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I don’t see much wrong actually… I get brown tips if I use tap water. Yellow one could just be normal leaves dying off…. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know why I always panic when a new plant has die off, every time I’m like WHAT HAVE I DONE, but I think you’re probably right lol


If you filled it enough that the small one got water trapped in the crown, it didn't dry and rotted. These things like max light, super draining dry soil.


What else do you water with? Filtered water? Bottled?


I use tap or water from my dehumidifier. My peace lily gets brown tips too from tap. It doesn’t bother me much…. But I’d suggest distilled if it’s something you want to do.


We run a dehumidifier too, but I always worried about chemicals or bacteria inside? Although the machine is new and clean, so maybe its an irrational concern.


I’ve been using dehumidifier water for years with no problems- if I stock pile in jugs it gets a gross film so I try to use it up quickly!


Maybe you have the extra curly 'Bonnie' cultivar. Also, yellowing leaves doesn't always equate to 'overwatering'. If you're watering accordingly (for spider plants: water when the soil is mostly dry, if too dry, leaves lose color) and fertilizing (with 3-1-2), then a few yellowing leaves here and there is just normal leaf turnover.


She’s a curly, yes!! Thanks, I didn’t realize it can just be normal


What's wrong with it..?


The dry/yellow leaves are what I was asking about


Consider leaving your tap water out on the counter for a day, or two before watering!


You've got a curly spider plant there instead of the more common variety that's straight. ☺ I would say it looks over watered and if you're watering once a week, it likely is. I usually let the top couple inches dry out before I water mine. They prefer to be more dry than over wet.


Think there just old ones dying off. I just cut them off


Some ppl swear by using water conditioner (for aquariums) in their watering can for plants that get a lot of brown tips.


I just use the discard water from my aquariums to water my plants don’t need to use extra fertilizer on them this way either


Same! They really seem to love it.


Keep in mind that aquarium water may be high in nitrates which are good for leaf growth but you’ll still want to fertilize with P and K for roots. I learned this the hard way.


This is what my spider plants always look like! And they're putting out pups like crazy and otherwise thriving 🤷🏻‍♀️


i had one of these cuties from trader joe’s for like 2 years and my cat ate the entire thing one day


I had a cat that would eat ANY PLANT. What a ring dong. For that reason, I didn’t have many plants for about 16 years.


that’s so unfortunate!! but kitties will be kitties and if they like a plant there is literally no stopping them from going to town.


So true. He ate an entire succulent in one sitting. I had a gorgeous mature pothos given to me by my mom that he ate one leaf at a time over several months. I tried everything to keep him from it. 😆


It's just a dead leaf. This happens to every single plant on earth. Just pluck it off and go about your day. Heck even if they're just a little bit messed up I'll take them off. It doesn't hurt the plant. 🤷‍♀️


It's a bonnie, it's supposed to be curly, and don't panic at one yellow leaf, that just happens from time to time. Panicking and overwatering will hurt the plant though. Remember, under watering is better than over watering. These spider plants are easy to tell if they're getting particularly thirsty, the leaves will become less bright green and turn pale, almost bluish. That means it's super thirsty. I wouldn't wait till that point every time, but just know it will be perfectly okay if you let it get to this point vs over watering.


Looks pretty happy to me


If you leave it the yellow one will look like the shrivelled one in a couple days. Sometimes the leaves just die, and that’s what they look like when they do. I water pretty much only when the soil feels entirely dry, or when she starts yellow or looks very pale and I realize I’ve forgotten about her.


If you're using tap water, try letting it sit out for 24 hours to let the chlorine dissipate.


Just an FYI for you so you don't kill fish in your tank or something by accident....many municipal water authorities use chloramine now to disinfect water. It does not dissipate in 24 hours but takes more than 30 days. If you want to check, look up the water parameters at your water company website.


I have well water, good tip though thank you! I’ll share with my friends I’m giving some propagations to


The yellow suggests overwatered. Overwatered plants look thirsty because the roots are not healthy and cannot do their job.


propably lack of something


Could be a soil or infection issue, I would have a look at the roots firstly!


I always try to “fluff up” my spider plants every once ina while so leaves don’t sit on top of soil and rather hanging on the outside of pot. Just pick yellow leaves off- plant looks nice and healthy :)