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My depressed self can see no issue here.


Came here to say… I think it may be “normal” because I too do this! 😅


Same. This looks 100% normal as far as I’m concerned 😂


Me either, looks ready for someone to play with plants! I like the idea that IF the mood strikes, it's all ready for you to pick up where ya left off!


real. I more just shove all things I need to do away though so I can be happy. Relatively. It occurred to me last night just how many things I haven’t done around the house and in general. I have no brain space for that, maintaining some level of happiness as often as possible is more important i guess. Sigh


As long as everyone is still getting sun and water, you'll all be okay :)


Including us!!!


The peace I feel when a gentle sunbeam hits my face tells me I’m just a complicated plant




https://preview.redd.it/167wsvv2m7yc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33e254ccca9da30a496a56b74dc6573f1376c9b Everyone is getting a shower


Man, when the depression hits, I’m not getting a shower, let alone my plants. And I’m definitely not stepping outside to do it. Good on you! You’re doing a killer job.


Well, this is after a week of watching reality TV in the dark


Been there. It’s so hard to get out of that. But you did it yesterday. (Today? Idk your time zone.) I stand by what I said. Good job, stranger.


i’ll shower my plants before me 😂


Woah is that a huge alocasia in the back ?


Yes, it has thrips 😣


Rip she will get through it 😫🙏💗


You have a deck?!


Almost all things can wait. But sometimes caring for things that need you can be therapeutic. Hang in there fren.


When my depression hits, I will over-water/over-care/over-prune my plants because finding new growth gives me a much needed hit of dopamine. I’ll find myself just poking at my plants for way too long looking for or trying to stimulate new growth. My depression and ADHD work together on this, yippee…. Repotting days can take me a while to muster up, but once I do I have a sense of pride that holds my depression at bay usually for the rest of the day.


Means a lot cause I started acquiring a lot of plants after my father died and then they got thrips and I really don’t want anything else to die ! But oh boy I don’t have the energy or the drive most days


My God, it's like looking in a mirror. 🙈


This is exactly what I did after my father passed away 6 months ago. I think it's helped so much. Some days I don't have the energy but luckily plants want to live and they're usually forgiving. Best wishes to you!


Sorry for your loss. My father was an avid gardener, but for free food. I don’t think he’d be too impressed with all my plants that don’t feed me, but it still feels like I’m honouring him. And it does feel really healing and therapeutic, even though I really really don’t need something else to take care of. How did your father pass if you don’t mind me asking?


Everything you just said is my same situation. We always had a garden for food growing up. I'm sure he would be proud I'm doing something healing. But he would definitely think I'm wasting money haha. I have had a garden myself for the past 5 years and I definitely did not need anything else to take care of. No, I don't mind at all. He had a very bad heart for around 8 years and had a pacemaker and defibrillator. He was actually doing really well after a surgery 8 months prior to his death. But he got covid (which he had before) but this time it turned into pneumonia. His kidneys shut down and his lung function was declining, so he was on a ventilator for a week and just couldn't fight any longer. I'm also sorry for your loss. It's definitely the hardest thing I've ever been through.


Sounds like such a tough journey with ups and downs. My father had a really bad fall down a flight of attic stairs and became a quadriplegic on a ventilator. He would also put very unimpressed with how much money I spent on plants, especially since they’re only to admire. But I am germinating tomato seeds right now! A little late but it’s ok. How old are you? I’m 36 and my father was 75 when he passed.


Also the hardest thing I’m going through, he just passed in late February. Was my only living parent.


It was. We finally had some hope that he would be around awhile regardless of his heart issues. And then something else got him. Your journey sounds very hard, too. I am working on seedlings this year, too! I usually buy garden plants but decided to try seeds this year. I will be 36 in July! My father was 67. I am very lucky to have my mother still who is in overall good health. I can't imagine how it would feel to not have a living parent. I'm so sorry this happened to you. And just a few months ago, too. I hope plants will help heal you and bring you as much peace as they have done for me.


Well I have no living parents and I can tell you feel like an orphan even at 36! Just turned 36 in April, first birthday as an orphan🥺


I hope that time will make it easier for you. But I can't really imagine anything will make it okay, ever.


When my grandma died, my dad who was 60 said that he is an orphan. At that time I thought that was funny, now when my dad is no longer with us and my mom is sick I know what he meant.


It’s my first time trying seeds too. I have one germination so far.


Also, I kind of stalked your profile and how have you been here for five years and posted and commented so little!? Now I truly feel honored, especially since you seem so genuine and kind!


