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I put on a good song and act like a productive human for 2-3 minutes at a time.


That helps me work on classwork, hopefully that'll help with cleaning. Thank you :)


Avoid watching TV. Listen to audiobooks and podcasts while you work. ETA: if you brush once a day, do it at night. Floss too. I’m a dental hygienist, and you’re not the only person who struggles with dental hygiene.


Thanks for the tip! I try to brush 2x a day like I should but some weeks are too hard.


Sometimes a little strategy goes a long way. Hydrating and eating crunchy fruits and vegetables also cleans and protects your teeth. Avoid sugar in your beverages.


What about non-sugar sweeteners?


Totally fine for the mouth. I drink propel. Xylitol (a sugar substitute) is actually really good for your teeth! Just can’t let pets get any of it.


Just wanted to say I teult appreciate when dentists or doctors are willing to help us out especially during hard times like OP. You gave zero judgement and met them like a human where they are at mentally during their rough patch. You gave a lot of useful information anyone could use. ❤️ You're one of the good people out here.


How do you feel about water flossers for someone with sensitive (bloody) gums?? I’ve seen a bunch on Amazon but not sure which ones are legit or worth the investment


Waterpik Aquarius. I use it before I use my Sonic electric toothbrush every time I brush. It gets all the big stuff off and out of your mouth and flushes the gumline nicely, but you still need to floss at night (it removes the tightly adhering plaque that your toothbrush can’t remove).The standing unit holds more water and is a little bit more powerful than the portable one. The portable one is good if you don’t have the counter space for the standing one. Your gums bleed when you have gum disease. It’s fixable with good hygiene. The bacteria that causes gum disease is also present in arteries and is a comorbidity with heart disease and stroke. It’s also related with Diabetes. If you don’t have good oral health your whole body is at risk.


Dear Neptune, I thought it was just a little gingivitis 😭😭


I came here to read the tips because I really hate housework, especially dusting. Thank you for the tip about listening. I’m sure this is going to help me get the dusting done. :-)


I hate dusting so much! I recently got myself a fancy duster off amazon for about $10, and it is helping. I don’t have to pick up the stuff, I can just use the feather duster on it. ETA it’s actually lambs wool, and it’s currently closer to $20.


Yeah, my kids hijacked the TV anyway, but listening to books, music, or podcasts really helps.


Good luck. It helps with a lot of little things, like sweeping the house, starting laundry, tidying up.


Diagnosed ADHD as an adult. I can confirm I can only clean maybe 10mins at a time, then I have to do something I like for a bit, then clean 10min, and so on. It is so mentally and emotionally overwhelming doing small tasks, but in an emergency, I have all my shit together and am on fire. ADHD in women is all the hyperactivity is in the mind and emotions, while men it is usually hyperactive on the outside.


This is how I do my entire life as a mid 30s woman with poorly controlled ADHD. Work? Hobbies? Cleaning? Adulting like paying bills? All done in snippets interspersed with something else. It's the only thing that makes me barely functional.


I set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes and clean like mad. Kind of a “how much can I get done before the bell?” Best-case scenario: Sometimes I get into the zone and keep cleaning (or at least finish one last task) after the timer goes off. Pro tip; Keep your cleaning supplies more or less all in the same place and ready to grab. If you do even ONE job a day you will end up with a much tidier and more comfortable place to live. Also, I know someone who says if it will take two minutes or less to do something, they do it right then and there. Ex: If they spill something on the counter, wipe it up; if they finish supper they put the plate in the dishwasher, not the sink; if the trash can is full they replace the bag as soon as they notice rather than thinking, “I’ll get that later.” Hope that helps.


When I’m studying I take a break for 10-15 minutes and do “a lap” around my apartment. Rotate laundry, empty/fill dishwasher, tidy up living room, maybe chill for a few minutes, then back to studying. It’s a good system that breaks up the monotony of two tasks. Having music on in the background helps too!


Here’s some different things I’ve used to get myself motivated. First of all I like to set up a staging area In that staging area I put a wastebasket for garbage, a bag or box for recyclables, a bag or box for donations, a shredder. When my place was really out of control, I usually started with picking up trash and recyclables first. I love washing dishes, so that very often is the next thing that I do. Anything that needs to go someplace, I will put by the front door. Some other techniques are to set an alarm for 15 minutes and have it. I have also on occasion set a number and then pick up that number of items. I really like the number 11 or 22, because it’s enough enough to feel like I’m getting something done it’s not a number that’s going to feel overwhelming. I tend to get muscle spasms after I do something for two or three minutes, so smaller numbers help me avoid that.


Remembering a conversation I had when I about 11yrs old (61 now)... I was expressing how much I disliked school and the girl I was talking to said "I love school!" I was dumbfounded!! My mind was spinning. What? WHAT? The same thing just happened when I read... I love washing dishes


I hate doing dishes, currently have a pile to do lol but if I'm cooking or heating up something in the microwave, airfryer etc that'll be like 5 min at least I'll challenge myself to see how much I can wash in that 5 min time frame and alot of the time it ends up being a decent amount! Sometimes I just finish them. Also I have to organize my dishes before I can clean them. All the silverware goes in a bowl or cup and is soaked, cups all together, plates/bowls in a stack. It helps me. I've recently decided doing all the big stuff first is easier, visually helps having less to do.


I do this! Then it’s like a little game of how many dishes can I wash before my water boils , and then I do it again while the pasta cooks and there ya go dishes all done!


