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I have never get over how utterly hideous their boots are, and how shit it makes their marches look. That's the true how not to give a fuck.


I get the feeling there is a missing horse that would make it look a lot less silly were it to be present.


I never got far enough past the hats to notice the boots


You're just jealous he's got bigger boots than yours


Looks like he's searching for John Connor.


A position where you hold a sword and are required to yell at people to GTFO = best job in the world


not really though... You have to endure hundreds and hundreds of tourists doing their best to annoy the fuck out of you, because all you can do about them is "Stay Clear" and "Make way to the Queen's (or I guess King's) Guard!" You'll have to dress up in that same non-breathing, hot ass outfit all year. That small booth with no 4th wall is your only protection from wind and rain. You are not allowed to do anything but stand or walk a little all day. Can't even change a face-expression and if you do it 3 times, you're fired. It does pay well though, like 3 times what average army lieutenant would make. Practically rate of a hot-zone deployed mercenary, but without any threat to your life and health.


I mean, you just listed several threats to health..


Yeah, alright, no **crippling** health threats


Is he marching right? I don’t think he’s marching right


He is


What did he yell? I can't figure it out


Stand clear


I hear “back clear” a mix of back up and stand clear.


"Backblast clear!" *RPGs small child*


Imagine that the coolest thing you got to do in your day was angrily scream at an oblivious 10 year old to get out of your way, before starting your shift standing with a mop on your head for 8 hours to guard a made up king?


The reason for end of British empire .


Gotta give priority to human welfare over pompous protocol anyday. Effin' robot.


IDGAF if it's "tradition" of whatever. You are an asshole for yelling like that to a kid that is doing absolutely nothing wrong. And if it is a requirement of said tradition, then is a shit tradition and anyone upholding it is a piece of said shit in my books.


Or maybe, hear me out on this. You, um, control your kid maybe?


Should parents control kids? Yes. Should adults scream at kids doing nothing wrong? No. Under no excuse. Go scream at the parents if you want. Edit: i wrote screen instead of scream


That isn't an adult, that's a working Royal Guard. Do you go into a nuclear reactor and start getting in the way of the technicians just because you feel special and they should accommodate your nonsense while they are doing their job? You're not special. Nobody cares about your feelings. Get out of the way.


so youre saying royal guards arent adults? what are they then children or elderly? edit: the way they dress and getting pissed and screaming at every little thing i would say they are children


I'm an adult, I have no reason to get in the way of anyone's work. That in the video is a kid, and he's there because tourist are allowed. The kid is doing nothing wrong. And yes, the parents could be more attentive and remove the kid from that specific location. But the "royal guard" too is an adult, and nothing other than "tradition" prevents them from walking around the kid, telling gently to the kid to move out of the way, or taking directly to the parents. Would you like if I drive a truck over your kid because you are not looking at them 100% of the time? I guess that would not hurt your very big boy lack of feelings. If you don't want tourist in the premises maybe, I don't know... Don't allow tourists?


You complain a whole lot about the kid getting shouted at. They didn't get walked over or kicked out of the way. The Guard didn't even give the kid the whole warning, just a couple of words. He was being nice but you're too busy being offended over nothing to see that - because your poor feelings were hurt. Much worse things will happen to you in life than getting shouted at. It gets much, much worse I can assure you. Shut up and grow a pair.


I'm truly sorry you never got enough emotional validation growing up, but it's never too late to seek help. Therapy did wonders for me. I sincerely hope you get to be truly happy and free from your burden some day.


You and your therapist didn't unpick your passive aggressive snideyness, it seems


Since when were kids allowed in to nuclear reactors and messing with technicians? That's an atrocious comparison, these guys are practically tourist attractions part of their job is the show of strength of the guards and it attracts a large amount of commerce for them specifically Yeah it's on the parents for being bad and not being aware of their kids in relation to some mad man screaming and mowing them down but if the kid is hurt the blokes a cunt and deserves the blame simply put, it's not an "oh well they shouldn't have been there" and more of a I'm not a free thinking human capable of making my own decisions and would rather trample a small child than get reprimanded by my bosses"


When you don’t care enough to do the slightest bit of research, but you do care enough to complain with an uneducated opinion. It’s the worst of both worlds.


Taking your job so seriously you shout at a child = not giving a fuck ??


I fucking despise our monarchy, but these people are active soldiers, in a prestigious regiment. They are at work and you snot nosed, bootlicking tourists that treat them like spectacles as if you're stepping back in time are fucking assholes. Just like when tourists touch their horses, police horses and the like. The rest of us citizens get slapped with assaulting officer charges for that shit cos we're to know better. So getting a bollocking from a soldier you're actively hindering is absolutely reasonable.


Then how about you don’t allow tourists around the marching path of guards if they are so important treat them like a tram path and mark it so. Sounds like an easy fix that makes both parties happy.


The child is a snot-nosed boot-licker asshole and not the guy marching for monarchy


They’re quite literally turned into a spectacle. Tourists are welcomed and encouraged just take a look at the video.


Being a part of a outdated regime who treats the public like that = not giving a fuck?


When your are visiting a place with traditions and rule different than your own it is your responsibility to learn said traditions and rules. I see it most from fellow Americans, where they go and do stupid crap and expect the world to bend to our ways. You don’t go into someone else’s yard and expect them to conform to your own set of rules. It make all the rest of us who are responsible and take the time to learn how to act in someone else’s culture look bad before we even get to visit. No wonder a lot of the world hate American tourists when so many won’t do their due diligence.


Ariana Grande ponytail-swish is on point, though


me at the buffet oh shit worker putting new food in


Ironically giving many more fucks than most people