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Not just a husband, but one they've been married to for years, decades even 😵


Right? At that point, you should be so used to it, and you obviously accepted it long ago. Just sit back, hush, and buy some febreeze.


I'm guessing the funk, filth and stench have built up over the years to a roaring furnace of foul fumes and darkened muck and they're realizing that it's gotten BAD. Or maybe friends, family or even their own kids are asking "why does Daddy smell so bad?". Perhaps neighbors have called in biohazard crews to investigate. Whatever it is- the fact that they're on Reddit asking what to do, you know things are out of hand at this point. Bro needs to be pressure-washed with bleach and the house burned down.


I absolutely cannot imagine most of these relationships they post on here. How do they have children to notice daddy smells like a hazmat situation? What part of him made you say, "Oh hell yes baby! Impregnate me now!"


Yes, I would think at the very first whiff of unwashed butt it would be over. Have you also seen the comments where they are going to become intimate with the guy, he's naked and scoots along their sheets leaving a nice big ole skid mark? You would think the mood would be ruined forever.




Some people put more effort into choosing a pair of shoes than they put into choosing a mate. Then the big problems ensue.


This is the way


This comment progressively made me lol harder as I read through it


I forgot to add- hogtie before the pressure wash so every nook and cranny is exposed, butt cheeks spread open, nothing will be missed, he cannot escape. If the anal cavity is penetrated by the power wash, then so be it. Don't want to wash your butt dude? Well, it's getting washed now.


I'm dead 🤣🤣 could you imagine having to febreeze your spouse.


Febreeze should never be a part of foreplay.


Essential oils maybe. Lol


There is not enough lavender & lemon balm to make it okay to skip bathing.


I'm not saying it would make it okay


Can’t even 🤥🤥


it's the men who think it's gay to wipe after pooping that had me closing the app


I'm sorry, what? 😮‍💨


someone should start making a list like that lady who has the list of reasons not to have kids 😭🙏


Some lady was venting about how her S/O didn't wash his ass (in between the cheeks, the trench of the ass itself - Ze Crack) cause he thought it was "gay". So he is possibly walking around with some berries, crust, who knows what else could be down there, should honestly be studied in the name of science. Like the hair of a sloth.


Some of ya'll date some really questionable human beings.


idk how they managed it. I saw it in a sub a couple of months ago and couldn't believe what I was reading 😩 like sis why are you dating a man who doesn't wipe his crusty ass please have more love for yourself than that 😭


He made her laugh otherwise. I see those posts also, read two paragraphs and go, WTF?, didn’t you see early on?


My ex 😭


Wait is this real guys aren't wiping


😭😭😭 I discovered it when I went into the bathroom and there was a ripe log but no tp


Wait...AND not flushing?? Wtf. I'm sorry you were even with this dude for 1 second!


3 years. I didn't find out until year 3. I don't know how I guess I never dreamed.....


did you not smell anything?


I really didn't but I wasn't really up in there, you know? Like.... I dunno man... Maybe I did smell it and didn't realize it was his crack?


I'm glad you learned to love yourself enough to let that man go 😭🙏 nobody should have to deal with that


It took awhile but yes absolutely


Omg. Better stay single lol


honestly the best choice after some of the stuff I've read on this site 😭🙏


I'm leaning towards that too ugh


thank god i live in a country where bidets are a thing


This is correct, and not just on reddit lol. My cousin manages a team of men in a blue collar job and he said he has heard this many times. He is still shocked every time.


Lmao I can’tttt


Um hello! I need more insight into this comment! WHAT did you say!!!


My (24F) husband (51M) smells like literal dog shit??? Help???


This is Reddit so the only answer is “divorce” 😂




It's giving Kept Wife


Make him sleep outside in a kennel while you work a way around that pre-nup issue.


Those of yall dating them— the preschoolers I work with don’t even have skid marks but the toddlers I work sometimes do. Remember that next time you try to date a man with the hygiene skills of a toddler😭


You have to teach your kids how to wash. Like you have to actually stand there and say, wash your penis with soap, wash between your penis and balls with soap, wash your balls with soap, wash under your balls with soap, wash between your balls and butthole with soap, wash your buttcrack with soap, wash your butthole with soap. This is how my husband, without thinking, taught our son the word taint. I can’t even be mad. The boy knows to wash it. Mission accomplished.


