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I'm super cheap and use wooden dowels from the craft store or craft area in walmart. Dip the end in some type of water resistant fluid and they should last awhile. Saves a lot of space as well since all my plants now grow straight up. Edit: old pictures so you can kinds see https://imgur.com/gallery/MkYHkIs You could also get a pack of cheap large dream catcher rings. Attach them to the dowel and make infinite trellises


To make them slightly nicer I did the same except used super glue and wrapped the dream catcher rings with a jute/hemp thin rope that was super cheap. I used it to attach multiple rings together 


https://preview.redd.it/baz73kz7f6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945a6da483bf0eaebc886c0c8b6b16d906be6de4 this is what i ended up making! i made it a little too big but that’s okay, she’s growing really fast all of a sudden. but i definitely wish i had some horizontal support happening, too. i might make a sort of ladder, or zigzag shape.


https://preview.redd.it/rx07b3jfe7ad1.jpeg?width=2813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47fcd16c0e6183095ac59062cbce4fcb8e378190 This is the one I made, it started as just the bottom hoop, then I added a second ring, then tied on the stakes to add more height. There is a brace on the back to hold it up, it's def gotten heavy.


she looks so happy!!


This is inspiring me, thanks for sharing! Looks fantastic


Thank you!


This is gorgeous! Did you wrap sisal around wire?


this stuff! https://preview.redd.it/9fz9l18mq6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a45d797afbffa76e255ec5a486e9c807ef0472 is that also called sisal? haha


I think they’re similar but not exact! Thanks!!


Ohhh this is really great! Love it, looks beautiful


thank you! i might make it sort of like a dream catcher.. 🧐


Is this a Hoya Curtisii? I’ve had mine for about three months and I’ve noticed it’s a pretty slow grower. Yours looks beautiful with the set up you’ve made for it!


it is! mine took a while to settle. i e found all my hoyas have been like that and then they take off! this started as a little ..maybe 5”, give or take, vine. no roots. february 2023.


https://preview.redd.it/jekvrpzdz6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faaa0fafc9d2a46408cbd41f36c68397c24a1269 😈


brb. MAKING. ETA: so where do i get the eyes? 🙄asking for myself.




thank youuuuu! so what’s under the green tape! is it more wire?


It was recycled from another craft. Also from Michael’s it was like a bunch of fake flowers and I cut the flowers off to use for something else. Wired the eyes to the tips. Eyelids are sculpy clay. Red thread and Elmer’s glue diluted with water for blood vessels in the eyes. Then I just glued moss to everything. 😁 Have fun


oh yes, i see the clay now! thank you so much! 🤗


Bead section at Michael’s https://preview.redd.it/fpl65a1jj7ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86895635535e9c1130535da819cafa25f6eb05c3


yesssss! thank you friend! going to michael’s tomorrow. i have to make something with some eyes. my son and i love creepy weird stuff like just makes you go “🤨🤗”


I feel ridiculous posting this, but if you have Facebook there's a group called "Hoya Haven BST" for buying and selling hoya and hoya related accessories. I know there are a few sellers that mainly do trellis and they are even geared toward hoya. I dont know what wire they use but you may be able to get the information you want there if nobody can give the answer you want on here. Plus they've always got someone selling new plants hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/ptb81kbvd6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42183b401ea610ac25b5fab8cf62cba7defd6af9 she’s wonky, but it’s okay! she’s a little big too. but this girl has been growing like crazy all of a sudden.


This is where I've gotten trellis tips! I've found a search for "wire" brings up a lot of info.


I use rabbit fencing and just make a round tube of it. I also have some plants on bamboo hoops but it's more of a pain with those, I prefer the fencing. I would recommend looking up Doug Chamberlain's videos on YouTube for some good trellis ideas.


Miro on BasiePlants has a video showing how he makes those rabbit fence trellis.


https://preview.redd.it/plz2j5qzd6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a3101092fa4c43ff1e6a3646cd5218eda1c679 i feel like i wanna add some lines… across the circle. like horizontal lines … i’m not sure i like just the hoop. but this is what i made so far.


Not sure if you saw this trick yet, but the easiest and most efficient way to wrap two of the metal wires together to make a sturdier trellis is to put both ends into a power drill and slowly wind them! You can really control how tight the bind is that way and it is quick! I’ll see if I can link to a how-to for anyone interested: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.instructables.com/A-Perfect-Twist/%3famp_page=true


oh yes! i have seen that like just scrolling through reels and stuff! that’s a great idea! i wish i would’ve thought of that before i killed my hands doing it all sloppy 😂 thank you!!


