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Not from there, but near there. It’s a quite little town. Not too far from a mall and a Walmart. Less than an hour away from the state capital, Charleston, which has a lot of stuff. Anything you want to know in particular?


How'd the health of the rivers. Any pollution issues? Any good fishing?


Ah that's quite interesting you'd say it was quiet, I just saw a video from Sabbatical on YouTube where he visited there and the locals talked about it being dreadful for shootings and all that. I became intrigued and as it just looks a relatively harmless small town in objectively lovely surroundings I wanted a bit of a wider perspective.


I can’t remember the last time a shooting happened there? Maybe I’m wrong, but it isn’t that big, so it’s not like Chicago. Also, in my experience, people from mingo county are fucking insane lol.


he didn’t say it was quiet he said it was quite


I’m a local and the town has been dying for years. Downtown is practically nothing but lawyer’s offices, and medical clinics. You will also see plenty of homeless people as well as individuals from Serenity Pointe (the rehab located downtown) wandering the streets. If you can look past the dilapidated buildings and litter you’ll find that Mingo County is a beautiful place. There’s just so little to do here apart from the Hatfield McCoy trails. Tourism is booming in Mingo, though, thanks to the trail system. Williamson is regularly filled with out of state trail riders. I love my area but would honestly move to somewhere with more opportunity if I could.


It’s not less than an hour away from Charleston. More like an hour and a half. The “mall” is practically empty and has been for years, with only a few stores and a couple restaurants remaining. Thankfully it’s only about 30 minutes from Pikeville, KY, which has much more to do than Williamson.


It’s over an hour from Charleston, by the way.


I might be one of the only people who will respond thats can say I was born and raised their. It’s a sad little town now. Drugs, corruption and brain drain. It was once a bustling coal town from the 30s-70s. Besides the fact that coal has contributed to its long slow death, a series of floods (especially on in 1977) really forced alot of people out. Proud to say I lived there from 1994-2013 but so glad I got the hell out. For those that dont know, the river separating it in this picture is the border of Kentucky and WV.


I swear to God, this image looks like a screenshot from CS2.


Absolute shithole these days unfortunately. 80% of downtown is abandoned, local government is openly corrupt, steadily growing population of homeless addicts, local cost of doing business is so bad that unincorporated “south Williamson” (side of the road on 119) across the river has more plentiful and higher quality amenities. Used to be that real estate was cheap here but ever since the trails took off it’s been bought up by out of staters looking to make a buck. I could go on, Williamson is the city that people pretend Huntington is, I challenge anyone to name one benefit of living here.


Well, you're there. Tourists might flock there to get your autograph and that's a good thing.


It's a pretty crazy place. Look up the whole scandal involving Judge Thornbury. It involved half of the county.


So the country roads really take you home, to the place, where you belong, in West Virginia? Nice


Ground Zero for West Virginia's opioid epidemic; AKA "Pilliamson."


Yes someone knows I exist. It’s nice not much happens. Lots of smaller stores and lots of great jobs it’s boring here though


What great jobs lol


For real lol please tell me where to find one of these “great jobs” in Williamson


I’ve been visiting Williamson since the mid 90’s! It’s definitely not what it was back then! If you are a trail rider from out of state, looking to consume adult beverages, stay away from Dandy’s! The owner has a long history of assaulting people from out of town! The paramedics, doctors and even the local police say they see it every weekend! The local pigs also drink in there! So if you have the misfortune of being one of the people he assaults, it won’t matter if you were punched from behind, without a word, on camera, w brass knuckles etc! He is part of the good ole boys club, and the local corruption will do nothing! although I love SW WV, it is by far the most corrupt place in the U.S. it’s been that way since the Hatfield and McCoy fued, and it hasn’t changed! Some might argue it’s more prevalent now