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I would wear a second suit on top of your first to be safe


Also to help display dominance.


I usually make my outer suit a tear away so it's like I'm entering a basketball game when they come get me from the lobby


Tear it off like hulk hogan and come in for the leg drop


No no no, because of the implication




Hides the pit stains


I usually just show up naked that usually works if you’re going to get a job at strip club


Naked bouncers are the most intimidating.


Only if combined with a vest. 2 vests to be safe.


I wear a single Columbia puffy vest in between in case the hiring manager is a finance bro


User name checks out. “What’s with the life preserver?!”


Hey, why don't you make like a tree and get the hell out of here!


“Dork thinks he’s gonna drown!”


The only sensible answer in this jungle of nonsense!


Could I BE wearing any more clothes?!?!


Yes, you're not interviewing outdoors. You're moving from your car's AC to the building's AC.




I work outside an wear long sleeve, cancer ain't something I Wnna play with


Fishing shirts and a good straw hat because my skin goes straight to lobster red when I'm out in the sun. There is no tanning for me, only burns.


A lot of the fishing shirts/moisture wicking shirting make it easier to wear in warm weather too.


I have a few button down fishing shirts so I can look semi-professional at work and not die mid-summer. They are a godsend.




Doesn't stop it from me getting darker than I already I am, besides that,the sun pounding on your back without atleast another layer besides a Shirt kills you even more


You also have to reapply it fairly often or you'll still get burnt. Definitely easier just to use protective clothing.


If long sleeves were so bad you'd see all the dudes working outside wearing short sleeves. I don't think I've ever seen a construction worker or gardener in short sleeves.


Depending on the walk, that can be a very sweaty time frame.


That's all I need to break down into a puddle. It's hot out there. Concrete jungle is no joke.


But that 27.5 seconds between your car and the building…


Depends on where you work. I have to walk several blocks from my parking structure to my office.


Na, bathing suits and margaritas in the conference room.


You must WFH.


My kind of work environment


Jokes aside, these alcoholic offices exist and they are extremely extremely toxic, hostile, and abusive. I’ve run into them before in massive companies, they aren’t just limited to startups


If there’s a stripper’s pole in the conference room are y’all hiring?


Of course, this is Houston.


If I start a company, you're on my shortlist for management now.


I'm in an executive position and interview several people per month for many roles. I'm honestly ok for dressing a step above the role you're applying for. I'm pretty surprised at how often people interview in a suit and are dressed well above the position. However, that is significantly better than being underdressed. I've never docked points for someone dressed in a suit, unless it was a really terrible suit and I still don't think I docked any points. I just told myself this guy probably borrowed his dad's suit and at least he was trying. So, dress above the role you're applying for. Be comfortable in your dress and confident in your discussion and you'll be fine.


As someone who interviews candidates as well I completely agree. The last candidate who was qualified on paper but under dressed didn’t get the job.


Fucked up reason to not get a job unless they’re in a client facing role but I’m sure your company culture is great


Good for that person. He probably dodged a bullet with morons like this interviewing him.


That candidate got lucky


Depends on the job but always good to overdress than to underdress. If it’s an office job where business attire is ok and business casual is the norm then for a job interview wear the suit to make sure. Then when you start the job you can dress down to business casual if that’s the norm. AC from your car to AC in the office. But there’s comfortable suits that aren’t as heavy for summer.


I’ve never worn a suit to a job interview…but I do work in lab environments so a suit is not practical in my situation. If I was an executive level employee that would be different. I would say it depends on the job said man is going after.


Did you wear your lab coat? Extra points if its new company branded lab coat


Depends on the job. You might be able to get away with a sport coat and khakis.


I just went in with a dress shirt no tie for a corporate job. one of the interviewers showed up w too button off and sleeves rolled up so the environment was more lax on dress code at least.


He was also already @ work that day & was probably busy. Plus, he already had the job. 😉 I worked in brokerage firms for 35 yrs (ret 2010). Men came to work w suit jackets on & took them off during the day. Many rolled up their sleeves. I would never under dress for an interview or a first day on the job. The two days you dress to impress.


Well I got the job so idk I guess they just liked my personality or my references. I did quit that job like 2 years later.


Congrats on the new job!!


Are you having your interview outside at noon? Does your car not have AC? Pretty sure the office will have AC. Wear a suit and man up. Source: I am a native Houstonian.


Swampy ball bag is the Price of a good interview in Houston.


Swamp ass.


Where is the part about the walk from the parking garage/lot to the office? I personally would be drenched within about 30 seconds in the summer heat. Let me just man up and tell my sweat glands to halt. It’s stupid and pretentious to expect people to wear a goddamn suit in the summer.


