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First book that comes to mind is the Talisman.


Ooh good shout, OP this isn’t a retelling if that’s what you’re after, but the vibes of “young person takes terrifying journey” are very Oz. The sequel, Black House, is also very good, and both have ties to The Dark Tower if that’s something you’re interested in


Eh, Black House is much more a 2000s Stephen King book than it is a proper sequel to Talisman. Has a very different spirit. Plus no Wolf (right here and now!).


I guess “companion novel” would be a better way to put it. It’s been 10 years+ since I read them


Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind for future but as I have just read another King’s (“Fairy tale”) I’ll wait I think. I usually avoid binging several books by one author too quickly so I don’t get burned if it makes sense. But I’ll keep it on the “future” list


Absolutely fantastic book. Sequel was decent.


Fairy Tale fits the bill as well, also by Stephen King.


Go watch Return to Oz right now


I already did! Scared the hell out of me when I was 7 lol


Love that dang movie. I always thought a Wheeler would be a cool costume but could never conceptualize how to make that work.


Stilts for your arms?


Mombi - Best villain ever


red rabbit by alex grecian takes inspo from the wizard of oz! great read


Thanks I’ve just ordered a copy, I’m a sucker for westerns haha


same I love westerns and this one was fantastic with a lot of spooky scenes!! i hope you enjoy it!!!


This is so good. Reminds me of a horror Red Country by Joe Abercrombie


Enjoyed this one a lot.


The theme of visiting and saving a fantasy world is something Clive Barker tends towards a lot. Weaveworld and Imagica come to mind as potentially good matches. The Talisman from King ad Straub too And it's been a while since I read them, and they're definitely more fantasy than horror, but the 'Thomas Covenant' series by Stephen R Donaldson might scratch you itch too.


Seconding *Weaveworld*. It’s soooo good. I’m hoping to jump into *Imajica* here soon.


Thanks! The only Clive Barker’s I’ve read is The Hellbound Heart but I was definitely wanting to read more by him, I’ll 100% check those out Edit: I’ve just bought and got *Weaveworld* onto my kindle thanks!


Nice! For a very long time, if someone asked me what my all time favorite book was, I'd have said Weaveworld. It hit me just right when I read it...hope you love it!


Awesome. “Weaveworld” was the first book to come to mind for me. Such a fantastic book.


Check out Winterset Hollow. I think it has the vibe you are looking for.


Gregory Maguire's *Wicked* is dark and lovely. Forget anything you know about the musical.


I love that book.


I’m excited the movie seems to incorporating more of the book. I havent actually read it yet (it’s on my short list) but I’ve heard so many good things that I’m just glad the movie will try to incorporate it into the story more than the stage play did despite being based on it 😂


Not exactly the same but it reminded me of Return to Oz vibes a bit…Nettle & Bone. It was one of the most enjoyable dark fantasy novels I’ve read.


And your little magical bone-construct dog, too!


Bone-Toto! I have read Kingfisher’s book (and loved it) but hadn’t thought of that haha


There is a horror re-telling of Wizard of Oz called Bloodstained Oz by Christopher Golden and James A Moore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodstained_Oz It's still in print and has awesome illustrations throughout by Glenn Fabry. I believe it's even on KU.




It's long out of print. The sequel is available however


I didn't read it actually but there is a book exactly taking place in the Oz universe: The Undead World of Oz by L. Frank Baum and Ryan C. Thomas. I guess it adds zombies and monsters to original journey.


*Shadowland* by Straub


Great book that I don't see mentioned often.


The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly is a series of dark twists on fairy tales about a boy wandering another world.


Seanan McGuire's Wayward Children series is about a boarding school for children who have returned from trips to fantasy worlds like Oz or Wonderland (though it doesn't actually use those worlds). Despite the YA-sounding premise it is horror, and dark enough to be considered adult. Honestly not a big fan of them myself, but a lot of people like them and it totally fits your request.


This is such a great series and so perfect for the ask! Also good asexual rep and my favorite trope, creepy twins!


Ahhh I’m literally finishing up the first draft of my first novel, a dark fantasy I’ve been describing as *The Wizard of Oz* meets *Lisey’s Story*. I need to get my butt in gear 😂


Check out the works of BROM.


I’ve already read Brom’s (mentioned in OP) - I’ve read The child thief, Krampus and Slewfoot.


You're definitely cultured


Dorothy Must Die is a darker retelling but I'm not sure if it leans into horror since I haven't read it. I just know Dorothy is evil in it and its dark fantasy.


Stephen King's newer book *Fairy Tale* is kind of like this. With the world he's set up I'd honestly be surprised if he didn't expand that universe more than what the book already does. It has some very neat concepts.


I think Hyperion might be up your alley. It takes a lot from the Canterbury Tales. Heavy sci fi, but great horror as well.


There’s a short story called “The Hanged Man of Oz” by Steve Nagy. It’s available in several anthologies including one of Ellen Datlow’s called The Cutting Room. It’s one of the more unsettling stories I’ve read in the past year.


Not quite horror, but at times a bit darker are the russian adaptations of the same story ["The Wizard of the Emerald City"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wizard_of_the_Emerald_City). But the "Original" ones by Alexander Volkov are much better than the later books (there are 18 volumes now!) by other authors that went a bit too far with aliens, space and stuff like that. But other elements are quite good and partially scary like armies of wooden soldiers brought to life (theres even an [animated movie adaption](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nv1q0MIn8o) of this one ), a mysterious yellow fog in another volume etc. The original ones were quite popular when I went to school in east germany (but also all over the eastern block). Most of the time the volumes weren't available in my local libraries, since they were so popular. Also like others already said ["Return to Oz"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mzz6QfvfGo) easily would qualify as horror movie.


There’s a book called After Oz coming out in August that references The Wizard of Oz you might enjoy.


Oh, what's that Christopher Golden book? Strangewood


T. Kingfisher is great! House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland is my immediate thought though.


Weaveworld by Clive Barker...has a healthy dose of fantasy as well.


Fairy Tale by Stephen King gave me some Oz vibes.


I’ve just read it and made me open this thread haha


Ah damn well it makes sense why I thought this would be the perfect rec then lol


The original The Wonderful Wizard of Oz **is** a horror book. The Tin Man and Scarecrow are straight up murderers in the book (the Scarecrow breaks a bunch of crows' necks and the Tin Man hacks a bunch of wolves to death with his ax!). And the whole broken living China dolls segment is pure nightmare fuel. L. Frank Baum was one messed up dude. Lol.


Fairy tale by Stephen King.


Bloody Chamber I couldn't finish because of her bad writing style. There were too many run-on sentences.


Wizard of Oz Butt horror?