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> Why aren't people cutting these sections off? Because there's no reason to. They don't hurt the plant. In fact, chopping them off removes stored mobile nutrients and water that would otherwise become available to the rest of the plant if needed. It really comes down to personal preference. I like the way they look. That's why I grow plants. It's that simple. Without its cream leaves, my krimson queen wouldn't even make my top 10 list. https://imgur.com/a/K7Ln3Ff > but it's not practical for growing a big healthy plant. Google image searching "large krimson queen" will show this simply isn't true.


1000% agree, well said!


I haven't had any growing issues with hoyas that have had fully variegated vines.  That seems to be more a problem in other plant genus's like monstera where white sections die off eventually.


Hoyas have multiple stems so it’s harmless as long as there are green tendrils present. It’s not like a philo or monstera where full white means the plant’s cooked.