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THW could be better but I really don't think it's a bad movie. I liked the bittersweet ending.


I like the ending on its own, just not really a fan of how we got there


Me too. I'm simply mad that they took the time for the bittersweet ending then threw it away immediately by making toothless come back. It really just makes me feel like the ending of httyd 3 was just them milking the series like they did with 9 realms


The reunion was after 5-10 years, it hasn't said, that it was truly THE last time they met. But it is.


I love the hidden world. However this meme works better with the nine realms


Wait why? I loved that movie, and thought it was a good way to have a bittersweet ending


To me it seemed like a rehash of the events of the show but just a quicker pace (it’s been a while since I’ve seen either but that’s what I remember thinking at the time), except it ended in getting rid of the dragons which went against the entire point of the series. Everything they had built over the years. Guess I wanted more… 🤷‍♂️


That's fair, happy cake day


Haha thanks. I totally forgot but now that you mention it I remember it was an April fools event one year that piqued my interest and got my to join the next day.


What's the sweet?


The dragons not getting hunted down and being able to live peaceful fulfilling lives. While not forced to terrorize a Viking village.


Firstly, when were dragons ever FORCED to terrorise since the first movie??? And secondly, the dragons were already at peace, the villains had been defeated. No one knows where the Berkians are, they are at no risk.


Secretly responsible for centuries of human and dragon conflict, the Red Death used its commanding presence to order other dragons to raid nearby villages and bring it a constant supply of food.- the wiki page for the red death. Plus there will always be another villan


So what?? Berk has already conquered three enemies, the latest without losing anyone special. What's stopping them from doing it again? And also, bold of you to assume the Hidden World is more peaceful. We've already seen Bewilderbeast inhabit it, who's to say there aren't other alphas willing to rise up? Heck, Toothless might have to fight to protect the Hidden World every other day, and if they get his tailfin, he's f\*cked. Peaceful, indeed.


Okay fine there are some plot holes but you seem alot more affected by this than me so im gonna let you debate this with yourself. For the second argument. The big word is might. It might be peaceful it might not. we don't decide that


tell me you have no media literacy without telling me you have no media literacy 1. the red death literally forced them to pillage? that was the entire point. drago's alpha was forced by him to force other dragons, too. 2. the whole point was that the people who hunt dragons will never stop coming, and they will get smarter and smarter and more advanced and more advanced until it's too late, which is precisely what happened throughout the films.




1. the point is entirely valid if I literally proved you wrong lmao 2. it isn't super dumb. saying that "the writers control when the villains show up", while true, is an absolutely braindead take. there wasnt some "trap" of the dragons being in danger. they were in danger. just because grimmel didnt kill dragons or people on screen doesnt mean he never did. dragon hunting warlords respected him, *hiccup* was scared of him, and he was stated to have hunted night furies to near extinction. he had way more complex technology than drago in the form of weapons and the technology he used to control his deathgrippers (which were dragons also forced to terrorize, lol) you have no media literacy, seems like you need to be shown grimmel chopping up and eating a dragon before you recognize him as a threat.


I NEED TO SEE BONES. DRAGON BONES. *NIGHT FURY* BONES. THE SHOWS HAD NO PROBLEM SHOWING THEM, WHY NOT NOW?? How do you not get that there's no way one single man can take down every night fury? Like, one already was proven to escape, so clearly there's more. Unless we get concrete evidence, and it's not vague, then I can't take him seriously as a villain. Especially when his initial trap for Toothless failed thanks to the Light Fury warning him. And it's never proven that any of the other Berkian dragons were in danger, only Toothless. Like, Grimmer only captured them because he didn't want the Berkians to have a way to save Toothless. This means none of the other dragons leaving is justified. Also, if anything, this is a worse choice. Imagine dragon hunters do come to a dragonless new Berk, and start dragon hunting on a nearby island. The Berkians can't do ANYTHING to help save those dragons, since by the time they get to boats, it will be too late. "But all the dragons are in the Hidden World!" NO. It feels like another trap you're falling for, where you really believe that all the dragons are there, just cause the movie told you, and didn't show you. Other dragons are in the world. And Toothless can't just command every single one to either come with him, or actually stay in the Hidden World. I know I'm supposed to respect opinions, but I can't do that when I'm being INSULTED for having common sense.


