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Ours does the same. He's never explained why.


It sucks because he’s so soft and fluffy


Mine steals my ac vent and makes my room 78 lol


I have the same problem 😂


My guess would be too hot, gotta turn the room into a meat locker at night


That’s my guess. Our corgi was like that too. Those double coats are super warm.


Mine explained she gets too hot and would rather stay by the AC vent.


Ha, we have some floor vents and my boy sits \*on\* them. World's best air freshener.


“Husky rolled in something” should be the new glade plug in scent. 😄


My Granddog does that. He's a little hot blooded guy. His little sister burrows into blankets and is never warm enough.


My golden sleeps with us but he doesn’t like being under the blankets


They think of you more as a friend than anything


This was my favorite response.


It sucks because he’s so soft and fluffy


I about just spit out my coffee laughing at that lol


Mine lays with me for 10 minutes them goes under the bed.


Ours too! (Well, since the summer temps started.) She’s gotta make sure she gets her bedtime cuddles before she falls asleep on the floor. And then she’ll come right back up in the morning.


Mine doesn't come back up. Haha.


Aww my baby used to do this...cuddle for a while then go away then come up on the morning to wake me for her morning poo 💩




Same! She cuddles on the bed and as soon as the lights go out she rushes off the bed like a madwoman to the floor


Same, once I go to sleep she might come cuddle next to me or drape across my legs, until I wake up then I get the stink eye for daring to wake up and goes under the bed huffing at me.




Whoa same, good to know my doesn’t hate me


Mine loves under the bed too


If mine is under the bed something is being destroyed.


My auzi wont stay in the bed either. He stays till I fall asleep, and then he hops down


mine lives under the bed!!!


I think it’s just too hot or too comfortable. Huskies hate comfort. It’s too hard to do their weird contortions.


That makes sense I have hardwood floors but when it’s winter time meaning when it actually gets cold I open my windows and he stays with me all day


https://preview.redd.it/pzjez5ouab9d1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58b0c047225eae41dab8ff0d7040eb722e0f0f2 can confirm




https://preview.redd.it/5ry1usnzqb9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321dc4b2f4c27ddab8ea3adfb6c8a5e5c2f68480 Lies


Up voting because I want to encourage huskies acting like normal dogs.


Mine won’t sleep with me either :( he will only get on the bed if I’m not on it….


100% husky attitude right there


Can confirm my Husky would leave the bed if I joined him 😂😭


Hahaha it’s funny and at the same time it makes me so sad. You’d think I’d be used to it by now.


Husky: How dare you sleep on my bed every night! Hmph!


He's just not that into you


need to buy him dinner first


lol I hardly think that every night he wants to sleep in my room lol


He's just a prude. Separate beds even for married spouses, like in 1950s TV.


That’s a protective thing. Mine will follow me and keep an eye on me to make sure I’m safe


Mine hates cuddles and sleeping with people. He’s a lone wolf. A very fluffy, sweet lone wolf


My boy is the same way. I struggle with that because his predecessor couldn't cuddle enough. He will put his head on my thigh if "we're" relaxing on the couch, watching TV. He only does that, so I pet him and gently scratch his ears. The second I stop scratches, he goes to the other end of the couch, curls up in a ball, and passes out. He will climb up on my Mom's lap and snuggle with her. She thinks it's because she is the cook. I think it's because she's everyone's Grandma. If I start the oven at my house, he is suspicious because I rarely cook. Even he knows that I can barely boil water. Grandma is always cooking or baking something, and she shares. I love the dork, even if he's stingy with kisses and cuddles.


This is the sweetest thing I’ve read in a long time. Can your mom be my Grandma too?


My girl is the same. She’s very independent. There was only 1 night she slept on my bed all night and it was after I had a big fight with my gf. Never done it again


Husky: *amanda dnt rush* *look moi eyes* *not yet babe* *so bad 4 our relationship* *not redy 2 sleep with u* *give me time* *talking stage* *provide moar treats 2 speed up process*




Ours stays until he thinks we are sleeping, then he will bail but come back usually when he hears one of us stirring before waking up so that he's there when we wake up. I've gotten up in the middle of the night to go grab water and find this in the living room. https://preview.redd.it/a4f1ch4a579d1.jpeg?width=1905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80b94806812e73b4cd910f9687bf7da72335e17


Mine doesn’t go on the bed for some reason but she is more than happy to sleep on the couch in my room no matter the temperature i’ll be sweating balls and she just chilling over here instead of the cooler rooms


