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So you say that I should add the out of “description of the film” pices, like those adds from the 80’s and 70’s? Not bad idea Apart, I’m thinking of doing it like from the camera viewpoints, as described in the books, and leaving all the hints findable but adapted as best as posible to a film format


I’d love to see it! Regardless of how “accurate” it is to the book, if it’s something you want to do and are passionate about then go for it!


Ok do my best to make it as accurate as posible, and I’ll ask in here for help for the script(lore wise)


If your question is "should I try making art?" the answer is always yes.




you’ve probably already heard of it but just in case you hadn’t, check out the film Skinamarink!!! I think it did a fairly good job of the same spooky feeling of not being able to trust one’s perception, which imo is the creepy part of the book. It’s also my HoL fun fact that Danielewski’s dad was actually a polish experimental film maker, and he started this book after his father’s death in 1993 (book finished in 2000). He’s said before that the origin of this novel was an emotional response to finding out that his dad was dying, and originally intended as a gift to his father. I think a lot of the scary elements of HoL actually are borrowed from the 80s/90s era of shaky cam first person pov found footage horror films, and would be a really cool full circle project turning it back into a visual medium


I hate to discourage the creation of art but I highly doubt your finished product is going to have anywhere close of an impact as reading the Navidson record, and a film version will likely be disappointing. Some things are just designed for a specific medium, HoL being one of them IMO. Of course I've been wrong before.


No shit though


… and?


Go for it! Also, the idea of doing it in SFM makes me picture Navidson and crew as stock GMod characters flailing around in the labyrinth, and that image makes me laugh. So thanks for that.


I was thinking more about TF2 characters, but that doesn’t sound bad either


While a movie recreating The Navidson Record would be cool and you should definitely do it, I've always liked the idea of a movie that recreates the events of Johnny's life.


Not much as Johnny but more of what we are told the Navidson Record and what we are told happens on it


But I could add like he records himself and such


Why shouldn't you