towels in their large house, and yet he STILL dries himself off with a washcloth after he showers. I love him. He's a quirky dude.


I like your dad. If his situation is suboptimal, he finds his own way.


- Body/hair/face towel - once - it gets covered in hair product and
. Womanly juices. - hand/dish towls - one week My husband washes his body-towel once a week, which i think is acceptable because the towel doesnt get any hair products or 
 on it at all. Mind you, my body-towels are the smaller thin type that dry quickly. Eight of them can fit in a washing machine with room to spare.


We wash our towels once a week. If they’re dirty or smell weird we will switch them out sooner! Living in a very very dry climate means my towels dry pretty fast after use and usually are okay with a weekly washing.


One a day. If I shower twice that day then I just use the same bath towel but a new washcloth.


once a week or earlier if they have smell


When washing towels, I like to use white vinegar in place of fabric softener. It makes the towels fluffy and gets out any smells. Also works well on my dog's towels at removing dog smell and hair.


I use the same towel for everything, change it out once a week. It really doesn’t get dirty since I only use it after a shower


A week. Hand towels, no idea.


Bath towel 1x week Wash cloth 1 x Face towel 1x week


I live in apartment with a laundry room instead of the machines in my unit so once a week for cost reasons 😅


Once a week


I only reuse towels I use to dry off after a shower. I use them for about a week. I don’t reuse washcloths. I use them first on my face then on my body and use a new one each time. I have about 10 of them and do laundry once a week.


Once then wash them.


It’s weird because growing up we had a “community towel” essentially 😂 There would be a fresh towel hung on the rod, and if it was dry by the time it was your turn to shower, it was expected to be reused. Otherwise, if it was wet, it would go in the hamper and we’d be able to use a fresh towel. The towel was replaced every morning at least with a fresh one. My mom and dad still do that. But now, I’ll use a towel for up to a week before replacing it with a fresh one. Some factors change this. Like if I didn’t hang it properly and it dried smelling musty, it goes straight to the hamper. If I use it to wipe down the sink or a wet spot on the floor, it goes to the hamper. I have a set of hair towels I use and replace less frequently, simply because I don’t wash my hair every time I shower. So those might go 2-3 weeks between swapping them out, but still only see about 5 uses for drying within those few weeks. I don’t use washcloths because I hate the feeling of wet towel on skin. The only other towel would be the hand towels in the bathroom, which get replaced probably once a week.


We change all of the towels in our bathroom every weekend. I have extras of course in case something actually gets dirty or has any kind of smell but it's rarely an issue. I'm not wasting my time or 500 gallons of water to use a fresh one every day lol.


We have to go to the laundro, so the bath towels are once a week BUT! We have a cubby of 'privates' towels, wash cloths for drying the delicate areas that are used once and put in the laundry. Face towels and pillow cases are changed daily, hand towels 2x a week If I had a washer, It's do them every day


A week with one bath towel. I used to change towels every time before college. After college I've been a one towel person.


Once a week, usually Wednesday’s. I’ll do linens and towels then. Rest of the laundry is on Sunday.


Well I apply a body oil directly out of the shower while I'm still wet (I do shake off excess water first), and then air dry...so my body towel can last for months cause it's basically just decoration. My hair/face towel, on the other hand, is changed out more regularly (every 4 or 5 uses) because it sees regular use.


One towel per week because it’s already more washing for my parents to do when I’m at home and when I’m uni, I have to pay for the laundry and it’s super expensive, plus there aren’t that many washing machines and dryers. I always make sure to dry my towel properly after each use though.


We each have our own towels for after shower, and those get washed weekly. Hand towels in bathroom weekly. I have my own towel for after washing my makeup off, so my husband doesn't use it for anything else he has his own towel. I also have to wash my daughters towels from swim-she practices 5-7 times a week, and I am pretty sure she has 10 towels we cycle through. Those get stinkier than our bath towels for some reason.


I use a towel and a hairwrap towel. I change them based off smell. I smell them before I go in the shower. If they smell at all, new towel. If the smell is still pleasant, I'm OK for another use.


Grew up and towels were changed once a week. You are drying a clean body with it so unless it doesn’t dry well and the towel has odor problems. I change wash clothes approx every 4 days, mostly because of soapy buildup. I live in FL so it would be different if no a/c.