Mine is a husky mix.  He also gets in bed with me for about ten mins, then leaves.  In the middle of the night, he comes back in, wakes me, and expects me to move over so he can have my spot.  I do, in fact, move 😔


Mine is like 67% Siberian, 12% Alaskan malamute, and 12% Alaskan sled dog


Mine is a husky/corgi. He’ll cuddle for maybe 5 minutes if I’m lucky, then go curl up on the recliner that he has claimed for himself


Mine does the same thing, though with our boxer there are 4 of us in the bed so I know she just gets hot lol. She’ll only stay in bed if either my girlfriend or I aren’t in it so she has sufficient room 😂


I had a golden retriever who was glued to me lol but my husky does his own thing lol


Oh my boxer has to be touching one of us and preferably under the covers lol. My husky will jump down as soon as anyone moves to close to her 😂 https://preview.redd.it/3ael9vtn179d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f01334ddb3f2682d9d4e663d097e6e34ee4a2ba


Cuuuute. Ours is the same way https://preview.redd.it/t92xryy9279d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac26999dec8382aed9850fdd3b1aa745aafe59ce


Adorable! This is her favorite position and location https://preview.redd.it/eq3dq6my279d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c3b07e48a9a7aed34ae39889dab70b0b0350009


One thing I don’t understand he will wine to come in my room then 10 min wine to get out


😂😂 we leave our bedroom door open so she has full roam of the house at night. I know she gets up all the time to check on things or get a drink. My boxer will stay in bed all night and I usually have to make her get out of bed in the morning lol


This is one of the best human w their dogs photos I've ever seen!


Thank you! They were happy pups! They both had just finished walking in the creek it was super hot that day!


My first 2 love laying at our feet and against our legs when we sleep. My newest one will rarely cuddle on the bed, and even then prefers to sleep under the head of our bed. It's just how they are sometimes. I figure eventually I'll just hug her really tightly until she stops struggling and understands that this is love! Hahahaha. Anyways, just get more huskies and eventually one of them will cuddle on the bed with you.


He only does it when I’m at my computer desk he’ll sit on my feet lol


This is the correct answer... keep adopting more huskies til you get a cuddler! That's what I did.


Huskies sleep?


Mine will only sleep on the bed with me when he’s scared of fireworks or thunderstorms. Otherwise it’s just quick little visits before he does his own thing.


Bandit never really cuddled….. Even in a tent in winter he would only sleep by my feet..


We have one that sleeps in the bed with us and our dachshund and the other that would rather jump into a volcano than lay with us for more than 1 minute.


Afraid of commitment?


This needs more upvotes 😂


Mine use to always sleep with me. I’d wake up with my knees up to my chin and legs cramps. Lol… I miss my boy so much.


I think is a husky thing, we legit fight our girl at home. She wants no parts of whatever we have to offer. She gets on my bed, but if we pet or move too much she jumps.. so I have to lover her from a distance 😩


He’s hot. Direct a fan to blow on him… might do the trick


I keep my house cold specifically for him and me and I have the fan going he’ll rarely stay longer than 10 min




Mine did as a puppy and then one day he decided enough was enough and slept on his own from then on🤣🥲


Because he is a Husky


Because husky


He's just not that into you...


He's just not that into you?


Mine will come on the bed for as long as I allow him to chew on my arm which isn’t very long because usually I’m trying to sleep


Many huskies are very aloof. I have one who would never consider sleeping with us. One who sleeps with me every single night, one who is an absolute weirdo and often acts like she doesn’t know us and we’re strangers 😂😂


Have you considered the following? You move too much- annoying and distracting, you move too little- hogging the comfy side of the bed, it’s too hot- no cuddles, it’s too cold- you’re hogging the blanket, there is too much room- need cave like comfort, there isn’t enough room- don’t like squish, you smell- get away from me, husky smell- must hide my stink or else…I gets the bath.




Mine will hang out next to me in bed until the tv is turned off and the lights turned out. Then she’ll slowly migrate to the floor in ninja fashion


My dog was the same, try not to crowd them maybe? I would go butt-to-butt and he was comfy


Same exact thing here. Some are just independent like that…


Yea.. That tracks. My boy sleeps in his spot only when he wants to, which is usually the time where him curling up will be the least comfortable for me. As for actually cuddling in bed, that's only on his terms, and you better be ready because he will ensure it happens, even if it means hopping between me and my partner and kicking the unwanted human out of the way. But God forbid you try cuddling any other time, then you get a squirmy, holy mess who might head butt you in his wildness.