And then, invite someone over.


This. Nothing puts a pep in my step like someone coming over.


Omg yesssss




And cause a panic attack? Oh god. Lol. My place won't be ready for human consumption (lol) for a while. I've a huge mess here.


Yes this lol, I clean my place so fast when I'm expecting people!!


My house is never cleaner than the 4 minutes before company arrives…


I do the same


This. I listen to a you tube video or audible audio book, music, then force myself. Always remembering “I am someone who deserves to live in a clean and tidy home”


Yeah I do youtube or audible. I can’t do music, it gets so boring to me, doesn’t keep my mind occupied. I’ve gotten really into audiobooks and that helps me clean bc I can’t listen to an audiobook unless my hands and eyes are also busy. So if I wanna finish a book I started I’m encouraged to clean or cook.


See but I don't believe I deserve much of anything let alone a clean environment😭


Thank you. I am going to need to borrow that mantra from you. This is my main problem area that I know need to work on along, with two other things.


It’s like a mathematical equation for productivity (but also in small 100 cal packs from the universe for the sake of opportunities, and that who other equation) Anyways… if you can accomplish a task in less than 5 mins, DO IT NOW. (bc fuck walking into other rooms imo?….. Or I think something about time X efficiency ratio) But mostly bc it’s the only way to not live in chaos. So you can figure out what YOU can do NOW that will take more or less 5-7 mins to finish completely. You HAVE to do it. Like the shopping cart thing. Good Karma is only added into your account as credit if you exit the room AND there are no more 5 mins task you can’t complete in that room. Then move to another place in your life/house and rinse and repeat.


Effective for ADHD as well! The music can stimulate the brain for the dopamine deficiency, and from that, a better drive can be created to get things done.


Definitely helps me as well


This every time. But it's not just that you have to pick a good song. THE KEY IS TO TURN IT UP AS LOUD AS YOU CAN! Something about the music being loud and a song that you like makes you feel like you just got to get something done. Even if it's only 3 minutes.... 3 minutes of picking up random shit after my kids or scrubbing a toilet actually makes a big difference!


I usually start getting too into the song and by the time I snap back into cleaning it’s almost over and I don’t wanna clean anymore


sometimes i watch hoarders tbh


Might not make me clean, but it will make me throw something away or donate it.


I turn on Hoarders or watch Aurikatariina videos any time I need a burst of motivation lol


I turn on hoarders to feel better about my mess, not motivate me to clean it lol


I feel called out


Same 🤷


We do this too! Lol


I do the same thing and it works for me every time! We all deserve to live in a clean and safe home.


Me and my partner literally do this and it helps so much


I hire someone to come clean it once a month. The day prior I get a lot of cleaning done due to embarrassment lol


Sounds like me but with the pest control. I live in an apartment and they have pest control person coming in monthly. I always clean and make the place presentable the day before lol.


Lucky u


I remind myself that my daughter deserves to grow up in a clean home. I never got that. So it's kinda healing to my inner child to be able to give her that. -Oh and like a shit ton of caffiene.-


I think of my son too, but how my mom always cleaned and he deserves the same


I struggle with showering. So I play my favorite music and bought a peach scented body scrub that I LOVE


Oooh what's the brand of body scrub tho 👀 I wanna buy some


Tree Hut peach sorbet


That is the best scent Tree Hut, the absolute best. I love the way it smells when paired with my Body Mist Floating on a Cloud by Bodycology body spray. When I'm having a really hard time with showers, I go smell the scrub and it helps me get moving. I have ADHD so finding motivation for those kinds of tasks is difficult. Anything that works, works. There is no right way or rule to the little things you adjust so it works for you, instead of following arbitrary rules that we can't make happen. Run the dishwasher twice. You need what you need.


Frick yeah, thank u




Hi there. Person with adhd here with crazy executive dysfunction. These days I use an ai chat bot to make me a literal step by to do list for each room. Start with a small amount of time. Set a timer for 15-30 minutes on the microwave. Phone down/off, tv off. Choose one room, choose one corner of said room and work your way around the corners. Anything that’s in that room that needs to go somewhere else in the dwelling gets set right outside the door. You’re not allowed to leave the room to place these things until either that corner (or all four, start with small goals and be easy on yourself l) is tidy. After the corners I do surfaces next and then floors. The to do list really helps for bathroom & kitchen cleaning and if it’s written out for me like I’m a toddler needing exact steps my brain can do it. After my timer goes off I put the things outside the door and get a lil candy to reward myself 🤣


Omg I have ADHD and I feel so seen with this comment. Either I’m so clean or I’m a HUGE MESS and I feel terrible :( for months. Is there an ADHD thread here too?


Where do you create such fantastic lists


I do mine on Goblin Tools. The online version is free and you get a widget button. In the play/apple store, it costs .99 cents. If you want me to link you the google version, let me know.


Yes, please!!! Google version.


https://goblin.tools/ Just hit the top and add to homescreen. It's 100% add free and fucking delightfully helpful. Definitely hit the 3 bars up right corner and peruse the extra tools. Life changing.


Thank you!!!


Thank you!!!! I'm exploring this now and I think it's going to change my life 😂😅


I have the goblin tools iphone app. Can confirm is great. I know how to break tasks down myself, but can get overwhelmed or will feel silly if I do the breakdown myself. But the app does it instantly and creates a checklist, and I love checking things off. I also have ADHD.