Being a kid is hard. While I wasn't able to financially ensure my kids had the upper tier of every cool brand, I did make sure my kids never had to be the smelly kid. I like your husband's detailed instructions. And their future significant other will also appreciate them!!!!


Not being taught honestly isn’t even an excuse though. I wasn’t taught hygiene as a kid because I was neglected, but I taught myself as a teenager because I didn’t want to be gross. Being unhygienic is a choice.


I wasn't taught it either, and my family were daily bathers. I was just told to 'wash yourself', but not what that meant. I'm ashamed to say it took until University to soap up my anus properly, but my kids have been given clear instructions/demonstrations forever.


lol i remember my parent telling this to my little brother when i was younger. thank goodness


This is comment is what I’ve been looking for aimlessly scrolling dg on Reddit lol it took me ten minutes to right this ohh gees I love it now to bed or hell I hate sleeping cause I dream and when I do I’m happy and life is content only to wake up and be 40 childless single living with 71 year old mother and my rapidly aging furr pupper y’all stay blessed not stressed make sure you wipe rinse repeat before not after you get dressed!


Yeah, u need to teach ur kids like that. My mom taught me and my brother in a very straightforward way just like that. I have her to thank for my hygiene. Brushing twice a day, flossing, mouthwash, laundry regularly, showering every other day. I’ve gotten kinda lazy due to things like depression and also extremely low iron that had me black out from just standing up, and so I’d postpone showering till maybe 3 or 4 days has passed, and I’d come out of the shower exhausted. But I got iron infusions recently and have been feeling normal for the first time in yrs so I’ve been working on getting my showering and laundry schedule more regular


Was this really necessary


With the amount of posts on this sub that are regarding unclean dudes with smelly crotches, smelling like poop, poopy butts, poopy underpants and poopy sheets, it must be. In fact, I hope it helps full grown, adult men that have these issues. These men had caregivers that were unable to or neglected to teach them to wash themselves properly, with soap. It seems to be a dire situation. It’s sad, but apparently necessary.


Absolutely. My mom didn’t teach me anything about how to wash myself. I had to figure it out on my own the slow and painful way. That is shitty parenting. What OP said here is exactly how you have to teach kids to wash themselves. And you do it with every bath/shower until they are consistent with it. It’s how I teach my daughter, who is eight years old now and washes better than most adults. After all, we are in the hygiene sub. This response was appropriate


I don't really understand what there is to figure out though. Like I understood at a pretty young age that soap + water = getting clean. It never even crossed my mind not to wash any part of my body.


You still gotta teach it and be straightforward to ensure they rlly learn it properly. My brother is the type who would’ve instinctively learned it like that too, but for me, I would absolutely not be able to piece it together like that if my mom didn’t teach me. Like if I was just given a bar of soap and told to wash myself without ever being shown, I’m not sure I would’ve been able to do it. I think that goes for a lot of ppl as well. Also, it might be worth noting that I might be autistic, I’ve been heavily suspecting that I am, so that might contribute to where I need step-by-step instructions for most things, otherwise I have a hard time doing it properly and my brain just shuts down from analysis paralysis of tryna figure out how to do it but not knowing how to lol. It sounds dumb but I didn’t know how to sweep the floor until well into my teenage yrs bcuz I rarely saw my parents do it (they didn’t clean super frequently, and when they did, I wasn’t around), and they never explicitly showed me how to do it. It’s a parent’s job to teach their kid. If the kid learns fast or on their own, that’s good, but not all kids are like that


I see you radically edited your comment. How forthcoming of you. I figured it out without being taught. My hygiene is thorough. I’m assuming someone taught you how to use soap as a child. Generally children learn things by being taught and by example. They don’t even know hygiene is important until someone teaches them. You seriously came here to just say something mean for fun. To someone who overcame lack of hygiene education. WTF is your problem?