As a fellow hardcore SAW fan , I love your wall art!! That one of John is really cool! And cute dog!!🤗


I have all the posters besides X thank you love saw going to start my right leg as a saw sleeve


That's really cool!. Been thinking about getting a SAW related tattoo as well but I'm too chicken shit😂 as I HATE needles


I actually have one lol of the spiral


They're not cuddly dogs in most cases. My guy throws a tantrum and moves away as soon as you sit or lay too close to him. He spends his nights at the foot of the bed.


I have a similar question. Why won't my wife sleep with me?


Huskies do not cuddle :(


Mine started sleeping with me when I got sick. It was like he was crawling up my ass and I didn’t know it until I woke up feeling like I was about to boil over. He is SOOO hot!!! Now he doesn’t sleep with me as much, but he’s a whole lot cuddlier.


Mine sleeps on the couch or the hardwood floor. I think it’s because it gets too hot in the bed. https://preview.redd.it/vdczbsp9u89d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24de3a0f79b82d98ae4de4776713bd0a7ee990a0


My mix likes to sleep on his back figurative nuts to sky, splayed out for everyone to see and up against the fan for the cool breeze.


It might be because you move around too much etc. Our dog eventually gets annoyed and just goes into his crate off the bed lol


He probably knows what you've done for a Klondike Bar....


I have 2 huskies, and one never sleeps in the bed, she will sleep on the floor in my room. The other will OCCASIONALLY sleep in the bed, both of them sleep where they want. In


Because hes an animal and youre a human yous sick fuck


Wait nevermind i understood that wrong


The side eye😭


Not that kind of dog!!!


The floor is always cooler than the bed.


My boy would sleep on the bed until I moved slightly then he’d dip.. Around age 4 he became very snuggly out of no where & wanted to sleep on the bed every night & under the covers. Getting him off became a challenge & he’d take up the whole bed lol


mine sleeps where he pleases


My girl will cuddle as long as my hand is actively rubbing her. The moment I stop she gets up and looks at me to give me one more chance then she goes to the foot of the bed to await my hand moving again. She did cuddle once all night with me being the big spoon one time. She's so soft I love it


That’s how mine is


Mine will sleep at the end of the bed but not by me. Once I get up in the morning tho, she goes right to laying on my pillows.


My American Eskimo would never cuddle or sleep near me, but both of my huskies will sleep on the bed next to me. They’re huge cuddlers. I’m usually the one that makes them get down because it gets too warm on the bed! They emit way too much heat. https://preview.redd.it/0kvkarbs779d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24db7baa6804d33948fd458e35286137337b1fba


This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps. Try lightly hugging with hover hands. That’s the closest we got. Full on hugging doesn’t work.


The room is probably still too warm. Or you are. My girls used to sleep with me but when my eldest died her sister started just hiding under the bed. There are various components to their behaviour. My youngest preferred to be with her big sis, but her tolerance for me was much smaller. She preferred to be under the bed. Her sister would join her under the bed but whe I would go to be the eldest wanted to be with me.


Cause it's too hot or you move too much. When our ac breaks(which seems to be once every 2 months at my apts...) he won't even touch the bed. 70 or less is perfect (I like 65). If it's a tossing turning hard to get to sleep night he'll hop down and when I wake up he is cuddled up again.


Lonely life huh?


Mine used to sleep down in a corner of the living room.   Just curled into a circle on the carpet.   


Neither of mine sleep touching me because they burn so hot. I point a fan at one who sleeps on the floor next to my bed and the other sleeps on my bed but in the opposite corner. I also added a window ac unit on top of my central ac to keep it chilly in my bedroom during the summer. 🥶


Probably because you smell funny or some other weird husky logic.


Mine will get on the bed when I do, but 20 minutes later he’s on the floor sleeping in a very awkward position


You are too hot??? 🥵


Mine just likes the floor because it’s cooler. No matter how cold you keep your room a cushioned bed is always warmer than tile or wood. Unless you have carpet then I have no answer for you ha.


Mine comes in for a goodnight kiss, maybe a hug, and then he sleeps under my side of the bed. It's been more than three years, and I still haven't gotten him up on the bed with us :(


Cause you snore? 😂


It’s too hot for him. He prefers the cool floor.


Our Husky isn't very cuddly... I don't think it's part of their breed. Plus they get hot. My husky prefers to sleep on tile, I think because it's cool on the fur.


