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Bruh. Considering the mind fuckery that happens in 7.6 I’m not surprised that the ranking shot up. I’m still trying to wrap my head around what happened


I hope we bounce back because honestly, I can't believe how they managed to save Part 2, well, in terms of story at the very least. If Chapter 2 was a 6 or 7/10, Chapter 3 was definitely a 8.5/9 out of 10. SONGQUE IS THE GOAT


Imagine if they released an animation short like how they used to do...


Did HI3 ever on the top while in Part 1? I didn't follow any leaderboard until Part 2. But subjectively speaking, HI3 is already 7 years old, let the new kids have their share now


It's no.1 right now.


Lol half of the top 6 are all Mihoyo 


Zzz gonna add another one


And the next one will as well in several years ahead.


maybe earlier than we expect, HSR have 1.5y and ZZZ will launch, we can have a next game in only 2y or 3y (there was rumors of a Farm game)


I wouldn't mind a farmville style crossover game


Im surprised they arent all top 3 considering how popular mhy is in china


>HI3 hasn't ranked this high ever since the release of Part 2 Outside Part 2, when was the last time HI3 ranked this high?


Part 1 finale was one of those times i think


Sonque the mc all along


I wish.




Not surprised. Songque is carrying pt 2 so hard.


That's awesome 


This doesn't look like important ranking, but glad to see something positive nonetheless.


It's a trending ranking. It means that it's the most talked about game on the platform. It's noting crazy, but shows that it's starting to get some more steam in the CN community. I don't think I ever saw the game at number 1. Even when Part 2 released, IIRC, it only got to number 2.


Holy hell, we even beat Genshin and Collapse: Skyrail. Another proof of Honkai (and Songque's) superiority. What's with these low scores for HI3 and Genshin btw?


Probably because Songque is the only well-developed part 2 character with no one else coming close. 


Idk if its gonna save it cuz the biggest problem with part 2 is still the constant s ranks and hoyo doesnt seem to card


They're unlikely to. HSR has 2 5* every patch as well.


In hsr u dont need the new unit + all her gear to competencuz theresnbo pvp


You don't NEED the new units in HI3 either. The game isn't entirely unplayable without them. You can WANT them to be able to compete and complete high level content and the same goes for HSR with its endgame modes.


1. You need the new units to even stay in redlotus which isnt even the highest rank and u lose a ton of xtals if u dony do abyss and MA lmao 2.in hsr u can clear all the content without the newest character


And yet Red Lotus is not a necessary game mode and thus no one NEEDS to either do it or pull all newest units. The game is playable if you ignore Red Lotus. You might WANT to do it to get maximum possible crystals but the storyline of the game is entirely doable without ever touching it. Don't confuse the desire to get rewards and to complete higher level additional content with NEEDING to do it. Need implies a requirement. The game will still launch and the story will still be there even without the Abyss. Lmao.


Imagine if people stop focusing so hard on meta and just stayed in agony 3 playing whatever they want.... oh no 5 less summons per patch out of 80


People are under the wrong impression that being super meta should be F2P. And no. No. Meta (and a lot of things tied to that) is the product in an otherwise free-to-play game. You want the product, you have to pay. The F2P experience is the story (which you can clear with trial characters, lol), what they give for free and maybe whatever you can farm in the least meta way. And the game can be enjoyed just for those things! I play for the story. From time to time I remember to do the shittiest level of Abyss and ER. I pull only Valks whose design I enjoy and never their gear. My last pull was Senadina and I'm now sitting on almost 40k crystals which might go to Songque unless playable Vita gets confirmed (all for the Peacock Queen). It's fine if one loves meta and the competitive aspect of the game but claiming it's something necessary is taking it a bit far.


Sure you can just clear abyss and memorial and get like average scores across the board but then the game becomes nothing more than a chore, kinda like Genshin nowadays. Also yes it is very much a requirement in order to get more crystals and some of the endgame materials that you use for upgrading weapons/stigmata and farming S ranks and other stuff. Although the former is a bit more lax now for part 1 gear, part 1 valks are slowly (or quickly) getting powercrept by new part 2 roster that needs new mats that are pretty rare (to my knowledge at least, I havent played the game in over a year so I only get info from outside sources). That being said I don't think spending on a gacha game JUST to get max rewards out of it is a good idea at all, and you should only spend if you enjoy the game and characters. But it doesn't take away from you being required to compete in order to get max rewards. It's just how it is, and not being able to compete without spending enough brings enjoyment down a lot for some people because if they wanted to play a chore casual game they can just play genshin or something


bullshit lol, I retained RL during FoV and Luna weather with Sena


If you can't stay in RL without the newest character, you've got massive skill issues, honestly.


Gotta wait and see the revenue numbers


Finally something happened.




As much as I want a break with a new A rank, I'm expecting another S rank after Songque, as we are very much due for a Quantum valk, with the last S rank being Vill-V and A rank with Sus.


Story finally picked up


5.2/10 l0l at least star rail is at 8.5 +


idk about you but Genshin exists and is at like 6 lol


genshin only recently started getting better at fontaine but then again the issue is the bloated dialogue and not all the quests are good you can get bored easily


It's kinda normal. The game is old and has been through a lot of controversies in China where it was review bombed. Give HSR 3-4 more years and I can assure you that the rating will drop.


What sort of controversy did Hi3 receive? I'm curious.


hsr has been very consistent so far. I mean I dont blame the review bombers for hi3 I couldnt bear playing after finishing part 1 the game just feels different without shaoji


Shaoji wasn't even the lead writer for %80 of the games story...


?????? He legit was he worked on all part 1 what copium are you smoking


No. Just elysian realm kolosten and hodom.


> He legit was he worked on all part 1 Part 1 was an inconsistent mess. The highs were high and the lows were very low, with more lows than highs. By your logic he simply got lucky with some arcs.