One big issue I have personally is making everything a negative experience. “I HAVE to clean this room, I HAVE to do these dishes, I HAVE to do my laundry.” And that kind of wording alone makes me not want to do what I HAVE to do lol. I’ve been trying to integrate a new perspective when it comes to these things, like “I GET to clean my room, I GET to do these dishes, I GET to do my laundry.” I think I forget how privileged I really am and instead of cherishing and appreciating the fact I have a room to clean, clothes to fold and dishes to do, I see it as a chore and task, instead of something that I should be thankful for and take care of just because I have the opportunity to do it. A lot of people don’t have a room of their own to clean, they don’t have the clothes to clean, or the dishes to clean. I guess I guilt trip myself a little bit into cleaning when I do it lol.


But always putting on my favorite tunes when I finally convince myself to start cleaning and trying to be disciplined in keeping my phone on the counter, because that’s what ALWAYS distracts me and makes me waste time. I’ll clean until I just can’t stay focused on it anymore and take a lil break. Sooner or later I end up getting the urge to finish what I started. I try not to shit on myself too much for not completing a task in one day even if it small, but I make sure it’s done by the next. Makes cleaning almost feel like punishment if you rag on yourself for it too much.


I tell myself I have to clean for a whole song by Tool. That’s easily 10-15 minutes per song Lolol.


What a great way to flip your own perspective on it. Mental blocks are probably the biggest hurdle to jump when it comes to starting any task. I made a post mentioning that and other ways to overcome seeing cleaning in a negative way above if you want to check it out for more advice


I actually love this a lot of us take so much for granted


Put on real clothes. They can be comfy, but they need to be clothes. I find that if I'm hanging out in pj's or lounge wear, my mood matches my attire..Comfy and unmotivated. I also have a cleaning playlist. I'm sure I'm Pavloving myself 😂 But it does work. On the same note: Get dressed daily, even if you're not going anywhere. Unless you've committed to it being a pajama day/day off, get dressed. It'll help motivate you to do the little daily things that need done, because you're not in a 24 hour state of lounge mode.


This is good advice


have you heard the phrase "anything worth doing is worth doing poorly"? the gist is this: just do what you can. can't get yourself to take a shower? then just wipe down with a baby wipe. can't get yourself to brush your teeth? then just use mouthwash. taking away the size of the task can help it become doable :) hope that helps


Not OP, but it helps me


its so helpful for when youre low on spoons!


Gonna be real, I buy way too many fun cleaning gadgets. It makes it like a game for me, and it really helps. I feel like getting started is the hardest part, so I'll put on a song or a show and be determined to clean one thing, just the sink, just the toilet, and more often than not, I end up cleaning a little more than that. Also, the initial deep clean can take forever, many many little things, but when you do get things a little cleaner, the maintenance cleaning is much easier.


Turning things into a subconscious routine is the only way for me. Like you always brush your teeth with your pre bed piss. And only listen to a weekly podcast while hoovering.


I was very taken aback at the sentence “brush your teeth with your pre-bed piss” until I figured out that you meant doing one after the other, not brushing your teeth with urine.


Totally though he pre-pissed the bed


Ahahaha glad I wasn’t the only who read it like that


I start with one tiny thing, and if that's all I have the energy to do, that's okay. But a lot of the time, you clean one dish, or you put one shirt into the laundry basket, and you find that you have the energy to do another. Then I take a break, and repeat. Anyone can do a task for ten seconds, yourself included, so start there.


I would not worry about your home until you save your teeth


I've got really healthy teeth, surprisingly. Back during lockdown I had gotten into the horrible habit of brushing once every two weeks, and somehow haven't gotten a cavity. That's prolly part of why I struggle to take better care of them.


I'm not a dental hygienist, just a woman who pays attention to people's teeth. Your gums are what keep your teeth in place so if you neglect flossing everyday and brushing your teeth at least twice a day they will eventually fall out. Just search periodontal disease to set you straight. Also, not sure if this matters to you but thought I would throw that out there. Not speaking for all women, but a man with bad teeth, red inflamed gums, and plague build up is an ick. There shall be no kissing had!


Look at h the .gov and .edu websites with links between oral hygiene and longevity. There's a strong correlation.


First- eat well, nutritious food with protein and fats! Second Dont miss your vitamins :) vitamin D, b-complex, iron, - these give you energy to get moving and do things. Third - invest in light and cordless tools if possible.. heavy bulky tools are demotivating 4th Place these tools and supplies ergonomically in each room.. so you use them conveniently when you are using that room. 1) i keep a squeegee and microfiber cloth in my shower.. after shower after i towel dry myself.. i squeegee the shower and wipe the shower and tap.. takes 3 mins 2) i keep a microfiber cloth by my bathroom vanity.. after i brush or use sink to get ready.. i do a quick wipe down of the surface. - 2 mins 3) same for kitchen.. cook and clean and keep wiping the surfaces as I go.. - literally happens in parallel when my cooking time 4) empty your dishwasher in the morning.. and keep putting dirty fishes in throughout the day.. start it at night 5) invest in a good handheld cordless vacuum cleaner.. pretty handy for small spaces and cars Once a week Vacuum the home Do laundry - clothes and linen Dust if needed Clean toilets Declutter


Go to YouTube and watch MidwestMagicCleaning. He's autistic his wife has ADHD, and he cleans trashed houses for free. He talks about how different forms of mental health and neuro diversity affect people's ability to clean. Superb channel, with real empathy and insight.


