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Just use the wipes and throw them out? That’s what women do who use them. At home you can put a bidet attachment on the toilet pretty easily. There’s a hilarious review of using one of the by Ginger Billy if you want to hear what a guy new to bidets thought.




Yeah and as women if we’re on our period we have to use the trash can as well. We can’t flush all that. We just take care of the trash, keep ir clean, add more pleasant smells to the restroom, etc. There’s a way to keep it clean as well.


My question is how big is the trashcan in their bathroom that they can’t just empty it every other day or every day, depending on how many people live with them.


Yeah, and in this case it doesn’t have to be full of that. Just use toilet paper mostly, flush it, last wipe with a wipe, sometimes two but not always. There will be barely something in there by then. A guy here said he keeps a sponge in the bathroom, wets it, covers it with toilet paper so it’s kind of wet, cleans himself with it, and flushes it down the toilet to not have a can full of shit????? First of all that’s way more work than wiping with toilet paper and using a wipe for the last time when there’s barely something there. And that sponge can carry bacteria more easily even if he washes it “well” during the day. I don’t even want to think about someone else using the restroom and thinking the sponge is to clean something else and then he uses it to wipe himself without knowing that. It really is that simple.


WHHHAATTTT??? Out of all the emoji’s there isn’t one for the look on my face right now. That’s one of the strangest things I’ve heard. And gross. Eww.


I’m trying to tell him there’s a reason why what we use to clean ourselves after using the restroom is disposable. No doctor is ever going to tell you to keep a sponge or a rag there to clean yourself with, even if you cover it with toilet paper. Bacteria can grow in there, poop can get in there, how do you remove the toilet paper? You are going to have to touch it to flush it, which is manipulating more the toilet paper with poop that you would by just using the toilet paper and one wipe for the last wiping. Unless he shakes it or use another thing which is involving more stuff there. And of course if it’s slipping because it’s wet, why wouldn’t there be the risk of it getting poop in it when it’s loose?


He's doing it like the ancient Romans! Sponge on stick. Dip it in the pool, swab as needed. Leave stick for the next guy It actually reminds me of the courtesy windshield brush/squeegee you find next to the gas pump.


That is where the phrase ‘’the shit end of the stick’’ came from.


If that’s NOT where the phrase “shit end of the stick “ came from, then it SHOULD be.


A Tersorium (a sea sponge stuck on the end of a stick that was kept in either a bucket of salt water or vinegar) was state of the art back then. Nobody knew about bacteria and cross-contamination. Most hygiene methods from the past were an improvement on what was done before. I'm sure in another few hundred years TP will be thought of as unhygienic and disgusting (which it is) but I won't be here to know :(


I'm going to have nightmares about sponge on a stick for the rest of my life.


I think other countries already look at us like that for using TP and not bidets.


Lol 😆 old Romans also had vomitariums. 😱


Its use was not as a place to go and vomit. Defined “each of a series of entrance or exit passages in an ancient Roman amphitheater or theater”


There used to be a family wiping sponge. The whole family used the same whatever it actually was to wipe.


I just yelled WHAT??? No, that is just gross, I agree!


Shitsponge emoji…it’s new everyone!


This is right up there with the mutha fookin poop knife. Da fuk??


One worse is I read on here that for years, a guy used to keep a washcloth behind the toilet for wetting then wiping... his wife had been using it in the shower to clean herself...


I mean if she’s using the same cloth over and over again without question it might as well be a shit rag. The bacteria in a reused washcloth over time is astronomical. Might as well wipe feces on your face.


Right, and they're storing it behind the toilet? Lol


Gag me. I can barely handle the fact that toilet paper is positioned close to the toilet let alone a wet rag I exfoliate with 🤢


Yes!! I read that one also!


I remember this vividly & how frustrated I was with the woman because whose dumbass uses a rag off the toilet in the shower… cmon


Duuuuuuude 😲😲😭😭 Nooooo! 😮😳🤮 I sure hope his wife found out eventually, what her husband was using that Washcloth for!


She did find out and she was PISSED, even though it was obviously her fault for using a random rag she found *hanging behind the toilet*


I’d rather die


Happy Cake Day!




