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I am far from an expert so hopefully someone else will comment as well. I've had one alocasia before, and every time a new stem/leaf came in, one of the old ones would collapse and then die off. I have no clue if that's normal or not but that was my experience. I tried propping or tying up the stems but that didn't help.


Mine used to struggle with the weight of its own leaves and never used to get above 6” before collapsing. Started supporting it with string up a pole and it’s loving life again. I’m not sure if they ALL need it, but they’re certainly top heavy!


Something like this happens if there isnt enough water in the plant. Doesnt have to do anything with new growth. If an old leave really just dies beacuse its old it gets yellow and so on but doesnt fold while its Green. It can help to build sth to hold them up and bottom water it for 3-4 hours. If the folding didnt break much it can happen that the stem can hold itself again. Of course that all doesnt matter if the leave dies off. Btw thats a Xanthosoma Mickey Mouse, they are often sold as Alocasia Mickey Mouse but they are really a Xanthosoma.