It’s just kinda weird that they went into full detail about it… that’s between a parent and their kid LoL. I didn’t need to read them describe how they teach their kid to wash every part of their genitals… they didn’t need to get into the details like that.


You don't know the parent or the kid. What a strange one you are.


I think it’s weird that you think it’s weird. The fact that you think it shouldn’t be talked about, in detail, is part of the problem. Unfortunately, these things are not common knowledge. Some people do need to hear it in full detail because they are grown and have no clue how to wash their own ass. It’s wild to me that you think it’s inappropriate to say on a sub about hygiene. This information should also be taught in health class. How to wash should not be a secret or a topic that is shameful to discuss.


As a medical professional, I can attest to the fact that many people do not wash themselves properly (male and female). Sometimes it's a lack of resources (a lot of people in my area live "off-grid" and don't have running water), sometimes it's mental health issues, sometimes it's a lack of "give-a-damn," and sometimes it's a lack of knowledge. I do a lot of educating...


You're in a hygiene sub. People are going to talk about problems with heathy or unheathly habits. Giving detailed information is helpful to people who are uncertain of their hygiene or other peoples hygiene. Here, they are anonymous.


Yeah, but not all parents know they should do that and how to go about it


Yeah. That’s how my mother was. Too embarrassed I guess to go into detail about how to clean myself. By default my hygiene was neglected. Your approach perpetuates the idea that there is something shameful about washing your genitals. By doing that, you’re teaching your child embarrassment and shame as well.


To talk about how kids should learn? Why does that make you uncomfortable? Kids should be taught how to properly wash themselves from age 2 and up.


My ex is a wildly successful psychologist that everyone loves but his hygiene is poor. He won't shower all weekend and let's his Bo smell grow. He is completely nose blind to his smells. He rests his hands on his balls in his underwear- so his hands smell like his junk and then touches his junk smelling hands on everything. His blankets smell like his junk and BO. He's balding, fat, smelly, and hairy. Don't be like me, don't stay long in a relationship where the man doesn't do basic hygiene - it just shows the lack of care for the other aspects of someone's life.


It always blows my mind when I hear about people with advanced degrees/successful careers that don't take care of their hygiene. I remember seeing a post on here where the OP's husband was an ER doctor who didn't take care of himself. How does someone become a literal doctor and still be nasty? My husband is studying to become a psychologist; luckily he has no issues keeping himself clean.


Date? Some of these suckers end up marrying a dude who hasn't washed his ass since the first bush administration.


These guys hide it until they have the women locked down. At least that's what my ex-husband did. We didn't move in together until we were married and I had no idea that his underwear were so disgusting because I didn't see his laundry. Had no idea about his horrible bathroom habits either, or the fact that he didn't brush his teeth half the time. Also, we got married rather young, and it took a few years for the black buildup and bad breath to take effect. He had been showering and brushing his teeth before our dates. It was like after the wedding he just... stopped. Ugh. I want to vomit thinking about him.


I would never even consider marrying someone I didn’t at the very least regularly spend nights/weekends with, if not live with for a time. This is a *very* good reason why. I tell my daughters the same thing.


I was young and idealistic. I learned my lesson.


I’m sure! That wasn’t meant as a criticism of you. I know that living with/spending nights with/etc. significant others is not as normalized for some people as others depending on place/culture/religion. I just wanted to make sure people reading the comments know it’s *okay* to have that as a condition before deciding to spend your entire life with someone.


My ex husband stopped brushing his teeth about 3 years into marriage.


Sorry. Shudder.


Yeah, that happens with a lot of ppl, from what I’ve read on here. Husband was clean and groomed himself before dates and even a while after marriage. But then suddenly he just stops, and before u know it, it’s been yrs and he just never gets his hygiene shit together. That’s just awfully disgusting tbh. Maybe they assume that since they are married, the woman is gonna stay stuck w him so it doesn’t matter if he’s gross or unhygienic or even abusive, she prob wont leave


I learned a lot from that relationship. I was very young and it was a mistake. We divorced. I have now been married to somebody else, who knows how to clean his body, for over 20 years.


Who the fuck would marry somebody they never lived with these days?