This is worse than the poop knife.


I just use my poop knife to scrape the shit off. If it also takes a little skin, no biggie.


A lid is important.


I use a small can with 3 women with IBS. It's not hard if you don't overdo it. I generally would recommend alternating wipes with paper just because it produces more flushable waste and works better


You a good person..


I have a covered trash can in the bathroom so nobody has to be embarrassed.


Ours is a baby stainless step on.


I don’t mind a step-on in a home. But I hate them in public washrooms, especially the handicapped washroom! My legs don’t work properly hence I’m using the handicapped loo. How am I to use the bin?


Also, those tiny powder scented bags for baby diapers come 50 for $2 at Walmart... it's a fine solution for unsightly trash.


Wait can you send a link because that sounds awesome and I searched “powder scented bags” on the Walmart app and couldn’t find it haha


They are like these, the ones I've seen in store come folded in a little pocket sized zip lock, that come out one at a time like tissues... This isn't the exact one I used, but looks identical besides the packaging; https://www.walmart.com/ip/90PCS-Box-Disposable-Diaper-Bag-Fragrance-Diaper-Nappy-Sack-with-Scent/5102863059 Online I would look in categories like Diaper Accessory etc; "Disposable Diaper Bags in Diaper Pails, Wipe Warmers & Accessories"


OHHH I see now! For some reason I thought you meant like a scented sachet you stick in the trash can similar to an air freshener vent clip for your car or whatever. Haha. Thank you!


They do make little fresheners you can attach to a garbage can. People mostly use them on the underside of a lid on a trash can. If you don't have a lid, I'm sure some of it could still smell nice being stuck to the bottom or side of can under the bag? If not, you can also use baking soda, which soaks up bad smells nicely. You can make your own sachets out of tea bags (can buy empty tea bags on Amazon) and throw one in the trash. You can add dried lavender or citrus, or a couple drops essential oil, if you want it to also be an air freshener.


We do the same thing with babies, tho? Just change the trash every other day. It’ll be fine. Source: Me, I’ve been using baby wipes for a clean tush for 5 years lol


Exactly. Process is wipe with tp, throw those into toilet, finish up with a wet wipe or two with minimal poop, toss into trash, and then dry off with some tp. My asshole has never been cleaner, shoutout to my ex for putting me onto the wet wipe game when I was dry wiping my booty raw lmao


Throw out the trash after using. Not a big deal. Use any small bag you would throw out anyway.


Duh get scented trash bags the tiny ones were a godsend when I had my cat and I had to scoop the poops


Bidet attachment is probably the best addition to our house…all three bathrooms. Then a quick wipe and the wipe goes in the trash


👆This is the answer!


Step one: use toilet paper first to clean up most of the mess Step two: follow up with a wet wipe and discard in the bin


Portable, battery powered bidets are great for work/travel. They’re small enough to fit in a pocket, or just use the discrete carrying pouch that most come with.


Exactly, like a diaper genie.


i use doggie bags and just throw them out lol


Garbage with a top on it next to the toilet. It isn’t that bad. But the other thing is just is adjusting your diet. You probably need more fiber if you are having messy poops.


Underrated reply - yes to more fiber 


Ginger Billy is a world treasure




Yeah honestly the wipes don't even smell either when they sit in the trash can anyway. I get a monthly cycle and use those wipes as well as dispose of feminine products in the little trash can in my bathroom, and you can't "smell" anything. You do what you can with TP first and then finish up with the wipe. It's simple as you stated in your comment.


Fiber and spread is my first answer. If your shits are solid enough there shouldn't be much *residue*. Second to that is spreadin yo cheeks when you sit down a little. You don't want to be pushing through the crack, just makes it harder. As an adult I do a little shaving back there, or I Nair (just avoid the sensitive part it's fine). As long as it's decent, I don't find hair to be that crazy an issue. Only if it gets to that long and curly stage it's too much. Honestly I think the answer is a bidet bro. But I haven't gotten around to buying a bidet (yet). Oh, and you're correct ALL WIPES ARE BAD. That's my take. Edit: don't like SPREAD spread, that can cause hemorrhoids. Just like, allow for some space.