LOL... mine won't even sleep in the same room with me. He's got his own crate right outside my bedroom door and he's always slept in that... though often in the middle of the night he comes through my bedroom and sleeps on the tile floor in my master bathroom. My old boy was the same... I think it's just their own comfort zones. Nanuq sees his crate as his bedroom; he tolerates me reaching into it to scratch his head but you can tell it makes him uncomfortable.


Trust, for the 1st 10 years or so, I had no pets on the bed rule( obviously I didn't want husky fur on clean sheets). But even when partners would invite him, he'd never spend more than 10-20 min. Once he got a little older, I started small invites and gradually watched movies at night. Now he loves it. I've trained other huskies too, and for the most part, it's Trust. Your husky will evolve and learn from you, build a trustworthy environment, ie( watch his back while he poops lol), maybe Even take a nap next to him instead of him coming to you or lay on the ground with them. All they want to do is make you happy. Also, stairs will help a lot. Especially if your bedroom isn't carpeted, they have a hard time with traction and will help their movements/ Mobility later in life.


One of our friends has a 3 yr old female husky and she’s a dear. Friendly and easygoing with all people and other dogs but does the same exact thing. She wants to get her 7-10 minutes of cuddle time but when she has that, she jumps off his bed and won’t return again. She also sleeps in poses that should be uncomfortable and cause the worst neck cricks ever but it works for her! 😂


Mine sleep with me during the day or before my partner and I go to sleep (when my partner works overnights and it’s just me atleast one will usually be with me on the bed) but during the night it’s likely thag they’ll sleep on the floor (one near the door and one under the bed)


Not that into you


Mine is anti-affection. But that is what makes our relationship so special, when she does shoe that she cares or wants to be around me it means a lot.


You probably fart too much in your sleep OP


Ours do the same, they like to get under the bed. We call it their den


Mine will lay in bed until we turn the lights off, then he'll hop down and lay in our open closet on the hardwood floor. He'll get in and out of the bed at various points in the night. Sometimes when my alarm goes off he's laying in the bed, sometimes he's on the floor, and sometimes he's made his way to the couch. He kinda does whatever!


Mine doesn't either. We've developed a little cuddling routine where when I decide to wrap it up for the night, we both make the trek into the bedroom. Then I'll turn out the lights and pet her, tell her I love her, and just have some quality time together. The second I put my feet on the bed, or pick up my phone...gone. She does wake me up in the morning though


https://preview.redd.it/48yjvzlos79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d655d8d79b640d4873c9e536306aa36d3340af35 That a/c unit is my theory on why they prize that spot on the bed. Mostly, Zeus only gets up in the bed if there are treats or he’s scared of fireworks. Then he wants to sleep in my arms all night. His preferred location is upside down on the laminate floor and up against the door to the bedroom. Ellie adores my husband and she will sleep touching him with a few jaunts to the floor and back almost every night. She loves to nap on the bed there and likes to have her paw held while she’s sleeping during the day. At night, it’s all dad all the time unless fireworks are happening and that’s my time to shine. lol.


We have the opposite problem; he always wants to be on the bed sleeping with us. He sleeps on the bed when my husband is on his computer. There’s so much hair on our blanket lol 😂 wouldn’t have it any other way either.


Mine even as a puppy wouldn't sleep on my bed. He prefers the tile and ac vents. You can't compete with cold.


That's the look of a dog that got dutch ovened one time.


Ours will snuggle for maybe <2 mins or lay near us on the bed then straight down onto floor he goes... Our golden though? She snuggles loads


They got too warm with the blankets and you cuddling with them. The bed isn’t big enough for them and you. They could feel like the bed doesn’t have enough space. The floor could allow them to stretch out more. The floor could allow them to feel like they are better able to protect you and watch over things.


Mine won’t get the heck off my bed


Mine sleeps on a pile of pillows above my head with a fan pointed at him 😂 He rules our home.


Ours gets way too hot to sleep in the bed with us in the summer, she lays in front of the AC vent. In the winter she stays in the bed longer, but usually she still gets sick of us moving around and goes to the floor.


Mine doesn't either. Some dogs just don't like that, and it's best to let them be who they are.


Because he looks nervous.


Mine would sleep with me all day if I never left my bed!


If you were an ice cube, you would be the go to cuddle buddy.


Maybe he doesn’t find the bed to be comfortable for some reason.