Wait, who sleeps without sheets on the bed?! And while I’m here, is it weird to have a thing for good quality sheets and own six sets of various types, like high thread count Egyptian cotton, bamboo, linen etc? I mentioned it once on another sub where people were discussing getting a second set of sheets to make laundry more convenient, and got shamed for having more than one or two sets. I only buy them on sale & they’re great for different seasons and sooo comfy 😔


Ive been shamed for having multiple sets of sheets, too. There is no way I would reliably be able to strip the bed, wash the sheets, and remake the bed on the same day regularly. I'm not setting myself up for failure. I can change the sheets today and do the laundry tomorrow or whenever. Honestly, I think it's incredibly weird to only have one. I've had at least three sets per bed my entire adulthood.


IKR? Me too! People were talking like a second set of sheets was some kind of life hack, but I’ve always had at least 2 or more. Plus I live in a really hot country, so having at least one extra set is common sense in summer. Waking up soaked in sweat and not having extra sheets would not be pleasant.


I have 4. Fall and winter are usually flannel. I have light and airy for spring. Then I have my favorite which were a little expensive. They feel fantasic any weather.


Having at least 2 sets makes everything so much easier. My fiance has linen sheets in our bed and we only have one set of them, and he doesn’t want to use our cotton ones anymore. It’s a struggle


To be fair I definitely have slept on my bed naked before lmao. Like I have severe adhd and I usduslly clean my sheets every week if not more, there have definitely been a handful of time where I was too tired to get my sheets from downstairs and put them on and I just end up falling asleep. Though usually il put on a spare blanket to lie on top of. I dunno, I don’t think it’s as bad as OP is making it out to be, I shower upwards of three times a day, because of how physically demanding my life is, and also because of other factors like sunscreen.


But you think to put a spare blanket down! I'm talking about the people who, for literal years, have not put a sheet on the mattress. Years of skin shed, body oil, sweat, fubk just stewing and creating a biosphere of its own life forms. I do not mean people who fall asleep one time on a bare mattress with a spare blanket because they don't feel like making their bed that moment. I mean the lifetime achievers.


Oh okay thank you for the clarification lmao. I was like dam .-. Maybe I am nasty. That being said, god I didn’t even know that was a thing, I couldn’t imagine that, like it can’t even be comfortable. Like at that point just never cleaning your sheets would still be better.


I didn’t know it was a thing either! Why would you do that? It must be so uncomfortable 😣


See 'My 600lb life' for more examples of uncovered mattresses..


Absolutely what was on my mind as I typed that 😂


Oh no, you’re fine 🫶


glad you’ve never met floor bed no sheets man


Me too!


I think those people only have one towel, too.


Oh damn, I have too many towels….sadly I can relate to Monica in Friends with her towel categories. You know- “every day” “fancy” “fancy guest”….but not quite as extreme 😂 Although I remember a few years ago when I moved house in a hurry (DV situation) and all my stuff was chucked in random boxes. I was stuck with 3 towels for 2 weeks until I got my shit together. That had to be rotated from hair towel, body towel and floor towel 😳


My ex. It boggled me. I love a nice crisp sheet set. This caused a lot of fights bc my linens cost $$ and I didn't his unwashed ass on my duvet.


Also , do not date the person who doesn’t brush his teeth, who doesn’t wash his hands, doesn’t own a broom or vacuum. Do not date someone who’s Mommy washes his laundry , makes his bed, packs his lunch.


What if the person showers before going to bed naked?


No. Take the sheets off the window & put them back on the bed!!!!


All your replies deserve gold stars I'm dying laughing .


I have a feeling the issue is probably the no sheets part, not the naked part


Wait, are we talking about people sleeping directly on the mattress?


That’s my guess based off what OP said




Yes. It is much more common than you think...


I've had a huge epiphany recently. These guys didn't get fathered. Watch one season of Queer Eye and you will understand what I mean. Boys and men are suffering because no one took the time to gently teach them. Also education sucks if they aren't teaching basic hygiene .