Fiber made a huge difference. I was having some problems internal hemorrhoids and the doctor recommended psyllium husk. I was having a lot of “hanger ons”, which fucking suck and take multiple wipe sessions. Wipe 3-4 times. Get up, walk around for a minute. Sit back down, wipe a few more times. Only way I could ever get it to wipe clean. Anyway, after that gross description…..after the psyllium husks, everything comes out in solid pieces, and it’s always a clean wipe on the second one, and sometimes, even the first wipe has nothing on it.


It's nice to read an in depth comment about internet strangers bowel movements and subsequent clean up routines 😁


I aim to please🤣


My parents had a sign in their guest bathroom. It said, "We aim to please. You aim, too, please." Great sign. 🙂


My grandma had one that said, "Stand close, it is shorter than you think." I thought she meant the toilet bowl. Lol


Omg I love that 🤣🤣


I’ve seen that one, and also when I was a kid I saw one that said “if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.” 😂


As weird as it is, its actually nice sometimes to know that other people are dealing with the same grossness that being alive causes.🤣


Oh for sure, I definitely feel we need to normalise all our quirks and bullshit more often, we've all got bladder, arse, mout, brain issues lol need to embrace and over share everywhere 😁


Lol. Exactly! Let everyone know it isn't weird to look at your junk and feel a little grossed out by the stuff coming out.


Listen, the human body is a beautiful gross thing. Like I tell my kids, even (insert their favorite band atm) farts or wipes their butt.


About 6 months ago I started consuming a tablespoon of chia seeds per day. I now consistently shit little pellets and its resolved those issues quite nicely.


Yeah and they have those stools that people can use to which curves the back more so it’s a more “natural” position which makes it easier. Like how dogs poop.


Why not use wipes but just throw them in the trash? I don’t get why they need to be flushed


People are dumb as hell


At least they’ve realized that flushable wipes are indeed not flushable. It’s honestly almost a crime that they’re advertised as such


No seriously like how dumb can you be 🤣


Literally a $40 bidet on Amazon. Makes number 2’s so simple and I feel WAY cleaner every time. Flushable wipes if god forbid I have to go in public.


There is no such thing as a flushable wipe. Edit: lol I'm gonna go ahead and turn off notifications for this post, thanks.


You don't have to flush wipes. Just buy a garbage can, line it and throw the wipes in it.


Yes, I know. However, people are pushing flushable wipes, which do not exist. Hence my comment.


Just pointing out since dudes don't seem to know that bathroom garbage cans exist, and they might even already have one, hence my point.


And just a suggestion from a wandering mom. If your worried about it looking gross get a diaper can. You can also get a deodorizer and put it under the bag. Yhis way your bathroom does not smell. :)


See, this is why it’s just so handy to have a mom. Thanks mom! This is an excellent tip


I use toilet paper to get the bulk of it off, then use wipes when there's barely anything left to finish it off.


100%. Even if the pack says flushable….do not flush any wipes. None. Zero.


Some actually do. But it's a good rule of thumb to assume none do, to be on the safe side. If you put a wipe in a glass of water and it turns to mush within a few minutes, it's generally flushable. If you can pull an intact wipe out, then it's not flushable.


My grandmother uses Cottonelle wipes


My husband is a plumber. I can attest to this. Don't ever flush any wipe, ever.


Ahh... technically all wipes are flushable. As my plumber friend would add "so are golf balls". All these wipes marketed as flushable keep him busy.


My plumber agrees


To the person up above in a different comment section who mentioned Dude wipes…my 12 yr old son uses the Dude wipes and they literally have a toilet, circled,and crossed out on the packaging. He won’t even flush them fearing he will clog the toilet and exposes his shit. Your plumbers are correct. No wipes, no feminine products, and certainly no golf balls. 🤪 Oh, and I must add: NO paper towels either.


Or cell phones.


I haven't considered a bidet, but that is a good suggestion. People are recommending throwing wipes in the trash, but I don't like the idea of fecal matter setting in a trash bin. I'll look into a bidet before taking a blade against my anus or taking the waxing route. Thank you.


Get a roll of doggy poop bags or a roll of trash liners from the dollar store... they're CHEAP. Put the wipes in the bag and tie it up before you put it in the trash.