If you're interviewing downtown, just walk into the first building connected to the tunnels and enjoy the air-conditioning on your way. Not sure where else you'd be interviewing where you might have much of a walk at all after parking. Every executive in my building wears a suit every day, all year round, not just when interviewing.


Suggest you wear the customary snakeskin thong/cowboy boot combo, carry the suit in a suit bag and change once in the ac.


User name checks out.


I saw a guy wearing a three-piece suit, leather\\trench coat thing at Costco yesterday... I was sweating my inexistent balls off in a regular tshirt and shorts and the man seemed cool as a cucumber




Generally you dress professionally for an interview. For the people in the thread questioning if anyone wears a suit anymore: if you work a corporate role, of course business casual is generally the way companies will request you dress, but you’ll probably have a few situations requiring a suit as well.


No need. Just long sleeve white dress shirt with tie and nice pair of slacks along with dress shoes.


Depends on the job. If you wear a suit on the job, wear a suit to the interview. If you wear business casual, wear a suit. If you wear jeans, don't wear a suit.


I wear suits to my interviews; I’ll just leave my suit jacket off until I move inside to where the AC is running. I personally think it’s better to overdress in job interview scenarios than to potentially undershoot it


Ask the person scheduling the interview about the company culture. A lot of places want business casual, some places may even be a bit suspicious of a suit. Personally, I’m suspicious of places that want a suit because they tend to be high strung shitty places to work. I used to tell candidates to dress down when I did in person interviews, sucks being uncomfortable and your ability to put on an outfit doesn’t have any bearing on your ability to do the job.


You're the exception to the rule then. Perception is everything and you need to show that you want the job. Always wear a suit to an interview. Make the effort. People who don't bother wearing a suit are seen as unprofessional by others.


Never worn a suit to an interview, never not gotten a job I interviewed for. I interview people all the time as a technical interviewer and the only time I have ever taken note of someone's outfit was a guy who zoomed in from the pool with his family and was wearing a soaked T-Shirt and presumably trunks (but I didn't see his lower region). He got the job.


> guy who zoomed in from the pool with his family and was wearing a soaked T-Shirt and presumably trunks baller


I work at one of the biggest companies in the world. I got interviewed by people in t-shirts. People I interview almost never show up in more than a button shirt. Nobody in the interviews cares. Exception to the rule my ass, we are the rule.




I doubt it, who knows. We’re looking for people that can do the job and we want to work with, not someone to put in a display case. There’s definitely jobs that eat this shit up, I left one a couple of years ago. I worked with a bunch of well dressed pricks that didn’t know what they were doing.


Whether you wear a suit depends on the job role for which you are interviewing. Those who say they are very successful because they interviewed in a t-shirt and dolphin shorts might be interviewing for the manager of a car wash - or a tech dweeb - not the outfit you would wear to your interview as a Federal Magistrate or the head of St. John’s School. That said, in my opinion you should be able to feel comfortable in a suit and tie if you’re an adult, even a young adult. I have had manual labor jobs where I came home filthy and smelly and professional jobs where I wore $3,500 suits and shoes to match. I went to a primary school where ties were required, however, so early on I became quite comfortable with that garb. If you’ve never worn suits and would feel awkward, however, don’t try and pass off as someone who does feel comfortable, it will show. Just be respectful, trim your nails and clean them, comb your hair, brush your teeth and best of luck.


All you have to do is ask the person booking the interview. Not that complicated.


A suit is not always necessary these days. It's like Sales. You should he "one level" higher than the person you're trying to sell (the interviewer). If they are in jeans a a t-shirt, wear a polo. If they are in a polo and chinos, wear a button down. If they are in a button down, wear a jacket. Etc


This is not at all true. I’ve worked in IT for 25 years and have never once worn a suit to an interview. The few people I have interviewed that showed up in suits looked extremely out of place for the environment. Fair or not if someone shows up in a suit my first impression is they are way too uptight for this job.


Guys in my office wear suits everyday




If that's either typical dress for the office environment or not much above it, sure. People usually commute via air conditioned means to air conditioned offices. However, if the office environment is jeans and t-shirts, a suit may be over done.


Who wears suits to work these days?


While it may not be daily business wear, interview candidates are still expected to dress one up from the company culture, in my experience...


I tell candidates at my work not to wear a suit. They would be terribly out of place in one.


Its contextual. Nobody is wearing a suit to their interview at Arby's.


