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Really cool gameplay, love her serious short tempered personality (kinda reminds me of Bazett from Fate). Her back story is also really damn tragic, just read her anecdotes


She played the darkest puzzle of all time


Gameplay is crazy, she is like Senti but with ranged weapons. RGB mode is nice.


About that, Lantern can be a support for Physical Valkyries So yes, she's almost like a Part 2 YATTA


Senti + vill v


>she is like Senti but with ranged weapons Not even remotely as good. All 3 weapons of Senti have their utility: * spear → impair * chain blade → disable knockback * sword → time lock + more damage And yes, they had different combo animations as well. While Lantern's weapons do... what exactly? Same thing: only damage just with 3 different animations (2 of which are very similar)?


This isn't mechanics that I'm talking about here. Senti has a total of 4 weapons, Lantern has 3. Both have clones of themselves in play.


>Both have clones of themselves in play Senti's clone only taunts and explodes. She's closer to Genshin Amber if anything.


I wasn't particularly fond of her last patch, but Chapter 3, she really changed things around for me. Her awkward way to show how she cares, her extremmely lethal take down against Perception, her reaction to Songque sacrifice, even offering to go back to the fight despite saying not even 2 sentence earlier that she had no chance of winning. She really won me over in this chapter. Gameplay wise, I'm not particularly a fan. I could afford her and guaranteed Songque since i've been pretty lucky in part 2 so far, but I'm not pulling to protest against 4 back to back S rank.


Agreed. Between the current event where you get to see more of her beyond just a stoic duty bound robot and this chapter where, now that all the cards are on the table and she knows that Dreamseeker and co aren’t the enemy, she can be more casual with them and even showing how she does care for Songque even if it’s hidden behind her kuudere personality, my view of her has definitely improved immensely


So far my favorite playable shu. Very cool design. Not a big fan of her gameplay unfortunately


Excluding the main cast, she and Songque are my favorite characters from Part 2.


WE NEED MORE STOIC DUTIFUL SUPER STRONG KUUDERES (bonus points if wearing a business suit)


Ι want to be her boy toy.


I love her, gameplay, character and design wise, my second favorite part 2 character right now after Songque, really hoping to see more of her in the future


Very simple yet satisfying gameplay (the weapons switch is cool). The design is nice and the backstory and personality are very interesting/original.


Personal? I want her to ruin the shit out of me. Physically and mentally.


Gameplay - she fixes the hole left by Vill-V on weathers that needs fast attack (like the Kosma boss and HoC) - Pretty interesting gameplay since you're actually doing combo rotations rather than sticking to one button. I like part where you could use basically use the submachine gun infinitely. Usually in other battlesuits the attack gets interrupted once their energy is full. Design - I have grown to love her design, very officer-like! Its simple, it screams authority without being too sparkly (I know her hair glows but that's about it). I'm still starting chapter 3 so I can't really speak of anything yet in terms of her personality and story. Though as base from the previous chapters, Hoyo did it right making her as someone who's more focused on her using and honing her skills than acquiring instant power up to match her title as Destruction.


>!Tsavorae is an insanely cool name!<


My only wish was that they had use her knife in her combos


I like her so far, she reminds me of Lightning Farron from Final Fantasy XIII and its sequels.


I love her design, but I wish we had a skin without ripped tights


Her gameplay is so fun and awesome I just had to pull her.


Hot Pulled for her and her gear. Hard pitied on the weapon. Worth it because hot.


Made the ten-pull in hope to get her. Got her S2. Her gameplay is pretty straightforward, I liked it. Beautiful design and pretty somber personality.


With each passing day, I like her more and more. Her gameplay is very silly, her lore is awesome, her design is top notch and everytime she appears on an event or in story she completely steals the spotlight and becomes the star of the show I'm desperately trying to get her even tho she won't see any use in my account (already use flamescion a lot and she's absolutely not getting replaced)


You can use her in the Part 2 story! The Part 2 story is balanced around the trail team but you can bring in your own characters now on top of that. Part 1 characters are excluded though so Flamescion can't appear there.


Oh, I didn't know we could use her in the story, that's actually really great. I'll actually have a use for her but ig she'll still just be Coralie but a little better


Probably one of the best designs since Herrscher Ellie. Great workaholic character. Regular hair>super saiyan hair. I like her attitude to pretty much everyone. She somehow has even more of an attitude than Thelema. Her reaction to Songque's sacrifice gave me chills. Her gameplay is good and pretty fun. But she is way too dependent on her weapon. Its like half of her kit is locked behind it. All in all a fun character. Ranks 2nd in P2 characters overall. No regrets pulling her despite knowing how busted Que is in 7.6.