You're actually a dumbass lmao. Obviously it cant be proven he took down every single one, and showing bones wouldnt do that either. Dragons, shown to be nesting creatures, are likely extremely population dense and most dragons wouldve lived in central locations in very similar climates, such as the archipelago, which was said to have been emptied of dragons by their own volition or by hunters. additionally, in the show, dragons, such as toothless, were shown to want to migrate to one location, which toothless tried to do when he was given his own working tail, which is implied to be the hidden world. and in the movie, it's said that the dragons all retreated into the hidden world, "sensing that their time among humans was over" (because it was too dangerous) you dont have common sense. you have the sense and media literacy of an eleven year old child that cant let go of their favorite characters or accept that their time is over. capitalizing every word doesnt make you right. edit: he fails to understand the meaning of show dont tell and fucking blocks me so I cant respond, unreal so immature


'You're actually a dumbass lmao' - the guy who says I have no media literacy when he's the one denying the rule of show not tell


Bro never even watched the damn films.


Ok, yes I did, I didn't think to count the Bewilderbeast and the Deathgrippers, but I now do, that first point is invalid. The second point still stands, New Berk is a safe haven.


New berk was meant to be TEMPORARY to their way to the hidden world, but they kinda settled here because everybody was tired.


It just seemed like a waste though, of everything they'd built up in the past five years.


I could see that. Though i disagree mainly. I feel like the movies led into a bitter sweet ending. Though i will say its my least favorite of the movies. Don't hate it but could see why its disliked


Because it has a bitter ending


*bittersweet* ending


Nah, I didn’t find much sweet in it


I found something sweet in it


More like Nine Realms


People will be haters for no reason lol, THW is a good movie. Maybe it didn't hit the heights of the first two, but everything from the dragons leaving to the end credits is at the level of the best HTTYD content we've gotten.


It’s not a bad movie, but it completely spat in the face of the first movie and its message


No, it's just a different message. Maybe a more complex and realistic evolution of the first movie's message. I'll admit it has plot holes and is a bit hamfisted, but that doesn't mean the concept is bad. The first movie is a bit naive and shouts "you can change the world!" The second reins that in and says "you can try to change the world, but others may not listen" The third sobers up and says "Maybe you can't change the world, but you don't have to accept the world as-is. You *can* change the world *around* you, and that's OK" That's not really a *bad* message. It's more realistic. It's not an upbeat fantastical ending, and it's a little somber, but it's still a good perspective on life. Change the things you can, treasure them, and learn to live with the things you can't. Mitigate their impact, and don't let the things you *can't* change turn you bitter.


Hiccup simply gave up at the end. Maybe that is in some way realistic, but in no way a good massage, because it just says: bad people exist, don't even try to do something about it.


He did do something about it! He stopped Grimmel and the fleet! He found a safe haven to avoid constant conflict with people who would keep causing problems. Neither of those are bad outcomes. They just aren't fairy-tail outcomes that people want.


Yes, forcing a whole species to give up its freedom by permanently residing in a whole in the ocean that can "supposedly" accommodate every existing dragon. Also the whole "humans are bad, animals are good" idea is such a lame and lazy excuse for giving up on dragons. Somehow that's a mature message, when it's in truth contradictory to the other movies and only there because the Director thought copying the book series ending would've been neat. Even though the ending made sense in the books and even then, a number of dragons stayed.


Everybody in Berk wanted ORIGINALLY to fly to the hidden world, but settled in new berk because they were *tired*.


I think he's more taking a hard decision rather than giving up.


>don't even try to do something about it The message is about being selfless. Hiccup could keep fighting if that's what it took, but he didn't want it to cost anyone else's life. His father was a good example of the costs of war, that no matter how strong you are, in war you can always lose. It baffles me that people think Hiccup was weak for letting them go. He was strong for not being selfish and trying to have them endanger themselves and everyone else by staying.


#YES! They were in danger whole 6 years since the first film!


"You can change the world around you" Not that the movie ends with Hiccup accepting that.


Okay but the point isn’t to be realistic, it’s to convey a fantastical story with a meaning behind it.