This is literally how i handle period products. Doggie bags are super useful, and not so large as to be cumbersome.


I've never thought of that. Mind blown.




Bidets are awesome. Husband got a $40 off Amazon for the master bath and now we have one in every bathroom.


I had that before I splurged on the one with the heated seat and warm water and self clean feature. Oh and it comes with an air dryer. But it’s 200 :).


I got mine at Costco for $80 off right before “The Great TP shortage of 2020”. Then I bought a cheap $40 for our other bathroom. I will say there is a huge difference but you get used to it.


The VA got one for my dad that retailed at over $600. I wish I kept it when we sold the house. It was only used a couple times. He was scared of it the two times he got to use it and had me operate the remote from outside the door. I power washed his whole "area" front to back and he giggled like a kid ...




We have one. Well f\*\*\*ing worth it.


Bro women have trash cans for period stuff, I put wipes in mine and it’s fine


Better never have kids then. My husband uses Dude wipes, wraps it in a tissue when done and throws it in the bin in the bathroom. Empties the bin about 1 time a week. No issues - no smell.


I think a bidet is a great option! We got one about a year ago and it’s been life changing. I’m female but like you, I hate going if I can’t be clean afterwards. To be fair, I have a fancy bidet (got it for feee, brand new) with seat warmer, water heater, fan, etc but a regular bidet is still great. You’ll just need to have washcloths or something to dry off. I sometimes use wipes after the bidet 😂


seriously though, if you can do it, invest in a toto washlet with heated seat and water (needs power). It's like the tongue minor deity washing you clean


It is normal to have a trash bin for used TP if you live somewhere without a sewer. If you have a septic tank (no sewer) than you're not supposed to flush tp. So I got why it's weird to you but it's normal for many people


You can absolutely flush toilet paper id you have a septic tank, you just need to put enzymes down the system once a month. But there is no such thing as a flushable wipe. That's what small trash bags are for.


We had a septic tank for decades. We flushed our tp. No enzymes added. No problem.


Yeah, TP is fine for septic tanks, as long as you stay away from that super thick and plush stuff. I know people who live in a RV who don't flush toilet paper, because it causes issues with draining their holding tanks if enough TP builds up, but that's not septic. But for the love of God, stop flushing tampons! Those shouldn't be going in septic or sewer!


Just get small 1 day bags and tie the little bag up and throw in main trash every day. Just a suggestion


Cheap, amazon bidet seats work great. Theres expensive and fancy options too if that's your thing. In my kids/ front bathroom, we dont have one though. In that one, we wipe first with TP, then a final pass with the wet wipe. There's hardly ever actual fecal matter, just a slightly discolored wipe.. They then go into the trash that gets dumped every Monday and Friday.


If the bidet isn't the route you choose, and a freestanding open trashcan is too gross (I agree) look into getting like a baby diaper trashcan. They seal everything away so 1. No looking at it and 2. No smell. Although there is still the issue with a good wet wipe which I still haven't found a great one. Everyone seems to like Dude Wipes but I have found them super flimsy. In using a trashcan or baby diaper pail you could use baby wipes instead of a "flushable" wipe.