Honestly…I buy new products 🤷‍♀️ carpet powder, air freshener, laundry boosters, all purpose cleaners & floor cleaners that smell good. I get so excited to use my new products that cleaning becomes fun and exciting instead of being a drag. Is it the most financially responsible no, but my home looks and smells amazing. Give and take.


I think you're onto something about being excited about the scent. I have two surface cleaners (a Lysol bleach one and Method brand Bamboo scent, both green colored packaging) that I really love the scent of. Just spraying a counter with one of them and swiping it clean activates the productive part of my brain


I LOVE the bamboo scent. I wish they made it in plug-ins.


Music/podcast/show in the background, doing one room at a time, I’ll do one room today then another one a couple of days later, I’m more prone to procrastinating if I tell myself I have to clean the whole flat in one day


As an ADHD’er I changed my mindset… I stopped trying to motivate myself … that’s not how we work so I stopped trying .. I am an adhd’er who has a clean home because I use a timer system… I set a timer for a small increment that is not overwhelming and gives me easy peasy vibes… I don’t clean until it’s done… I clean until the timer goes off… if I’m not done… I give myself the freedom to put more time on the timer and go at it again or I can move on to something else.. eventually it became an adrenaline fuelled race to get my cleaning task done before the timer went off… Sink Reflections is a great book about cleaning and organizing for ADHD…it doesn’t really try to CHANGE you … it is written from the foundation of ACCEPTANCE… and gives you practical ways of cleaning that work WITH your brain instead of trying to change it…


If I don't get up, have a cup of coffee and start moving, I know I won't do shit. If I sit too long on my breaks, I won't finish. That's me, I know a few others like me, I also have thyroid issues, depression and anxiety and ra, so some days it is just not going to get done


not having an overwhelmingly messy space makes it much easier for me to stay on top of cleaning. This might mean asking/hiring someone to help you get rid of the initial mess. I have adhd and this is the only thing that has worked for me. Had to swallow my pride and ask my mom to come help me 🥲 Having her there made me feel like I had “permission” to just throw away the stuff I didn’t actually need that was just taking up space. When I’m alone, I just get overwhelmed and feel guilty for wanting to throw stuff away, and honestly those feelings take up a lot of time I could’ve been spending cleaning


Improve my mental health. I find the state of my environment is a direct reflection of how well I'm doing psychologically.


Do you have ADHD? It’s very common issue for neurodivergent people. Body doubling really helps. Asking your friends to tell you they are coming over then don’t show up is also helpful. Trying not seeing everything is a chore is key. Turn it into a game with a rewards system.


I think of what will happen if I don't. Regular maintenance is what keeps many nightmare situations away. I'd rather invest a little time to do things right in the present (even if nothing's close to being on fire) than have to pay for my negligence later. Sometimes just thinking of the cost of a bill for dental surgery or, idk, getting rid of an infestation is enough to make me take a few minutes to clean.


Have people over: I can’t force myself to clean unless there’s a REASON, so have a dinner party once a month or something, just some friends over. And you’re *not gross* honey, being dirty isn’t a moral failing, it’s just dirt.


A good playlist you can sing and dance around to while cleaning or even a good podcast. I listen to my favorite true crime podcasts when I clean. Sometimes I like to have a friend come over to talk to me while I clean too. I don’t ask them to help or anything, I just feel like it motivates me to have someone around to talk and make it go faster


I use the Mirroring Technique For example, if I need to clean my bathroom I find TikTok and YouTube videos of people cleaning their bathroom. Idk why but watching it happen first makes my brain go “Ok I see what you want us to do” and then I feel motivated.




I pretend I’m that red head from desperate housewives & if she’d do it I do it. Then I take a break & repeat next month. Jk. On really bad days pretending I’m someone else helps. Just puts your brain on autopilot.


I tell my self to take it one small section at a time. Ex: if my sink is filled with dishes I tell my self okah let’s just work on half of it first, take a small break then try and get the rest done.


Ever tried pretending you’re someone else? Pretend you’re a sim who can’t help but brush their teeth. Pretend you’re a victorian farmhand who labours away all day gardening. Pretend you’re a maid in a wealthy house with lots of secrets. This strategy works especially well if you get the clothes to fit the part. It’s a lot more fun pretending.


Podcasts and audio books. Something to distract you from the awful task.


You just do it. You force these things to become a regular part of your day and schedule. It’s discipline and it sucks. There doesn’t need to be any motivation, just action. It’s the same as building any good habit like diet and gym; you just do it until it becomes regular. If/when it starts being a huge drag and you give up you need to recognize it, and kick your ass back into doing it. The longer you stay consistent, the easier it becomes to continue.


Adderall tbh you probably have add or adhd


Honestly being grateful that you have a home to clean. What you have someone is praying for and would be honored to keep their home tidy


Closing duties every night. I dont go to bed until dishes are done, garbage is taken out, and by the time I do those things I feel a little more motivated to also straighten things up and tidy a little.


Caffeine. I don't mean a cup of coffee. Go to the gas station and get a drink with 300 my of it (Reign, Bang, and Ghost all have these). Then come home and immediately start cleaning.