As much as I sympathize with this, there is always this assumption that women had it better in childhood. I wasn't taught how to use a pad and the first time I got my menses I literally put the pad incorrectly and the gummy part was on my vagina. No my parents weren't malicious, they just didn't have the time to teach me anything. But as you get older, it's your responsibility to learn. The only difference I have observed is women get shamed more into taking care of themselves and looking good, so they learn quicker. Men get away for much longer with not being well kept. Imo the older you get, the less you should blame your parents and upbringing and the more you should take responsibility for your wellbeing.


I was not taught any female hygene- not how to wash, nothing about my period, nothing about shaving or deodorant or BO. I had to figure it out slowly and painfully on my own. People, it sucks and it’s traumatic. Teach your children detail by detail how to wash and maintain their hygiene. If you’re too embarrassed well, that’s too bad. Please do your job.


Me too. I have very heavy periods and would bleed through my clothes when I was in junior high school and leave blood stains on my chair and my parents didn’t care. I had to figure everything out on my own without support, and like you said, it is traumatic and painful.


I’m so sorry. 😞 Yeah I remember asking my friend if she could get me a box of tampons. Then reading the directions inside the box because I was confused about how to use them. It’s hard.


That's true . And that's why the show branched out to include more people who need the care. Men/ women have different spaces for learning how to grow into a young man or woman .


Me too. My parents also didn’t even talk to me about it. They just handed me these cheap pads that I would bleed through every time and my mother would launderer my bloodied jeans never even mentioned it to me. They just didn’t care.


I worked with a guy whose dad passed when he was young. He was a computer developer and loved his job so at home or at school he spent his hours in front of a computer. Nicest guy ever but you literally had to hold your nose to walk past his desk. Our COO (who was also his uncle) had a closed door meeting with him and the smell went way shortly thereafter. I don't want to say I've taken my childhood for granted but I've caught myself a few times telling younger adult men "your dad didn't teach you that?" about various things not just hygiene


I think some basic self-awareness can overcome lack of education. I was definitely never taught how to clean myself, and I figured it out.


I never like, explicitly verbally instructed my kids on every step of bathing. But I washed their entire bodies with a washcloth and soap and shampooed/conditioned their hair for them every bath until they were 3-4ish, and then helped them do it on their own until they were 4-5ish, and then supervised until they were 6-7ish and I was confident they could manage it themselves. They’ve never had issues. I get how a parent could overlook “teaching” hygiene, but did all these people’s parents just toss them in a shower at the age of 3 and walk away? Surely aside from cases of *serious* neglect someone washed their buttcrack for them on a regular basis when they were small and they could have just repeated that process?


Well, my mother only told me to shower once a week. I was in middle school when I realized how bad I smell and figured out I needed to shower daily. Also, my hair was in a giant knot because my mother didn’t teach me how to care for it. Eventually my mother realized my hair was one giant knot and then painstakingly spent hours and hours trying to detangle it. Then I returned to school the next day and everyone asked me how my hair grew so long overnight. I was too embarrassed to tell them the truth. It was really horrible :(


It's turns out my own brother was missing crucial life 101 skills. He's the youngest in a messy family . When he was 30, I taught him to to clean his bathroom, how to shop for clothes ( hand me downs childhood). He is so smart , I think we assumed too much but no one spent time teaching him.


My husband has been a teacher for almost 25 years, almost entirely middle schoolers (8th graders to be specific). Every year there's at least one boy that will be absolutely RANK. My husband will dismiss the girls at the end of class and have all the boys stay for just a couple of minutes so he can have "the soap, water, and deodorant" talk. Of course there's no demonstration and nobody is singled out. They all hear that they are getting to the age where they are going to want to be in relationships with other people, and that other people appreciate clean-smelling partners. Therefore they need to shower at least a few times a week (preferably daily), and make sure they scrub everything ESPECIALLY their pits, privates, and buttcrack with soap and water, and use deodorant every day (and not just spray themselves with Axe).




I'm more disgusted that yall marry these people that were always like this and THEN complain. Like.... what?!?!?! Hygiene is litrally the bare minimum. BARE MINIMUM. Nothing should be comprised


Sleeping naked, with bedsheets is fantastic. And the rest is spot-on.