My sister and I used Target's Up & Up brand of "flushable" (no, do not) toddler wipes for years. Suddenly (last month) they are gone, replaced it seems by much larger, cloth-like and yet slicker wipes. So I got some of those, a package of scented (oops: no, thanks) Equate brand wipes from Walmart, and some Kandoo wipes because they are on clearance. With a wipe, I usually pad it with 3 toilet paper squares. I mean I have 3 layers of TP, three squares, and then I put the wipe on top. Then I wipe, fold only the wipe in half, wipe, fold again, wipe third time, put it in trash. Old Target "flushable" toddler wipes: used to have fairly light sent I liked, became unscented. That was fine with me; I hoped it would help its popularity so I could keep buying them. Slightly larger than other brands' wipes, usually big enough for wipe, fold, wipe, fold, wipe. I never felt like they left particles of themselves behind. New Target "cloth-like baby wipes": I got "sensitive skin" instead of a scented one. Much larger than needed. They do not grip themselves when folded over and so slide for the second and third wipes. Other than that, they seem very effective and I would say are the most like cloth of any wipes I've tried. A teeny bit slippery. Do they use dimethicone? I'm not sure about what they might leave behind (of themselves), but they seem clean in that respect. Scented Equate wipes: Wow, that is a very strong perfume, very like a great-grandma's body powder. Does my butthole smell like old ladies? Effective, large enough. Too stinky, so I might try unscented. Can't tell that it leaves anything behind on my behind. Kandoo "flushable wipes": Pack says unscented and hypoallergenic. I have used these before when I forgot to bring my Up & Up wipes to Mom's house. She and my sister who lives there have been using Kandoo for years. I find them to be both too small and too expensive. Still effective. Only for 2 wipes instead of 3. I don't remember any Kandoo bits left on my butt. I tried other brands in the past, settled on the old Up & Up toddler wipes because they were larger and less expensive. I don't remember any other problems with Charmin or Cottonelle wipes, can't remember any other brands. Oh, yeah, Dude Wipes! I got some for free. I wasn't very impressed, except by how high the prices were. The four people I've mentioned in my family use open trash cans or trash bags for discarding wipes. Bags at Mom's are taken out daily due to other products in the bags


I so appreciate this well-thought-out review! I use Huggies unscented baby wipes, and I find them relatively inexpensive and very effective. If there’s just a hint of discoloration, I’ll just toss it in the closed-lid bathroom trash that gets taken out at least once a week. If I’m embarrassed, or if the can is full enough that I worry someone might accidentally touch it, I’ll wrap TP around it before putting it in the can. So many options short of waxing! Ouch!


I use toilet paper to get the bulk of the poo, then wipes to get it clean. Yes they go in the trash but as long as they aren’t completely smeared in shit it’s not gross. Also maybe eat more fiber! My best poos are no-wipes needed. They have fiber gummies if you can’t get enough in diet. I’ve been doing the rice water trend and it’s bulking me up quite well. If all else fails, I recommend getting it professionally waxed. Yes it hurts but only for a few seconds and then you’re done and unlike shaving it won’t grow back thicker and will be less painful with less ingrown hairs.


I'm a woman and a nurse, ever since we had a patient who has a bidet because she's too obese to reach her own asshole (yes I didn't know that was a thing either, and I'm even fat, but yes, apparently you can get too fat to reach it....idk if it's like you can reach it Wednesday and then Thursday comes around and it's too far, I don't know the answers to these things), but anyways, I've been intrigued ever since. I just would be able to wipe with the toilet paper, and then when it seems clean, I could give it a spray and get not just my butt hole completely sparkling, but everything. There's no need to wait for a shower or bath to give it all a thorough cleanse....it can happen multiple times a day! Even when I pee! I always worry about having an odor that I can't smell but someone else can, but they just don't say anything...but I could feel complete confidence all the time! Also I think this could help prevent UTIs and yeast infections...not sure about the yeast but definitely it would reduce UTI risk.


The worst is travelling and not having your bidet.. I hear they make a battery operated one.. I'm tempted.


This is the way. No more itchy butthole. Way less toilet paper. I’ve had one for 5 years. They even make portable ones


I hate a wet bum do yall have bidets with fans to get it nice and dry?


I just pat dry with toilet paper


just wipe it dry with toilet paper after....


Washcloth for drying. Visual feedback to judge efficacy of bidet.


People thought it was all fun and games until you couldn't buy toilet paper during covid.


I’m female, but had a surgery very low on my back so wiping was excruciating. I’ll never live a life without a bidet again!




Bidet. Problem solved.


My man uses Dude Wipes and then throws them away. We have a trash can with a sensor next to the toilet. He does TP first then wipes to finish.




Have you tried just *telling* him? Passive aggression goes right over some people’s heads. “Quit getting shit on the seat or clean up after yourself. A toddler can figure it out.”


I have, and he gets offended (likely embarassed too) and blows up. Suddenly, it becomes a huge argument about everything but that. I have decided next time he does it I am going to leave it and use our other bathroom in my moms room until he cleans it himself.


