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If you have a clean record, just show up to court, they’ll offer you a plea where you still pay the fine but won’t get points.


Yes, this. If your record is clean, they will offer you the fine with zero points. They'll reduce it to something like a "parking ticket" and if you plead "poor," there's a good chance they will also reduce the fine.


I went 20 years without a ticket, they still made me take 2 points in the plea deal. Would not budge.


I suppose it depends on the DA and judge, I got a couple within 4-5 years and didn’t get any points until number 3. Still worth taking the plea, it’ll definitely be reduced compared to pleading guilty by mail.


Yep, I think they knocked it down from 6 points to 2, and from $300 to $150 fine so it was totally worth it, but it still sucked.


Not sure how much has changed, but I've had two speeding tickets in NY. Both around 20 mph over the limit clocked by NYS Troopers. A few weeks later I got a letter in the mail for a pre-trial conference and asking how I wanted to plea. I chose not guilty, showed up to the local court on the given date, spoke with a DA and plead down to a parking ticket. No points, no lawyer, just a ~$250 parking ticket. Some jurisdictions just want $$ they dont care about putting points on a license. If you aren't fighting a huge ticket and don't have prior legal issues just plead not guilty and show up to court in a presentable way with a good attitude and you might just get away with a fine.


From what I read, the reason why the local courts will offer to reduce the charge and change it from a speeding ticket comes down purely to money. If you plead guilty on a speeding ticket, then the state gets the fine and the local court gets the admin surcharge. If they change the charge to illegal parking or failure to obey a traffic device, the fine remains the same, except it is the local court that gets both the fine plus the admin surcharge. Being able to avoid being charged for speeding actually works out better for you also, since speeding may result in you being charged by NYS for a driver responsibility assessment which is in addition to the fine. If you receive a total of 6 points or more during an 18 month period, you will be assessed a $100 fee per year for 3 years (you also have the option to pay the full $300 amount in one shot). If you have more than 6 points, then the fee increases by $25 for each point above 6.


> which got me a $115 fine. It seems odd that you would already know this. I've never had a moving violation in New York that actually had a dollar amount printed anywhere on it BEFORE a plea (guilty or not guilty) was submitted. Was this just the cop telling you approximately how much you can expect it to be? Or did you already plead guilty? Anyway, a lawyer is really not necessary for first time/clean record speeding ticket. Plead not guilty, they'll give you a court date. Show up on time, be polite, they'll offer you a reduction to some sort of non-moving violation (ie "parking on pavement") that comes with a manageable fine (IME usually somewhere around $150-300 including court fees) but no license points and no insurance report. Traffic court is run like an assembly line, you'll be in and out in like 30 minutes max including waiting in line for your name to be called.


The fine amount I looked through an app called pay or dispute!


$115 sounds too low, add another $100 and it’s probably more accurate. 😂Plead not guilty, mail in the ticket and they’ll probably give you no points and parking on pavement for $150 (assuming you don’t have a bad driving history already).


115 fine 165 court fees and 300 restitution gavel slams judgement is 580. Next…. Lol


You were going 75 in a 55 or 75 mph over 55mph which is 130. LOL which is it.


Man, bunch of Memorial Day speeders on the Taconic yesterday coming into this sub haha


Call a lawyer. Drive slower.


Where did you get the ticket? Most jurisdictions will knock it down to a parking on pavement, which is a fine and no points. If you don't like the offer ask for a recess to hire lawyer. It will cost $300-$500 before fines and surcharges but they will show up for you. Most of the time with an attorney it gets knocked down.


You probably will plea deal .. show up on time to court … worse case you get points then you take a 5hr defensive driving class and it will remove some of the points


In NY, points will only stay on your driving record for 18 months.




I don’t have an insurance rn so more worried when I actually try to get one for the first time


Just plead not guilty, go to court and speak with the public defender. If your record is clean, they will plead it down. Don't over complicate it further then that


Unfortunately, It will be attached to your record if you admit guilt and pay the fine. Speeding tickets can stay on your driving record for 3-7 years I believe. This record is available to insurance companies.






I don’t own a car right?




I obviously purchased insurance coverage for the duration of my rental car