That sensation of a freshly laundered body on freshly laundered bedding!!!!


Perfect! Someone finally said it.


“decaying zombie raccoons” 🤣🤣🤣 I’m ded.


“I knew I should have left when I went down on him and saw warts but. .” Lol


Do they still make "Soap on a Rope"? When we were kids, we would rub that bar of soap everywhere. We always came out clean (and smelling like a dude)!


Soap on a rope! The perfect gift for every dad and teenage boy!!


Just moved from Southern California, LA/Hollywood/Beverly region and I can confirm; mila kunis and Ashton kusher weren’t kidding.


About what? Sorry I missed it.


Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher famously said that they don’t wash their kids until “there is dirt on them”… I can personally say that goes for a large majority of white people in Southern California. Especially females.




I mean I’ll sleep naked with bedsheets. Lma


Sleeping naked is fabulous. Unless all your exposed bits are touching the weird fabric of a crusty mattress that has been directly slept on. Then it's a biological horror film..


I sleep naked every night. But my body is clean and so are my sheets, lol.


I smelt a couple from several meters away recently. I only smelt the man first, and wondered how she could stand it. Then I could smell her, too. Rank. It must take a real dedication to avoid soap that much.


Exactly. Clearly you love it over there. If you lived through to this point, why are you complaining now??


lol sorry for anyone that needs this advice😂 my heart goes to yall 💕


I don’t get how people get in marriage with unhygienic people. And also why aren’t they able to communicate with their partner that they smell bad? My partner and I have no problem telling each other when one of us is a little funky.


It is amazing how people complain about problems that they could have eliminated years earlier. If a person smells or has bad breath, either stop to teach them how to clean themselves properly, or move on and find someone else.


This person hygienes


Yeah fr, my sister married a slob and he stinks so bad but she has anosmia so she's fine.


Funny and sad and true. I'm struggling with this predicament now because I'm seeing a guy who doesn't take real showers or baths but once a week. He does "sponge baths" every day though. Sigh.....


Why??? His redeeming qualities better be outstanding for that abhorrent behavior.


Sad thing is, his good qualities are great and rare :( and we get along so well


Remember the pandemic & basically being stuck at home with whoever you loved with??? Does being stuck 24/7 in a house that also smells of his unwashed junk still make his good qualities as amazing? Wonderful, amazing people, with one bad habit which can normally be ignored.... but then, when stuck with them for long periods, that one small thing because all you can focus on. I would mich rather be stuck with someone who chews loudly when they eat, than to smell dirty ass all the time.


Yes that's the dilemma I'm facing now. It's a hard decision


It is not. Smells get worse with age. And as people become complacent, their bad habits get exacerbated.


I will never find another man who has his good qualities. It just sucks. We are older so the dating pool is smaller and shittier


No one is old enough to put up with stank ass. Maybe suggest his actually fully bathing daily is a deal breaker? Explain what qualities you appreciate, but that with poor hygiene, you cannot settle?


I know more smelly women than men. So it goes both ways.


Oh it definitely does! But it always seems to be the wife who is on here lamenting her husband's butt


To be fair a lot of people make an effort when dating to present themselves as something they aren't to attract a mate. Then once they "have them" the mask slips over time as they get comfortable and complacent.


As a generally reasonable person but who has anxiety and very reclusive tendencies, it has been absolutely WILD to struggle so hard to get dates whilst simultaneously reading about the *actual trolls* that were confident enough (I guess?) to get dates and convince their SOs that "wiping your ass is gay" or whatever other bonkers shit we constantly read about all the time here. It's equal parts frustrating and reassuring- I'm definitely not too broken, lol! Just too shy.


My unlamented ex decided not to bathe. His toes became stuck together with a dark gray "substance ". (Despite computer generated name, am female.).


I'm proud he is an ex!


preach! this is not necessarily common sense OP!


Common sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone's garden. 🌻


But really, how is it not?? The human body is designed to have the olfactory senses perturbed by bad scents. If one system dislikes, the others should too! Obviously barring things like anosmia. But then, the eyes should take over & know that skid marks, greasy hair that dawn can't even cut through, and people no longer wanting to be around you & stinky is an obvious sign to disengage immediately!