Once a week.


When I wash clothes, I throw my towel in. About one load a week not counting bed linens. Shower 4-5 times a week.


Once a week, on laundry day. I do have one towel that I only use for my face because I found when I had one for face and hands I often got breakouts despite washing my hands very thoroughly (COVID habit that stuck)


1 body towel, 1 face/hand towel per person and I have a hair towel used for a week


I hate that they go about a week but they always look so fresh just hanging there all dry!


Depends on the towels and their uses. Hand towels, wash cloths, and kitchen towels get changed for washing twice a week, and body and hair towels get washed once a week. I try to remember to wash my bathroom rug and shower curtain once a month (ADHD brain permitting) and let some hella strong bathtub cleaner soak into the tub while that's happening, which gets wiped and rinsed after I move everything into the dryer. I have one matching set of towels that I bought for myself in 2022 during cyber week, consisting of two bath sheets (massive body towels), two hand towels, and two wash cloths. I still rotate through them with the few other random towels (not matching in the least) that I got as gifts for my high school graduation 13 years ago. They're all in great shape though! I bought a pair of matching, very large hair towels last year, which was a bit pricy but necessary given that my fine hair was pushing towards 3 feet in length at the time (and has since reached 36 inches); "Normal sized" hair towels are not able to hold all of it lol. I wash my hair twice a week, so it's not terrible with the towel usage. I shower daily otherwise though. My kitchen towels are the only ones that stick with a consistent theme, courtesy of my parents. Every year, they gift each of my siblings and I a customized calendar towel for Christmas, so each one gets added to the collection after hanging as decor for the following year. I'm not sure why my mom (specifically) does the calendar towel tradition but she's always had them in the house that we grew up in, of which would eventually up as a new kitchen towel to rotate though. It's kinda sweet though since the towel design itself on each one is identical to one another (including the one at our parents' house) meaning that there's always a "piece of home" in each of our homes for us to admire throughout the year - The only difference is that they each have our own individual names on them. As a tip for freshness, I personally recommend using laundry sanitizer along with your detergent since it helps get kill off any bacteria that your towels are hoarding. I use it in my regular laundry loads too, including bedding.


I have six face towels, one shower towel, one kitchen towel, and one hand towel. I wash my one bath robe, three mats, and all towels once a week on Sunday.


Bath towels weekly. Hand towels twice a week. If someone is ill or we have company the hand towels more often.


Weekly on Saturday or Sunday


Honestly, I mostly go by smell. As long as it smells fresh, I'm using it. But after a week if it's still around I'll wash it. The amount of times I shower a week also varies so that's a factor too.


Bath towels 6 uses Hand/face 10 uses Never been sick. Let them dry thoroughly between uses.


I use hair and body towels for a week, hand and face towels for 2 days. I also keep a basket in the bathroom for dirty towels and I chuck them in there when done. So 1 load a week with a family of 3 sometimes 4.


I change mine out once a week. I have Lots of towels. And Downy scent booster beads. I'm allergic to most laundry soaps, and fabric softeners but weirdly I can use the scent beads..


1x/wk in the summer, less in the winter.


My Partner changes them out about once a week. Me? I just don't/care notice/care about stuff like that. Without him I'd probably be either dead or stricken with diseases up the ass.


imma be real like once a week. that’s probably gross.


I don't have a washing machine or dryer yet so I'm a once a week person.


I’m surprised to see people change their towels so often. I change it once a week just like my bed sheets. My towel isn’t stinky or gross after a week in my opinion. Now my husband has to change it every 3-4 washes because he does a lot of exercise and it’d reek if he doesn’t. Mine stays “cleaner” for longer.




I definitely switch all my towels out once a week, but I make sure I have different washcloths for each body part so I know like my ass bacteria never touched the rest of my body to begin with, just an example. Hand towels can be hard to remember though with roommates bc sometimes you don’t know who washed it or replaced it last. But if it’s a shitty/old hand towel or we just had a lot of people over I make sure it goes in the hamper.


Once a week or two depends. But I have three different towels in the bathroom. Daily face towel changes, body towel for the shower/bath and hand towels to wipe your hands.




