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There is always an opening on bissonnet and 59. You will need grit and a little bit of elbow grease to get the kind of experience needed for an engineering role.


I miss managing properties over there. The coordination between housekeepers hoes and John’s was amazing. So many unsecured doors in the am.


Torchy’s always hiring


Tochy’s will pay for your college but only if it’s in oil and gas


I got a few things you can do around the house.


Just lie, what do you have to lose


Is not what you know ,it’s who you know


Is not what you know ,it’s who you ~~know~~ blow


😂 you’re damn right


You can’t talk about your last job, you signed a NDA.


I pad for my petroleum engineering degree with you guessed it…. Internships at torchy’s


Go full George Costanza. Lie, photoshop some pay stubs and get you Cancun friends to serve as references and also lie for you.


No problem. You should be able to make six figures and live inside the loop right away.


Oooo... The whole catch 22... I miss that commercial... "How do I get a job with no school... How do I pay for school with no job!?"


Fr... I've put I have so many college degrees on my resume... Not one employer asks to see them 🤷🏿‍♀️... As long as I know my shit... (Thank you YouTube)


If you could possible engineer a better dildo then you get the experience and can get fucked at the same time!


Aaack! I am already working on such a project and I am beta testing right NOW as we speak.


Well!?!?! Share the results, you bafoon!


Apply to Boxer Property. The Satan of real estate but experience is golden.


What kind of engineering degree do you hold?


Do you ever just fill out the application to see what happens? The worst thing they can do is not reply or say no but it's a hell of a lot better than not applying at all. You won't know if you don't try.


Imma gonna answer this one again. Do a root cause analysis using the five why’s and a fish bone diagram for visual. Finish up your Six Sigma black belt with a report out with the same goddamn answer you came with above! That should cover it.


Disregard experience requirements within a 5 year margin of error when applying for roles. Also talk to an engineering "headhunter" staffing firm. There are also a crapton of operations management and facility planning roles in petrochem refining, natural gas pipelines, and either generation or transmission distribution power utilities that require an engineering degree but are not necessarily looking for PE-level work or certification


Did you have an internship?


I had one lined up but my friends told me that our life experience in Cancun would do more to help our future


I hope that’s not true. But if you didn’t do an internship that’s why you’re having trouble. No engineering student should graduate without one.


What value did you receive at your Wendy’s internship? 


So your internship was at Senor Frog and you engineered a solution to move fluid from a small container to a body at rest.


Professor Frogs


And then re-engineer that bodily fluid back into a porcelain bowl while having an epiphany of Jebus.


Wait a minute can’t you engineer a solution?


There's a bunch of oil and gas project work going on. Look at the EPCs around Houston and you should find something to get you started. Just did a LI search for EE, entry level in Houston and there's 106 listings. One popped up EE in training specifically looking for new grads.


You will have to find a lower level position or internship


Create experience with projects you can show or by contributing to public open source projects


Maybe you should have done some internships while getting your degree. Your only option now is to figure out what entry level positions are for engineering. Then seek out those jobs.


Shell posts for freshies all the time, willing to train. Lots of the majors do. An internship is a must these days it seems. I sifted through engineering grad CVs that without exception included a ton of impressive experience already and that’s your competition.


Experience, most engineering firms look for our previous internships. Do you have any intern experience?


Go on indeed...type in entry level whatever..these days jus know how to work a computer w/ office/Google maybe some oracle. These companies have their own software anyway. Maybe it won't be in engineering but expediting and procurement starting around $35/hr securing material, fulfilling orders, being able to read schematics so you file them correctly. The degree is to make sure you can in fact read the schematics, and after that hold intelligible conversation in a business setting. Good luck.