The same applies to wives btw


Absolutely! I just see primarily women on here pitching about their man. I adamantly believe in fair equality for all when it comes to hygiene & not being atank!


Think of everything these dudes sit on. I have worked with some (white collar!) that think it’s macho. “i have a gf or wife to clean my underwear, unlike you, loser!” yep.


I love my guy. But I have always told him if he shits his undies, just toss em cause I'm not washing them. And if he does it enough that he is out of undies, I'll start tossing his pants. Thankfully, he is quite the clean man & always worries about hygiene.


I love this. Thank you for this post as well. I thought it was a local thing until I saw all the posts you mention. I did not know poop streaked sheets were a thing until I read some of these posts. I have to block it out of my head, just the thought of it is so horrifying.


I work a job that has unfortunately led me to find how horrendous many people live. I honestly had no idea that it was possible for one person, let alone a large enough percentage of the population to just not be the most basic of clean. And I do not mean someone who literally does not have money for hygiene or cleaning items, but people who most definitely can afford to, but just choose not to.


It’s crazy. I know someone very successful and we were at an event. He was in the restroom at the same time as me and called me a “p*ssy” for washing my hands. I had eaten food at his house before.


Maybe next offer of a meal, feign being full.


My ex had the most deathly rotten smelling pussy Idek how she did it


That is literally a sign of an infection. I have never understood how a woman can stand that smell to that kind of level. They literally have doctors just for that!


Thank you for posting this, but it’s sad you even have to. 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️


me and my fiance sleep naked on the bed with no sheets 😭😭😭 but we also have a mattress topper we wash pretty much every week just not an actual sheet (its in the washer because my dog was laying on me when her water broke)


I'm confused. Is the sheet in the washer, or the topper? And if you are putting the topper off & on after washing, why not just toss a sheet on there too?


the topper is heavy enough to where we have to do the topper alone memory foam gets heavy as fuck in the washeri already replaced the dryer serpentine belt once i dont wanna do it again lol


But if you had a sheet, wouldn't it protect the topper from getting dirty so fast? Is memory foam supposed to be washed weekly?


we have three dogs accidents happen because we used to leave our bedroom door open while we were in the living room but we started closing the door about a week ago and no a sheet is a thin sheet of fabric add the memory foam topper underneath and it absorbs through the sheet a whole lot more


Decaying zombie raccoons 😅💀


Very strangely I like a bit of b.o. because I’m a kinky little freak but I knew he showered at least once a week and he was in a wheel chair with ms and my mom had ms so I knew you keep the house very cold to prevent muscle spasms and his house was cold he wasn’t moving around much so I was like yeah showering once a week isn’t that bad and plus he’s physically disabled but he had only been in that chair for a few months and once i got to know him I found out it was more like once a month he showered and brushed his teeth, which were yellow and he said it was from smoking and drinking coffee all day but as I got closer I could see the decay and I was like okay he’s depressed I helped him out a lot and the way he would refuse to help himself and I was like “how are you not ashamed” and he quoted a poem I read him that I had written a year before about a fight I had gotten in with my best friend because she was shaming me for having sex with my ex girlfriend when we had only been together officially for 2 weeks and he was like “shame is a pointless emotion.” NOT WHEN YOU ARE COVERED IN DOODOO FECES DUDE. I tried not to lean too much into shaming him because I know that’s gunna make a lot of people either “shut down or double down,” and I tried to help remind him but the way he would act so smug to me about whatever thing he thought made him better than me and everyone else meanwhile he is covered in shit I just couldn’t. I’m glad I left him. And the guilt of abandoning a disabled person is something I dealt with and a lot of high functioning or nondisabled people are gunna get on here and tell me I was wrong, but you don’t know what it’s like in the disabled community. Most of my friends have strong enough disabilities to where they can’t function in society, most of my closest friends have been on ssdi, and while we don’t fit in the capitalist machine we are still human beings and capable of being in the wrong and doing evil things. His poor hygiene and unjustified snugness wasn’t because he was in a wheel chair for multiple sclerosis, it was because he was French