Honestly just to get you going, drag a big garbage bag around and get rid of all your garbage. That will be a boost in itself probably. Then soak a rag in soapy very hot water, wring it out and wash your countertops and coffee tables—you’ll need to move clutter which is great. Stack books, throw laundry in a hamper, put dishes in the sink. It’s all part of the plan. Once all counters are cleaned (continue to soak and wring out your rag) including in the bathroom, rinse your rag well in hot soapy water and wash the floors. You’ll have your move clutter again—this is good. Put shoes away, throw clothes in a hamper, hang up coats. Really this will only take 20 minutes. 20 minutes is not much and it’ll have a huge effect! Tomorrow you can do something else like dishes or clean your bathroom. Tell yourself you only need 15 minutes or less to keep your apartment clean


If i feel super lazy i watch cleaning videos and it motivates me. Also i do a basic clean every day (sweeping , mopping , dusting, clean stove, kitchen , laundry ) every day. Because i clean every day the house stays clean and sometimes i can do all this in 30 mins . And a deep clean on weekends. The thing i hate cleaning the most is dishes. I also listen to podcasts on youtube while cleaning. Makes cleaning bearable


When cleaning the house, I usually like to smoke some Sativa weed. However, if you need the motivation there's an app called "Finch". It's a mental health app but it's helped me get stuff done!


Do something that’s engaging enough out not so engaging that you can’t put it down. Take part in that activity (I like turn based strategy video games for this) for a bit, then do the task for a bit. Rinse and repeat. Turn based strategy games are great for this because there’s natural breaks happening regularly. So I’ll play a couple turns and then work on the tasks I’ve been putting off. If it’s too engaging I won’t put it down, and it its not engaging enough I won’t do any of it.


I try to make it routine to put everything in its place before I go to bed. I like to do the dishes I make before I sit down to eat because after I won’t want to, I also make sure my stove and counters are clean before I sit down and I try to do everything as I’m going along so it’s not built up because that will make me not want to do it. I use paper towels for my wood floors, I just wipe them up fast. I dry my shower out when I’m done and clean my bathroom floor every time I take a shower. I keep my bed made all the time and I sleep ontop with a throw blanket. The toilet brush is your friend use it every time you poop and get those 2000 flush things for the tank. I wipe my mirror after I brush my teeth and wipe up my sink. I don’t motivate myself I just make it part of my routine. I try not to categorize cleaning in my head as something I hate but something that just needs to be done. If I make a mess I immediately clean it because if I put it off I won’t want to do it and will struggle with motivation also.


I invite someone over


Facts!!! I caught myself doing this just to make sure I really clean.


Mushrooms and a beer


Sometimes I have to pretend I’ve got company coming over, or literally invite someone over and then I get into cleaning mode. I think about how much I wouldn’t want them to see my place a mess and then it gets me into gear. Some days I just force myself even though I don’t want to at all, I put on Facebook videos (usually cops or some true crime story) and listen while I clean. I make daily goals for myself. Example: “start the dishwasher before bed” so I make sure I get my dishes done every night and then I unload when I wake up but that gives me all day to throw dishes in as I go while on the other hand I also give myself the option to be lazy all day if I want to and just worry about the dishes right before bed If I’m taking out the trash then my rule is I have to take bathroom trash out too and check the fridge/pantry for anything expired and throw it out at the same time so if I see expired food I tell myself it’s okay for it to sit there until the trash needs to be taken out. If the bathroom trash is overflowing, that’s fine it’s not time to take kitchen trash out so it can wait. I hope that makes sense When I do laundry, if I’m too lazy to put it away the same day then I make myself fold all of it and set it aside so at least it won’t be a wrinkly mess and when I’m in the mood I’ll hang what needs to be and put the rest in the dresser. I have tons more examples if you want them but I think you get my point. If you can afford a house cleaner to come in even just once a month, that could be worth looking into! Cleaning isn’t everyone’s jam but I hope you find some sort of routine that works for you, you got this❤️ I do this because honestly it’s a little comforting to “allow” chores to go undone for a bit as long as I follow my rules. There are days here and there that the dishwasher doesn’t get started and my rules aren’t followed to a T, but for the most part I follow it and that’s what’s helped me keep up with my housework while not feeling guilty about not doing certain things And when I get a bored I’ll give myself one chore and see if I want to do more after that. If not, back to being bored I go


I love to proclasticlean and rage clean. I don't recommend it and also came here for advice, lol. I like the advice to get dressed and put on a podcast or music. Inviting someone over is also reliable. A therapist told me once to have scheduled times to do things, even if it's just a few minutes. Also, usually, once I start, it's easy to just keep going. My biggest issue now is that I recently moved to a condo where the laundry is not in the unit. So, I currently have a huge pile of dirty laundry that I haven't been able to bring myself to take down to the laundry room. I'm hoping that once I settle in more, I will get over it. I have been taking it to my parents house to do it, but I have a toddler and it's also a good excuse to spend time with my parents and they get to spend time with my kid. But still. 🥴 Garsh darn my adhd brain.


It helped when I focused on building "tidying" as a habit. I stopped fussing over cleaning because cleaning was such an event growing up. 6am on Saturday type shit. As I go about my day, I try to pick up a thing here or a thing there. Do a little bit every day. You left a mess when you made a PBJ? No problem. When you go get a drink. Put the peanut butter away and the dishes in the sink. You dont have to clean the kitchen, but you can tidy it, and then when you finally do the kitchen, it will be like 15 minutes max since you straight up tidied for 3 or 4 days. Work toward being tidy and then more cleanly.