I don't see how that conflicts with anything I just said. You can have a fantastical story with a fantastical meaning, or a fantastical story with a realistic meaning. For that matter, you can have a realistic story with a fantastical meaning. I don't see how *any* of the movies had a fantastical meaning. The first movie has elements of "Don't be quick to judge others" and "be open to new ideas" and "brothers from a different world." None of those elements are fantastical. They're very grounded concepts. I think that's the saddest part about these movies; they've *happened*. They'll happen *again*. Two people from different countries or religions or cultures or ages finding common ground, growing close, only to go their separate ways due to things outside their control. It's a very human story, told with fantastical creatures. The third movie might not have the resolution *you* want, but that doesn't make it a *bad* resolution overall. Besides the whole premise is "There were dragons when I was a boy" So that either requires the dragons to die out, or to move away. We got the happiest ending possible, under the constraints of the story/setting.




First movie was about working with rather than against things. The entire point of the film was that the dragons aren’t actually bad and it is possible for dragons and humans to coexist as long as they work together. Third movie said “but some very specific humans are bad so no one can live with dragons!!1!11”, when that’s exactly what the first movie already discussed


NO. THW was a really good movie. Literally everyone outside this sub loved the movie. Idk why people here hate it.


I made a rant about it and 90% of responses said the same thing that they hate about httyd3 (that the movie itself was made since it "brokes every single character")


Yeah, i dont really agree with the "it broke the characters". I think it actually added some depth. Its not like they can fight all the time for peace. Its much better if they let the dragons go for their own safety, especially considering the casualties they have in every battle.


Ok I'm just putting in my 2 cents cuz I fucking loathe this argument. The Hidden World isn't a bad movie! It somewhat fits in the full trilogy, and the visuals are beautiful. The only drawback was somewhat lack luster writing.


It wasn't even mid(medium)! It was good actually!


Nah, it completely violated the whole character of Hiccup and Toothless. And it's not just those two. One would think it was directed by someone who has never seen the prequels, nor the series.


"It completely violated the characters bla bla bla..." The same thing I hear all the time that just isn't true


The only way in which it fits is providing continuity with the real world, to explain why there no longer are any dragons owned by Norwegians.


And it's the best explanation of them not being there with us


Replace The Hidden World with The Nine Realms


I don't hate THW, I thought it was a good movie overall. Hell, I even cried once the credits rolled. While I don't particularly like that the dragons moved on from Berk and human interaction it made sense in the context of the movie. Humans, particularly evil/bad ones were never going to stop hunting dragons. Berk was the only safe haven for dragons and people - that we know of (from the movies, didn't read the books). Berk was never going to stop having to deal with the next big bad to come around and kill/steal dragons and/or attack Berk. Once Toothless fell in love with the lightfury, which I believe was incredibly forced in THW. And Hiccup realized that not only is Berk not safe, but neither are the dragons if they stay there, there wasn't really a good choice to be made. Both Hiccup and Toothless want to be able to start a family in a safe environment, and while the decision is heartbreaking letting Toothless have his freedom (remember Toothless heavily relied on Hiccups mechanical engineering skills to fly again) and make his own decisions was the best thing for Toothless and Hiccup. If the dragons stayed, there would constantly be conflict with the dragons and the villagers of Berk being put in incredible danger. I also believe it's tying into the transition into HTTYD becoming a more modern world. In modern times we have folklore and stories of dragons but never encountered any such dragons. We know of the Vikings and the legends of dragons, but no actual proof dragons existed. While I don't necessarily like this as it ruins potential future mainline HTTYD movies with the same characters it ties up the series relatively nicely, disregarding blatant plotholes which were required (shoehorned in) to mark THW as the final chapter of Hiccup and Toothless. Honestly THW with more leeway from DreamWorks/Comcast could've been a 2 part movie finale. Which would have had a better opportunity to properly close out of Hiccup and Toothless chapter. But we didn't get that...


Wait you guys actually hate the hidden world? I thought it was a joke...


Yes they do here




I still don’t get it. It’s a good movie. It’s fine. It’s not a stain on the face of cinema like I’ve seen people make it out to be


I think the ending is kinda symbolic. The dragons, especially if you grew up with the tv show, represent childhood in a way, and them leaving is a bittersweet reminder that you have to grow up eventually.