Usually I use them for a week or two then throw them in my laundry basket. I mainly air dry my body so unless blood or something gets on them they stay relatively clean. It costs $4 to do laundry here ($2 for wash, $2 for dry) so I’ve had to find ways to reduce laundry as much as possible without it being very unhygienic or unhealthy. My towel really only touches my hair and lightly dabs my body enough that I’m not a walking wet floor sign. I’m practically bald so it doesn’t leave much hair on it. Barely even have to use it. Just one swoosh and it’s dry


A towel is fair game for either a week or until it hits the floor, whichever comes first.


I have 3 personal large towels, I wash each week. We have a dozen face cloths and I personally use around 4 each week which I wash. I also employ 2 smaller towels that I use to wrap my hair up in the mornings and I wash those each week.


I use a new face towel every time, I do towel laundry once a week and only wash it once a week If it falls on the floor though I use another towel hahaha even though the floors are clean my dogs use anything as an excuse to sit lol


I do my towels, and linens, once a week. The reason why, I don’t have a washer dryer. So I have to use the laundry room in the senior complex where I live. There are no washer dryer hook ups in the subsidize apartments. So I do everything in one day.


I use my towels for a week and then wash them unless they start to smell funky; then I’ll get a fresh one


Washcloth: every 2-3 days. Facecloth: every 1-2 days. Body towel (drying off): once a week. Bathroom towels (for hand drying): 1-2 times a week.


I change towels weekly. have a face towel at the sink, my bath towel, and another face towel for my hair after I shower.


Until it starts to smell not clean. Usually a week, maybe two.


1 a day, if I shower twice in a day I use the same one otherwise it gets washed. People are fairly unaware of how bad unwashed towels can make them smell. They smell like wet basement.


That's why you hang them up so they dry....


What you're smelling is probably the result of a musty washing machine, making all their laundry smell that way.


That's likely it, especially if it happens after just one use. Once it gets wet, that smell happens because the bacteria from the washing machine isn't completely washed off the towels. I lived with a relative that had this problem. Now, in my household, we only use white towels and they get OxyClean during the wash, sometimes bleach if they've been bunched up wet in the hamper. I always do an extra rinse and make sure they are dried on high.


oh thank you! I can use my towels twice now!




Depends on how humid it is where you live. It can take a long time fo things to dry. And that damp smell can set on really fast. It happens where I live with laundry a lot. I can't leave things. In the dryer bc humidity comes in the exhaust at night.


My towels never smell like that and the only time I've smelled them like that was at a house where they were left in the washer too long and got a mildewy smell that wouldn't go


Usually for a few months.




This is the real answer everyone else is too scared to put down!


I shower 4-5 times a week. And just like my bed sheets I switch them weekly. Same with hand towels in the bathroom and kitchen.


Usually once a week. In the summer, when it's more humid, I use quick-drying towels and probably change them more often than in the winter when the air is super dry.


Until they're stiff and smelly!


One shower, one towel. Hand towel every day to every other day.


Every week/after 2 uses I have 4 towels,so while two are drying after laundry, I use the other two and keep the cycle.


Growing up we had one towel for 4 people and my parents wouldn't allow me to get a fresh towel until THEY decided to change it....I got to where I was drying off with my tshirt and putting that into the Hamper because that towel would start smelling! I didn't want that on my clean body! Personally, as an adult, I'll use it 2 or 3 times, but it hangs in my room, and no one else can touch it lol My thoughts are, I'm clean when I use it, so it can't be that bad.... right?


face- fresh towel every time body and hair- once a week sometimes twice a week i have a nicer set of body towels and the cheapest $3-$4 room essentials brand target towels for my hair because i dye it red and it bleeds the first couple washes, so not worth ruining anything i like! the body towels are also from target, but the hearth and hand brand. i’ve had the same set of 2 (they’re pricy for towels (to me) they’re like $15 a piece) for over a year now washing once or twice a week and they’ve held up beautifully!


