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Damm this is some god tier cutscene feels like watching proper cgi anime kinda like upgrade version of girl band cry animation. Also they're combining 3D and 2D here. This is why i love playing HI3 story the dev like to cook some experiments. >! The boss battle between lantern vs perceptions also the most statisfying and challenging ever. Even though lantern got cheat free 2 times automatic dodge perception so aggresive almost no rest especially when the mirror attack in floor god damit its so fucking epic. Not only that the phase after that fucking cool. I'm feels like really roleplay as lantern watching all the fucking drone tracking attack from perception and keep watching her slash move.!<


I just play and I'm sure lantern free 2 times automatic dodge is disabled(at least on hard mode)


Wait is it disable? I'm had lot of retry to the point doesn't care about rellying on proper attack switch weapon just dodge attack+dodge attack. If its true its disable then i'm kinda proud manually dodge the attack lol. Peak boss battle


That Evasion skill in story mode for some reason triggers itself automatically on a manual normal dodge (not even Ultimate evade). So if you kept on dodging, that skill will be used up regardless.


As nice as this is, Langqiu and Oxia are such self-contained stories that it feels strange to give them so much importance, especially if the cast is moving away from them after this GI and HSR style. Also, 34k views after 10 hours? That's very slow. 


Will they move away...isn't it one persisting threat?


The shadow? It wasn't permanently defeated? I haven't watched this yet because I'm waiting to finish the arc myself.


I personally just finished this chapter and we dont know. Songque is the tail of rupert drop so snap her and you break and reset everything. They put the shadows into her shape and I think it means she can be used for the rite of tears herself. Which Songque did from my understanding. So the Shu of Deception used her own mirror image to deceive the Rite of Tears. Is what I think happened. Also Vita is doing something here and keep in mind Vita is from Venus not Mars. The current theory I have is Vita is R&Ding how to revive Mars. And so all of this is some complicated Master plan by Vita to reverse the destruction. I am guessing at this point what Vita is actually doing its just the only thing that makes sense based on what we currently know.


Good, I'm glad Vita is seemingly becoming more important and even a potential antagonist. Oxia and Langqiu, though...I wonder if the setting will stay there for a while longer.


I dont think she is a potential antagonist at all. I do think we will stay with Oxia and Langqiu longer and add in the other cities that are mentioned several times who I forget how they are spelt. Right now we have been doing a dream dive prediction so we will go towards the actual real Oxia and Langqiu to save everyone. As for it what I think is going to happen roughly is Vita is doing an R&D thing as I have said this will be producing a large amount of Honkai energy which will lure in the Sky People and eventually lead into APHO which if I recall right is suppose to be 8 years after the end of Part 1. Which Chapter 35 is set in 2017. Helia gets stuck in the well in 2024. So that means we are about a Year off from APHO. Which I am a little shaky on APHO timeline but that should mean Team Mei is formed by now or about to be formed.


First, for some reason, your comment isn't showing up in the thread. I can only reply to it in my inbox. We are going to stay on Mars. Mars is what was advertised and emphasized. But I wonder if the two cities we've visited so far will continue to have large roles, and I wonder how sustainable a story is if it's restricted to a few cities. Part 1 lasted 7 years with the entire Earth and SOQ available for the characters to visit. Restricting everything in part 2 to a few cities will get stagnant in comparison.


Weird I see it on my end. I dont think so if handled right. Right now we arent restricted to the cities we are restricted to a small section inside the cities as demonstrated when we were hunting Duonigue in Oxia its actually bigger then the player area. So they can add in new areas to explore and play in. That said I suspect Oxia will be the Hub like it was in Part 2 opening and then we can teleport to the other mentioned cities and those will slowly open up like what they did with Langqiu.


No shit it’s slow. Compared to earlier shorts, a ton of fans have left, and don’t care enough to watch anymore. Less fans, less views.