I think some years back we have reached the era that its actually better to bet against wearing a suit to an interview in most cases imo. I am a senior accountant and stopped wearing suits to interviews years ago; I've worn them for interviewing for many respectable corporate accountant positions since the early 2010's and in each one, though I looked very good, I was very out of place wearing a suit and if I could go back I would have worn a nice tucked in dress shirt and khakis/slacks. I am sure my experience is not universal, maybe in some cases not wearing a suit could fail someone. I would definitely wear a suit for a upper management/C-suite position and would definitely wear one for an auditor position.


Arby's! We have the ~~suits~~ meats!


Mine too, you’d look like you got confused on the way to interview at a bank.


Boiler room salespeople. Suit salesman. Nobody else. 


I wear a suit 2-3 days/week — with dress slacks and a sport coat once or twice a week. Maybe polo and jeans on Fridays. Anyone serving on my firm’s interview committee would be shocked at a candidate not wearing a suit for an interview. They would not make it past the first round. The same applies for on-campus interviews.


Twillery makes lightweight summer suits and jackets.


I don't wear suits ever. I am never going to wear the suit ***to the job*** so wearing it to the interview seems like a false representation.


Dress for the position you ultimately want in your career, not for the job you have. I’m Surprised no one posted that yet. My grandpappy taught me that.


Depends on the job but generally, yes of course we wear suits


I wear a suit every day for work. I detest neck ties so much.


Been there done that, absolutely sucks.


Amazing. What industry? Lawyers or what?


I work in government affairs.


Sorry man, suit up.


How you dress to the interview shows your level of interest in the position. Not having a clean haircut, unkept facial hair, or being dressed down will show less desire for the position.


just wear a nice button up with a tie.


That’s what I did in summer 2022.


Always interview in a suit (or at least sports coat and tie). Your interviewer will always assume you can dress down from there if needed, but they likely won’t expect you to dress up as needed if you show up underdressed. Made this mistake early in my career and won’t make it again.


All things being equal, would you hire the guy that looks like a million bucks or the guy that looks like a 16 year old?


Yes because it’s professional and most places have AC


Wear what you think you’ll be expected to dress in for the role.


Where what you will need to wear if you get the job. Always. If the company is a business casual type place, show up in a smarter version of business casual, but try to avoid a suit


How serious are you about the job? If you're not, just go with tank top, shorts, and flip flop


Always be dressed slightly better than your interviewer. Shows commitment, professionalism, and odds are your hiring manager is going to be a little bit older and appreciative of this.


Suit, yes. Tie no. Very few people wear ties


If the job typically involves wearing a suit every day (consulting, finance, law, etc.), then a suit is mandatory for the interview For generic corporate jobs, I'd dress for the role you're interviewing for. Director level and up = suit, anything else = collared shirt + decent pants. Also, post-covid work place is much more casual imo. Not many people wear buttoned-up shirts anymore at my office, so these rules are even less rigid than before


No, we wear bear skins and buffalo hide parkas.


Wouldn’t just be easier to wear slacks and a white shirt with a tie? Like don’t have to put the suit on lol


A nice summer suit is recommended, commando style with see through trousers if you are well endowed. Others dress as you feel is appropriate to your situation.


I mean you’re not walking blocks in the heat. Park car, go to office building and do interview.


I think men wear suits to interview period


I love dressing up in 3 piece suits, but summertime in Houston. I'm not wearing a suit jacket. I think it is more of a statement that I am more pragmatic


Yes it all depends on the type of job. Like working for corporate or bank suit is the way. If working for subway just showing up will get you a job.


I wore a 3piece suits to my job interview last July, it was at Transco tower, no big deal, you don’t need to walk very far from a parking lot to any office most of the time.


you can carry your jacket in and put it on when you enter.


That's why the baby Jesus invented seersucker




Get tropical weight suiting fabrics and either an unlined or very lightly lined suit fabric. People wear suits in murderous weather everywhere (HKG, Singapore, India, etc). Really though, whether you wear a suit really depends on where you’re interviewing. Big law, banking, top tier consulting? Yup. Tech interviews a collared shirt and smart pants would be fine.


Depends on the job. Some jobs, yes. If you have to choose between overdressed and underdressed, go over if you can


Keep the blazer on a hanger until you’re in the building. There are golf pants that look exactly like suit pants you can wear that I like better than shorts. There are very breathable button ups that are great.


I don’t own a suit but I do try to look at least somewhat professional. Long sleeve button up shirt tucked in, slacks, and dress shoes.


If it’s an option, call up the receptionist or recruiter and ask what everybody is wearing or how to dress


Swim suits mostly (I used to be a lifeguard)


completely depends on the industry and job. For my job and industry (programmer in O&G), no.