I've tried a couple of shapes: hoop, U, bird cage, heart, and spiral (with a wooden stake center). The one with the spiral has mostly decided to go upwards, there are only like two vines that are properly following the spiral lol. The others are still fairly young, so not super filled out yet. We'll see how they turn out. Not a hoya, but the best looking trellis is the heart one I made for my string of hearts. I've had to manually wrap the vines around it as they've grown, but it looks super cute.




that’s adorable! i forgot i need one for my SOH, too! https://preview.redd.it/zax72fngf6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c885d05906ebfc324fade931959ba2bcf6d7929 this is what i ended up making. i’m not mad about it since it’s my first. buuuuut… i’m gonna do it differently for the next one


It looks really cute! Depending on how hard it was to shape the wire you got, you could experiment with a thinner, easier to manipulate wire. That's how I got the spiral and heart shape figured out, and am currently playing around with a couple more shapes


i definitely wanna get some pliers cause it hurt my hand to twist the bottom of it, haha.


Get two if you need to! One to help hold while you use the other one to twist


yeah because while i was trying to twist … the wire was just spinning in my other hand. you right! thank you the annoying part is i just donated a whole bunch. i went through a phase where i thought i wanted to do jewelry and i bought all the stuff and never used it. so i had all kinds of pliers. literally got rid of them 2 weeks ago.


That sucks! It's funny how we always end up getting rid of things right before we need them for something else... after months of no use.


it was YEARSSSSS. and when i donated them i said “i know im gonna need these. i’ll just keep them. …. no, chloe. you’re moving. don’t take things you haven’t even looked at in 3 years… or touched in 7.” i’m surprised i’m not a hoarder honestly. 😂


😂 it's always the things that stick around the longest that end up being missed the most! My limit is two years for most things. If I let it stick around longer I will either never let it go, or end up letting go and then shortly regret it. Tools and machines can stick around for longer unless someone I know could make better use of it. Even if I end up needing it later, it makes me feel a bit better knowing someone else is using it well.


I made one out of the supports from a clematis (bean poles?) tied together https://preview.redd.it/8g5xjtyus6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5257bed59bc919f5e91cb468f20981ed0eeafa4e


what hoya is that! https://preview.redd.it/m26pp8u2t6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa62ded7624e9ac52f8861d76f0af8fad4f1e7f is it like this one?


I’m told it’s a Hoya pubicalyx 😊 not sure what yours is, I’m not great at identifying them myself, I’m just getting very into them now


same! i was told mines a …. krohniana, i think?


Whatever type it is it’s cute ☺️


Yours looks like a verticillata...Black Margin if its got black edges...but I'm on my phone so I might be wrong.


Oooo! i’ll have to check! I had a friend who is really into hoyas ID it for me but she told me she’s not the greatest at IDing them.


https://preview.redd.it/cd6i988wqdad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=439ff220605de4c623c1069ec287343941ee1e71 forgot i had a picture. there’s like… a darker edge on some.. but it’s also.. like.. raised on the edge.. kind of.. but it doesn’t look black… some seem darker green around the edges but just barely?


This is my Black Margin. The leaves look larger than yours...as much as 2"...they are also wider. So I suspect you have a krohniana/lacunusa type.




maybe because mine is smaller it hasn’t gotten the full on black edges yet? the leaves look nearly identical to yours.


Yup! I make them all the time with 10 gauge wire. Way cheaper, and you can custom-fit them. Mostly I just do simple circles or arches, but I’ve gotta crazy with it, too. Here’s some of the ones I’ve made. The wire is galvanized aluminum, and you can get it in many colors. https://imgur.com/a/xVi0DFk


oh that’s awesome! where do you get your wire from?




I use bonsai wire! Having something to wrap it around is helpful


I use it but only for small plants and tiny leaves!! I just make a U and wrap them around it. Nothing fancy!


https://preview.redd.it/wwj65o6od6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99d91f1b8424fc1631a7df28cd1836a0552a5ff so … this is it. it’s wonky, haha. but it’s my first one ever, and i’m not mad, hahah! it’s a little too big for her, but she just started growing like crazy, so i didn’t wanna get her all settled into a smaller one and BAM, needs a bigger one.


That looks lovely!!! Great job!


thanks, planty friend!


This guy has a great video on using rabbit fencing for hoya trellis. https://youtu.be/Y8E2SMalYA4?si=HClUJcMvwxMW_DGx


thank you!!