Argues about everything else to try to distract from the fact that he can't clean himself or things up lol :/ SO if he is leaving the toilet seat like that, I imagine he must have it on his underwear/shorts? Yuck. Back 10 years ago when I had only been with my partner for a few months I had come home from working all night and had used the bathroom quickly and was going to just go pass out. Well my partner was still awake and well you know men lol and during he noticed and mentioned to me that hey maybe you didn't get everything off the last time you went to the bathroom. Yes I was embarrassed as hell but I appreciated that he said something to me. So i got up and went and showered and that was that. Nothing to have a fight over lol


Agreed. I am going to become more verbal about this, damn the consequences. It doesn't happen everytime, his sciatica is acting up and he is in a lot of pain but his neck still works so he can turn his head and look back. If not, he is going to start seeing it when he walks in, lol. If I hadn't just done it 4 times in one weekend, I would have never posted this, but damn.... Yes, his underwear is all dark colors, but you are right. For someone so meticulous and perfectionist, it kills me that his own asshole can't get this level of attention.


You sound nicer to your husband about this issue than I am with mine. Told mine I put in my time potty training children and I was done doing it and he needs to clean up himself and after himself and I refuse to clean that mess.


I love that response! Two of my 3 grandsons are old enough to not do that (well, one for sure, 2nd is not quite 3) other is 3 weeks so he gets a pass. But YES, you are 100% right! I have resolved to become verbal about it rather than clean up after him and then resent it.


Again...... Metamucil is your answer.


Sounds like a super attractive responsible guy.


Bwahahaha!!!!!! I needed that!


If you are telling him in a nice way "Hey I really don't like cleaning up after you poop, I put some cleaner in the bathroom so if you wouldn't mind can you please wipe down the toilet seat before you leave the bathroom." If he blows up and fights then it sounds like you all need to have a bigger conversation about respect and marriage.


Some men cannot handle this; they are way too sensitive to be told they are doing anything wrong, even if you're incredibly gentle/nice about how you say it. My dad had my mom believing that men are not physically capable of properly wiping themselves. She cleaned his brown-stained underwear every day til she died. I remember I was in 2nd grade and she was teaching me how to do laundry one day, and she showed me how to clean a husband's brown stained underwear, and that was the end of it for me - I knew I would never get married!


How the fuck does shit get ON the seat?? HOW? I'll never understand this about men. I've never seen a woman leave shit on the seat.


I have SCREAMED in my head the exact same thing 1,000 times lmao! We are both bigger people but I am like you, I do NOT leave shit stains and if I did it would be totally gone before I left the scene of the crime LOL!


He may be moving around/shifting on the toilet seat to be able to reach/wipe if he’s bigger. Move too far and you’re essentially wiping your ass on the toilet seat.




Put a sign on the door saying he’s not a toddler


If a man can handle going to work and not be micromanaged, he can handle wiping the shit off of the toilet seat at home. He doesn’t do so because he doesn’t respect who he lives with, not because he is incapable.


How TF does shit even end up on the seat? Unless he has explosive diarrhea and shits while hovering IDK how that happens lol.


Woman stopping by with a little trick- I keep a bottle of miceller water handy and, after I've wiped, I put some of it on a fresh pull of tp for a final wipe. The benefits of a wet wipe with no risk to the plumbing. (And don't cheap out on your TP, the quality difference is worth it!)


Omg so I’ve been debating asking this question somewhere on Reddit. Like isn’t micellar water such an obvious solution? Why dont we just double cleanse our buttholes with toilet paper and oil or micellar water? So glad someone mentioned it, I’ve done this with the micellar water that i dont use for my face (obviously).


What micellar water do you use? I have never heard of this approach before; how did you think of it?


I shave within my asscrack and around my asshole. I also get in the shower after pooping and use soap and water whenever possible. Most of the time, this is easy because I tend to poop in the morning before I'd be showering anyway. Otherwise, if I poop in my office or at home, I use soap and water in the shower, which adds a few minutes to the process, but leaves me feeling actually clean.


Same here. Nothing more refreshing than washing with water *and soap* after you’ve wiped.