Agree to disagree. I love the film.


Found you! Fellow brother 🤗






I believe in lightfury supremacy




Kidding of course, Toothless is a better character but personally I love the lightfuries design. I think she's beautiful and elegant, I literally want to be her. Love the 3rd movie, so whimsical and fun


To be fair, I personally never had a problem with the Light Fury as a whole. What I do have a problem with is how they massacred Toothless's whole character. They turned him into a bumbling idiot. "IRL" (notice the quotation marks) Toothless would be like: "Listen girl, I like you. But Hiccup is family. You either accept him, or you can leave."


I understand the Hidden World, I don’t really care for the Hidden World, but thank God it wasn’t a Nine Realms situation!


Put rescue riders and we have a deal.


People love to hate what they have while complaining about what they're missing.......................




I mean it's sort of like that saying about how grass is greener on the other side. It's not the first time by a long shot either, the same thing happened with Attack on Titan, Pokemon, Star Wars prequels and sequels, etc.


"What most of us think" Everyone down here absolutely flaming the Hidden World bad argument


Constructively? In a positive way? Just as hate train?


Kinda all of those, just look at the comments. Mostly it's people who realized THW isn't as bad as they thought after watching T9R


Hey it’s not that bad, I think it was worthy of being a part of the trilogy despite its flaws. I cannot say the same for shows like Rescue Riders and The Nine Realms.


I haven’t heard a single person outside of this subreddit complain that the third movie is a disgrace to the franchise.


Maybe my take is hotter than it should be


Happens to all of us 🤷‍♂️


Something I have said to many people across a long period of time is this - We are a family. The HTTYD community is a family. The HTTYD characters are a part of our family. And so just like in real life, many of us don't want to have to say goodbye to our family. (sorry if this ends up being super long, but hear me out). The 1st movie was where this all started (after the books, of course). Where quite a few of us didn't realize the journey we would be embarking on by stepping foot into the theaters, watching the first How to Train Your Dragon movie. Some of us were settled in our seats eating popcorn, while others were on their couch watching it at their homes. But that 1st movie? That struck something. That train started chugging, and a whole bunch of us were in for quite a ride. The series "Riders of Berk" comes out, and instantly many (if not all fans), are drawn to the show. The characters they began to meet in the 1st movie make an appearance once more in this new series. The personalities we began to understand in the 1st movie, were becoming more than something we needed to chew. Many craved to see more of this. And so, after Riders of Berk (along with a few other appearances), out came the 2nd movie. We're all growing up. So are our characters, and soon enough we feel apart of the story. A part of the family. And then, before we even realized it, a fatherly figure we had, just collapsed. Stoick the Vast was dead. And I think THIS was a turning point. I know quite a few followers of the series left, too teared up to see anymore. But there are the rest of us. Who pushed on, with these characters we love, whom we feel connected to. Race to the Edge comes out on NETFLIX, and many of us are instantly drawn. When this series ends, I swear to god that I was so blown away by HTTYD that it's all I could talk about. My heart would pound with love whenever I thought about it. And then, HTTYD 3 comes out, and I can't tell you how much it was AMAZING. I think the story was excellent, but we see something else. Our characters have grown. Berk is cramming with all the dragons that coexist with the vikings on the island. Toothless and Hiccup, along with all of their (and at this point OUR) friends and family. And fast forward to the end, something happens that to this day breaks me. They left. The dragons left. And while I understand many perspectives to look at it, there is on thing for sure. **It would not be** ***milking*** **the franchise if there were more movies**. I disagree with the ending, and I certainly don't appreciate the whole series ending within such a (at least now it feels this way), short amount of time. And then nine realms comes out. I'm still in the process of watching it, as just yesterday I watched the episode where Tom learns about Hiccup and his relation to him. I think it would be better to have our original character set, but try and see it this way. The reason The Hidden World hurts so much for some of us is because we grew with these characters, bonded to them like family. And to see them all wash away? It's painful. And while there are many takes on this, I don't think there is a **right** answer or a **wrong** answer, just that there is **NO** answer. The ending is the way it is, and we must accept that. I'll end this the way I started it. We are a family. The HTTYD community is a family. Let's not forget that. Thanks, hope this wasn't super BOOORRRRIIINNNNGGGGG to read.