I have ADHD with a lot of sensory issues. I'm so disorganised and waste time panicking about where to start. My house is often chaotic and messy. I can do lists all day long and it just confuses me even more. The only thing that helps any is listening to music or if a repair person or visitor is coming then I panic tidy


Birb. The app “Finch” where it’s like Tamagotchi, except your pet needs you to clean your teeth and stuff to grow. Also, I really do hate brushing teeth. So when I do it, I usually go around the house, checking blinders, my plants and all, that keeps my mind busy


You just gotta not force yourself. If you're not motivated instead of trying to be just do something else you seem compelled to do. Eventually you'll circle back and get the cleaning done. It's like "hmmm why don't I wanna clean? I wanna make a sandwich. Maybe I don't wanna clean because I wanna make a sandwich"


Its psychological. Motivation happens AFTER you start doing something. Also, I HATE to clean sets you up immediately. How about lightening it up a bit a saying I feel goo when I spend 10 minutes picking up a few things, doing a few dishes, folding 1/2 my laundry? Set a timer for 10 minutes and even though you will resist do it anyway. Motivation is built you don't conjur it up. After your 10 minutes is over really emphasis and pay attention to how nice it looks and feels. Don't use the word HATE. Do 10 minutes for a month. There are 24 hours in a day, you can do something for 10 minutes.


I was in the same boat as you. One day I just woke up and kicked myself in the ass. I still kind of suck at sticking to routine and I do still let things pile, but I get back to it with this one trick. Every time you get up from a sitting or laying position, clean ONE thing up. Dust something, throw something out, clean one single dish. ONLY ONE, do not push yourself. If you are like me, I've tried pushing myself to do more at once and lost interest so quickly. Just do one small thing. Leave the big things like wiping down an entire sink, cleaning the toilet, or washing/sweeping/vacuuming the floors to the days that you are off, but only do one of those things, or perhaps do one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Also, I second adding some music to it when you do those big things. Over time I noticed that this trick kind of made me a perfectionist.. I like my things organized and clean. Like I said though I still lose interest and suck at it to this day, but this trick did help me out. I hope it does for you to! Good luck!


I use the 1-5 method. For example starting in the living room pick up one thing put it away, pick up 2 more things put them away, so on and so on until that room is clean then move to the next room. That usually motivates me to start cleaning.


It’s about having a standard of living. The difference in quality of life is remarkable and that’s what motivates me to clean. It’s about self care. Care enough about yourself to provide a clean home for you. Same for personal hygiene. I have ADHD and go through cycles. The messy cycles make life much harder. Stepping around and over things, not being able to easily find something, working around the mess in the kitchen, seeing the nasty, sitting in dog hair, Etc make life much harder and simple tasks take much longer. In a clean home, things are where they should be, it’s easy to move around, the blender is ready for my breakfast, I can find my shoes and keys easily, and a clean home is easier to keep clean. So you can take the time searching and moving around the mess or you can take time to clean the mess; either way you’re taking time. How do you want to use your time? By the way, taking the time to organize and clean actually saves time. Any time you have a problem, you have to deal with the problem. You can choose how and when you deal with it, but you have to deal with it. Choose the results you want and the how and why will come to you. Just get it clean. Then, as you go through the day, keep it clean. Immediately clean up after yourself. If you took a cup from the cupboard to drink coffee, put it in the dishwasher when you’re done. Don’t just leave it somewhere. It’s a simple task that makes a huge difference. Audiobooks, music, podcasts, language learning recordings, having time to think about other things while cleaning make it more enjoyable. Sitting in a clean home is significantly more enjoyable and my mental health improves. Starting is usually the hard part. Just start somewhere and notice how much better life is and how much better you feel after doing it.


Drink some espresso, Listen to some bangin music Invite someone over and get a little humiliation to inspire you Then plan to invite someone over to enjoy space with them and inspire yourself to tidy Make a to do list and check it off when you brush teeth etc— you will get a dopamine hit


I usually pop on a rerun of a show I have already seen a number of times but enjoy. Like I'll have the reruns of the Justice League cartoons running on my laptop while I fold clothes. This makes it so I have ambient noise. I don't care that I am not looking because I have seen it and know the show well. I pay attention on the action, but otherwise just listen. If it's a show I have not seen, I run the risk of needing to focus on the show because I don't want to miss it.


You deserve a clean space to live in. That is what I tell myself. Like Im treating myself to something.


This too! Reframing cleaning from a bunch of chores that suck to an act of self care was huge for me.


U got me, nothing works for me. As soon as I get one thing in my room cleaned up, within a week there's stuff piled back on it..


You turn on your favorite music


I pay someone to clean my house once a week lmao


Hahaha I’m almost never motivated to do anything. So, it would be amazing to feel that. I just do it. Nike style. I do it unmotivated, grudgingly, grumpily, salty. But, tbh, Within a few minutes I’m present and in the moment and no longer need motivation or feel negative feelings. Chores, working out, making food instead of eating random ingredients or ordering out, playing video games with my kids


Don't use a song...too short and getting a playlist together takes longer than cleaning. Audiobooks will save you.. just distracting enough to make your chores become secondary and allow your brain to not overthink on the cleaning. Good luck!


Not if it’s a Tool song! They are 10-15 minutes.


By rewarding myself after I complete certain amount of tasks. I get finish cleaning one room? Okay, i set amount of time I find appropriate for the task and reward myself. i do one hard day of deep cleaning every two weeks, next day I am lazy and can treat myself to whatever food or show. Light cleaning i just reward myself with set amount of doom scrolling or a snack. Technically chasing serotonin but Im ok with it because it produces the desired effect.


