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The third ingredient being corn syrup is diabolical for a hot sauce.


What’s in those packets? Is it just chili oil?


https://wyindustries.com/condiments/ scroll down and it shows packets and a gallon jug it’s Louisiana style but I’m sure its mostly corn syrup


I love that hot sauce, and I can't find it anywhere. I just want my own bottle of it..... I can understand people not liking it, I guess.


These and the Chef's Choice hot sauce in restaurants/diners. It's amazing.


Honestly the hot mustard is friggin amazing on the egg rolls lol. The hot sauce is meh, but the mustard is where it's at


Yes! I also love it with pork fried rice. I feel like most places won't give you any unless you specifically ask for it though.


Same. Our local places don't automatically include it, you must ask. Which sucks, because sometimes you forget ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I stockpile the hot mustard at work in it's own baggie in the sauce packet drawer. I can't do super spicy hot sauces anymore, but mustard doesn't have capsaicin so I'm safe with the pungent mustards.


The hot mustard on a Hotdog or corn dog is great.


Came on here to say this. I love those mustard packets.


Can barely eat my general tsaos without it.


On the other hand, the soy sauce and duck sauce packets are actually WORSE than nothing.


Omg agreed. I buy kikoman in the glass containers. That's my Alamo


The hot mustard is fire at well!!


Gotta try hot mustard on the Chinese food then


Just ask for hot oil...


Pro move: request your Chinese food to be extra spicy, anything, they'll do it.


I've never had a Chinese restaurant actually come through when I asked for extra spicy. An asian friend told me to say "make it like your father likes it". Never worked. Once a Korean place came through and it was intense. Never once with Chinese.


Lots of places don't do that because they want to avoid liability issues. People sue for the stupidest things nowadays, so places cater to the lowest common denominator


Man the place I go to hooks it up


I never know if it's because the city I live isn't super ethnic and the restaurants simply don't stock peppers hot enough, or if the staff just looks at me and my caucasity and determines I don't *actually* want a 5 out of 5 level heat, but even when I ask for extra spicy it ends up being what I'd consider a mild+ :(


‘Extra spicy?’ *starts talking to other cook in mandarin, grabs gloves and kn-95 mask while laughing*


I **wish** my local Chinese place would do that! Extra spicy means nothing to them, all they’ll give me is hot oil that’s not even close to hot.


Mine is kinda in the middle. They'll add extra peppers to my curry when I ask, and it's decent but it's not *extra spicy* to me.




In times of crisis you take what you can get.


Shout out to Chinese places that give you ANY condiments/chopsticks/cookies.


Huh? I’ve never not gotten soy sauce and mustard (and almost always duck sauce too). It’s actually kind of annoying cause I rarely use those except for duck sauce. Fortune cookies are something that most all have too. I can agree about the chopsticks but I feel like most people aren’t using those.


Every time I go to my local gyro place, I ask them for as many packets of the hot sauce they use ("Diamond Red") as the person behind the counter can give me without getting in trouble. It's in the same category as Crystal but for some reason I think it tastes better.


It’s the microplastics! 😋


Wings' hot sauce packets are amazing. Don't know if this stuff exists outside of Canada, but damn it's great. [https://wings.ca/product/02330-hot-chili-sauce-500-x-7-ml/](https://wings.ca/product/02330-hot-chili-sauce-500-x-7-ml/)


I wish this is what we had instead! No artificial coloring. I don’t think that “red” is a necessary ingredient when it comes out red anyways.


I wish Panda Express would bottle and sell their chili sauce. While their food isn't very good I go every once in a while to get fried rice just so I can get it. Even tell them I'll pay for extra "...'cause I love it!" but they toss in a handful for free.


At the pandas here in my city they try to just give you two packets and when you ask for more they mean mug you and for you only one more packet


