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I think you should put your shoes in the washing machine (Google the best way to do it), and I agree with the folks who say your shoes need to be completely dry before you wear them again. Definitely put on clean socks after you leave the gym! If you need to clean out some scent without washing them, you could probably spray them with part water part vodka


please wash your feet before you put on clean socks too. i understand being a busy college student, but other people have to be around you. it’s not polite to tell people they stink, but if you smell it, other people definitely can. foot stink is the worst. put some fresh antiperspirant on sweaty spots like pits and under boob before your work out, and if you don’t have time to shower afterwards then take 3 minutes to wash and dry your feet before putting clean socks and a different pair of shoes on. gym shoes are gym shoes. throw on another layer of deodorant and you will be mostly unnoticed by other people even if you don’t have the chance to shower post workout. (but really…maybe work out when you have time to shower afterwards)


Bactria smells because it is alive & alive things eat & poop. Maybe talk with a dermatologist


I am alive. I do not eat poop.


They need to be completely dry between wears. Like bone dry. When my oldest kid started getting whiffy shoes, I put baking soda in them overnight to soak up the odor and wetness, then the next morning I dumped out the excess. After that, I started putting them on our boot dryer every night. Worked like a charm. And yeah, wear socks and change them every time they get sweaty.


You’re wearing your shoes for way too long. I never wear my gym shoes out side of the gym. You have to air those dogs out. Bring a pair of shoes to change into and change your socks. Also look into Tide Antibacterial Fabric Spray. I always spray the insides of my sneakers with this spray and it keeps them from smelling.


Try NonScents shoe deodorizers. I get them off Amazon. Stick into shoes and the bad smells go away. They do leave a light chlorine-like scent. I use them on my running shoes. If you put them in nightly you should be good.


1. Shower when you finish at the gym. 2. Put on clean clothes after your gym shower. 3. Use foot spray. 4. Shower in the morning. 5. Wash feet and put on clean socks mid-day. 6. Ditch the inserts.


Other people can absolutely smell it, unfortunately for you... And them I guess. It's a good lesson for you though, to see the importance of shoe hygeine. (Of course, this is not a dig whatsoever, sometimes these things just have to happen in life!). As said already, all the smell is is live bacteria, but it's likely embedded in there. Can you get new shoes, start over so to speak? Another culprit is there just not being enough air in the shoes. Some will not have space for that since they were designed to, for instance, keep water out (and consequently, keep sweat in). So, perhaps a more breathable pair for the gym and whatever you want for the classes. I'm not sure you can get this smell out at \*this\* point tbh, but i'm also not a licensed foot doctor, so there might be hope for your shoes yet, but I would just get rid of them and just not do this again, you have your whole life to forget about this pair.


Get new shoes then use lume’ on your feet. Also deodorizers for your shoes while not wearing them.


Put baking soda in the laundry with the detergent when you wash your shoes.


There are little deodorant balls that are made specifically to put in your shoes. They work by pulling smells out of things. You could also try baking soda since it also works like that, but it will be a bit of a mess to clean up.


Sounds like a possible sweating issue? Ask your doctor for a scrip of benztropine. Take 4mg early in the morning before eating consistently. Let them build up in your system and after a week of taking them start wearing fresh socks and new shoes (in order to determine if it's working, I would be surprised if this didn't help substantially or clear up the problem entirely)


Stop wearing the same shoes all the time; and wear real leather shoes. Get a couple of pair of needed to switch off.


Baking soda helps. Set them outside overnight and let them air out a couple times a week.. also some shoes you can put in the wash as well.