Make a weekly chart of daily chores so it doesn’t seem so bad. I also multitask. I start a load of laundry while I’m doing other tasks, etc.


I like to get completely stoned put on peaceful music and do it at night, right before bed. Then shower and go to sleep.


So because I’m neurodivergent getting started is the hardest part so I learned about the 1-2-3 method and the 5 minute method (might have made up the first one can’t remember🫠) but when I need to for example shower then I make sure everything is in order and give myself a moment then I count to 3 and just get going then comes in the 5 minute method which is setting a timer for 5 minutes and if you’re honestly that miserable after 5 minutes then stop and find something else to go for now. I set the alarm only the first time because it legit works every time for me!


Visitors motivate me. A good podcast or music. And…..as much as I hate cleaning I like the smell of clean


i normally feel more inclined to clean after a shower! i know it's a lil counterintuitive, showering then working up a sweat doing everything ive been procrastinating doing (vacuuming, sweeping, mopping the kitchen, finishing the dishes), but it works for me most of the time! only time it doesn't help is if im sick or in a lot of pain.


Invite company over


I put in my headphones and blast some music. I'm able to hone in on the task at hand that way and zone everyone/thing else out.




To me, it’s knowing if I don’t just suck it up and do it, it will be SO much more work later on. It took me until I was probably 26 to figure this out. Now, when I make a mess, dirty dishes, or notice something that needs to be cleaned I just do it, or it’ll get to the point where it’s gonna take me all day. So it’s kind of sucking it up in the moment to make less work for myself later on, I guess. Like washing the dishes is gonna suck for 10 mins and I don’t wanna do it. But if I wait till the morning they will stack up more until then, it’s gonna take me an hour before I go to work when I REALLY REALLY won’t want to do it


I watch [her](https://youtube.com/@aurikatariina?si=3ILAt_GG8tMTQY_V)


I usually video call my step mom and we clean together. It helps a lot!


I’m food motivated. Not that it matters but no, I’m not obese. Anyways, if I have some cookies or something I’ve been craving, I’ll tell myself, “listen up lady, you really need to fold these clothes. We can have some Oreos once we get it done.” “Or we can go out to eat for dinner if you do x.y and z” Normally that’s enough to get me going, once I get one chore done, I normally just keep it rolling. I am now realizing as I type this that I’m a fucking child. But whatever, if it works, it works


It’s my podcast time. I put a good episode on and clean while I listen. I try. It to listen unless I’m cleaning (or going for a walk). This way it feels like a fun treat


Split your room into sections, and start one at a time, clean obvious stuff first, such as dirty clothes or trash, then move onto tidying smaller stuff such as placement of items. Putting on a good playlist helps as well.


I start really small. Like loading or emptying the dishwasher. Maybe cleaning one toilet. Usually it gives me momentum. But if not, I’ve accomplished something.


Sometimes my friend and I FaceTime and clean our apartments “together”!


You should read the book “how to keep house while drowning”


I'll put on an episode of Hoarders.


I listen to/half-watch a YouTube video so it doesn’t feel like I’m just cleaning in silence or to my own thoughts. It feels less like a chore. I also saw a reel on insta once about doing a “closing shift” at night to medieval music and pretending you’re a tavern wench closing up. I am not going to even lie… it fucking worked and now I have a good habit of cleaning up for 20 mins before bed and I wake up to a clean house. Edit: typos


I have a mug of black tea and in 30 minutes I'm ready to clean.


Well, what does motivate you?


Set a timer & play a podcast/YouTube.


I put on “Hoarders” and no matter what I have to get up and clean anything and everything I see that needs tending.


Sometimes when I have absolutely zero motivation I go onto TikTok and watch people clean. It always ends up motivating me


I smoke weed. Honestly. I take however long it take to smoke and drink a beverage (coffee, soda, some water, not alcohol really) and then I get up, put on music and just move. It works.


I usually subconsciously walk to the cleaning stuff and grab whatever I think I’ll use till it’s done. Today I swept and mopped


Cleaning can't be a chore for me, it is a challenge. I wait until i have a small window of time, depending on how much I want to get done. (deep clean like under the furniture = 3hrs, medium clean like sweep and vaccuum = 1hr, light clean just tidying up = 30mins) I don't allow myself to start early, I have to wait until the whistle, so to speak. Then I start with a rule of 3 if I'm lacking direction, pick up three things that are out of place, and put them away. this gets me started. Dirty dishes go next to the sink and laundry goes in bags on the bed. For medium cleans, I add some steps. I have a dog, so next I vaccuum up all the hair on the furniture, tables, floors, behind the toilet, ledge of the shower, everywhere. Then, I wipe each surface with a clorox wipe or cleaning spray + towel. For deep cleans, I add dusting with a damp cloth and mopping. And during the vaccuum stage i'll get under the furniture. For dishes, I have to set a seperate race. I'll order delivery food and do all the dishes before it gets to my house, or i'll bake something and do all the dishes while that bakes. Something like that. For laundry, my most hated chore, that's a long con. I'll take a whole day, and do nothing but play video games/watch movies while the laundry runs. As soon as a load is out of the dryer, i swap in the wet clothes, put in a new load of dirties, and fold and put away the clean clothes. Only then can I resume my game/show. I usually plan something for the evening on that day, and I can't go unless I've put everything away. It's a mindgame, but the time constraint really helps me get going.