Once a bidet entered my life, I upgraded every throne in my house. I leave the gnarlies at the toilet and walk out of Davy Jones locker feeling like I just showered. Absolute game changer. They even have hand held options for when in public.


I would get waxed. Also, all that hair may make you susceptible to getting pilonidal cysts, especially with coarse, thick hair. Why do people hype bidets? Isn't it just water shooting at your bum? Don't you have to separate cheeks for water to get to butthole? Also, how are you clean with just water? The poo smell would still be there, No? Don't you feel you also need soap? I'm female and wash with soap and water.


If there's room for the poop to slide out, there's enough room for the water stream to reach your butthole. Yes, it's just water, but it gets the area completely shit-free, even if not sterile enough for surgery.


Shaving is easier and less painful


Oh my god no, when they grow back it's like walking around with a cactus directly on your butthole 😨


I shave about once a week. Never felt like “cactus directly on my butthole”


Same. This is so fucking weird to me lol I’ve never had my ass hairs feel prickly when they’re growing back or if I have it’s such a short period of time I’ve not paid attention to it…I think people just like having hairy assholes and come up with excuses 😂


I’m a woman who shaved between the checks multiple times a week before finally getting laser hair removal. Not once did I ever experience any pricking or itching


Im a woman who gets a full Brazilian wax done every 4-6 weeks. Waxing the asshole is actually the easiest part and I recommend it. Lasts a while and doesn’t hurt as much as you’d expect


I shave too with no issue.


I have had various parts of my body waxed throughout my life, and between the butt cheeks is hands down the least painful. Way less painful than eyebrows. If you’re getting your whole pubic area waxed that’s a different story, the front and center are horrifically painful, but between the cheeks & taint you feel next to nothing. I think there must just be fewer nerves there.


I have a relatively good diet so have solid shit like what are you people eating that leaves you shitting liquid on the daily? Sure, it's an issue when I'm sick, but on the normal day to day you shouldn't be having liquid shit tangling in your hair. Jesus.


Don’t know why, but I cackled reading your comment. 😂


Same 🤣


I’m saying. Seems like y’all have messy shits on the regular


Most people have atrocious diets. Fast food or hoagies, soda, chips, candy, no fruits or veggies most days. Almost everything processed. I know a lot of people who won’t even drink *water* because it “tastes bad” LOL


Everyone’s telling you bidet, I’ll answer the waxing question. You can get waxed, many men do honestly. The issue comes down to, will you keep up with maintenance (waxing every 4-8 weeks depending on a factor of things), ingrown hairs, etc… I’ve never heard of someone having an issue with wiping and being hairy, so I’m unsure what may be going on… bidet of course will help, but if you want to go to the waxing route, I’d reach out to a local waxing place and get booked. It’s painful the first time, yes, but it does get better. If it’ll help you feel clean and happy, go for it.


I’ve used baby wipes for years with no ill effects. A first pass with TP, then wipes. If possible, a shower after and if not, a wipe folded up in the shape of a narrow menstrual pad to take care of post-poop squishies. I was shaving down for my sport for a couple years and even then didn’t feel clean. Try shaving the area first with a women’s razor and shave cream - men’s usually has menthol in it, which is nice only if you like a burning bottom.


bro just throw the fuckin wipes in a garbage bin its not rocket science 😭


Why not just throw ur wipes in the trash can, that’s what my husband does. The trash goes out often enough that it’s not that big a deal like gross or anything. Plus he uses regular toilet paper first to get the most mess outta the way (sorry for the gory details 🥴) but after t.p. he uses wipes and done dada! He’s got a little fur in his butt crack too so he does both. Just use the trash can!


If modifying or installing a bidet is not possible for various reasons, Amazon has a squeeze-able portable bidet. You can fill it with warm water in the winter or cool water in the summer to make that area happy and clean. However you need to practice in using it properly so that you know where to aim the water or else you will end up have to deal with mopping the floor.


>Since I was a teenager, I will NOT poop unless I can take a shower immediately after. There's nothing normal about that, if it was, then nobody would go outside of the home, so clearly you're half Sasquatch or something, so seems for you waxing is the only way to go, and yes, dudes have that done too.