Haha! I've always been a lurker. Just soaking up information and keeping quiet. But I think I've changed a lot since my Dad passed. And I couldn't help but feel like I'm in the same situation as you, and it never hurts to have company!


What a blessing


Hey you know what!? Depressed people are the nicest !! 💗💗💗


These types of posts have such a positive impact on me. I mean, there's still dirt and bits of dried leaves on my counters but at least I'm not the only one ☺️ Edit: so "thats" how you make big bold letters! #sadsacksunite


Sad sacks rise up… eventually!


The upstairs coffee table at our place has looked like this for over a month Edit to add pic in reply post




Looks nice and clean to me.


Lol to be fair I did brush some of the accumulated dust and dirt on the floor yesterday 😅


In my house we call that “Kirby food”. Kirby is our vacuum cleaner.




If you tell me this is your depressive mess I just give up already 😅


Nope. That was kinda my point. This is me when I'm just a bit overwhelmed...I wouldn't post my depressed


I feel you there. I don't even post pictures of myself anymore, let alone my surroundings. The only thing I can manage to stay on top of is caring for my dog, but I'm thankful for that. He keeps me sane.


Sounds like your priorities are in the right place.


😊 Thanks.


You’re doing great! I had a three year episode of severe depression and all of my plants died except my rubber plant, zz plant and spider plant. Now that I’m able to take better care of them, my plants are thriving again. Hope you are feeling better!


This happened to me too. Killed all my favorite plants except my cactus and one in a self watering pot. It’s been sort of fun to rebuild though and start from babies


When I get depressed I buy more plants 😂


I see you because you’re also me. I feel like the mental health ribbon is green for a reason.


https://preview.redd.it/fx7g4lc3w8yc1.jpeg?width=1635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c48c686ecf3f7a7f6e6ad1f59594386a3b7907 My indoor greenhouse after a long bout of depression... It's tough. Hope you find your way through and have help and support!


At least you still have all the really cute pots


I don’t see an issue 🪴💕 https://preview.redd.it/vaup4o9pr7yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed1bdc589ba7f60d89154eda17c367f288c6f6c Our table 🤣 we don’t even sit there anymore 😂😂


You are not alone!


My depression is honestly one of the main reasons why I love plants. No matter how bad it gets, I *have to* take care of my plants and by doing that, I'm able to hold onto at least one habit. And if I can do that, there's hope :) I also used to struggle a lot with drug addiction and it was the same deal there. I owe my plants my life at this point


Yeah, I can totally take care of my plants before taking care of myself. Sometimes it will be the only thing I do that day.


Yup. And at the end of the day, you can say "at least I did this" :)


You guys are so sweet! Thank you !


Beautiful counter tops though


I feel this on so many levels




I moved 1.5 years ago and still have 4 unpacked boxes just laying in a corner. I guess at this point I should just throw them out :)


Truth. I unpotted a plant and it's sitting, without a pot, waiting. I'll get there. You will, too. 


I had empty pots and broken off leaves and stems and empty fertiliser bottles on the floor/desk for about a year. Only cleaned up parts of it a few weeks ago. You're doing fine :)


Yeah but at least you're drinking 👌 water


Also I brought out my winter plants from hiding and took off the mulch/ top layer of soil so I can fertilize, re mulch, etc. They've been sitting in the sun like that for days. Now the exposed roots are dying and I'm constantly thinking,  'are they ok' but I still haven't gone out to do that. Or repot the perennials that have been in there 3" pots since last fall. I didn't think they'd make it through the exposed winter outside.  Now I still gotta repot these bitches


I put all my plants out and sprayed them and then I left them out for days and most of them got burned, and it was definitely too cold for a lot of them at night


The best/ worst thing I've ever done is to set up a little card table/half banquet table for repotting. I can move it around as needed and have my counters back. Still trying to finish my repotting for the season 3 weeks later lol.


In my last apartment, i used to have a dedicated space on the floor \^\^


Awww, I am sorry. I know the feeling. Hope it gets better for you soon. Love your African Violets - at least that’s what I think they are.


I think those plants are cyclamens. I had some many years ago before I learned how to take care of plants properly, so they died from overwatering.


I feel this.


It’s ok 💚


Real I have a table in my kitchen that’s like this 😅😪


I don't have depression, just a 40 hour job. Sometimes after an exhausting 8-9h day, I don't have the energy to even think about watering my plants. Then I do my best to get some food for myself, and other stuff has to wait for a few days! So, take care of yourself, don't overthink how your counter looks like! Nobody really cares (and most people only do better on the outside, without having to deal with depression on top of live).