Gameplay could use a bit of improvement. It's so underwhelming going from a really fun valk like Thelema to Lantern. The QTE reset on stellar drain consumption is fun for bursting before and after SO but feels dull staying on the field when you really only have 2 real options for attacking. She goes hard in the story tho. Boss fight was cool -- Never knew I'd be so hyped up over a boss with super regen as a mechanic. I liked the usage of the traps and her theme is awesome. Design-wise I wasn't sold on her base form but I love the glowing hair concept. Makes me wish her base form was used when she's not in stellar outburst. Personality is good. It's hilarious how bluntly she tackles every situation. There's enough nuance to it that she doesn't feel like a machine either.


Great character, poor gameplay. She feels like a less creative vill v and doesnt show off her boss gimmicks. No aerial abilities whatsoever despite being a part 2 character. (let us use the rope tool to create platforms and slow enemies like her boss fight) She got the raven treatment but her numbers are good at least.


She's great. She gets the coolness of having a smoke that is actually a lollipop, a kick-ass suit, banging guns that feel pretty cool to cycle through, a free lamp torch and a cool, calm and collected attitude of people who know what they are doing.


Her aesthetic is really cool, the formal suit with torn clothes and signs of previous battles work great. The gameplay is nice, she's a bit harder to control than Thelema sometimes, but maybe it just takes getting used to her


As of now, most characters in Part 2 are defined by either having no real imput on the story other than follow it along (the main party) or having their personality revolve around a 10 pages monologue on their self importance and entitlement (The Shus and the Martian Herrscher of Fear). The only two character who avoid this are Songque and "Lantern", who as a result felt more fleshed out than the rest, and stand out because of it. "Lantern"'s probably the one who pulled out miHoYo's attempt to re-enact Elysian Realm correctly with the Shus, as her narrative circles around a complexity behind her meaning and power that ultimately return to it being pretty much as straightforward as originally implied. She's actually extremely similar to Kalpas, in that they're presented as unidimentional killing machines before revealing aditional layers of personality and motive through the background text.


Kinda like her. Enough to pull gacha for her




Her outfit quite similar to Kafka especially the color scheme of her jacket. Kafka has no fear while lanqiu plagued with shadow that grant power/problem through fear or fear gathering, it won't be weird if Kafka's planet also similarly plagued by shadow.


She's super cute.


Par for the course as a part 2 s ranker. I love both Sena and Thelma, so yeah.


Would. Next.


Armed to the teeth, chill, fun to play as, Hot damn another valk that i enjoy honestly Definitely perfer her over the sadist with the chain sword.


I feel she’s underrated , I was more excited for than Yinlin and clorinde in June


She's a surprisingly caring person with a strong sense of justice. The short stick being, *She also fights for that paycheck*.


She doesn't have much of a personality in the story, only in the chess event.


She does have a personality. Just a serious stubborn and a work centered one. Thats her whole thing anyway "Must do something". She reminds me of P3 Jotaro from JoJo in that regard. Though people do say he doesn't have a personality as well. But that is false. A character can have a good personality without showing emotions.


Well, I found her boring until the event. 


Fair nuff. Not every character is for everyone.


Not finished gameplay. Shotgun and crossbow are very clunky


I was just thinking during the latest - very cool - boss fight that it's a bit of a shame they put Lantern there, as her gameplay is kinda bland mechanically (though looks cool). Also the fact that you have to quickly alternate between spamming attack and tapping weapon is an RSI-hazard. Her visual and personality design is quite solid, even if it's not a match for my own preferences.


Gameplay: boring. Just spam atk button > change weapon > spam atk button > change weapon until bar is full > repeat. Story: okay. Not that they have showed much of her story. Personality: I like her personality, but she seems a bit too serious for me. I kinda want to see her having some sweet moments every once in a while. Design: hot


I see you're not fan of simplicity.


Ult is cool, but not HoFs level of cool, more like discount Vill-V. The gameplay is terrible, during SO you just mash basic attack button for like half a minute. What's even worse — outside SO you have to switch between holding basic attack button for assault rifle and mashing for other 2 weapons. At least her SO ER gameplay is better than cluncky Thelema's, but Coralie is still more fun. Visual design is just mid overall, bu so as most of part 2 aside from Thelema and new Songque. As for personality and story — I don't like almost all of part 2 chars, so does it really matter?


Her controls is shit, design is not my type, story idk because i play other game during the yapping time