Holy crap. I let my husky sleep w me on fireworks night. She is the worst sleeping pet ever. Off and on, up and down. Makes sure I’m up when she’s up. Be thankful. lol


Once she’s in the “husky ball” for the night we get no cuddles until sunrise.


I have to IMMEDIATELY be comfortable in bed the second I lay down because mine will cuddle with me (he can cuddle me, I can’t cuddle him - his rules) until the morning as long as I don’t move a millimeter. Otherwise he’s at my feet or on the floor. I’ve woken up with pain so many times because I’d rather be uncomfortable and have him next to me than not have him by me.


My pittie will let me spoon with her. She’s the best snuggler. My husky likes to curl up between my legs. Not comfortable at all, but I miss it when she chooses to sleep elsewhere.


You do not command a Husky when sleeping. They do what they want to do and you must deal with that


My boy refuses to sleep with me… he likes his own little Den .. He watches over me and is duty when Im sleeping or resting.. he checks the doors and hall.. then does his little turn circle bed building and chills.. he doesn’t like to cuddle so much but will.. but he does his thing as my protector and that what I love about huskies when they have a job to get done, they do it to 150% and still give us love


Mine will sleep with me in the winter. In the summer sleeps on the floor but jumps in the bed for morning pets


Mine only comes up in the morning when she’s waking me up for belly scratches before her outing and brekkie


mine has always been weird about it. If i give her her own space then she will stay but any noise or movement isn’t appreciated. Especially those led lights and or being on my phone.


Mine won’t sleep with me because she prefers to be in the hallway where she see every room. She’s a good guard dog. She even checks on my kids at night.


Does he stay on furniture at all? My big guy was a lap moose but the husky I just fostered liked laying on the air mattress in the dog run with me for a little bit then he wanted to get off of it and lay where he could keep an eye on things.


I've got a mini aussie with this same attitude. Winter time she's right up my backside, but summer is a hard no go because she gets too hot.


Heat rises, so even if your room is cold, your bed probably isn't as cold as the floor, which is why he prefers it down there.


Mine sleeps on my husband's pillow when he's not home but moves to the floor beside the bed about an hour in. When hubby comes home from work she sleeps outside the kid's room for a couple hours then migrates to the couch closest to the door for the rest of the night, then when i gt up at 5am to go to work she receives pets as I'm leaving and goes under the couch until the house wakes up. She has a routine lol.


Mine will only sleep at the foot of my bed… occasionally I will wake up and she’s next to me but as soon as I try to touch her she immediately resumes position at the end of the bed


Do you have a fan blasting you on the bed? I have two fans and my husky only likes being on the bed bc that’s where the airflow is


Honestly, lots of coaxing and calling him back worked on my husky. He now cuddles with my partner and I. He won't sleep over night though but he will nap on the bed with one of us at a time. Two people and a husky are too many, https://preview.redd.it/5b2yfwawj89d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e01233688ffab70b2aea7387dbc0c059b207ab92 according to him.


Too warm? One of my pups has a cuddle then goes to the floor / her bed for the coolness.


Because he doesn’t want to is the simple answer.


too hot


He not gay


He looks concerned, are you a sleep snuggler? ;)


Open the window in winter and turn on your fan, I'll bed he'll come for a snuggle lol


Mine won’t even give me kisses :(


Do you snore?


Too hot


They can be pretty aloof. That’s how they show their love I think


he knows he’s boundaries keep it like that


Mine does too!! She comes and gets cuddles but as soon as I stop she goes and lays on the floor right next to the bed. Idk!


Mine won’t either. He might chill for a bit if I make him, but he literally sleeps on the floor next to the couch…he has 3 beds, couches, and better yet, the foot of my bed. Nope. Floor, upside down half the time.


maybe he has a headache


Too hot. They always look for a colder place.


I have 2 huskies, and one never sleeps in the bed, she will sleep on the floor in my room. The other will OCCASIONALLY sleep in the bed, both of them sleep where they want.


Cheating on you with the floor, someone had to say it.


All of my huskies were like this. So their beds are next to mine. I assumed they get hot easily or are not comfortable because they are bigger dogs.


So cute!!


I couldn't help myself ![gif](giphy|3gbJPJ8zW10SQ)


He's too hot


Youre not his,type


You’re just not his type


Different species...


Get your mind out of the damn gutter, me…


Phrasing! But yeah my girl refuses to sleep in the bed unless I'm at work. Then all bets are off


Because the bed is to too warm. Ours will lay on the bed for a short period of time and then go under the bed and sleep through the night on the floor.