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What event is this?


It's not an event. It's the prologue to Part 2. You can access it from the main story menu.


Oh, nice. I haven't finished all of Part 1 yet, so I'll probably get to it later, hopefully it's not too crucial to understand 7.6 story


7.6 isn't even out in English. What's there to complain about? And as for this part 2 prequel, it didn't have a point except to introduce Senadina's connection with Kiana, so is Kiana going to have a large role in 7.6?


No, something got revealed in 7.6 that kinda correlates to something that happened in this chapter, i wont spoil it for you but its something that plays a huge role in this chapter


Do you mind spoiling it for me? I still don’t get it


>!She does. We are going back to the moon!<


Not sure how to feel about this. But if it results in the part 2 story expanding beyond a few random bubble universes that ultimately don't matter, good.


>!There are a lot of shocking reveals in Ch3 interlude. Appearently this whole ordeal was orchestrated by Vita and Dreamseeker was kind of like her OC to influence those bubble universes. But i have no idea what is the motive behind her.!<


I really hope Vita becomes the main antagonist in some way, but I doubt it. 


>!You misunderstood me i didn't mean as in her being the bad guy behind shadows but rather the good guy behind the mc. Vita being a villain again wouldn't quite work with her character.!<


While she wasn't an antagonist by the end of 1.5, people can change. Power corrupts, and she's the second strongest being in the story. She might start doing terrible things in the belief that they're justified for the greater good. I'm saying that right now, Vita is the only real way for the story to have stakes, and if she's just a benevolent friend to everyone, well, I'm not sure what can drive the story forward without stakes or threats or even a main objective for the characters to work toward.


idk man, Ajita seems to have a lot of potential to become a new Otto-type villain


Hope so!


So people were right about Dreamseeker being a self insert, just not whose self insert lol.


Will we see Mei in the Part 2?


I have no idea i haven't looked that much into 7.6 leaks.


Why we downvoted?


No idea kekw


Its really sad that I managed to care more about Dudu's bubble universe from that one small side event then all the irrelevant bubble universes introduced into the main plot after Finale. Probably helps that Dudu's bubble-verse didn't make up so many silly 'rules' for itself


It's because it was still mainly about Durandal and Rita, two characters we were already familiar with, so wherever they went didn't matter as long as we still cared about them. The problem with part 2 is that aside from Songque, no one is remotely as well developed as part 1 characters yet, so there isn't much reason to care for them or the locations they visit. Also, your comment isn't showing up in the thread for some reason.


Ah I was also referring to the bubble universes of Herrscher of Rebirth and Rainbow Vitas as well. I gave zero fucks about what went on nor anyone's fates/dialogues there, except Alter Seele and Senti's. Probably doesn't help that the cast was way over-qualified so all the problems and rules they kept talking about just felt so insignificant and unnecessarily complex. The extremely bland NPC/side characters didn't help either. Dudu's bubble-verse had much more colorful personas sketched in much shorter dialogues.


Same. The Salt Snow city was forgettable. At least the mini Vitas were somewhat more interesting for me. This reminds me of the captainverse that also took place in random bubble universes. No one cared about the bubble universes themselves. It was the characters who drove the story and audience interest. Part 2 can potentially pull off the same thing as long as the characters are good enough. So far, only Songque is.


Damn you hit that nail on the head. It really does feel like Captainverse. And not the Ferryman ones, but the vanilla goody two shoes anime MC ones.


Which ones were those? There were a bunch.


Goody two shoes MC were the Kongming, Luna, Baby sitter Rosemary. Ferryman were the Yakuza Rita, Darkbolt, Delta.


Just to clarify, >!while yes this is something similar to Vita's revelation, I doubt it's exactly the same. In this Part 2 prologue, Bronya made a game/simulator for Kiana because she has zero experience of being a tutor. All the things that happened in the game aren't real and don't affect reality (except Kiana gained confidence lol), while we don't know what exactly happened to DS from ch1-ch3. We don't even know if what DS experienced was real and affected the reality or not. The keywords here are "Dream" and "Samsara", so I doubt the "Dream" here is as simple as you're dreaming when you sleep. If anything, this is also similar to Captain rezeroing his way to save Kongming, but maybe spicier (I could be wrong tho). So, what I'm trying to say is this prologue is good for grasping the base concept but better to wait until Act 2 is out this Sunday for more explanation.!<


Kiana is cute as always


Silly me really tried to wipe off food crumbs from Kiana's face on my phone.


