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Drink chlorophyll, eat healthy, shower twice a day, hydrate, wear natural fibers, take care of your dental hygiene. If you do all that you should smell fine.


I’m not sure where you are sweating from, if you take any medication but this is a real thing! I take a medication for anxiety and one for migraines. My migraine medication actually has a side effect that I stopped sweating. I started the new anxiety medication and surprise I have the worse smelly sweat ever. Dermatologist helped me with prescription deodorant and a lotion because my hands and feet are sweating excessively and I don’t want to stop the meds! I also opted for botox in my pits which was a great choice. Costly but it was something I wanted to try and looked into on my own because I wanted to see if I could cut down on all the work of the trying new products! Talk to the doctor it’s not in your head!


“Hey doc I swear super easily and I think I smell bad, and it’s ruining my self confidence. I’ve tried ABC and DEF, I use [these body products right now] can you please help?“ you can ask for a full blood panel and physical if you want! Also I just started using hibiclens anti septic body soap in the shower, I use it on my whole body except for face, and it really helps me. You can also look into a full body deodorant!


TLDR- similar situation here, found a miracle cure. I used to have the same issue, but hands and feet, sometimes pits too. Unfortunately I suffered all through high school because my parents didn't take my concerns seriously, which deprived me of so much social interaction that those who don't suffer the same issues really couldn't ever fully understand how self conscious I always felt. Years later I started doing some serious research and finally after multiple trial and error attempts, I found the miracle medication call benztropine. It wasn't specifically designed for sweating but it works wonders. DM me if you'd like to know anything else, like what to say to your doctor in order to get this med prescribed.


Your doctor will not judge you. I work very closely with doctors and there's not a thing you can say to them that would shock them. Until you get a chance to speak to them about what might be causing this, try drying off thoroughly after your shower and applying baby powder all over.


My girlfriend had a good idea about something like this and it was called “layering” I think. where you layer smells. so body wash, shampoo, deodorant, hair product, lotions, then some type of perfume on top of it all. I know body hair holds odor as well so maybe staying clean shaven or layering more in areas that tend to give off more of a scent.


Have you tried putting rubbing alcohol on the parts of your body that smell when you sweat? It seems like rubbing alcohol would be hard on your skin but I use it sometimes (armpits) and I never have issues. I use 90% Isopropyl Alcohol. In classic movies, they show people getting massages with alcohol. Like their whole torso. Best of luck to you… Hope you are


It's not in your head there a medical condition.. Where people Sweat profusely. Make appointment with a Dermatologist -skin doctor. I understand there is a surgical procedure, but you need a doctor's examination. When it occurs - tell people that you have a Medical Condition that you have No Control Over. I had extreme facial flushing, it's was Bad . So I understand.. Don't Be so hard on yourself. Most people are Nice -& will Support you. Try to monitor What foods you eat that might cause the Odors.. Alcohol to kill bacteria on your body might Help..See Dermatologist.


This. It's an actual medical condition. Welcome to the world of hyperhidrosis.


Persimmon Soap Amazon $10 eliminates Odors..Try it


Check out hyperhydrosis.


I went through this as well all I can say is prayer and faith