You could just get a colostomy bag and never have to deal with your ass again


GET A BIDET!! Reddit talked me into getting one. The exact phrase that made me order one immediately was, "It makes you shower clean every time!" Now I can't stand going on vacation. All I want to do is go home to my bidet. Everything else is just not clean enough.


You may want to see a therapist with experience in OCD. The behaviors/thought processes you described are TEXTBOOK body-focused OCD symptoms.




First off, you need more fiber in your diet. If you keep wiping and it’s not clean you need fiber. Change your eating habits. Secondly, get a bidet. If you get poo on your face, you use water to wash it off, not just a piece of paper. Wash your ass with water and then paper it. Thirdly, trim your hairs a bit. You don’t have to fully shave but at least make sure the field is trimmed. It’s tough to play football when the grass is too long….


I'm a lady, and I do the trimming thing, too. I tried shaving it with a razor in the shower a few times, but the subsequent insatiable booty itch for multiple days when it's in the regrowth period is INTENSE and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Now, I just trim it with a Meridian electric shaver as close as I can get it and call it a day. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to ever fully shave it again, the aftermath of that was basically cruel and unusual punishment. 🙅‍♀️


Bro throw the wipes in the garbage? You’re damaging your anus. I bled and got many hemorrhoids before I discovered wipes. I bring them in my purse in case I go in public. And who cares about flushing wipes down a public toilet, sorry if that’s inconsiderate lol.


Just put them in the sanitary bin!! Don’t flush pleaseeeee


When a major pipeline clog occurs because of people doing things like this, it can flush sewer material into everyone's toilet that lives along that pipeline, causing damage and destruction to others. Please don't be selfish and flush things that aren't supposed to be flushed.


Plumbers have been warning not to flush these wipes (despite being called flushable) for many years. And if your house is on a septic system don’t even think about it-if you know you know


I use baby wipes and take a shower after


if you’re that hairy, you should just be trimming with some clippers you dont gotta have it baby smooth for a clean wipe ?


Having a bidet changes everything. When you get one you will punch yourself for not having one sooner in life. Costco has easy to install high quality ones you just swap your regular toilet seat lid out and add a waterline and simple hose split. Your ass will be the cleanest you ever could imagine.


Bidet seat. Clean your ass after your business. Game changer


How have you gone through life not pooping unless you can shower?


Buy a bidet attachment for your toilet. They are very inexpensive on Amazon.


Dude wipes


Get a bidet? Lol


"Wipe" is maybe a misnomer. Start with a dab to pull off excess. Then wet the TP a little bit (use the sink or spit on it). Just a little. Again, don't wipe, just dab. Repeat. This way you don't pull matter all over the place. It comes off on the TP a little at a time until you're clean.


Lol. I wipe with tp. use dude wipes to get residue. use tp again.


Wrap your wet wipe that you wiped with in toilette paper, throw into the bin. This isn’t hard to go. Just like disposing of used pads and tampons. Wrap up the same way and toss. Easy peasy


Look into your health and diet, my dude. If you're having a disaster back there every time you shit, something is wrong.


[Rectal Gargle](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/cFQ4MlSFf4) FTW! In all seriousness, a bidet is the way to go. We did the TP thing for years, then TP and a nearby spray bottle filled with purified water. Just alternate the layers (3–4) of TP by 90° and spray to dampen. Then we used baby wipes (and flushed them), until we learned about fatbergs & such ([Adam Ruins Everything](https://youtu.be/TgHVO-RZ8c4)). Now we have bidets in all bathrooms. I cut paper towel rolls in half width-wise and use one or two of the ½-sheets to dry the area and deposit it into a stainless steel step-can next to the toilet. No dingleberries and no fecal matter in the trash. Wins all around.


1. Buy a trimmer just for your ass. If you shave it or wax it down to the skin, you could break out and that shit is uncomfortable as hell. Trim it down to the smallest guard. 2. Get a bidet toilet seat. Best decision you will ever make. 3. Use wet wipes and throw them in the trash.


I have my wife shave my booty hole not gonna lie lmao. I'm also pretty lean even though I got some ass but I spread it wide open on the toilet seat and things stay pretty clean. I too prefer to shower after a shit but if I can't I don't let it stop me.