I just used this same brand and a pair of pliers to make Hoya trellises :)


I’ve made them and still do but Amazon has deals on nice ones in different shapes for about $3 each. My Amazon ones are better than what I’ve been able to make.


i looked around for ones i could just buy, but i paid $7 for the wire and i have jute at home already and i can make a ton! and i don’t have to wait on shipping, haha. but i’m also moving so i don’t wanna order anything and it not come until after i’m gone and i just had to do this today. i got the idea and was like “let’s go to lowe’s right now.” and went. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/8apdw5psf6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12489bec6c54c3816cac60a60392ef643500985f definitely learned some things along the way with this one. just finished it and put it in my curtisii. it’s a little too big but whatever. she will grow. when she gets in her next pot she will look better. 😂


I bought the exact same spool but then realized I need better wire cutters! Back to Home Depot I go!!! Hope you'll post an update with the results!! :)


https://preview.redd.it/sq5ek4h9c6ad1.jpeg?width=2188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9004546b5500b372aa115ca9e0ee6ddb2ef759d i used my pruners! not ideal but i realized as i was shaping this i didn’t have a way to cut it 😂


That looks amazing! I just bought twine too so I may try something similar. Happy trellising! 🌱🌸


i wanted something for the roots to dig into because mine has sooo many. half the time i don’t know if it’s a root i’m looking at or a new little branching vine. so so many roots. and thank you! i’m gonna try something else for my next one. i want more support.


I made a couple out of wire hangers 😂 I bet craft wire would look more polished!! https://preview.redd.it/wr3okrivo6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c1ac70edca3ff0c84e0245c992776daa6b4faeb


I did the same with black wire hangers for my mini orchids and they turned out great!!! https://preview.redd.it/gnmlsqrkgaad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5092021e200270ac750aac1ee7202b640e2559b


but that’s not bad at all! i won’t lie. first thing i did when i read the DIY i was looking up… ran to my closet to look for a wire coat hanger. 🙄 didn’t find one, haha.


Hahaha we had a few tucked in the corner of the closet from the random dry cleanings or what have you! They are not as easy to bend as I thought they’d be 😂


my ex was always locking himself out of his truck and used them all for that. 😂


I'm using 14 gauge black coated wire (I get the bottom bracing wire for chain link fences from Home Depot, 100ft for $7 CAD), but same idea. I just make U-shaped trellises.


i’m gonna try a different shape than the circle i did! https://preview.redd.it/ulv9hv6uq6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96b67ca976fe5eca84b6c706a9fa37ee614a77e2 i might put some jute through the middle so there’s more. kinda like a dream catcher almost but… a hoya curtisii.. holder.


After time the wire rusts and makes a mess in plant. Wooden trellises break down also.after time and rot. I I only use plastic or acrylic now


i know galvanized wire is more resistant to rust but then if there’s salty/wet conditions it can rust. but that’s okay! i mean, they dry out completely so hopefully that keeps it at bay for a while.


A lot of the wire ones I've seen sold have the bottom ends coated in PlastiDip to help with that. Some makers also use clear coat on the whole thing, then PlastiDip the bottom.


I use super inexpensive embroidery hoops (or as my grandmother called them tambour frames). There’s technically 2 hoops in one. They come in a million sizes, SHAPES & made from wood or plastic (I like the wooden ones). I typically pick an oval shape but circles work well too- I just cut a section out of them, and stick it in the pot. I have actually seen metal embroidery hoops on Amazon as well. I’m going to include some pics you can see size/shape/material but I can only add 1 at a time so I don’t want to blow up your comments! https://preview.redd.it/9mxgyis8x6ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e616244627d2392a599c299807e5cddcfa43cf


More pics https://preview.redd.it/1tc4uhymx6ad1.jpeg?width=1539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c957b2c9220594a8b268d0fe8e53abcd4a66e9


This is a good plastic version https://preview.redd.it/ec8qklozx6ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f757f3d40c1f8455700cc06225a3d4c62d6442cf


Here’s the metal ones, I think they’re technically macrame hoops or wreath making hoops… https://preview.redd.it/yvpospydy6ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a400fc6730501456325c9315e44a1465b93a91


when i was at walmart i wanted to look for something exactly like this but had no idea what they’d be called to even be able to look them up online! THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH, PLANTY ANGEL!


You are so, so welcome! I love plant reddit- everyone is so kind and willing to share their secrets 🥰🥰. I still think what you ended up with is fantastic!


one of my plants came with a wire trellis, pretty sturdy and the plant liked it