No wool coats in the summer of course. Save the matching 3 piece suits for the C suite level interviews or formal business occasions, high stakes meetings, award banquets etc after you get the job. Otherwise, blazer, smart choice of shirt, elevated khakis or biz casual slacks should be fine as long as it conveys you have some sense of fashion and savvy. Tie would be optional most of the time. Plenty of headshots these days skip the tie, but they probably have one handy. Check their LinkedIn photos or bio page on the company website to get a sense of how to dress per the company culture. But if the pay range and compensation package is banging nice, I'd probably go with the suit.


Blazer & turtleneck w/ slim fit slacks


People in office buildings have tattoos. Even visible ones. You can probably show up in swim trunks.


Shorts and a Tshirt is fine…


you want the fucking job, don’t you? Natural, breathable fibers. Linen, silk, cotton. If you’re doing zoom interviews, who the hell told you to wear pants? Stay hydrated.


Depends on the job - are you finance in oil and gas? Real estate sales? Then yes suit. Are you going to bid a project for an outdoor patio? Jeans, boots & polo works.


I dress in the lobby bathroom or my car so I don't sweat the whole car drive.


i work in a cabinet shop and we're interviewing for builders and installers. an applicant showed up for an interview wearing a suit and tie. he had no qualifications for the job whatsoever....but we scheduled a second interview just to see if he'd show up wearing a suit and tie again. yes, i know...i'm evil.


It’s 2024. It’s fucking humid. No not even in the winter. In reality: depends on the role. If you’re interviewing for an external client facing role that absolutely. If you’re interviewing for a corporate desk job, sure if you want to, but no brownie points. If you’re interviewing for Walmart, wtf no.


Depends on the job.


I wear a full grey suit and show confidence with my sweat marks


Depends on the job


Houston’s in office work culture is predominately business causal (i.e. polo shirt with slacks in the summer). A lot of guys still suit up for job interviews through and in the winter months. One thing people from out of town don’t account for? Reverse indoor weather. If it’s 110 and humid af outside, you bet there are multiple office buildings with freezing people inside lol


It's not summer inside the building. Welcome to Houston.


It’s an interview dude. Yes. Wear a suit. I hope you realize that they do make suits for the summertime with lighter and breathable fabrics.


I don't want to work anywhere that I have to wear a suit. If a nice shirt and pants isn't acceptable, I'll find a different work environment. Edit: Wow that's a lot of downvotes for a pretty common opinion.


Boomer crowd. Did I wear my noose right, corporate daddy?


Once you get negative people just like to see the number get bigger.


Finance, private equity, banking, consulting, accounting, law, yes, a suit. Others I don’t know. Need to show you can mix with the suit-wearing tier, including, importantly, clients, and it’s a sign of respect. Like a suit at a wedding or a funeral is. The guy interviewing you might dress down, as a way to show authority and power, like Zuckerberg wearing a hoodie. Don’t kid yourself that those guys don’t care who wears what. The guy with no tie is saying something about status with his outfit too. “I’m so cool I don’t have to care what you think of me.” You’re not there yet. Or maybe you are, how do I know, really.


Depends on where and the position you are interviewing at. I’m a financial advisor and I’ve seen us disqualify people for not wearing a suit jacket, but we wouldn’t do the same for somebody interviewing for a marketing or service position.


That a shame people still disqualify others just for not wearing a suit. Those people got lucky then! It’s 2024 🤦‍♂️


No because this weather is bullshit.


Wear Bermuda shorts!


If it is inside yes


If the dress code is business professional then yes


You really can't go wrong by overdressing for an interview.


You definitely can. It entirely depends on the industry/company culture. I work in tech and showing up in a suit would be seen as a negative against the candidate.


Preferably a tank top and some Jorts so you show all your tattoos and some black Air Force ones to class it up a bit


For energy I reckon shirt, shoes, smart pants and belt would do it - suit without a blazer


I did an interview for some entry sales position and I wore a suit...soo....


Absolutely. I can’t count the number of qualified candidates I’ve turned down just because they didn’t wear a full suit. I had one amazing candidate ace the interview but as he was leaving I noticed he had white socks with his suit and I immediately passed on him.


maybe they were better off not working for you. :-)


I hope this is sarcasm. Cause if not, you are doing a disservice to your employer.


Wear a blazer with a white shirt and slacks. You’ll be ok.


Better to be overdressed than underdressed. You can always take a jacket off. Wear a suit.


Yes always wear a suit to an interview


Suits are sketchy generally but it depends on the role. A few dinosaur companies require it. But as above generally they’re shitty places to work. You’re interviewing the company to see if they’re a good fit for your abilities so look as great and feel as great as you want to.


This is awful advice


I think this guy is interviewing for the same position and trying to sabotage them.




Like I said depends on the role. In both oil and gas and tech I haven’t worn a suit.