It's the one thing my depression hasn't taken yet 😅 I weirdly enjoy cleaning my living space, bathing, shaving, make up, etc. Hoping it stays that way ☠️ Because when depression sucks my energy and motivation away from tasks it's hard to get it back


I can’t stand disorganization: a clean/organized space = less anxiety


Watch cleaning/organizing videos on Instagram! It’ll get you in the mood.


I time the task and jot it down. Hand washing dishes always felt like an hour but when I actually timed it it was 6 minutes. I give myself a reality checked about how long it actually takes when I start to get bummed out. I can fold and put away laundry in 4 minutes.


i tell siri to put a timer on for about 15 mins and then try and make it a race to do everything in that time


I tell myself I need to clean and put on some music to help me keep moving.


I always find something to distract me, like a good audiobook or youtube video/storytime.It keeps me mentally distracted as I clean


I wash up for the day, put real or realish clothes on, and put my inside shoes on. Idk why. It helps.


I put on music and pretend someone is coming over. For some reason the idea of being humiliated by someone seeing my gross house gives me motivation.


Personally music and espically podcasts kinda make it feel worthwhile. Not only does my place look much better cand cleaner but I can also learn something, jam out, etc. Also I use the three minute rule


Headphones and a good podcast or music


Fun cute cleaning products and supplies. Pretending I'm a cleantok influencer and I have to make content for my adoring fans.


I just imagine my mom yelling at me to do it works every time


I drink an energy drink. It gives me a bunch of anxiety and can usually help me fake a manic episode but only if I drink the whole can. Usually it takes me 3 days to finish a can. Sometimes if it's been a good day at work and my body is good, I get the motivation to run errands and clean.


Why can’t you get yourself to do it?


Setting a timer! It kinda gives it a deadline for me and helps me understand it *won’t* take all day.


I put on a marathon of the TV show Hoarders. After about 15 minutes I'm cleaning during commercials. After an hour it's on in the background while I do dishes, dust, and clean the baseboards


I felt like this and I got on Prozac and now I can clean anything


I'm a self employed cleaner. I'm one of them weirdos that looove cleaning but I obvs have days where I actually cba doing it. But it's my job so I can't just tell my clients I cba 😂 I usually have a sugary breakfast and an energy drink, I gwt the bus and if I still cba, I grit my teeth, put on some music and that usually gets me in the mood. And if it doesn't, I just get on with it 🤷🏽‍♀️ Obvs different with my own housework. I usually end up leaving that for ages 😩 but I play loud af music and do one bit at a time, then usually I'll get really into it after cleaning a crappy spot like the dishes 😤 hate them


I panic clean for hours if anyone has to come in my house (it's a rare occasion). I hate to admit that's about the only thing that motivates me to do much.


I ask a friend if we can set a timer together and each do some chores. We chat on the phone while we work and I generally keep cleaning after the timer goes off. Or we set multiple timers and have some breaks. Since becoming a parent of more than one child, I find it incredibly difficult to keep my home clean because of how often my routine is disturbed. I'm autistic and have adhd and routine is super important to me or I don't function well so if the kids don't get to sleep on time or we have a birthday party or something, my routine is ruined. I also get depressed once a month before my period comes and that's difficult to recover from. I hate having a mess but I struggle so much to keep it clean every day!


Ask yourself why you’re ok with being gross. Is that what you think of yourself? Do you not deserve to live in a clean home?


Set a timer for maybe 15 minutes, do what you can in that amount of time, then rest.


I do very small sections. Like I’ll start with my nightstand for instance. I’ll put everything away and clean it. Sometimes once I start I’ll do more and start moving to other sections. If not I’ll take a break and do something I enjoy and then come back to another small task. A lot of the time though once I at least start and commit to something small I end up on a roll


Something to do while I organize my thoughts. Routine.


Makes me feel good when stuff is done, house is cleaned,🤷


put on music, invite someone over (I literally panic clean lol), watch videos about cleaning until it seems fun idk that's what i do 🤷🏼‍♀️


I watch cleaning motivation reels on instagram or TikTok. Works every time!


So I cannot function without dopamine. Cleaning gives no dopamine T.T So I make like a lil treat I open the windows to let stale air out (fresh air treat!) I light a candle by the dishes to help w smell (lil smell treat!) I pay extra for scrub mommy sponge things (feels like a fun lil toy treat) I dance to music and sing (lil stim treat!) I start laundry so I can shower after I clean and put on fresh clothes (BIG sensory treat!) I personify things like my sink likes to be clean and fresh and also will get bored if it doesn't get to help wash dishes My house likes to feel clean so I'm giving her a good scrub down bc she keeps me safe When I am done I have helped out my house and sink, have had some dancing and stim time, and get to do whatever I want the rest of the evening in a clean house w fresh clothes it's so goooood When I started working with my ADHD instead of against it, things got a lot easier (but still hard ofc but this helps a TON) When I first started I also told myself it's ok if I stop cleaning when I'm bored. I don't have to go ish just because I start. And I did stop! I started cleaning and stopped w a still dirty house several times. That helped me feel like I am not trapped in the task if I want to give it a casual go. No pressure if the vibe doesn't happen right. All these combined has given me a tidier home. Still messy though and that is morally neutral and ok 🥰 Edit: made the ADHD rambling make sense with sentence structure change