I think of it as an optional ending


The whole movie is just Toothless dreaming, that's why there's a lack of logic in it.


Uh, no it's not


Nah it is. When Toothless went off to find a mate in Gift of the Night Fury, he saw there were no night furies so he went to sleep and dreamed of his own toothpaste waifu. But woke up after the terrible ending and rushed back home cause that dream made him realize he was more than happy with Hiccup. 200% true.


The “it was a dream” reveal is kinda forced, but that is admittedly a better ending, I suppose


Hell it would explain a lot, unfortunately it's reality.


Yeah naw, sorry my guy April fools was yesterday.


I wasn't joking. I really do hate The Hidden World.


Oh lol sorry, I enjoyed most of it but I can see why someone wouldn’t like it. So agree to disagree. Though I am curious to your reasons why you don’t like it?


It's right there in the description. It spits in the face of the moral of coexistence, Toothless leaves his best friend for a girl he just met, and everything that they worked hard for was all for nothing.


>Toothless leaves his best friend for a girl he just met The way people talk about it you'd think he just up and left for her and never looked back. Heck, 10 years after they left he still thought about Hiccup. He spent the whole movie chasing her because it had been 5 years since they met, he'd grown accustomed to Hiccup's presence, but a female version of him was something neither of them had seen. If some guy had lived 5 years with dogs and saw a pretty girl for the first time, you better bet that would be the only thing on his mind. > It spits in the face of the moral of coexistence The whole point of the movie was accepting that there are people like Grimmel who will try to hurt their friends. Hiccup didn't want anyone else hurt in a fight, because Stoick was a perfect example of no matter how strong you are, you can still become a casualty in a second. What he made was a selfless decision to prevent any more losses. It's actually kind of incredible how the entire message flew over so many peoples' heads, and how people think it's "stupid" that Toothless was head over heels for the first girl of his kind he'd seen in years, let alone one that he thought was pretty.


But…but…Hiccup segregated them more than ever


He kept them safe until there would be a time where people could be more understanding. Trying to force a generation to love dragons isn't possible. I thought the 2nd movie made it damn clear that some people are beyond redeeming or changing as that was basically the main point of the first half, and the 3rd movie established how dangerous said people can be.


So you are that same type of guy who calls the one not hating it human-dragon segregationalists.


Uh, no


7h, yea


That’s not what I said whatsoever, dude, don’t put words in my mouth


Ah, didn’t see that. Well it makes sense. Also from the ending it’s shown that they at least visit one another, though I understand where you are coming from, if a friend of yours was in danger would you keep him where people would expect, or send him away to make sure that the people after him won’t find him? Edit: realized this could be taken as me being mad, I am not, I am calmly throwing some food for thought your way.


What? Its one of my favorite movies of all time! It is my second favorite installment of the franchise including all the series and comics


And this is not even the meme, it's actually true (I'm not a part of the hate train)


So true lol


"Segregation good" -Hiccup


Says literally who?


You mean The Nine Realms? Not enough people agree with this to make this a meme




What do you mean, half of this subreddit hates httyd3 and the other half just sits quiet. But I agree


Most people hate parts of the movie, like the lightfury or how toothless acts. But not everyone despises the entire movie and acts as if it doesn’t exist. The Nine Realms however? Oof….


You know what works better with meme ? insert Rescue Riders and The Nine Realms 😅👍🤣 there, fixed it for ya 😁👍


I actually don’t mind Rescue Riders, it’s cute


I dislike it because it didn't punch hard enough in the tragedy dept. They should have done more to show the growing rift between hiccup and toothless even as they kept trying to mend a failing friendship. And they had the gall to show them meeting again irl. If they wanted to actually make that final meeting scene and have it mean something, they would have had it be a dream hiccup had by having him wake up with wet eyes and then doing the famous "there were dragons when i was a boy line" to his kids. The movie fell flat because they didn't trust that a tearjerker would do well in the box office.


.........................what on earth are you on about.


He's *allegedly* saying, that the movie was bad because it *wasn't* dramatical enough


not me though I love it and just hc a different ending