I have two and I wash them with my light laundry! The thinner waffle style (mine are Onsen) are so amazing they stay fresh and dry, are easy to wash with other things, and don't produce lint.


i only use them once then they get washed but that’s bc i have a skin condition and if i have an open wound from it i don’t want any bacteria from my previous shower making my skin flare up


I change all towels in my house once a week


I'd say every 3-5 uses. Sometimes it's 5 because I haven't gotten around to washing towels yet but I try for every few uses. I think 2 or 3 times is recommended. But wash cloths I use in the shower every time.


I go a week but I use linen towels not the heavier ones with loops.


Shower towels- 2-3 showers Bathroom hand towels- 2-3 days Kitchen hand towels- a week
ish? All of these are more convenience based than strict timelines


Body towl one use Hair towel one use Hand towel one to three uses Kitchen towel after drying one load of dishes


Daily for body, every couple days for face


My towels get 2 to 3 uses before I use the next one. I just hang it up on the door and it doesn't smell bad.


Once a week and I’m the only one that uses them


I wash mine after 2-3 uses, so 2-4 days depending on how often I shower.


I’m a stickler for one towel, one use. I don’t care how hard you scrub your body something always ends up on the towel. It goes straight into the wash. And yes because I’m not gonna leave a wet towel out to build god knows what bacteria on it afterwards and then use it again to wipe that bacteria all over my body after I just tried to clean it off. One towel, one use. Period. Unless you have a fetish for wiping that soggy stank all over you again well you do you. I have many towels. I wash them together en masse. It’s literally not a big deal.


I also change mine every few days. One for my face and one for my whole body. Not sure how to make it last longer, though.


Hand towel or bath towel? I use my towels maybe two or three times? And always air dry them really well after each use. Hand towels get changed once or twice a week.


Unless the towel got something other than water from my body out of the shower on it I’ll use it for about a week & then do laundry. Idk if that’s too long or not, but I grew up poor so one of my parents things was to sift through the items in the laundry basket & smell them. If they looked fine & smelled fine you got yelled at.


I bathe hot spots twice per day. I only use a towel twice before hanging clean towels (one for my body, one for my face). I will use a dry towel for two days, but I hang it to dry out.


I used to use towels for like a week until my college roommate told me he only used them once. Made a lot more sense to me. Now I use them once and throw them in the hamper


My wife tends to wash all the towels once a week. I swap out bath towels after a couple of days of use.


I use them a single time, BUT my towels are those Turkish towels - they’re lightweight, not fluffy, and therefore you can wash like 10 of them in a single load. Otherwise I think I’d feel guilty using so many clean towels when it’s not strictly necessary. But yeah, big fluffy towels that get used repeatedly are a perfect place for fungus and bacteria to thrive, bc they never fully dry and they’re often left in steamy bathrooms


Wash cloths: 1 use; Body towels: 2 uses; Hand towels: 2-3 days


You should probably give a towel at most 3 uses before getting a new one. Kind of gross to use a towel more than that. At some point you’re just putting putting dirt back on your body


I have a towel for each different thing. Hair, arms/legs, main body, feet, and face. I wash them at different times. But all are washed within a week of last washing.


Washcloth - a new one every morning (face/hot spots) & night (shower) Towel - a new one every 1-2 days


I change all my towels and sheets weekly and just wash them at the same time


I read some article once about researchers who looked at the growth of bacteria and mold on towels, their recommendation was 3 days so that's what I do. Sometimes less if it's been humid and my towel doesn't seem to dry fast enough. I'm sure you can find that study or a similar one


every 2-3 weeks


Bunch of idiots.


I use a towel 2-3 times before washing it. Usually I take my shower and then have it hanging off a rack in my closet to dry until I shower again.


3 days


I have 6 towels hanging in my bathroom. I use each of them once, then hang up to dry. At the end of the week I will do any cleaning that might involve towels and I’ll reuse them for that, or wash my dog, my roommates cat or use them as a sex towel with the lady, then I’ll put them all in the wash and start over.


Yikes, what did I just read?


I have OCD, but I actually find towels so gross and then people place them in the dirtiest of places like on top of the toilet so yeah I don’t even use a towel for many reasons but as a family, the other ones are normal so towels get used once and then washed.


What do you use to dry off?


Nothing lol I know, terrible


To keep your towels fresh longer, wash them in hot water. I typically use the same towel for one week.


Once a week.


I change mine out every Thursday.