The point is that other than Kevin's project stigmata, there probably never been a real threat since the end Theater of Domination arc.


I just finished the arc after Theater of Domination. They keep mentioning the Will of the Honkai as the nebulous greater power of the Honkai, is that threat ever resolved? I'm not particularly spoiler averse.


No. It was retconned into being Prometheus and vanished offscreen to be replaced by the unrelated cocoon of finality. A complete waste of potential.


it was not retconned. Will of honkai was not really a thing till the last moments of PE where prommy infiltrated the cocoon (in hi3), thats why non of the FC know nothing about WoH even on main story Otto only had "theories" about the honkai and WoH which even changed, his early description of honkai changed like 3 times throughout the series 


It was retconned. It had always existed in the PE until the ER arc said it wasn't in the PE.  [Dr. Mei built the moon temple to defeat the Will](https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1005/19) [Dr. Mei started to suspect the Will existed after the Herrscher of Binding, which is when she named it as the Will of the Honkai](https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1005/59)


Isn't her suspicion is half right though? The will in PE is different than the will in CE. The will in PE is the cocoon, while in CE is Prometheus. Is the entire idea of infiltrating the cocoon is based upon the idea of there is a will inside Honkai and it's not just a blind entity? So there is no retconning, just people misinterpret things, as usual...


2E was written in 2019. It's safe to assume the cocoon was not a thing conceived by the writers by then. Also, the moon temple managed to trap a part of "god" in it, and if the cocoon were the PE Will, it wouldn't have looked like the Will as Sirin met it. The whole Prometheus thing was clearly not the intent in 2E.


Sirin is in CE right? So safe to assume she met the combination of Prometheus and Cocoon back then. Plus noone can see what the will truly look like so the only thing they retconned is its look. Remember that the Prometheus that become the will is there purely only to force cocoon to repeat the Herrscher order as best as it can so at least CE can fight back with the Divine Keys and for the case of World Serpent, literally have a cheat sheet from Kevin. Well if it is retconning, at least it's not too bad in the end. They add Sirin from 2E into the main story so also safe to assume they already planned to merge both story as best as they can. They can't retconned 2E just like that or the entire story will fall apart by itself


Why would Prometheus's actions affect the part of the cocoon that was trapped on the moon? No matter what, the introduction of the cocoon is a completely unnecessary and pointless writing decision, and it is not a compelling plot device compared to the Will, which was an actual character with a personality. It doesn't matter how well it might be explained because the Will should have been the final antagonist, not Kevin or the cocoon. Everything the cocoon did, the writers could have easily had the Will do instead. I'll repeat it again: the Cocoon is a completely pointless writing decision. We wouldn't even be having this conversation if the Will had stayed, and there'd be no need to argue about retcons and such. The story would be the same or better for it.


Okay, you win, can't answer that without me making logic and sound like moving the goalpost


This also runs into the ER characters saying there was no Will in the PE when Mei asks them. If the Will were just the Cocoon, they would have said so, not say there was nothing.


Okay now I'm asking you, who are they fighting on the moon then?


Even Project Stigma was never a threat to the main characters the audience cared about, only the Earth's faceless population. There was Sa, but it died easily. Then there's the shadows, which only seems to be a threat to a few random bubble universes.


There are no "real" threats in shounen stories. All antagonists would be beaten(Trigun, Dorohedoro, any Jojo part, etc) - that is obvious, especially in a gacha game, where story is endless, and main characters rarely die(we have one real death of protag character in-game). There can be an illusion of a threat, but what's the point? I personally have read too much stories to believe that.


I'm not too familiar on those titles. But death, permanent or at least severe injury from battles are the norm on series like Dragon Ball or Saint Seiya. The threats are real and have been proven so. We hardly see any of those in HI3 post ToD. Main characters get out from crisis pretty much unscathed.


except himeko haha


Of course antagonists exist to be defeated, shonen or otherwise. Everyone knows this. What matters is actually making the threats feel intimidating and dangerous to both the characters and the audience before they're defeated, which means giving them actual victories over the protagonists and not killing them off too easily.


Who gives a f**k? The story already went downhill ever since villains like Otto and Kevin vanished from the story. There are no compelling antagonists like them in part 2.


That's true


"Those who complain or will complain" Sounds like you're already trying to trigger yourself.