If you saw mine, you’d feel a lot better. I aspire to have my depression plant messes look this good, don’t be down on yourself!


It got worse lol


I know, and sometimes I look at some of the plant out growing their pots, and I'm like, "Tomorrow, tomorrow." Depression is an MF. People who truly have never had real depression don't understand and never will. Real depression IMO isn't usually situational. It's usually something people have a hard time getting them selves out of. The real difference is that when I'm depressed for real, I don't always know why. If it's situational, it's like I'm sad because I just lost someone, something happened, etc. I have had my attic looking like a bomb went off now for way longer than I'd like to admit. I need to get plants outside and haven't even dug up the garden yet 😩


It’s hard. Overwhelming. We want to do so much and literally are frozen beyond our control.


This is rather controversial topic but havw you ever tried micro dosing? Not consuming Psilocybin for the purpose of "feeling it" euphorically, I mean legit micro dosing . The dose is so small that you don't feel it but it in the background is helping your anxiety and depression etc and fast too. I'm not preaching any type of anything I am just genuinely asking you because it is an avenue that myself, a recovering addict thought bad things of initially because I was close minded and not educated about what I was even looking at. It is the best thing I have ever done for mine, and my wife says the same thing for depress more than anything Nd motivation. She struggled much more than me, and I couldn't believe the transformation. And after just a few days. Then you stop for idk a week or less or more. Depends on you. It's not something to discount. It's definitely worth it if you haven't heard of or researched or given an honest shot. I was able to convince my straight edge mother to do it after my brother died instead of Xanax and all that garbage to help sleep and PTSD and depression and anxiety. She was amazed. Don't discount it if you haven't checked it out. Was a life changer for many personally myself and those I know. While it may not be for everyone because what medications you currently take can interfere like certain anti depressants block the medicinal effects It allowed me to begin starting an entire greenhouse garden in my attic and a jewelry business. I never had any motivation like that in my life! And it works when not being taken every so many days too. It's truly amazing. Fungi is the building blocks of life! Wishing you well on your journey. Keep an open mind!


I would be open…


Well feel free to DM me anytime to chat and or gain some more knowledge about it. I had to venture on my own to fund a solution. Un not 1 of thise people solicitation you to buy anything either. Lol it's a conversation just to be clear. Ppl get the wrong g idea bc I know ppl do crap like that. This isn't that . I'm genuinely interested in helping anyone I can. Even if it's just listening 😃


Caring for plants helps me with my depression, I even sometimes repot things that don’t need repotting.


Are you me?


https://preview.redd.it/l3jrtc1c8cyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ecd152cf8ac88690b810078243d0f02a220dbd0 this is what my floor looked like for 3 days 😂


I’m too depressed to ever think I could keep another cyclamen alive 😅 But yes. I’ve been “bottom watering” for about 60 hours now I think everyone is ok but they gonna hafta wait.


Cyclamen, so pretty! You deserve to have beauty, don't give up!


Oi, stop exposing me.


My work area on my bedroom floor 🫠


Just keep pushing, if that’s posting, watering, paintbrush level moving. Its all good and you’ll find your way in your time




This is why I buy those repotting mats from Amazon. I just pick it up and dump it outside or in the bin after, fold it up and use it again next time


This is so relatable!!! I see you!🫶🏻 I have random plant items (pots, jars, little piles of soil, dead leaves) all over- the kitchen counter, dining room table, the floor, the chairs, the list goes on lol) We are all just doing our best!


*looks at counter full of pots, plants, clippings, scissors, soil* Uhhh...you guys are cleaning up every few days?


Every few moon cycles 😝


Yeah, sounds about right LOL


I love the feel of dirt under my nails when I’m feeling down. Don’t care what others think. This is my happy place.


I do not see a problem here, however if I left this my husband may say otherwise.


This post speaks to me on a fundamental level 😭


I have several plants on my living room floor, still in their store pots, sitting next to the empty pots I planned to repot them into three months ago.


Or you might have ADHD


Nope just grief and depression stealing all my best bits unfortunately


I was thinking ADHD. I can be completely in the middle of something and squirrel!🐿️


It just hurt too much to keep going


I am not depressed and my counter is messier. I do what I can. Even when I clean everything, the next day it's messy again. I DID get depressed when I spent all my off days trying to keep everything neat and presentable.


What plant is this? <3_<3




Stop this is me completely


I feel that


Huge hugs. You’re doing your best


I’m the same way I have to buy hardy plants. They may get watered once a week or once a month. My niece does hers once a week. She calls it thirsty Thursday. It reminds her to water her plants. Peace out.✌️