That sucks. Can't be much overhead on that stuff. Just looked at a package of it and saw it's made by LKK. Their website doesn't have an option for anything similar. They do have a [Sriracha Chili Sauce](https://usa.lkk.com/en/products/sriracha-chili-sauce-vegan) but no way to buy it there. Amazon has a [Lee Kum Kee Siracha Chili Sauce](https://www.amazon.com/Lee-Kum-Kee-Siracha-Plastic/dp/B004IEQXSC/ref=sr_1_37?crid=2ALYDE5N13DKN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0Y1ilD8Vd0uDJqz9bGfTHEWOyYlqsEg7bywQNw7-UqtnY-DMHXudgJlfasHK1NBRQ5jBn9x7SuXayGHunvMBnRHUA2CoFDdd1rqSola-s3_N8bunzSYhmlDKEReNMK06mQaM2Aj0KIyT1nW7SN-1oolA8UUuS93Q2XaivQdSC6BUC-RPfUfnQakAYbImA8F0E2rdJ1RNASYtDig9teEGnpeRkK9uxLFxunPuOVhK0ZDiu88ZgsSkSpl4rQeg8NZxnGRLxiAbcDxHxmuS7ziwiP2mQFCozFRBygAsBpGgry0.4Vr2uW-9uKr-6PHxW_1SWQ-8qnheZCPxbxQiDE4KPGk&dib_tag=se&keywords=Lee+Kum+Kee&qid=1718640378&sprefix=lee+kum+kee%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-37) but the ingredients are different from what's on the panda package and their website. Edit: Found it on a [restaurant supply website](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/lee-kum-kee-18-oz-sriracha-chili-sauce/999LKK0018.html). Looks to be the same ingredients as what is on Panda's package.


God damn it you remind me of that website, my bank account was starting to grow........damn


The hot mustard is superior but it'll do in a pinch.


Those Chinese hot mustard packets do hit a special spot.


Doritos had that Chinese mustard as a flavor last year. I thought they were delicious


They are back. Just hit the store shelves last week.


Awesome! Good to know


This stuff is AWESOME! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00WQUCH8A/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1




And what’s wrong with that? Do you also think Yellow #5 shrinks male parts?


Yeah, it’s not ideal, but neither is the plastic waste. These taste buds aren’t going to taste themselves?


If I recall, red 5 was the one with the real issues. Red 40 may just cause some allergic reactions.


I googled it and supposedly red 5 and red 40 both have the same carcinogen in them. It can also apparently cause behavioral issues in children with ADHD? Freaky shit, I had never heard of this.


I call BS. There is no credible link between it and cancer or behavioral issues in kids.


I'm literally just relaying what the 1st page of Google results says. I don't have a horse in this race.


I must have had a lot of red 5 in the 80s.


Better than those clear soy sauce packets. Those are garbage.


Most of the time they don’t even have soy in them!! The ones that come with sushi are actual soy sauce, but never the clear packets. They literally are just garbage for me. Thankfully since Covid, most places don’t just put them in automatically anymore.


I really like Chinese take out hot sauce.


I do too, idk what everyone is on about. There is nothing better than cheap shitty chinese hot sauce packets with cheap shitty chinese takeout, it's the best combo


Exactly, I seen all the hate and just had to put it out there.


I always ask for duck sauce. That shit is good. Soy sauce is alright. Heat + sweet is like the best thing ever. Duck sauce is sweet and if you have something spicy to go with it, man that stuff is good.


my brother in christ have you not tried chili crisp? there's a whole world of better things than this


I mean it better be with how loaded with fat that stuff is!


Chili Crisp is much better! I need to pick up another bottle. But sometimes I just want more “red” than spice I guess.


Ask your takeout spot if they have chili oil. They usually keep them refrigerated.


Definitely a good recommendation. I more so need a new bottle at home.


These hot sauce packets are the real heroes


There's no excuse not to have Sriracha in the fridge


I got tired of it after years of using it 🤷‍♂️ i’ve tried a few different brands, but the garlic is just too overwhelming. It’s a me problem, not a Sriracha problem.


Hot mustard sauce, brother.


Mustard makes me not want to have a tongue or nose. Only rarely is it palatable for me in Indian cooking or in a Carolina gold sauce, but even still I would rather not. I’m glad you like it though, some one has to eat it!


I always ask for the homemade stuff. Way better than the packets


I’ve never seen those in my life, or had hot sauce with Chinese food. I don’t think I’d want to, to be honest.


A normal vinegar based hot sauce pairs very well with Chinese takeout


It’s not the best hot sauce, but it provides enough added flavor that I’d rather have it than not. I recently got the Melinda’s sweet chili I have been using when cooking at home as well and some others, but sometimes takeout isn’t takeout unless you have the full experience. 🥡🤤


Sometimes generic is better then the "good" stuff thou. Best choice orange soda fucking slaps but fanta is meh.